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Malishka says I wanted to call him here, and I will also keep fast for him today. I will not let Lakshmi win today. Rishi is about to go and collides with Lakshmi. He holds her and they look at each other. Mera pyaar hai ek tarfa plays….. He asks did you want to ask something? Lakshmi says no. She then ask if you were sure that you wanted to marry me? Rishi ask why are you asking this? Lakshmi says you asked me to ask, and ask if I was the only one, whom you wanted to marry? He says yes, only you. I wanted to marry you, I couldn’t marry you, as nobody else can take your place, as you are just made for me. He ask anything else. Lakshmi says thank you and get teary eyes. Rishi says I will be back in 30 mins and goes out. Lakshmi think Rishi said that he wanted to marry me, and I am made for him. She says whatever I thought about that showroom girl. Rishi hears her standing outside. Lakshmi thinks he was saying truth, there is a truth in his eyes. Rishi is going out of the house and thinks of his moments with Lakshmi, Pandit ji’s words. He gets teary eyes and wipes his tears. He says yes Lakshmi, you were the one, I got married.

Rano and Neha show their dresses to each other. Preetam asks Neha to learn something. Rano taunts him and asks him to wake up Shalu and Bani. Preetam says they had woken up, and took sargi for Lakshmi. He says they told them that you made sargi for Lakshmi and kept your respect. Rano get irked and goes.

Rishi comes to meet Kiran. Kiran says you got busy after marriage. He says he don’t have time due to office work. He promises her that he will come and meet her. He asked about Malishka and goes to her room. 

Shalu talk to Lakshmi on call and says I knew that you will keep fast for brother inlaw and that’s why I came to give sargi to you. Lakshmi says I asked him, and he said that he wanted to marry me, and I am made for him only. Shalu says you believed him? Lakshmi says there was truthfulness in his eyes.

Rishi comes to Malishka’s room. Malishka is resting on the bed. Kiran bring coffee for Rishi. Rishi says we will drink together. Kiran says Malishka can’t drink, as she is keeping fast for you. Malishka says why did you tell him? Kiran says he has to break your fast. Malishka says she will keep fast for him, says it is enough for me that you love me. Kiran says you can romance, but why punishing me and asks Rishi to take the coffee. Rishi refuses to drink coffee and says I will fast for Malishka. Malishka asks really? Rishi says I shall keep fast for your longlife too. Malishka says I will show you sample and shows the sample perfume. He sprays it and says it is no different.

Shalu asks did you ask him, if he is having an affair? Lakshmi says no. Shalu says I am making lunch and ends the call. She think Di saw the truth as he was telling the truth, as his dad chose her. She says Di should have asked, if he is having an affair. She says if brother lie then Didi will catch his lie. She says he is smart to tell one truth behind his affair.
Malishka show perfume to Rishi. Rishi try it and says it is smelling like precious perfume. She says I will ask Mom to add. Rishi says I will leave now, else Mom will get angry. He leaves. Kiran says Rishi is expert is in his business. Malishka says I called him to inform him about my fast, and says she shall be in his mind and heart and everyone. She can’t share him with anyone. 

Lakshmi comes to the dining table and serves the food. Ayush and Dadi ask why is she working? Sanjay says I asked her not to work. Lakshmi says don’t tell that I scolded you. Sanjay ask if it was scolding? Ayush asks her to learn scolding from her mother. Virender sees Aloo tomato sabzi and gets happy. Dadi says it is his favorite since childhood. Sanjay says I told Lakshmi Bhabhi that Rishi loves it. Ayush takes the dish from her. Sanjay says she asked after making and I told Rishi likes it. Everyone teases Lakshmi. Dadi warn them. Neelam thinks where is Rishi? I asked him to stay at home. Rishi comes there and hug Virender. Ayush says Rishi Bhai has right on this. Rishi asks on what? Dadi says on Lakshmi. Lakshmi says it is not like that. They ask him to sit. Virender says even I will get a chance to have it with you. Rishi says I don’t want to have it, as I am keeping fast. Dadi asks karwachauth fast? Ayush says Lakshmi deserves this. Ahana says Rishi Bhai has kept fast for Lakshmi’s long life. She says no husband has kept fast for their wives in our family. Dadi teases Virender. Lakshmi get emotional and goes from there. She goes to her room, thinks of his words and gets teary eyes with happiness. Ayush knocks on the door and calls her. He says you have locked the door and asks her to open the door. He asks her to tell if she is fine. Lakshmi says I am fine, and opens the door. Ayush asks what happened? Lakshmi says nothing. Ayush says you have tears in your eyes and ran away from there. He asks if she is hurt? Lakshmi says this is the problem of tears, it comes in happiness and sadness too. He asks her to tell what happened? Lakshmi says she got emotional and remembered old things. Rishi comes there and hears her. Lakshmi says my Maa used to keep fast for Bau ji, and even Bau ji used to keep fast for her mother. She says people used to joke on him, and Bau ji used to justify it. She says I didn’t see anyone other than my dad. She says Rishi also kept fast for my long life. Ayush says ofcourse, and says why he will keep? Lakshmi says I am very lucky to get such a husband.

Neelam calls jeweler and says my daughter inlaw Lakshmi will reach there to buy the gift. She asks him to take care. Kiran calls Neelam and says happy karwachauth. Neelam invites her for puja. Kiran says I haven’t kept the fast, you know the reason. Neelam says we would have talked if you had come. Kiran says your call was busy. Neelam says I called Bandini jeweler, as I have to send Lakshmi and Rishi there. She says it is the matter of one year. Kiran says yes, I know and trust you. 

Ayush says you are lucky, no, but we are lucky as you came in our house. Lakshmi says this is not truth, Rishi would have gotten any girl. He has everything, but I don’t have even parents, but now after marrying him, I got everyone and praises all the family members. She says she is lucky. Lakshmi comes out and sees Rishi outside. She asks did you hear us? Rishi asks her not to praise him. Lakshmi says I was praising my destiny. Rishi asks her to remember, that they shall not be together in future, and things might change between us, and at one point you might hate me. Lakshmi asks what are you saying, today? She says I don’t want to hear.

Malishka asks Kiran if she wants to eat anything. Kiran says nothing. Kiran says she talked to Neelam and said that she is sending Lakshmi with Rishi for karwachauth shopping. Malishka asks her not to take tension. Kiran says if Rishi spends time with Lakshmi, then he will see that she is keeping fast for her and is weak, this thing can touch his heart. She says he shall not think of Lakshmi, and you shall just stay in his heart. 

Rishi tells that love doesn’t stay same after marriage, we may fall out of love, but we will be good friends. He promises her that he will always be her best friend and will bring chole kulche, gulab jamun etc on every of her her birthday. He ask her not to kick him out of her life, being angry with me. Lakshmi says you knows from many ways to say, how much you love me? She says you made me realized many times before marriage too. She says I can sense how much you care for me. He says I care for you, but didn’t realize when…Lakshmi says when you started caring for me?

Kiran says Rishi is sensitive and good, and he will not know himself when he fell for her. She says you don’t know Lakshmi like girl and says she is from poor family. Malishka says she is from middle class. Kiran says Lakshmi will love him for the shopping and he will also do anything for her.

Neelam knocks on the door and asks Rishi and Lakshmi to go to the jeweler. 

Kiran asks what is the use of keeping the fast for him, who doesn’t have feelings for you? 

Rishi asks why to give? Neelam says to get gift for her. Lakshmi says he has kept fast for me, and it is the gift. Neelam says it is his wish and tells that this is custom. Lakshmi says no husband likes to go to jeweler today, and tells that he is keeping fast and will get tired. She says she is habitual to keep fasts, but this is first time for Rishi. She says she don’t want to trouble him. Rishi says just as you think right mom. Neelam says I will think something else. Rishi gets Malishka’s call and she asks him to get some jewelry for her, as she is keeping fast for him. He says he will take her out tomorrow. Malishka says I have kept fast for you, and I thought you will do anything for me. He says ok, I am coming. She think to wear some nice outfit. Rishi asks Neelam if I can go for the meeting? Neelam asks him to return before the moon appears. She asks Lakshmi to come downstairs and gets ready with her plate. Lakshmi nods her head.

Sonia comes to Karishma and says do you know, Rishi has kept fast for Lakshmi? Karishma says Malishka said that he has kept fast for her and not Lakshmi. Sonia says Malishka doesn’t believe in fasting for long live. Karishma says it is love and says when you fall in love, you will realize and will get ready to leave your mom and dad too. She says love changes everything. She asks her to have something. Sonia says I already had. Karishma asks why you come late? Sonia says no. Karishma asks her to tell her truth, when she is ready and not to fool her. Sonia says she has some work and goes.

Rishi call Malishka and asks her to come out. Malishka comes out and asks him to tell, who is the best? She says I am best as I have kept fast and coming with you, or you are best who knows well that how to love a girl. Rishi says I thought you will take my name as I am best, as I have kept fast for you. Malishka says you have kept the fast and wants compliment all day. Rishi recalls Lakshmi’s words that he will get tired if he goes to jeweler, and that she don’t want to trouble him. Malishka says sorry, and says you have spoiled me. She says she has problem in praising others, but likes to hear him praising her. Rishi ask if she will not come for the karwachauth puja at home? Malishka says what will I tell your wife, she feels that I am her best friend. She says this year, she is your wife and I am your girlfriend. She says we will do directly the puja. She says next year I will be in your house and will do all the rituals with some pujaran. Rishi says ok.
Rano and Neha come to Lakshmi’s house. Rano asks Neha to sit with Ahana and Devika. Lakshmi comes and greets Rano, asking how is Chacha ji. Rano says all well. Karishma tells Neelam that the panditayan got unwell and can’t come to tell the katha. Rano says I left my neighbors’ puja and came here. Neelam asks who will tell the katha now? She asks who will say it now. Lakshmi says I know the katha and can say it, if you all agree? She says I used to sit with my mother like Ahana and Devika are sitting and used to remember all. Neelam says ok, sit. Lakshmi sit for the puja. Karishma is about to go. Dadi asks Karishma to sit and hear the katha. She then ask Lakshmi to start.

Rishi and Malishka come to the jewelry store. The owner greets Rishi. Rishi says do you know me? The owner says I know your dad, and we got orders to deliver the jewelry at home. Rishi says I don’t know. The jeweler asks him to sit and says until then Lakshmi will also come there. Rishi is shocked. 

Lakshmi starts telling the katha, which is heard by everyone carefully. She says whoever does this katha with devotion, they are always happy. They exchange the plates. Ahana takes the video. Dadi tells Neelam that due to Lakshmi, nobody’s fast is remained incomplete. Karishma get angry. Neha gets up and goes. 

The Jeweler store owner ask Rishi where is Lakshmi? Malishka says I have come with him, and ask if she has any problem? Rishi says Lakshmi is keeping fast, so I brought her friend Malishka to help me choose the gift. The owner shows the chain/pendant. Malishka angrily chooses one and goes. Rishi insists to pay this bill separately.

Neha gets upset with Rano for not knowing the katha of karwachauth and ask if she brought her here so that she hears Lakshmi’s appraisals? Rano ask her to hear and shares her plan. Neha smiles and says done. She comes out of Lakshmi’s room and asks her to talk to Shalu. Lakshmi says I will talk to you later. Neha think my work is done. She think why Mom haven’t brought Neelam aunty till now. Rano ask Neelam where is Lakshmi’s room, and asks if you can come there? Neelam says I will ask someone to take you there. Rano says there is nobody here, else I wouldn’t have troubled you.

Malishka comes back home angrily. Kiran ask what happened? Rishi says Malishka is angry. Malishka says she is hurt, as showroom owner insulted her. Rishi says I didn’t know that he knows Lakshmi, I had taken you there, as it is good. Malishka complains to her mom. Kiran asks her to keep the stuff and go to kitchen. She says she has arranged traditional clothes for them. Malishka asks her to send it to Lakshmi and goes upset.

Rano takes Neelam to Lakshmi’s room. 

Dadi is showing Lakshmi and Rishi’s pics to the guest ladies there. 

Neha signs Rano. Rano ask Lakshmi, what is on your face? Dadi checks and says nothing. Rano says something was there, might have fallen down. She try to make others doubtful and asks if she forgot to wash her face after eating food? Lakshmi says today I am fasting. Rano says I have forgotten. Neha makes her handkerchief falls down and looks at the plate under bed, which she has kept herself. She then asks Neelam if Servants don’t wash the house properly and says yesterday food’s plate is still there under the bed. She shows the plate to Neelam, and says aloo tamatar sabzi. She says it seems someone has eaten it silently and in a hurry. Neelam says it is today’s food. Dadi asks from where it came? Neha asks Lakshmi if she has eaten this?

Precap: Malishka eat the cake and think her fast broke. Neelam ask Lakshmi if she has broken fast. Lakshmi says no. Rishi says it is in the news that moon has appeared, says he is hungry since morning. He says you have eaten food. Lakshmi faints. Neelam calls Rishi and asks him to come home fast, as lakshmi fainted. Rishi is shocked. Rishi asks when moon will be sighted. He hasn’t had even water since morning. Just then Malishka burps. He looks at her. Lakshmi and others are dancing. Rishi comes on the terrace with Malishka saying news channel said moon was sighted. He taunts her that she already had food. Lakshmi gets dizzy and faints. Rishi sees the moon and tells Malishka let’s break fast. Just then he receives a call from Neelam. She asks him to return home as Lakshmi became unconscious and he must make her drink water.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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