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Malishka says she don’t know how to make rangoli. Neelam says aarti is done and asks her to take prasad. Malishka hold Viraj’s hand and says lets take blessing from God. She then gives him prasad. Rishi get jealous. Neha smiles. Rano takes her to side. Neha asks what are you doing? She asks why were you looking at Viraj? She asks her to go and woo Ayush. Neha says Ayush is already wooed by me and says she was trying on Viraj. She says whenever he looks at me, he used to stare at me. Rano says she wants him to propose her. She asks her to give her good news. Neha says you will get rich samdhan. Rano asks her to go and woo Ayush. Lakshmi gives prasad to Viraj. Viraj asks did you make it? Lakshmi says yes. He asks what is it called? Lakshmi says Kaju katli. Rishi looks on.

Ayush comes to Virender. Virender asks why did he act as ghost? Ayush says I am scared of ghost. Shalu hears him. Ayush asks why did Malishka come here. Virender says Malishka told that she brought Viraj to celebrate Diwali, but I think that she is ignoring Rishi, to get his attention. Viraj praises Lakshmi. Malishka asks Viraj not to flirt with Lakshmi and says she is Rishi’s wife. Viraj says I didn’t flirt with her. Rishi asks Malishka why she is making everyone uncomfortable? Malishka says Rishi used to say that you are his wife etc. Viraj asks Lakshmi to tell, about her village. Lakshmi begins telling about her village, she feels drowsy. Rishi holds her. Lakshmi says she is fine. He says just now you got fine, and made this diwali arrangements. He says I will take you to room. Lakshmi says it doesn’t look nice. Rishi asks her to come and sit atleast. Viraj says I don’t know him much, but he is a good husband. Ayush and Virender look at them. Virender says Rishi is still the same and took Lakshmi from there. Ayush is going to kitchen to get tissue. Sudeep gives him tissue. Ayush asks him to bear all his evil sights. Sudeep thinks if he is blessing me or cursing me. Shalu comes there and tells Ayush that she heard him telling that he is scared of ghost. He says I am not scared of girls and asks her to remember. Shalu asks him to look at himself in the mirror. He asks if I am ghost? He walks towards her and says I will forget that you are Lakshmi’s sister. Shalu asks him to forget and tells that she is not scared like him. He holds her hand. She asks what? He says nothing, and stamps on her feet. She is about to fall. He holds her and they look at each other.

Rishi makes Lakshmi sit. Lakshmi says I am fine. Rishi asks if she don’t like his care. Lakshmi says no. Rishi asks Sudeep to bring sweets. Lakshmi asks sweets. He says yes. Viraj asks Malishka, if there are crackers too, and says she did right by bringing him here. Malishka looks at Rishi and Lakshmi. Sudeep gives sweets to Rishi. Rishi asks Lakshmi to eat it fast.

Rishi ask Lakshmi to have sweets. Lakshmi refuses. He says he got it for her and asks her to open her mouth, says she has to eat for him. Lakshmi opens her mouth. Viraj says they love each other and says even I want to have sweets. Malishka gets angry and tells Karishma and Sonia that Viraj came here to see the diwali and says I will add extra attention to the Diwali, and asks will you dance with me. She forwards her hand. Rishi thinks she is asking him and forwards his hand. Malishka holds Viraj’s hands and asks him to dance. She asks Rishi to play the music for them. Everyone dances. Neha sees Ayush and Shalu having an eye lock and asks what is going on? Shalu says he has beaten me. Ayush says I saved her, else she would have fallen down. He asks Neha if he is good. Neha says you are sweet and says I understood you. Shalu asks Ayush to come with him. Neha asks Ayush to come with her. Shalu says he is my friend. They both try to drag him. Ayush falls with Shalu and Neha falls on Sudeep. Rano comes there and shouts. Ayush gets up and asks Sudeep to go. Rano asks Neha, what she said, and says Servant is wooed by her. Neha asks her to tell after thinking. Rano takes her from there.

Malishka and Viraj dance closely. She makes him hold her waist while dancing. Kuch toh hai tujhse raabta plays….Rishi gets jealous seeing them dancing. After dancing, Malishka hugs Viraj. Rishi holds her hand and takes her from there. Shalu brings Ayush downstairs. Bani asks where are you taking him? Shalu leaves his hand. Ayush asks why she was holding his hand with the right. Shalu says I was saving you. Bani asks from whom? Ayush asks if she is like this from before. Neha comes downstairs. Ayush says Neha, what’s up? Shalu holds his hand and takes him from there. Bani thinks what happened to Shalu. Neha thinks she will win the challenge.

Malishka asks Rishi to leave her hand and asks what is this misbehavior? Rishi takes her to room and says you will not go from here. Malishka says this is your wife’s room, who saved you risking her life. Rishi asks her to hear him and says I know that you are upset with my behavior. Malishka says she is upset, as she came to know about the truth, his lie etc. She says that Rishi was not mine who was in hospital. She says you are changed and you are not mine. She says that Rishi was mine who married on my saying and took off the chain and ring for me. She tells that their relation is over and asks him to leave her and moved on. She says I don’t care for you now. Rishi asks him to tell truly, if she really don’t care for him. Malishka says no, and will never do and asks him to move. He asks if she is going to Viraj. Malishka looks at him.

Neelam asks Lakshmi to call Rishi. Lakshmi is going from there and collides with Viraj. He holds her hand. Lakshmi says she is searching Rishi, as Mummy ji called him. Viraj says shall I come with you, and search Malishka. Lakshmi asks him to come. Malishka asks what did you say? Rishi says you are going to Viraj and was dancing closely with him. Malishka tries to hit him. Rishi says I love you 5 times. Malishka says just leave me. He says you know that we love each other and asks why is she behaving stupid. He asks why did you bring Viraj here, you knows well that we don’t get along since childhood. Malishka says no, she brought him to celebrate Diwali. Rishi says you brought him to make me jealous. Malishka asks what is your problem, if I want to explore and moved on in life. Rishi asks her if she wants to have relation with Viraj?
Lakshmi asks why is she smiling? Viraj says just like that. Lakshmi says they shall check in room for Lakshmi. Viraj asks her to come. Malishka asks Rishi to think whatever he wants and says I brought Viraj here as he wanted to see traditional Diwali and your wife meet him nicely. Rishi asks why are you dragging Lakshmi in our fight? Malishka says she is the reason for our fight. Rishi says don’t bring her between us. Malishka says she was already between us. She says you can’t be mine, as you have become of Lakshmi. He says no, I am just yours. Malishka says I want to trust you, but…Rishi says I am your old Rishi. Malishka says you are not my Rishi. Lakshmi says this is my room. Rishi hears Lakshmi. Lakshmi opens the door and comes inside.

Ayush and Shalu are in the garden area. He asks what is going on? He says you asked me to sit with you until you finish the food. He says I will become old, as your speed is slow. Shalu says you made me fall down. He asks her to take almonds while leaving. Shalu asks if you are like this from before. Ayush asks Shalu to hug him and end the differences. Shalu asks if he has gone mad and says she will not hug anyone. He says I still love you. Shalu is about to hit him. Neha calls him and asks him to come to kitchen. He asks if Siyappa happened there. Neha says she needs his help and asks him to come. Ayush says I am coming in 2 mins. Shalu asks if Neha called? Ayush asks if she was spying on him and says bad manners. Shalu asks him to stop. Neha keeps the flour on the upper rack and thinks when he comes here, she will ask him to take the box down and make it fall on them. She says then they have to take the bath. She says she will come out of bathroom and will splash her wet hair on him and will trap him etc.

Viraj says Rishi and Malishka are not here. Malishka asks Rishi, why did he bring her to bathroom and hiding her here. Rishi says it is Lakshmi and his room, what he would have told her. Lakshmi is about to go out and finds the photo frame fallen down. She says how did it fall down. Viraj asks her to take advantage of the situation and tell her dark secret. Rishi gets angry and asks how dare he? Malishka looks at him. Viraj asks Lakshmi what is the reason for her marriage with Rishi. He says everyone has reason here, property, relation, kundali matching and kundali dosh. He says there might be a reason for your marriage with Rishi, as I don’t believe that you will love arrogant Rishi. Lakshmi says she shall tell Mummy that Rishi is not here. Viraj says I understand that your marriage is a compromise as well. Lakshmi says marriage is a compromise most of the time for the girls and many times, they don’t love their husbands. She says you might not have heard that they love their husbands after marriage and tells that in our place, we have love after marriage. He says you don’t love Rishi right. Lakshmi says I don’t love him after marriage, as when I was getting married to him, I was already in love with him. Rishi hears her.
Lakshmi tell Viraj that she was in love with Rishi, when they were getting married. He asks when did you fall in love with him. Lakshmi says when we came to Mumbai, after our parents’ death, Chachi brought us here and I agreed to marry anyone for soul peace of my father. She says but I was destined to marry Rishi. She says you said right, he was arrogant, when I met him for the first time, he broke his promise. Rishi hears her. Lakshmi says that time I saw that Rishi, which you people see, but later I see the true Rishi. She says Shalu tells that God stopped making Devtas like guy now, and says he is very good. She says he always supported me, and says one guy tried to maligned my image, but Rishi supported me without questioning at me once. She says only a true person can do this and says after doing so much for me, he never show off. She says she didn’t know about love before, and didn’t know when she fall in love with him. She says she used to get dreams of him, and tells that she will stay with him even when their hair turn white. She says Rishi said that I am made for him, and my whole world is you. Viraj says yes, you really love him and asks do he love you too. Lakshmi says you shall ask him. Viraj says Rishi is not here and asks did he tell you, I love you. Lakshmi says said many times, but not my mouth, whatever he does for me, it is visible. Viraj asks what does he do? Lakshmi says what a life partner do, and says he is my Saarthi. She says sometimes I feel that he loves me more than I love him. She says he even remembers what I told him on date and he fulfilled my wish. He asks what? Lakshmi says he brought chole kulche for me. She says the reason is Rishi for my love for him, and says our relation is special due to him. He asks why are you smiling? Lakshmi says Rishi covered me with blanket when I was unwell, bandaged my injury and scolded me with love, and didn’t let me get up from the bed. She says my Bau ji used to say that I will get the life partner who will love me more than myself, and says his prayers’ fruit, I got Rishi. Viraj asks what did Rishi do for you? Lakshmi smiles. Viraj says Rishi might have told you that your smile is beautiful. Rishi thinks why Viraj is telling such things. She says Mummy ji might be searching Rishi. Viraj says sorry if you think that I am crossing the line. She says I won’t let anyone do. Rishi smiles. They leave.

Rishi comes to Malishka. Malishka says I don’t love you, as you love Lakshmi. Rishi says Malishka. Malishka says she felt cold, so you switched off AC and taken care of her and even bandaged her foot. He says yes, she was unwell and that’s why I did. Malishka says you love her. Neelam comes there and hears them fighting in bathroom. Malishka thanks Rishi for bringing her there, and says I heard everything whatever she said. They come out of the bathroom. Rishi asks her to listen. Neelam sees them.

Shalu ask Ayush if anything happened? Ayush ask if she is possessive about him? Shalu says Neha want to woo him. Ayush says our Neha and get happy. He says my demand has increased. Shalu asks if Neha is Ms. India or Ms. World? She asks him to woo any other girl and says Neha is not right for you. She asks why are you not believing me? Ayush says I can like her, and says you are not girlfriend material, just friend type. Shalu asks from where did I came? Ayush says it happened with me, and says you will propose me. Shalu says it is not like that, you are good dewar of my sister. Ayush says you started. He asks her not to save him from Neha. He goes from there. Shalu thinks what to do?

Precap: Neelam comes there and asks Rishi to respect the relation in which he is. Lakshmi tells Viraj that she will go to Rishi. Malishka asks her not to go and tells that she loves Rishi and says you have come between us. Lakshmi says you are friend of Rishi. Malishka says not friend, I love him from forever. Lakshmi says Rishi is my husband and suhaag, how can you think like this. Malishka says it all happened due to you. Later Lakshmi and Malishka get stuck while crackers are bursted. Ayush throws jacket at Rishi. Rishi catches it and runs to save Malishka. He then sees Lakshmi scared and trying to save herself.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday A t 7pm

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