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Ahana and Devika tease Lakshmi seeing her smiling. Ahana says Rishi Bhai was telling Lakshmi that she is beautiful and keep smiling, and not to change for anyone. Lakshmi says Rishi said lightly. Rishi comes there. They ask if they don’t like her. Rishi says I like her, like her very much. Lakshmi feels shy and goes. Ahana and Devika tease him. Rishi feels shy and goes. Sonia gets angry and asks Ahana and Devika to stop.

Virender comes to the room and sees Neelam. He recalls her words that their relation is not such. Neelam asks do you want to say anything. Virender says no. Rishi comes there. Neelam says you are looking handsome and asks them to come downstairs, as guests might be coming. Rishi asks Virender what is he hiding? He asks shall I tell Lakshmi. Virender shows the kajal in his hand. Rishi says Kajal. Virender says he wanted to apply behind Neelam’s ear, as she was looking beautiful. Rishi says since when you are believing on this. Ayush comes there. Virender tells Rishi that he wants the evil eyes to stay away from her. Rishi says I will apply to Mom. Ayush asks Rishi to save Neelam from Virender and jokes. They leave. Rishi smiles.

Sonia scolds Ahana and Devika for trying to fit love angle between Lakshmi and Rishi, and blames them for ruining Rishi’s life. Ahana says Rishi bhai is our brother too. Sonia says he is just my brother and have blood relation with me. She warns them to stay away from such things. Shalu and Bani come and hug Ahana and Devika. Then they meet Lakshmi and hug her. Sonia thinks Lakshmi has good bond with her sisters and separating me from my sisters.

Neelam tells Karishma that Rishi is looking very handsome today, as if he will do aarti today. Karishma says he will not do aarti even this time. Neelam says he is my son, but don’t believes on puja etc, but believed on markesh dosh and married on my wish. She says Lakshmi’s family have come. Karishma thinks something is in her mind. Neelam greets Rano and Preetam. Preetam asks if they got late. Neelam says no, first they will do aarti and then will burst crackers for shagun. Ayush asks Neha about Shalu and Bani. Neha says they came. Rishi looks at Lakshmi, as she comes downstairs with Shalu and Bani. Seene se tere sar ko lagake…..plays…..Rishi smiles as she goes past him. She later collides with Rishi. Rishi shows her kajal, and asks her to apply behind her back. Virender and Ayush look at them and smiles. Lakshmi smiles.

Neelam calls Lakshmi. Lakshmi says ji Mummy ji. Rishi asks her to go. Pandit ji asks for the puja stuff. Lakshmi says it is here. Virender tells Ayush that Diwali will be special and Rishi has Lakshmi’s name diya burn in his eyes. Ayush says Diya is burnt, but how to know that Rishi bhai loves her. Virender says love happened, it is in his eyes. Dadi asks them to find out if Rishi knows that he is in love with Lakshmi and says whoever gives this special news, I will give special gift to that person. Ayush and Virender join hands.

Lakshmi gives aarti plate to Dadi. Dadi does the aarti first, followed by Virender and Neelam. Lakshmi Mata Bhajan plays…..Lakshmi looks for Rishi and signs him to come for aarti. He refuses. Lakshmi gets sad. Rishi looks at her.
Virender and Neelam do the aarti. Lakshmi signs Rishi to come. Rishi signs her no. Rano and Preetam do aarti together. Then other guests do the aarti. Rishi sees Lakshmi sad and not taking the aarti. He comes and takes the aarti from someone. He asks Lakshmi to come. Lakshmi happily does aarti with him. Neelam is surprised, while Karishma is shocked. Everyone is happy to see them doing aarti. Shalu takes aarti in her hand. Ayush comes forward. They do the aarti together. Karishma is upset. Neha gets upset too. Neha and Bani do the aarti together. Sonia and Karishma do the aarti together followed by Devika and Ahana. Pandit ji asks Lakshmi to keep all the diyas in the house. Neelam asks Sudeep to check the arrangements and says all guests will go there to burn shagun crackers. She says lets go to garden. Preetam comes to Rishi and asks how are you? Rishi asks how are you? Neelam ask someone to call her mother in the party. Karishma calls Neelam and asks did you see, and asks if you didn’t feel Rishi’s behavior odd, and says he came to do puja. Neelam says this is lakshmi’s effect and I like it, and says this change is good. Virender hears her and thinks Lakshmi’s values are effecting you too. Dadi takes Neelam to meet the guests. Virender says I know your heart Neelam. Karishma says you can’t be good with Lakshmi, I know you are acting and saying something else. Rishi search for Lakshmi and comes out. He looks at her taking the diya plate. Teri nazron ne ……plays…..Lakshmi says you. Rishi says I stay with you in the same room. Lakshmi asks why you didn’t come for aarti when I asked to come? Rishi says I don’t do puja, though I believe it. Lakshmi says then why did you come? Rishi says seeing your face, you are upset when I refused. Lakshmi says it was fine. He ask really? Lakshmi smiles and says lie. She says she was a bit upset. He shows the kajal. Lakshmi says again. He says you will not get any bad sight, as you are looking very beautiful today. Lakshmi says everyone is looking good. Rishi says you are looking more good than others. Shalu, Bani and others come there and tease Lakshmi. Lakshmi is about to go, but her pallu gets stuck in his watch. Lakshmi frees her dupatta. Devika says you are blushing. Ayush comes there and asks them to give them time, says they are married. He asks Rishi to continue and goes. Lakshmi asks Rishi if he is feeling shy? Rishi says no and wonders what happened to him. Lakshmi says it can happen. He says he is a cool dude. He asks if there was someone in Punjab like me, cool dude. Lakshmi says yes, and tells that he was wonderful, 6 ft tall and people used to call him Gabru. He asks do you like her? She says yes, I used to love him. Rishi says why didn’t you marry him then? Lakshmi says he was my Bau ji? Rishi says Bau ji and says very nice. Lakshmi asks what did you think? Rishi asks if your world is limited to your bau ji or someone else. She says your Bau ji. He asks rather than our Bau ji’s, do you like someone. Lakshmi says you and goes. Main bhi bhi tumko chahunga plays….. Ayush takes the girls and asks why are they troubling Rishi and Lakshmi and asks them to give them sometime. Ahana and Devika ask him to scold Shalu and bani. Ayush says Bani is small girl and Shalu is clever, asks Bani to stay away from her. Bani says she is my sister. Shalu says Ahana and Devika are my friends and says even I have respect. She stamps on his foot and goes. Bani tells that Shalu had broken 4-5 guys hands and feet in village.

Lakshmi runs inside the house shy. Rishi comes behind her. She takes diyas from Sudeep and offers to keep. He goes. Rishi comes and sits with Lakshmi. He says I came to do the work. She asks what? He again takes out the kajal and says before you go from here, I will apply to you. He applies kajal under her ear. Ahista Ahista song plays…..She asks if she is giving him competition. He says no and tells that there is no competition, as you are looking more good than me. He says I have a reason, you are beautiful and lovely and says I am talking about your beauty within, and says your heart is so clear and good, and says your nature and soul are pure. He says nobody can compete with you, and I am useless infront of you. He says you married the wrong guy. Lakshmi keeps hand on his mouth and says don’t say this. He says let me say, God makes you so special and says whenever you are with me, my loneliness vanishes. He says I was stressed when Kiran aunty came, but after talking to you, I was light. I feel safe, secure and smile with my heart. Lakshmi smiles. Rishi says really, I am not joking. You have the quality which makes you different and special from others, and says you are special. He says whatever I said just now, is 100 percent truth, I swear. Lakshmi says I don’t know if I am special or not, but today you made me feel special today and that’s why you are more good than me. She thanks him. Song plays….Lakshmi says I will keep diyas in the temple. Rishi says say clearly, go from here. Lakshmi says I said wrong, you are not good than me. She smiles. He also smiles and goes behind her. He helps her and keeps the diyas. Ayush and Virender look at them. Song plays thodi der aur theher jaa….
Malishka get is down from the car with someone. The inhouse temple diya is about to set off. Lakshmi hold the diya and calls Rishi. Rishi comes there and holds the diya. Everyone smiles. Rishi and Lakshmi look at each other. Dadi folds her hands thanking God. Light comes back. The Pandit ji says due to them abshagun is cancelled. Ayush says nobody can stop Rishi and Lakshmi from uniting. Virender says Malishka can stop them, but she is gone now. Just then they see Malishka coming there and stepping on the rangoli, ruining it. Virender get upset. Malishka says surprise and ask them to see who has come with her, Viraj Singhania. Rishi look on. Malishka ask him to come. He gets inside the house. Malishka also gets in. Viraj greet everyone happy Diwali. Malishka wish them happy Diwali and hug everyone. She tells that she will introduce Viraj and tells Virender that Malishka’s father and my dad were partners in business. Malishka says I will introduce you personally and tells Viraj was with Rishi and her in school and then he went to London. Rishi says I remember. Viraj says me too, even I didn’t forget you. Malishka introduces Rishi’s family to Viraj. She then introduces Lakshmi as Rishi’s wife. Viraj says I heard so much about Lakshmi and Malishka brought me here for her. Malishka ask him to shut up and says he wanted to celebrate Diwali and that’s why she brought him here. Karishma says its ok. Dadi says we can celebrate Diwali together. Virender says you can join us. Viraj thank him. Malishka ask Lakshmi, why she is looking at her angrily? Lakshmi says I am not looking angrily and says you have spoiled my Rangoli. Malishka says sorry, I didn’t see it. Rishi says it is ok, even I had spoiled it sometime back. Lakshmi says but you made it. Rishi ask when, and tells that she taught him so he could make him. Malishka says Rishi Oberoi made rangoli. Virender says I had punished him. Malishka says she don’t know how to make rangoli. Neelam says aarti is done and asks her to take prasad. Malishka hold Viraj’s hand and says lets take blessing from God. She then gives him prasad. Rishi get jealous. Neha smiles. Rano takes her to side. Neha asks what are you doing? She asks why were you looking at Viraj? She asks her to go and woo Ayush. Neha says Ayush is already wooed by me and says she was trying on Viraj. She says whenever he looks at me, he used to stare at me. Rano says she wants him to propose her. She asks her to give her good news. Neha says you will get rich samdhan. Rano asks her to go and woo Ayush. Lakshmi gives prasad to Viraj. Viraj asks did you make it? Lakshmi says yes. He asks what is it called? Lakshmi says Kaju katli. Rishi looks on.

Precap: Rishi tells Malishka that he is saying truly, he is her Rishi only, like he was before. Lakshmi tells Viraj that she was unaware of love until she met Rishi, and then felt love for him. Malishka tells Lakshmi that she loves Rishi forever. Malishka and Lakshmi get caught while the crackers are bursting. Rishi runs towards Malishka to save her, and then looks at Lakshmi. Lakshmi tells Viraj that sometimes she feel that the love which she has for Rishi, he loves her more. Malishka tells Rishi that she don’t love him. Neelam comes there and asks Rishi to respect the relation in which he is. Lakshmi tells Viraj that she will go to Rishi. Malishka asks her not to go and tells that she loves Rishi and says you have come between us.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday A t 7pm

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