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Lakshmi says you have taken right decision and says both Viraj and Malishka suit each other. Dadu says Lakshmi said that I did right. He is about to hug Viraj. Rishi says Viraj doesn’t want to marry Malishka and says he is not of the marriageable age. Dadu is surprised. Lakshmi asks why are you saying? Rishi says Viraj shall speak to Dadu. Viraj takes Dadu to talk to him. Rishi gets upset with Lakshmi and goes. Lakshmi goes behind her. Rishi asks her to behave and asks what you was telling Viraj’s Dada ji that they suit each other. Lakshmi says it is truth. Rishi says you don’t know anything about Malishka and asks if you will decide about Viraj. Lakshmi asks what happened, why are you behaving this way. Rishi says I am angry as Malishka’s marriage is fixed. Lakshmi asks why are you angry? Rishi says I am angry, as nobody asked Malishka. He says Malishka was acting with Viraj to show someone. Lakshmi asks why? She asks him to say. Rishi says who are you to interfere and says Malishka can take her own decisions. Lakshmi says I didn’t tell anything about Malishka, but told about Viraj. Rishi says you know him more than required, it was my mistake. He gets upset and goes. Lakshmi says why Rishi is tensed, and behaving indifferently. Lakshmi thinks why we are fighting and thinks what is our connection with Viraj and Malishka’s marriage.

Shalu asks Ayush, why is he so happy as Malishka is getting married. Ayush says you will not understand and acts as SRK. An old lady sees them together and thinks they are also a couple, thinks to tell Lakshmi. Ayush congrats Rishi. Rishi goes upset. Ayush says he didn’t get the deal which he wanted. Shalu asks what is it?

Dadu tells Viraj that Malishka and him suit well. Viraj says there is nothing like that. dadu asks him to agree and says it will be good for you. He says Malishka is my friend’s daughter and if she does anything then I will pull her ear. Viraj says I don’t want to marry her. dadu asks her to rethink about what he told. He says if he don’t agree then I will cancel your marriage with her. Viraj says fine and goes. Dadu thinks you both will suit well, but Viraj is not agreeing. He thinks to talk to Lakshmi. Rishi searches for Malishka and thinks where is she? Kiran says I talked to her. She said that she will marry Viraj. Rishi asks what? He asks if Malishka told this. Kiran says yes, she told me. She says I thought she will be upset, but she agreed and says I think her Dad has convinced her. Rishi says she might have agreed as she is angry with me. He asks where is she? She says right side corner. Rishi searches for Malishka and thinks where is she? He comes to Malishka.
Lakshmi searches for Rishi and thinks if he thinks that Malishka can get more good guy than Viraj. She says Viraj is a good guy. Rishi asks what is going on in her mind. Malishka says don’t talk to me in this tone. She goes. Lakshmi comes there, but her phone falls down. She bends down to pick the phone, when Rishi goes behind Malishka. Dadu calls Lakshmi and says I was searching you and needs your help. Lakshmi asks him to say. He says I told that I want Punjabi theme party, but don’t know what he told to People, that they came wearing bollywood films clothes. He says but you brought sweets for me. Lakshmi says I thought. Dadu says I can’t leave Punjab, and that’s why my son is abroad. Lakshmi is sad. Dadu asks her to say. Lakshmi says it is a matter between husband and wife. Dadu says you are very understanding. Lakshmi asks what help you need? Dadu says there will be your benefit too, with my benefit. He says if Viraj and Malishka get married, then it will be helpful to you too. Malishka goes to a room. The old lady tells her that she had told Viraj’s Dadu about them. She then praises Lakshmi infront of Rishi and goes. Malishka gets upset. Rishi asks Malishka if there was something between Viraj and you, that the old lady saw something between you both. He says everyone is talking how he saved you on Diwali night. Malishka says even you have saved Lakshmi. Rishi says Lakshmi is my wife and says you do this act to make me jealous. Malishka shouts at him and then slaps him. Rishi is shocked and says have a great life Malishka. He says congratulations, you will be happy with Viraj. Malishka threatens to jump off. Rishi goes out of the room. Malishka closes the door. Rishi comes back and sees her in the window about to jump. He holds her and hugs her. Malishka asks him to leave her.

Lakshmi ask Dada ji what will be my benefit. Dada ji says your friend will get a good husband and my Viraj will get a good wife. Lakshmi asks how can I help you? Dada ji says I thought Malishka is best and that’s why announced their wedding. He says I want to see Viraj married before my death. Lakshmi says Dada ji, I have accepted you as my Dadu and asks do you regard me as your grand daughter. He says yes. Lakshmi asks him not to talk about death. He asks will you help me? Lakshmi says yes. Dada ji asks her to convince Viraj to marry Malishka and says I gave him 15 mins to think. Lakshmi says ok, I will talk to him as Malishka is the best girl for him. Dadu says Viraj can’t get better girl than her. Rishi closes the door and asks Malishka what does she want? She says I don’t want to live without you and loves you. Rishi says but you are marrying Viraj. Malishka says this is a sin for me, but my Dad showed me the truth which I don’t want to see. She says he told me that you are married now etc. He says you are listening to your dad, who left you and your dad. Malishka says My dad and Mom’s relation is far better than your mother and dad’s relation. Rishi asks her to say. Malishka says I don’t want to say anything. He says you wanted to wait for a year and asks if she will wait like this, and talks big. She says you told that you love me, but got married to Lakshmi. Rishi says you forced me to marry Lakshmi. She says I don’t want you to marry her. Lakshmi comes to Viraj and says she wants to talk to him. Viraj says he has to reply to Dada ji after 15 mins. Lakshmi asks why he wants to refuse and tells that Malishka is a good girl. He asks if Dada ji sent you and calls him. Dada ji comes out. Viraj says I told you that I will think and let you know. Dada ji asks Lakshmi to talk to him and goes. Viraj says Dada ji might pressurized you to convince me. Lakshmi says he loves you a lot and wants you to settle down. He says times are changing now. Lakshmi asks where will you go after a tiring day, if nobody is at home. Viraj says party, who likes empty home. Lakshmi asks family or friends. Viraj says friends. She asks if someone is at home, who is in near your heart, someone special, then? She asks shall I tell everyone that you agree for marriage.

Rishi asks why did you agree for marriage then? Malishka says due to your Mom. She says she told me about Kundali dosh etc. Rishi says you asked me to marry Lakshmi. Malishka says I was fooled to tell you and says my trust was that my love will never change. Rishi says I love you always madly. Malishka says one thing is changed, now you love Lakshmi too. Viraj says ok, you have convinced me to marry, and I shall marry. He says you have told some facts, and says yes, I want to come home to my someone special, and says that person will be the one whom my heart likes. He says she can be anyone, and can be foreigner too. Lakshmi says I will not let you marry foreigner girl and asks if she can understand the love which you have for your dada ji. She says may be she understand once, but if she will understand India inside you. She says if she will accept our culture, customs etc. She says you have kept this Punjabi theme party for Dada ji, but even you wanted to see Indian Diwali. She says you will get much love from Indian girl and tells that Malishka is best for him, she is good from a good family and asks did you hear her talking wrong. He says no. Lakshmi praises her and says she is like a daughter of Rishi’s house, as she deserves this. She says nobody is perfect, even I have flaws and may be Malishka too have. She asks him to see her goodness and asks him to think about their children, whom Malishka will handle well. He says ok, I didn’t think so deep. Rishi says what are you saying, I care for Lakshmi. He says my breath stopped when I heard about Viraj and your marriage. He says you are my first love and I love you. He says 5 times. Malishka says you got married, and saying me I love you. She says she will do the same thing. He asks what are you saying? He asks have you gone mad? He asks her to cancel her marriage with Viraj and asks her to say once. She says I love you and says if you want me to cancel my marriage with Viraj, then you have to break your marriage with Lakshmi, right now.

Viraj says I trust you and your choice, and says that’s why I agree for this marriage. Lakshmi asks him to tell dada ji. Viraj says Malishka doesn’t want to marry. She asks if you are having an affair? Viraj says what, then why would I have agreed? Lakshmi asks will you keep her happy and will become her friend too. He says you can’t be like Rishi. He asks arrogant. He asks her to talk to Rishi and asks him to convince Malishka. Lakshmi says ok, I will ask Rishi to talk to him. Lakshmi says ok and goes. Viraj thinks she is such a sweet girl and shall get love. Lakshmi thinks to make Rishi understand that Viraj is right for Malishka, and will become like him for her. An old lady comes there and asks what is she searching? Lakshmi says Rishi. Old lady says he is in guest room with Malishka.

Ayush asks Shalu what is her problem, why is she roaming around him. Shalu says you are safe with me. Ayush says he wants the girls to get attracted to him. Shalu says see the dreams, but who cares if your dream don’t come true. He says I didn’t see such a girl before. He says now I know why you are attracted towards me. Shalu asks him to say. Ayush says negative attracts to positive and viceversa.
Abhay tells Dadu that they were eager to announce. Dada ji says they were close, but Viraj refused. Viraj comes there and asks Dadu ji if he was enquiring holding the rose. He says I agree for this marriage. Dada ji says Lakshmi has talent. Viraj says she didn’t force her words on me, she made me understand well. Dada ji laughs and praises her and says she is pure like Gangajal. He says until she loves then everything is good, and when she hates someone there is no limitation for her hatred and the person whom she hates, her hatred won’t be good for him.

Rishi tells Malishka that he is ready to marry her now itself. Malishka gets happy and hugs him. Dada ji says Lakshmi has the diya spark in her, which can burn the entire house and if it burns as diya’s jyoot then can make the house lighten up with lights. He says it depends on the karma, she is Devi. Just like Saraswati, she is boon for good and destruction for bad people. He says she will become Durga and will destroy. He says nothing shall happen with her. He says she will risk her life to save someone, can bear her injuries, but will never bear lie and betrayal. Abhay asks why are you saying this for Lakshmi. Dada ji says she is like this only, Rakshak and Vinayashak.

Malishka tells that she is very happy with this relation. Lakshmi comes there and says I know what is going on here. She says I didn’t expect this from you. She asks what are you doing, you liked to fool me.

Abhay tell Kiran that Lakshmi has convinced Viraj to marry Malishka. He says lets hope Malishka also agree, I tried to make her understand. Kiran says she will not agree. Abhay says then Lakshmi shall talk to her, and it is guaranteed that Malishka will agree to marry viraj. He says even Lakshmi has the belief that this pair will be good. Kiran says Lakshmi’s belief. Abhay says I said even Lakshmi believes this. Kiran thinks thank god, I didn’t tell him that Malishka agreed, as she will refuse in the end. Abhay asks if she is not happy with this alliance? She tells Abhay that Malishka loves Rishi. He says Lakshmi’s husband and says he will not come back to her. Kiran says who says this? Abhay says I said it. She asks if he wants to ruin Malishka’s life as well after ruining her life and says this is the difference between Malishka and me, she gets what she wanted. He says not the difference, but similarity which you gave to your daughter. He says you have ruined your life yourself and I came out of it. He says Malishka wanted to do the same with Rishi, but thankfully Lakshmi came in his life, now he will be happy. Kiran says you are thinking bad about your daughter. He says I was about to say this to you and says when Malishka told me that she loves Rishi, then I prayed to god that this truth shall come out, so that atleast one couple is set. He says if it is of Rishi-Malishka or Rishi-Lakshmi. He says when I met Lakshmi, I felt that she is so good and prayed to god that nothing wrong shall happen to her. He says Malishka shall agree to marry Viraj. Kiran ask are you done? She says she shall wait with Viraj’s Dada ji and goes. Abhay ask God to show the right way to everyone.

Lakshmi asks Rishi, why you didn’t tell me? Malishka says it is good that you came to know everything. Rishi says sorry and says I don’t want to hide from you. Lakshmi asks what is the big deal if you hide and says I am happy that you are happy with this alliance. She tells Malishka that Rishi was upset with her, as she was happy with this alliance. She says I know what was going on here. He asks what? Lakshmi asks Malishka not to show her happiness to Rishi alone and take her out. Viraj asks what is the news? Lakshmi asks him to ask Malishka. Viraj asks what is your reply? Malishka says you told Dadu what I said. Lakshmi asks her to tell what she was telling Rishi. Dada ji says I will get heart attack with so much suspense. Lakshmi says the news is that, Malishka is very happy with this news and agreed to marry Viraj. Dada ji hugs Abhay happily and then Viraj. He says you gave me so much happiness. Abhay hugs Malishka. Lakshmi says Malishka told herself that she is very happy with this alliance. Dada ji fixes Viraj and Malishka’s roka day after tomorrow and invites everyone. Everyone claps. Rishi is upset. Malishka stands shocked.

Precap: Abhay tells Kiran that it is better for everyone, that Malishka shall forget Rishi. He says Rishi will never return in her life. Lakshmi asks why didn’t you tell me? Malishka angrily says it is good that you came to know everything. Lakshmi goes. Rishi thinks what did I do, she is upset with me, I shall talk to her. Later he apologizes to Lakshmi.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday A t 7pm

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