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Dida asks what you both were talking? Aaliya says you must have heard. Dida says she couldn’t hear anything. Rhea asks Aaliya to go. Aaliya leaves. Dida thinks to find out. Shahana tells Aryan that Ranbir might have agreed with the family member’s decision, but his sadness is reflecting through his eyes. Aryan says I will talk to him. He asks would you like to drink water. Shahana offers water to Prachi. Prachi says my fear came true. Ranbir says I was scared that I will lose everything and it is happening. Shahana says eyes can be betrayed. Prachi says she doesn’t know what to do. Shahana asks her to trust her love. Prachi says the people will try to separate us, and says she knows how Rhea is, but why did Sid do this with her? Ranbir says when Prachi needed me, Sid became her support. Aryan says she is with you now. Ranbir says third person have come between them and the reason/baby is coming in this world. Prachi says I can’t do anything when Ranbir has accepted this. Ranbir looks at Prachi and goes from there. Aryan comes back to Ranbir and asks him to relax. Ranbir says you said right, I shall relax, bad phase is going on of my life which shall be fine, I am over reacting that my love and wife is marrying someone else, and he is my brother. He says that baby is not mine, but of my brother. He says I was afraid to lose Prachi, and this thing is happening with me, he is taking Prachi from here. Aryan comes to the room and punches on his bag, thinking about Prachi. He recalls their moments and their marriage. He vents out his anger on the punching bag. Dida follows Aaliya and comes to the hotel. She thinks who are they? She assumes that she is scolding the men and they are behaving as if they are her Servants. She comes inside the hotel. Shaina comes to the function and asks Rhea what she wants to say. Rhea says there is a good news, and tells that marriage is happening. Shaina asks with whom. Rhea says Prachi is getting married to Sid. Shaina says he was your husband. Rhea says he was my husband. Shaina says Ranbir loves Prachi a lot. Rhea says since he came to know that Prachi is pregnant with Sid’s child, he hates her. Shaina laughs. Aaliya calls Rhea and asks her to reach hotel with Sid. Rhea thinks how to take Sid from here, and gets an idea.

Aryan asks Ranbir to stop it. Ranbir hits Aryan and he falls. Prachi comes there and asks why did you hit Aryan? Aryan says I will get burnt in your anger fire, but will not let anything happening to him. Prachi asks why you are doing this. Ranbir asks her to go and says he don’t want to talk to her. Prachi says this is happening as we don’t talk. Vikram comes there and tells Ranbir that he has no right on Prachi now. He asks Prachi to go as he needs man to man talk. Prachi says I will not marry Sid. Ranbir says you have to marry Sid and goes. Vikram says let me handle this and goes. Aaliya comes to the hotel room and tells the goons that nobody shall know about her. She says she will call Rhea. Aaliya senses someone is outside and asks goons to go and check who is outside. She asks them to switch off the lights. Dida hides. The goons come out and check, and go inside.

Sid asks Rhea why did you bring me here? Rhea asks him to be quiet for sometime. Sid says I can’t call you stone hearted, as you don’t have a heart. Rhea says I have a heart, else this wouldn’t have happened. Sid says I wish I wouldn’t have met you. Rhea says my heart is broken and says you have love at first sight with me, but I never loved you. He says I know you love Ranbir. Rhea says Ranbir is my jaan and pushes him in the room. Sid sees his sister tied and shouts Megha. Aaliya says she is alive, but it depends on you, until when she will be alive. Vikram asks Ranbir to hear him. Ranbir says I know what is right and wrong, I shall think about Prachi’s future and baby, and when I think this, I realize she is going to be of someone else’s wife. He says this thing is not easy for me. Vikram hugs him and says I know. He asks him to talk to Dida and take some advice from her to make life simple. Ranbir says I had asked from God to give me Prachi’s support and I am not getting it.

Aryan tells Prachi that Ranbir loves her a lot. Prachi gives him first aid box, and says his love couldn’t do anything and asks him to help him. He says only you can help him. Prachi says sometimes you get stuck, and our relation went through rough times, and it was delicate to get broken and asks him to bandaged his hand. Aryan says he is bleeding. Prachi says his heart is bleeding. Prachi asks him to be with Ranbir and bandaged his hand, says he doesn’t know what is he doing?
Aaliya threatens Sid. Rhea says show her face to Sid, so that he feels the real fear. Sid says leave her. Aaliya says why we would have kidnapped her, if we wanted to leave her. The goons come inside and say nobody is outside. Aaliya slaps the goon. Dida thinks she knows Aaliya and she didn’t come here for business meeting.

The goons come back to Aaliya and telling that there is nobody outside. Aaliya slaps the goon and says when I talk, then I only talk and asks them to go out and let the brother and sister meet. Rhea says lets focus on the work. Aaliya asks if you wouldn’t have got angry if someone interrupted you. The goon says sorry. Rhea slaps the goons for cutting her words. Dida comes near the door. The goon comes outside. Dida hides. Sid asks Rhea and Aaliya to let his sister go. Rhea says you are ruining our work. Aaliya pretends to stab her. Sid pleads infront of them to leave his sister and promises that he will not do anything. Rhea says he is folding hands what we shall do. Sid falls down on her feet and pleads for forgiveness, I will not tell anyone. Aaliya says he is crying in reality and speaking the truth. Rhea says well done Sid, we don’t trust on anyone. Aaliya says we are not going to do anything with your sister. Rhea says we are going to keep her with us, for some days. Aaliya says just as Sid and Prachi get married and Prachi leaves with him then his sister will be freed. She asks Sid to marry Prachi at the earliest and asks him to go from this room, after 20 Mins, else his sister can be in trouble. Rhea threatens Sid’s sister and says if you shout then also Buji’s friend, owner of this hotel will not let any problem come, and asks her to Zip her lips. Rhea asks Aaliya how they will take her from here? Aaliya says we will take her out from back door. Rhea says she shall befriend Police too. Aaliya says she will. They come out of the room, with Sid’s sister. Dida sees them from far and thinks what is happening, who is this girl? She thinks the men are like goons type, but who is this girl? Rhea stops and tells Aaliya that she will be back. Dida thinks if she is coming here? Dida sits down on the floor.

Rhea says I thought someone is here, but thank god nobody is here. She says lets go and comes to Aaliya, says Dida is here. She asks Aaliya to tell her goons to kidnap Dida. Aaliya says if Dida goes missing then marriage will be cancelled. Rhea says if Dida goes home then will tell everyone about us. She says if Dida had clicked Mihika’s pic, and then Vikram and Pallavi will ask us, what will we say? Dida thinks to follow them. Aaliya calls the goons. Rhea tells the goon that there is an old lady there and asks him to do something, so that she gets memory loss. The goon says we can only kidnap her. Rhea says kidnap her then. She asks Aaliya to make a story that Dida went to her Pind and asks her to tell a story. She says we will blackmail her to lie, and says for now, we can’t take a risk. Aaliya asks the goons to kidnap the old lady and tells that they will take the girl out. The goons walk towards Dida. Dida thinks they have seen me, I shall call Ranbir. She calls Ranbir. Ranbir says Dida is calling. Vikram says she will scold that we are not there. He says we shall go there. Ranbir sees Prachi and stops. Vikram says Prachi, Ranbir had an injury, you please bandaged his hand. Prachi says Aryan will do. Vikram says ok and goes. Aryan asks Prachi to do and says I don’t know.
Ranbir drops his mobile on the floor. She says you couldn’t hold a phone, I know you are hurt due to your carelessness. He asks her not to scold him. She says if you are careless then you will be scolded. He says I don’t want your fake concern. Prachi says you are very careless and don’t see normal things. She says stop being careless and stupid, and asks him to come inside. He is hesitant and stands on the same place. She leaves his hand and goes inside. Dida thinks he is not picking her call. She runs and enters a room, and locks the room. The goons knock on the door and asks her to open the door. Dida asks God to protect her and thinks nobody knows that I am here. She thinks why did I became Karamchand and thinks to become Krish. She runs out of the window. The goons break the door and go behind her.

Rhea, Aaliya and Sid’s sister come on the road. Rhea says where did I park the car? Aaliya says please don’t panic and asks her to calm down. Rhea says everything will be calm down. Aaliya says if you want to think negative then think all day. Rhea says why do you lecture me always and says it is not necessary to answer me always. Aaliya says I am saying the facts here. She says you will be scared and then will make the situation scared. She asks her to think positive. Sid’s sister sees them busy talking. Rhea says Dida has run away. Aaliya says she will be found and says I will make everything fine. Rhea says this is a disaster, if your men don’t search her, then she will reach home. Aaliya says we will go home and will hire Servant to keep eye on her, just as she enters, he will inform us and we will tackle her. Rhea says I am sorry and hugs her. Aaliya says this is not a new thing and asks her to trust her. Aaliya says you will be back to pavilion again. Mihika runs. Rhea runs and Aaliya falls down. Rhea says sorry and runs behind Mihika. Aaliya sits in the car.

Ranbir says I am fine and don’t need help. Prachi says I am seeing. He says you are not seeing, its too much. He sits beside her. She asks him to bear if it burns. He says I am bearing and asks will you leave me. She says I didn’t leave you, you have left me. She cleans his injury with dettol. Ranbir looks at her and recalls his promise. He recalls Sid saying that the baby is his. He pours dettol on his hand. Prachi says it might be burning much. Ranbir says my heart is burning, mind, soul, dreams and desires are burning, everywhere is smoke and we can’t see each other. He says I am bearing pain and there is no medicine for this pain. Prachi says you are bearing the pain, as you are listening to someone else. Ranbir says I am angry that Sid was with you, when you needed me. He says I have promised your child that I will give both parents’ love to your child, and I will give. Prachi asks him to listen. Ranbir says whenever I didn’t listen to my parents, I got hurt. I will do what they wanted. Prachi holds his hand and asks will you really want to go away from me, want to leave my support. Ranbir says that doesn’t mean that love is over, I will always love you, but will not stay with you. He says I will think about your baby and your happiness. He says I will just pray that you shall stay happy with whoever you want, just be happy.

Ranbir tell Prachi that he will pray to God everyday that she shall stay happy with whoever she is, just be happy. He goes away from her. sad song plays…..Prachi thinks about his words and comes to her words. 

The goons are running behind Mihika. 

Prachi tells Shahana that Ranbir wants to get her married to Sid. Shahana asks her to understand his situation. Prachi says what are you saying, how he can think? She says may be Mummy told him, but he is behaving as if it is his decision. She says she will leave the house. Shahana asks where? Prachi says I will leave the house. Ranbir comes there and says then I will tell what I will do. Prachi says I will not tell you where I am going. He says you are not alone, but you was going with the baby in your womb. He says I have promised the baby that I will take care of the baby and will secure his future, says I will get you married to Sid. Prachi says you want to fulfill your promise, and remind him of his promise with his wife and his baby. He says I am talking about someone else’s baby and not my baby. Shahana says I will call Dida. Ranbir says call whoever you want. He takes Prachi inside the room. Prachi asks him to leave her hand. He says I am about to leave your hand. 

Precap: Mihika says to Ranbir, I want to tell you something important about Sid and Rhea. Rhea disrespects Prachi and comment on her character. Prachi says, Rhea and gives a a resounding tight SLAP!!!

Twist Of Fate Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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