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An old lady (Wendy Dida's friend) comes there. Dida welcomes her and calls her friend. The old lady asks how am I looking in this googles? She takes selfie with Dida, and tells that she will post it on social media and will get the likes. Vikram and Pallavi come there and greet her. Dida calls everyone. She introduces Aaliya to her. Pallavi introduces Prachi as Ranbir’s wife. The lady asks about Rhea. Pallavi says she is Prachi’s sister. Rhea gets upset and goes. The old lady says she didn’t meet me. She asks prachi not to become like her. Prachi and Ranbir take her blessings. The lady blesses Prachi to have many children and praises their glow. Ranbir says she is always glowing. The lady takes off bad sight from them.

Aaliya and Shaina come to the room. Shaina says where did she disappear to? Aaliya finds her in the cupboard and asks what happened to her? Rhea says she want Pallavi’s attention, even if she get irritated. Aaliya tells that Pallavi is doing this for the baby. Rhea says Mom has done this intentionally and called me as her sister, and made me feel as an outsider. She says she is doing drama infront of us, and we believe her, then nobody will be foolish than us. Rhea recall overhearing Pallavi promising Vikram and dida, to unite them. She says we shall not trust Mom, whatever I heard was not a drama, but a promise which she did with Vikram and Dida. She says she really wants to unite Prachi and Ranbir. Pandit ji asks everyone to bless Prachi and give her a gift. The lady says I will do it first. Dida says let Pallavi do it first. The old lady jokes that Vikram calls Pallavi as Pallu as she has tied him with her pallu. Vikram says I will call her. The lady jokes. Vikram tells Ranbir that everyone can’t love their wives like you. Ranbir smiles looking at Prachi.
Shahana asks Mili where did she meet him? Mili asks how everyone bears her and calls her Sahana. Aryan tells Shahana that he says this to her. Shahana asks him to go from the other door and greet the family members. Aryan asks if you worried for me or yours, and says they will ask why I am doing this. Shahana goes upset. Mili asks what is this way to talk. Aryan says she is crazy. He says I will change my clothes. He changes his clothes. Shahana comes out and says she didn’t see. He asks her to see him. Shahana goes. 

Rhea tells Aaliya that she heard Pallavi promising them and tells that it is not easy to trust her. Pallavi comes there and says I know that you heard me and then also I said all those things. Rhea says you are scaring me and says I don’t know when you are saying truth and when you are lying. She says my feelings and thoughts don’t matter to you, and says I am pregnant. She says Prachi is made to meet everyone as the bahu and I don’t even exist. Pallavi asks how do you talk like children? when will you grow up?

Shahana come inside the house. Dida asks from where she is coming from? Ranbir says it seems that you have seen a ghost. Shahana says yes, I saw Aryan. Aryan come there and calls Ranbir. Ranbir run to hug him, but they both fall down. They get up and hug each other. Ranbir says I missed you so much. Aryan says I know and tells that he will irritate everyone. Ranbir ask why will you irritate me? He asks him not to irritate him, else he will also irritate him. He laughs and hugs him. Dida says who will tell that he is going to be a father, he is still childish. She asks Aryan to take her blessings. Aryan takes her blessings. Dadi’s friend asks him to take her blessings too. Aryan says I will take it later. He greets Prachi. Shahana says he has brought his girlfriend. Aryan calls Mili. Mili says hi. She says she is Bengali and Punjabi. Ranbir asks where is Mom? Dida says Vikram went to bring her.

Pallavi asks Rhea when will she grow up and asks her to stop playing victim, and says you are not. Rhea asks why are you talking to me like this and pretends to cry. Pallavi says you started crying again and asks Aaliya to make her understand. Rhea says I am seeing everything, and says you kept this puja for her and called guests for her. Pallavi asks her to open her eyes. She asks if there is any guest that came in your puja. She says only Mummy ji’s friend has come, who will go in 2 days. She says I had called important guests for your puja and called non important guests today and says they will go. Rhea says why did you say that you want to unite Prachi and Ranbir? Pallavi says to keep Prachi here. Vikram is coming there. Aaliya says now you want her to stay here. Pallavi sees Shaina. Shaina says you can trust me. Rhea says you can talk to me infront of her. Pallavi says I am doing this for the baby and says I can stop her, if I show my affection for her. She says the reason to stop her shall be Ranbir and that’s why I said that. She says she don’t want Prachi to feel jealous seeing him with you and says I am doing all this for the baby. She asks Rhea not to question her plan. Vikram comes there and asks how can you plan?

Aryan tells Ranbir that he had fought with Mom and left and says don’t know how she will react. Ranbir tells Aryan that Rhea is claiming to be my baby’s mother and tells everything about his marriage with Rhea, then Prachi’s pregnancy. Aryan says you are going to be double father and says everywhere will be your children. Ranbir says thank god you came. He asks where he met Mili? Aryan says she is good and asks who is that guy looking at Shahana? Ranbir asks him to concentrate on Mili.

Ranbir goes to Prachi and forwards his hand to help her, as she gets up. She says I don’t need your help. Ranbir says if I say that I need your hand and peace, and says if you keep your hand in my hand, then I will feel that you are fine. Prachi keeps her hand on his hand. Mili says adorable. Prachi says she needs to go to washroom. Ranbir says I will take you there. Dida’s friend asks if Prachi is pregnant since 2 months? Dida says yes.
Vikram asks Pallavi what was she planning without him? Aaliya says they were not planning anything. Vikram says I will tell Prachi that you are planning surprise for her. Rhea says we were thinking to play a game during the function. Pallavi says we shall tell you fun game which I used to be played in my pind. Vikram says all games are fun. He asks if it is toys game. She asks how did he know? He says he saw the toys outside and asks her to come and do the rasam. He goes. Pallavi asks Rhea to trust her, don’t doubt her intentions. She ask her to think that she is doing this for her betterment and trust her.

Ranbir takes Prachi to her room. She goes to the washroom. Ranbir looks at himself in the mirror and sprays perfume. He waits for her to come and falls down when she comes. She gives her hand. He gets up. She asks what was he doing? He says he was trying to look good and fell down on her feet. She sees herself in the mirror and says saree pleats are not good. He says he will set her pleats. Pallavi, Aaliya, Rhea and Shaina look at them. Prachi sees them and gets uncomfortable. Pallavi comes inside and asks him to always take care of her daughter inlaw . Shaina says if he takes care of her like this, then they might unite for forever. Rhea get upset and goes. Pallavi promises Prachi that she will make everything fine and ultimately whatever she want will happen.

Rhea comes to the party and is about to fall, when Dadi’s friend holds her hand. Rhea thank her. Dida says she is also pregnant. Dida’s friend checks her pulse. Dida asks her not to tell that she has found something. She tells everyone that her friend can tell if someone is pregnant or not. Rhea look on. Dida’s friend asks her not to praise her. Pandit ji says mahurat is going. Dida’s friend tells that she will bring Prachi and holds her hand. She takes her and makes her sit. Shaina says Aaliya Buji wants to use the restroom. Dida’s friend tells that there is a good news. Pallavi asks what she is saying? Dida says if you ask then she will tell everything and wants to have laddoo. Pallavi thinks what does she know? Aryan comes and touches Pallavi’s feet. Pallavi asks when did you come? Aryan says I would have come long back, but was afraid. Aaliya sees him and goes. Ranbir says I will do your patch up and takes him to Aaliya. Pallavi sees Mili. Mili says she is Aryan’s girlfriend. Pallavi says that’s nice and asks her name. Mili says Mili. Pallavi thinks thank god, Shahana is not his choice. Dida’s friend asks Pandit ji to start the baby shower ritual. Rhea looks on upset.

Ranbir and Aryan come behind Aaliya. Ranbir says Aaliya buji is crazy and I stay with her, and knows that she is just mad. Aryan says you are making her angry. Ranbir says she is arrogant and her anger is on her neck. He pretends as if Aryan slapped him for Aaliya. Aaliya turns and looks at him. Ranbir says Aryan raised hand on me as I said something about you. Aaliya asks what did you say? Ranbir says I said that you are mad and he slapped me. He says I am your brother and you slapped me, asks him to go. He pushes him on the wall. Aaliya says I love Aryan and asks if he is fine. Aryan hug her. Shahana asks Aaliya to hug her daughter inlaw also. Aryan says would be daughter inlaw. Aaliya goes to see her. Aryan asks Shahana, why did you tell and twists her hand. Ranbir says he shall not raise hand on girls. Aryan says she is a naagin. Shahana says you don’t have the courage to accept it infront of your mom. She goes. Ranbir tells that they will do something so that Aaliya likes Mili.

Pallavi does Prachi’s aarti and gives her shagun. Dida also gives her shagun and blesses her to have lovely kids. Dida’s friend also gives shagun to Prachi and wishes her to have a healthy baby. She says I have brought something for you. Shahana asks Aaliya to meet Mili. She then asks Mili to touch her feet. Mili bends down. Aaliya stops her. Ranbir tells Aryan it is good that Shahana made them meet. Aryan gets worried. Dida’s friend gives famous sweets of Punjab to Prachi and asks her to eat it alone. Ranbir comes there and says a small gift for Prachi from me. He keeps the envelope. He says it is not just shagun, but everything. Prachi looks at their pic in the envelope. He says I will keep her happy all life like she is happy in this pic. He says I want to bless you that your baby shall be like me, and shall love you immensely like I do. Dida says it will be competition then? Ranbir says I will win. Pallavi sees Dadi’s friend Wendy going from there and goes behind her. She think what she is doing in my room. She goes inside and finds Wendy drinking wine. Wendy says she is really Punjabi and has Patiala peg. She ask Pallavi if she will drink? Pallavi asks her to enjoy and says I will enjoy seeing you. Wendy praises her. Pallavi ask her, what did she feel when she held Prachi’s hand. Wendy says she had held Rhea’s hand as she is pregnant. She asks if Sid knows that his wife is pregnant? Pallavi ask about Prachi and asks what did you feel? Wendy says I am world famous in my pind, and I can tell what kind of baby is going to come. She tells that the heir of the family is coming, and will make Kohli family name famous, and will bring good luck to the family and specially for Dada and Dadi. She says when I held Rhea’s hand, I didn’t feel anything. She says Daljeet said that she is pregnant then why didn’t I feel it? She says Prachi’s baby will bring goodluck and Rhea’s baby will bring badluck. She says Prachi’s baby is auspicious and Rhea’s baby is inauspicious, says I am saying what I felt. Pallavi gets worried.

Precap: Dida’s friend tells Pallavi that when she held Rhea’s hand, she didn’t feel anything. She says Prachi’s baby will bring good luck and lots of happiness and Rhea’s baby will bring bad luck. Pallavi gets tensed. Dida’s friend says Prachi’s baby is auspicious for this family and Rhea’s baby is inauspicious. Pallavi gets worried. Wendy tells Dida that when she held Rhea’s hand, she felt that Rhea is not pregnant. Pallavi hears her. She tells Ranbir that she will remember her mistakes and asks him to forget her mistakes and forgive her. Ranbir hugs her. Pallavi smirks. Rhea looks at them.

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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