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Shalu ask Ayush if anything happened? Ayush ask if she is possessive about him? Shalu says Neha want to woo him. Ayush says our Neha and get happy. He says my demand has increased. Shalu asks if Neha is Ms. India or Ms. World? She asks him to woo any other girl and says Neha is not right for you. She asks why are you not believing me? Ayush says I can like her, and says you are not girlfriend material, just friend type. Shalu asks from where did I came? Ayush says it happened with me, and says you will propose me. Shalu says it is not like that, you are good dewar of my sister. Ayush says you started. He asks her not to save him from Neha. He goes from there. Shalu thinks what to do?

Rishi says Mom. Neelam says I will not ask whatever was happening, and says stop it. She says Lakshmi and Viraj had come here searching for you. She tells Malishka that she didn’t expect this from her. She tells Rishi that this is Lakshmi and his room, and he shall have decency. She says whatever you both want to do, can’t do it here, this is Lakshmi’s room as well. She says don’t make anyone feel ashamed, while doing such foolishness, especially me. Malishka goes from there. Neelam asks Rishi to respect the relation, in which he is in. She says I didn’t ask you to forget Malishka. She ask him to respect his marriage and Lakshmi until she is here. She says it is our helplessness, but we shall not lower our character. She says you are not that of a person, remember this. She says I called you to get the thread tied by Pandit ji.

Ayush comes to Neha and asks why did you call me? Neha asks him to get supari box from the rack. Ayush asks Sudeep to get it. Neha gets angry. Ayush says ok, I will take the box down. Neha says now he is trapped and thinks that flour box will fall on us and then filmy romantic scene will begin. She thinks to message Mom to arrange dress for her. Ayush gets Shalu’s message asking for his help. He thinks to help Shalu. Ayush signs Sudeep to take out the box. Sudeep takes off the box and the flour falls on him. Neha thinks he is Ayush and pours some flour on herself. She says we are together and hugs him. Rano comes there and shouts, asking who is he? Sudeep tells his name.

Viraj asks Lakshmi if Rishi and Malishka eloped? Lakshmi smiles and says no, Malishka is here. Viraj tells Malishka that you left me, but thankfully Lakshmi was here. Malishka says Lakshmi win everyone’s heart, it is an art. Viraj asks where is your mind? Malishka says lets burn the crackers. Lakshmi says I will see Rishi. Rishi and Neelam come there. Malishka stops her and says don’t go near Rishi. She says now you are my friend and asks her to spend time with her. She says lets burn the anaar, it is my favorite. She takes her out. Viraj says I will come with Rishi. Malishka angrily takes Lakshmi out. Lakshmi asks if there is any problem? Malishka says you understood and says you are the reason for my trouble. Lakshmi asks what did I do? Malishka says I want Rishi and you took him. Lakshmi is shocked.
Malishka tell Lakshmi that I wanted Rishi, and you got him. Lakshmi says what? You are joking. Malishka asks her to look at her and says am I joking? Lakshmi says you were happy with our marriage. She says you are Rishi’s friend. Malishka says I love Rishi, he is not my friend. Lakshmi says Rishi is my husband and my suhaag and asks how can you think like this? Malishka says I couldn’t get him due to you and says what I should have got, I didn’t get. He was my dream. Lakshmi shout at her. Malishka asks why are you getting upset? Lakshmi says you are telling me that you love my husband and asking me why am I upset? She says it is good that Rishi didn’t hear this and says what will he think if he has heard you? She says I won’t let you stay in this house and will get the doors closed for you here. Malishka laugh and tells she has bet with Sonia, that you will not hear anything against him. She says I wanted a husband like Rishi, I thought I will get like him and he become yours, and says he became loving and caring. She says he told me that he fed you food with your hand and covered blanket on you, taken care of you when you were unwell. She says he is an ideal husband and loves you a lot. She says you made him like this. Lakshmi apologize to her for getting angry on her and says I didn’t know you want guy like Rishi. Malishka says you reacted and is possessive about him. Lakshmi says not possessive, I am afraid to lose him. She says I have nothing else rather than him, I am here as Rishi is here and asks her to pray that they shall stay together always as well. She asks what did you ask me inside? Malishka says anaar. Lakshmi goes to bring it. Malishka calls Karishma and asks where are you? Karishma says she is at the backside of garden as she don’t like crackers sound. Malishka says I will come there.

Virender tells Ahana and Dadi that they shall burn the ladi. Dadi asks her to bring anaar. Virender asks her to give phool jaadi to her. Shalu come there and say that Di asked me not to give the ladi pataka to anyone. She asks Ayush to tell Uncle that Di didn’t give the ladi pataka to her. Ayush tells Virender that he is smart too and shows the special pataka which he has hidden. Dadi says Lakshmi asked not to burn the ladi. Ayush says Mama will get upset and says we will get scolded by her later. Virender says Lakshmi refused so we shall not burn it and asks him to keep it on side. Ayush keeps it near the crackers’ table. Dadi says we will take selfie. They stand to take the selfie. The anaar bursts. Virender asks who brought this. Ayush says he bought. Dadi asks him to keep all the anaar away. Malishka comes to Karishma and cries. Virender tells Ayush that the shall inform everyone that the Anaar are duplicate and bursting itself. Lakshmi brings Anaar and searches for Malishka.

Malishka hugs Karishma and tells her that Lakshmi said that he loves her, but he refused. She says Rishi doesn’t realize it, but I can see it. She says you was making me understand from Day 1, but I was foolish. She says I will not let Lakshmi snatch my Rishi and says he will be just mine. She says humans get habitual to each other. She says Rishi says that I am his love, and says I was confident before, but now I am feeling scared now. Lakshmi is coming there and gets hurt. She bends down to check her foot. Karishma asks Malishka not to do the mistake again and asks her to fight for him and says you can do this, and you shall make him yours. Malishka asks how, and says I have no control on myself. She says I scolded Lakshmi and told her that he is mine, but somehow handled the matter. Karishma asks her to handle herself. Lakshmi comes there. Karishma asks what are you doing here, hearing us silently. Lakshmi says she brought Anaar as Malishka wanted to burn it.

Rano thinks Neha is taking bath since a long time. Neha comes out of bathroom. Rano says you have wasted all the water. Neha tells that Servant came inplace of Ayush. Rano says I want you to be Maharani and you want to be Naukrani. She says I want to impress Karishma and make her my samdhan, but you hugged that Servant. She says I asked you to trap and hug Ayush and not the Servants. Preetam comes there and asks Neha to go. Neha goes. Preetam asks what shameless things you are teaching your daughter. Rano says she got Lakshmi married in that house. Preetam says I have nothing to say. He asks where is Shalu and Bani? Rano says they are at Lakshmi’s house, and refused to come. Preetam gets upset.

Lakshmi keeps the anaar on the ground and lights the candle. Virender tells Rishi that the anaar are duplicate and bursting itself. Rishi asks who has taken it. Viraj says I remember Lakshmi and Malishka went out to burn it. Lakshmi burns the Anaar and smiles. Virender asks Rishi to call Lakshmi. The Anaar start bursting and other crackers too catch the fire and burst. Everyone runs out hearing the crackers bursting sound. Malishka and Lakshmi both get trapped. Rishi and Viraj come running first followed by others. Malishka sees Rishi and calls his name asking him to save her. Lakshmi calls Rishi. Ayush takes the table cloth and runs out. He throws it at Rishi. Rishi holds it and runs towards Malishka. Neelam shouts Rishi. Rishi reaches Malishka and looks at Lakshmi. Lakshmi asks Rishi not to come to her. Viraj takes some cloth in his hand. Rishi recalls lakshmi saving him before and after marriage. The flashback is shown. He runs to Lakshmi and covers her with the cloth, leaving Malishka and hugs her to save her. Everyone is stunned. Viraj comes running to Malishka and covers her with the cloth. Malishka is shocked.
Rishi make Lakshmi sit on the chair. Neelam gives water to Lakshmi and Malishka. Malishka says I am not fine. Lakshmi feels the burning sensation as Rishi holds her hand. Karishma says Malishka’s hand is burnt fully. Neelam asks Rishi to take Lakshmi inside and ignore Malishka. Rishi takes Lakshmi inside. Virender asks Ahana to bring first aid box. Sonia bring first aid box. Virender takes the ointment and ask Rishi to apply it on Lakshmi’s injury. Malishka feel neglected, and think Lakshmi was right, you care for her, although you refuse. Rishi apply ointment on Lakshmi’s hand and then on her neck, and blow it. Malishka cry, seeing his care for Lakshmi. Viraj touch Malishka. Malishka feels pain. Viraj says I am sorry. Rishi asks if your hand is burnt too? Malishka says I will leave. Karishma says Malishka is very hurt, she didn’t expect this big injury. Viraj says we shall leave. Malishka says you can stay, I will leave. He says we came together and will leave now. Malishka goes out. He thank the Oberois, and looks for his car keys. Dadi ask him to check in the garden area. Viraj goes. Rishi asks Ahana and Devika to take Lakshmi to the room, so that she can rest. Lakshmi says she is fine. Virender take her to room the along with others. Sonia tells Karishma that she can never think that Bhai will hurt Malishka so much. 

Rishi goes behind Malishka. Malishka says she is tired of hearing his fake I love you. Rishi says Malishka. Malishka says Lakshmi, your wife. You have her name on your mouth. Rishi says Lakshmi was hurt and her hand was burnt. Malishka shows her burn mark and says you couldn’t see me, I was standing near you, but you ran to save Lakshmi. She says if my life was in danger, and says you left me alone in fire for Lakshmi. She says you have left me in life, and says you went to Lakshmi. Rishi says I didn’t do it intentionally, trust me. Malishka says you are not doing anything intentionally, but getting drawn towards Lakshmi yourself. She says I can see everything and asks him to go to Lakshmi. She says she has taken my place and you gave her my place. Rishi says enough and says I am hearing, and that’s why you are going on saying. He says I am telling for the last time, I really love you and nobody can take your place. Malishka says I feel everything is a nonsense. Rishi says I have become of Lakshmi, will it touch you?

Precap: Karishma tells Rishi that Malishka has expected to have a good time here, but what she got in return. She got hurt big. Malishka tells Rishi that he has become of Lakshmi slowly, and going far from me by yourself. Virender says if anything had happened to you, then something would have happened to me. Malishka asks Rishi to kiss her. Rishi holds her to kiss her. Ayush asks Shalu if she likes him and is possessive about him. Shalu looks on thinking. Lakshmi tells Rishi that you are with me, you are my identity, I can’t separate myself from you. She says I love you and hugs him. Ayush looks at them and gets happy. Rishi holds Lakshmi and smiles.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday A t 7pm

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