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Rishi says it is not like that. Lakshmi says I came in your life recently, but Malishka was there in your life before. She says she told me angrily and I understood. She says I will leave you. Rishi says don’t leave me, what Mom and Dad will say? Lakshmi asks what are you saying? Rishi says you said that you will leave me. Lakshmi says you have misunderstood me, and says I will not leave you and says Malishka is feeling bad as she has got Rishi of her side, and says you are my husband and its ok, if you take care of me even a bit, and asks him to take care of Malishka and says she is still childish and is your childhood friend. She says you didn’t ask her even once when she was hurt on Diwali day. She says like children, who feels bad when their toys are snatched, Malishka also used to feel the same and has love in her eyes for you before, but now anger and arrogance.

Rishi says you are different and says why are you so good, to ask me to have relation with other girl. Lakshmi says no, I am bad. I have doubted on you and thought you was with someone on jewellery showroom inauguration. She says you are good. I used to wonder, why I am alive, then I met you and you gave me everything and I doubted on you, and that’s why I am bad. She feels bad. Rishi asks why you didn’t meet me before Lakshmi? They get emotional. Malishka looks at them, and then looks at Viraj who is standing at a distance. Lakshmi wipes Rishi’s tears. Rishi also wipes her tears. Lakshmi hugs Rishi. Malishka looks at them and wipes her tears. She goes to Viraj. Teri hogayi ya plays……
Malishka asks Viraj’s friends if she can steal him. Viraj says first ask me. Malishka says it is good that you don’t have a girlfriend else you would have left you. He says you are odd and unique.

Rishi says the persons meet whenever they are destined to meet. Lakshmi says even if I had met you before, then also wouldn’t have married you as I would have married someone in the village. Rishi says its good that you don’t meet me and says then I would have got angry and come back to Mumbai. Ayush says you lived in imagination. Malishka comes there with Viraj and asks Lakshmi how is she? lakshmi says she is fine, Rishi handled. Malishka says Rishi is the reason for all problems and solutions too. Malishka stands closer to Viraj and says lets dance. Rishi says you enjoy dancing with Viraj. Malishka says he is a great dancer and says I missed you so much, don’t know how I stayed without you. She hugs him. Dadu and an old lady look at them. Viraj is surprised. Ayush smiles. Rishi gets jealous.

Abhay collides with Shalu. Shalu apologizes to him and introduces himself. He says today’s kids don’t apologize and says my daughter don’t do this. Dadu comes there and says your daughter Malishka loves my grand son Viraj. Abhay says you are having a misunderstanding and says Malishka doesn’t love Viraj, but…..Shalu says if you tell the guy’s name, then I will ask my Di to enquire about the guy. Abhay says it is not needed. Dadu says old people have scanners in their eyes. Abhay asks what did you see between them? Dadu says no girl can hug anyone, without having feelings for them. Shalu says can I say? She says she feels that Malishka and Viraj love each other. Kiran hears them.

Malishka asks Rishi what is he looking at? Ayush says they were in Punjab. Lakshmi says sorry Malishka. Malishka says it is not your mistake. Lakshmi says I feel that it is my mistake. Shalu tells Abhay and Dadu that Viraj risked his life to save Malishka on Diwali day. She says Rishi jiju saved Lakshmi as he loves her. She says Viraj cared for her much. Abhay says I am happy for her, if this is truth. They hear the song playing, Shawa Shawa….Dadu says it is my song and dances with the girls and Shalu. Everyone claps for Dadu. Ayush slips and falls on Shalu. Bole chudiya plays…..Shalu dances with Ayush on the song. Rishi holds Lakshmi’s waist. Lakshmi gets shy. Malishka sees their closeness and gets jealous. Everyone claps for Shalu and Ayush.

Viraj dance on the song Singh is King. Malishka claps for him. Lakshmi and Rishi go to dance. Ayush cheers for them. Rishi and Lakshmi dance on the song teri ore…Malishka gets upset seeing their dance. Kiran is upset too. Malishka holds Viraj’s hand and dance with him to make Rishi jealous. As the partners change, Malishka comes to Rishi while Lakshmi goes to Viraj. Malishka says you enjoyed dancing with Lakshmi. Rishi says yes, and asks ifs he enjoyed dancing with Viraj. Malishka says yes ofcourse, he is a good dancer. Lakshmi comes back to Rishi. Malishka hugs Viraj while dancing. Shalu tells dada ji and Abhay that she had said. Rishi smiles and tells Lakshmi that she does magic and smile comes on his lips automatically. Ayush, Shalu and others clap after their dance. Malishka is very upset and asks Lakshmi to do phookri dance with her. Rishi thinks no, Malishka is in anger and will do something. He stops Lakshmi and holds her hand. Malishka says newly weds, Lakshmi can dance. Lakshmi assures Rishi that she will never fall and is practicing Phookri since childhood. Malishka thinks Lakshmi will fall down and will be punished as Rishi abandoned her (malishka) for Lakshmi. They start doing the Phookri dance. Malishka asks her to dance fast and leave her hand intentionally.

Lakshmi is about to fall down, but Rishi runs and holds her at the right time. He asks Lakshmi if she is fine. Lakshmi says yes, I had said that nothing will happen to me when you are here. Rishi looks upset at Malishka. An old lady blesses Rishi and Lakshmi’s Jodi. Shalu hugs Lakshmi. Malishka says sorry. Lakshmi says sometime it happens. Ayush says your phone ranged, may be some message came. Dada ji appreciates Rishi foring her. Malishka reads the message in which Ayush warns her not to do this again else he will forget that they were once friends. Viraj says I don’t think Malishka doesn’t know this dance and wanted to impress Dada ji. Lakshmi says its ok. Ayush says why it is ok, Malishka did this intentionally. He then says that Malishka didn’t know this dance before as Viraj said, so she did the mistake. Malishka says you are a good player Lakshmi, you have snatched my everything from me, first Rishi, then Ayush, Viraj and now Dada ji is also on your side. She says even I would have fallen down too. Lakshmi says it is not like that, Rishi was worried for you too. Malishka says Viraj was concerned for me. Viraj says yes and goes to her. Malishka keeps his hand on her waist. Rishi goes to Lakshmi and holds her closer. Lakshmi says all fine.

Dada ji says I want to make everyone meet someone, and introduces Abhay as his business partner and his special friend too. He says we all have seen and that’s why Abhay and I have decided to get Malishka and Abhay roka done day after tomorrow. Malishka is shocked. Dada ji fixes Viraj’s marriage with Malishka. Malishka looks at Viraj. Dada ji says our Pandit ji get the marriage date. He asks Malishka and Abhay if they are happy. Abhay says they shall celebrate this happiness with sweets. Dada ji says we will have sweets made by Lakshmi, for me specially. He asks Lakshmi if she will feel bad if they eat that sweets now. Lakshmi says it is a happy moment for all of us. Malishka goes from there. Rishi is about to go, but Ayush stops him. dada ji tells that he will first feed sweets to Lakshmi and says she was the first choice for Viraj, but she got married to Rishi and he is lucky. He says if not first choice, then second choice and says now I will get Malishka marry Viraj. He asks where are they? Malishka asks Viraj, how can your dada ji think that we are a couple? Viraj says I have no feelings for you, and tells that he didn’t tell her. He tells that he thought about Lakshmi’s words, but don’t want to marry soon. Malishka asks why you was taking her name. He says your dad must have told him. Malishka says Dad doesn’t know what is going in my life. He asks what? Malishka says go and talk to your Dadu that we can’t marry. Viraj goes from there. Abhay comes to Malishka. Malishka asks what was it? She says you know well, that there is nothing between Viraj and me. Abhay asks her to listen.

Rishi asks Viraj why didn’t he refuse? Viraj says nobody asked me. Rishi says you both were showing off as you both are couple. Viraj says why are you upset and behaving as if you are her boyfriend and lover. He says look at Lakshmi, she is so happy with our relation. Kiran comes there. Dada ji calls her samdhan. Kiran says you didn’t ask the kids before fixing the alliance. Dada ji appreciates Lakshmi for the tasty sweets. Kiran says again. Old lady asks didn’t you see that they were so close. Kiran asks Ayush to ask Malishka what is in her heart? Ayush says didn’t you see their body language, they were saying qubool hai with their gestures. Kiran goes from there. Ayush asks Shalu to help him distribute the sweets. Lakshmi asks Shalu to go and distribute the sweets. Dada ji appreciates Lakshmi. He says I didn’t ask the kids that if they want to marry or not. He says your sister told that Viraj saved Malishka and that’s why I thought that they like each other. He asks if I did right.
Viraj asks Rishi, why is he upset? Rishi says Malishka can’t think of marrying someone else. Viraj asks what do you mean?

Rishi tell Viraj that Malishka is not in the frame of mind to marry anyone now. Viraj asks do you know her so well. Rishi says yes. Kiran asks about Malishka. Viraj tells her and asks Rishi to help him, as he is going to talk to his Dada ji. Malishka says let Dadu think whatever is he thinking and says he doesn’t know the truth, but you know the truth. Abhay says truth is changed with time and tries to convince her to marry Viraj. He says Viraj will keep you happy and doesn’t know about your past. He says viraj’s dada ji loves you so much and will keep you as his daughter, and says it is a blessing for me to see my daughter in this family. Malishka says I just love Rishi and will make him as my life partner. Abhay says Rishi is your past now and tells that marriage is not for a year, but for lifetime. Malishka asks why your marriage broke off? Abhay says my marriage didn’t work as your Mom wanted a Servant and not a life partner. He says Marriage is the understanding between the two and not the rule. He says I have seen understanding, support in Lakshmi. He asks her to look at herself and asks her to think why Rishi needs Lakshmi’s kundali, why? To save his life. He says until Rishi will goodness, and says I am calling her sweet in just one meeting. Malishka says Dad. Abhay asks her not to lie to herself and says Rishi is a good guy and will not leave Lakshmi without any reason. He says I told you the difference between the truth and illusion, whatever you decide I have to agree.

Dadu asks Lakshmi, if he told right by announcing the marriage. Lakshmi says do I need to tell you, I know that you are everything for Viraj and you love him a lot. Dadu asks how do you know? Lakshmi says she was from village and all the village was a one big family. She says I know that you love your grand son more than your son and says you didn’t do wrong by making this announcement. She says Viraj will keep Malishka happy and says he might love her so much. Dadu says I thought there is something between them. Rishi and Viraj hear her. Lakshmi says you have taken right decision and says both Viraj and Malishka suit each other. Dadu says Lakshmi said that I did right. 

Precap: Malishka asks Rishi to break his marriage with Lakshmi and then she will call off her wedding with Viraj. Viraj tells Lakshmi that Malishka agreed for marriage, but she don’t want to marry. Dadu tells that she is different, everything is good until she loves and when she hates someone then the limit of her hatredness can’t be good for the other person. Rishi agrees to marry Malishka. Malishka hugs him. Lakshmi comes there.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday A t 7pm

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