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Neelam ask Dadi why they keep fast? Dadi says for husband’s long life. Neelam says Lakshmi is Rishi’s wife and she is shield for him, and she will bear it and will increase her husband’s life. She says if she does it with heart then it will benefit Rishi, and that’s why I want to be happy. She says I got her married to him, to save his life and ask how you have thought that I will not let her keep fast for Rishi? She says I am just thinking about his present. Dadi ask Karishma to bring her charger and says battery is dead. Karishma sees Lakshmi standing there and goes. Dadi ask Lakshmi to sit. Karishma think what will happen if Lakshmi don’t keep fast, she is saving him due to her strong kundali. She says they want to make her daughter inlaw, and it is difficult to understand Malishka too.

Malishka thanks Karishma and says Lakshmi had seen Rishi with a girl and not with me. Malishka’s mom Kiran open the door. Malishka hug her and says hi mom. Karishma asks her to make her talk to her mom. Kiran says hi. Karishma says she had gone to temple. Kiran says she came late night. Karishma says I want to talk to you, as Malishka is not understanding. Malishka asks her to put call on loudspeaker. Karishma says Lakshmi will be keeping fast for Rishi, and Neelam is melting for her, soon Rishi will accept Lakshmi as his wife. Malishka takes the call and asks Kiran to relax.

Dadi tells Lakshmi that Neelam keeps nirjala vrat for Karwachauth. Lakshmi says she has brought Karwa’s pic and has done all the arrangements. Dadi says she is like you. Neelam says I know and gives some stuff to Lakshmi asking her to get ready. Lakshmi gets emotional taking the stuff and is teary eyes. Dadi asks why did you get emotional? Lakshmi tells about an old lady sending these stuff for her mother. Neelam asks her to think that she is her mother. Lakshmi says you are my mother only, and has given me new life. Neelam says sargi shall come from your mayka and asks her to call Rano. 

Malishka tells Karishma that Rishi is just hers, and asks her not to think all that. She asks her not to tell this infront of mom. Karishma says I told you the truth, the rest is your wish. Malishka looks at the love band. Kiran ask if everything is ok? Malishka says yes. Kiran says until you both have understanding. Malishka says Rishi loves me and even takes breaths for me. She think to inform Rishi about Lakshmi. He gets a call and says I will call you later. He think to talk to her himself.

Neha thinks Preeti called and says I will break your mouth. Neelam says I am Neelam on the call. Neha says I will call Mom. Rano comes there and says you have long age, we were talking about you and you called. Neelam asks Rano to send sargi as it shall come from mayka. Rano says I will send it. Neelam asks her to keep on time and says I don’t want my daughter inlaw to remain hungry. Rano says I will get it from market and then tells that she will make it herself and will send it at 5 am. Neelam tells Lakshmi that Rano will send it and said she will make it herself. Lakshmi says now Chachi has to wake up early. Neha scolds Rano for promising to make sargi. Rano says I will tell them that I couldn’t wake up early and then Lakshmi has to keep fast without having sargi and water. Neha get happy.

Rano tell Neha that tomorrow will be heavy for Lakshmi, and her fast will break and she will eat something silently. Neha says she will not eat. Rano says if she faints, then the family members will make her have something and then her fast will break. 

Dadi gives courage to Lakshmi to keep the fast. Lakshmi says Mummy ji and you are with me, my biggest strength. Dadi goes to her room. Lakshmi turns and looks at Rishi standing. Rishi says I want to ask you. Dadi comes out of her room and calls Lakshmi, asks her to come inside her room. Lakshmi goes to Dadi’s room. Rishi thinks Lakshmi is showing attitude to me, as if I am dying to talk to her. He think if anyone heard, and says why am I showing attitude. Dadi asks Lakshmi to take out something from the cupboard. Lakshmi takes the box out. Dadi shows the ring given by Rishi’s Nani, and says she used to love him a lot, and when she was unwell, she took off this ring and asked me to give this ring to Rishi’s wife. She says now I am sure that you are his good wife and gives Nani’s ring to Lakshmi. Rishi comes there and asks what is happening? Dadi tells about Lakshmi’s fast tomorrow and says Neelam has given these stuff to her. She asks him to give a lovely gift to Lakshmi, when she breaks the fast in the evening. Rishi asks Lakshmi not to keep karwachauth fast for him. Dadi asks what are you saying? He asks what are you saying, you knows everything well and then also asking Lakshmi to keep fast for me? Lakshmi asks what do you mean by she knows everything?

Ahana tells Devika that Lakshmi is looking distressed. Devika says when she smiles and walks in the house, it seems like the house got lively. Ahana says yes. Karishma hears them and asks what are you talking about? Devika says just chit chat? Ahana says Devika insisted to watch movie, but I insisted to sleep. Karishma think Ahana, you are hiding your feelings for Lakshmi, let the time come, I will use you against Lakshmi. They lie down on the bed. Karishma goes. Devika asks why did you lie? Ahana says Mom loves Malishka a lot. Devika says she loves her more than her. Ahana says yes, I know. She says I love Lakshmi more.
Lakshmi says it is my duty and right to keep fast for you. She ask why you said I should not keep the fast? Rishi says your body is not habitual to keep the fast. Lakshmi says it is for long life of husband and for strong love and relation. She says it is for the family too, if you get long life, then it will be good for the entire family. Rishi says why do you want to torture yourself for me? Lakshmi says if I don’t keep the fast, then how will I get habitual. Neelam comes there and says Lakshmi is saying right. She says even I keep fast for your dad, and he cares for me so much, but don’t stop me as I know how much I follow these customs. She ask him to support Lakshmi and be at home tomorrow before the moon appears. He says mom. Neelam asks do you want me to repeat whatever Lakshmi said? Rishi think Mom is not understanding. He think Lakshmi will be hungry and thirsty for me, and I can’t go out. He think he has to go to night club tomorrow with Malishka and think if I tell her, then she will be over sensitive. He calls her to inform that the plan is cancelled. Malishka is sleeping. He thinks she will get angry with him.

The next morning, Dadi gives instructions to Sanjay to keep the dry fruits. Neelam says you both woke up so early. Dadi says it is first karwachauth of Lakshmi. She says I made sargi for you. Neelam asks Lakshmi if she got sargi from her home? Preetam sees Rano having sargi and asks did you send Lakshmi’s sargi? 

Neelam says that she had asked Rano to send sargi and asks Dadi what to do? She says if we shall give sargi to her? Dadi says ok. 

Rano says I don’t have money in my mobile. Preetam picks landline. Rano takes out the wire and tells that it is not working. She says Bittu’s mummy has sent sargi for me. She taunts him for keeping fast for him. He says I will call Lakshmi from Shalu’s phone. 

Neelam asks Lakshmi to come, and says I will give you sargi. Door bell rings. Dadi asks Lakshmi to go and get sargi. 

Preetam goes to Shalu and Bani’s room and find them missing from their room. He wonders where did they went? 

Shalu and Bani come to Lakshmi’s house, and says Chachi made sargi for you and sent with us. 
Preetam tells Rano that they are sleeping, we will call her later. Rano says no need, when I go to karwachauth puja, I will tell Lakshmi that alarm fooled me. Preetam says if Karwa mata wants Lakshmi to keep fast, she will make arrangements of sargi.

Neelam thank Bani and Shalu for bringing Sargi for Lakshmi. She asks Lakshmi to have sargi well and asks driver to drop Lakshmi’s sisters. Dadi tells them that driver will come late and asks them to talk. Bani ask Lakshmi if she will keep fast? Lakshmi says I have tasty sargi and can pass all the day. She tells Shalu that she has saved maayka respect. She says when I tasted it, I understood that you have made it. Bani says even I made it. Lakshmi says you have grown up. Shalu says aunt didn’t want to make sargi, I made it as I can’t see you sad. They hug. Bani says aunt wanted your fast to break and says she had heard her talking to Neha. She tell her everything. Lakshmi feel bad. Shalu says Bani told me everything then. A flashback is shown. Bani tell Shalu that aunt will not make sargi and says di’s fast will break. Shalu says we are also her maayka, and says we will make sargi. Lakshmi says you used to say that I am bhagyashaali as I am here, but I am bhagyashaali/lucky from before as I have sisters like you.

Lakshmi move the curtain from the window. Rishi wakes up as the sunlight falls on him and thinks he has to go to office. He then thinks he has to stay at home today. He asks Lakshmi to take out his green shirt and black jacket. He finds her not there, and thinks she has gone. He finds green shirt and black jacket on the table. He thinks she has taken it out before I asked him. He thinks what happened to her, she didn’t even smile looking at me. He think what wrong did I do? 

Lakshmi goes to Virender and greets him. Virender says today is your karwachauth, and asks if she will have any problem? Lakshmi says Mummy ji made me have the tasty sargi and tells that she is keeping this fast with her heart. He says you are keeping it yourself. Lakshmi says yes, and says she feels that they shall get some puja done for Rishi. She says it is good if I keep fast for him. Karishma comes there and asks Lakshmi to call Sanjay. Virender asks Karishma to call Sanjay herself and says Lakshmi has kept fast and will not work today. Karishma asks why are you taking it seriously? He ask her to take his words seriously. Neelam hears them and says Virender is right. Karishma says did I torture her? She ask Lakshmi to say anything. Lakshmi is about to say. Neelam says you are not torturing her, but you can’t treat her this way. She says today she is fasting, either you will bless her or….She ask her to let Lakshmi rest, like Virender said. Lakshmi goes. Neelam says Lakshmi has kept fast for my son, and I don’t want her to have any problem. She goes. Virender says today you will not say anything against Lakshmi, just because you like Malishka.

The next morning, Malishka comes to her mom and says good morning. Kiran asks Malishka to call Karishma and say sorry to her, and says she is thinking about you. Malishka says just now I woke up. Kiran ask her to call her. Malishka calls Karishma and ask if she is upset with her? Karishma says no. Malishka asks what happened there? Karishma says whatever happens daily, everyone have kept Lakshmi on their head, as she is keeping fast. Malishka says Neelam aunty must have forced her, and says I will not keep fast after marriage. Karishma says Lakshmi has kept fast for Rishi herself and says when I asked her to call Sanjay. Virender and Neelam scold me. Malishka says what happened to Neelam aunty? Karishma ask her not to say it again, that Rishi is hers etc. She says if this continues, Rishi’s heart will bend down towards Lakshmi and Rishi himself will not know. Malishka ask do you think I will let this happen, and says I will not let Lakshmi see his face today, and tells that she will invite Rishi to her house today. She end the call and call Rishi fast. Rishi tells her that they have to cancel the night club today, as Lakshmi has kept fast for him, and he can’t leave from house today. Malishka says I understood and ask him to come as she and her mum have perfumed samples for him to come check it. Rishi says ok, I will come. 

Precap: Neelam tells Karishma that she is not torturing her, but can’t treat Lakshmi this way. She says today she is fasting. Karishma tells Malishka on call that if this continues then Rishi will bend down towards Lakshmi. Rishi tells Lakshmi that she is made for him only and for only him. Karishma says Lakshmi will win Rishi’s heart and also him. Malishka tells that she will call Rishi to her place and he will spend time with mom and me. She says Lakshmi will yearn to see his wife. Rishi gets teary eyes and wipes his tears. Malishka tells her Mom that even I will keep fast for him, and will not let Lakshmi win today. Virender asks Rishi to freshen up and have his favorite sabzi with him. Rishi refuses to eat and tells about his fast. Lakshmi gets emotional and says I never saw any husband keeping fast for his wife. She shares with Ayush that she is very lucky to get such a husband. Rishi hears her. Kiran tells Malishka that Rishi shall not think of Lakshmi, shall not even care for her. Malishka calls Rishi and says she is fasting for him. Rishi says I am coming. He tells Neelam that he has to go for the meeting. Neelam asks him to return before the moon appears. Malishka eats the cake unknowingly and thinks what to tell Rishi now. Lakshmi faints while everyone is dancing. Neelam calls Rishi and asks where is he? She says I asked you to stay at home all day, and tells him that Lakshmi fainted. Rishi gets shocked.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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