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Rishi goes behind Malishka again and ask her to listen. He says I had taken out this ring, but Lakshmi made me wear it again. She ask if she did it forcibly and says you will tell me that she forced me to love her, made place in your heart forcibly, and became your child’s mother forcibly. Rishi ask her to listen. Malishka says I asked you to break relation with Lakshmi, but you didn’t. So today I will break my relation with you, and throws the love band on the floor. She asks him not to call her, and says she will block his number. Rishi ask what are you saying? He asks if she is mad. Malishka says don’t you dare touch me, go to Lakshmi, your wife. She says its over. Rishi asks what happened to you Malishka? Malishka says whatever I decide is final, I am breaking up with you, we are separated, it is over now. She walk out. He get shocked. He doesn’t go behind her and think Lakshmi need him. He runs inside. Ayush hear them and smiles seeing Rishi’s concern for Lakshmi.

Neelam tells Virender that she knows his love and concern for Lakshmi, and don’t do drama to show it. She says she is not less than Sonia for you, but for me, nobody is more important to me than Rishi. She says I will take care of Lakshmi. Virender says again, to love and care for Lakshmi too. Rishi come back. Neelam ask how are you? Karishma says it is good that you are fine. Rishi ask about Lakshmi. Dadi says first injection didn’t work. Doctor went to give her another injection, and says it might work. Virender cry. Rishi hug him. Dadi asks Nurse where to send Rishi? Nurse says in this room. She ask Rishi to go to the room. Virender ask him to get the check up done. Ayush comes to Virender.

Rishi comes to Lakshmi’s ward and feels bad for her. He regrets for not listening to her, and think I am sorry. Main phir bhi tumko chahunga plays…..

Malishka is returning back home and thinks Rishi didn’t break his marriage with Lakshmi. She thinks markesh dosh is nothing, it is my mistake that I convinced him to marry Lakshmi. She says he can’t care for two women at the same time, she don’t trust such men. She says I can’t be number 2 of anyone, not even you.
Doctor comes there and checks Rishi. He says you are fully fine. Rishi ask about Lakshmi. Doctor ask him to pray and says I hope she get fine. He says she will be fine if she gain consciousness. Rishi looks at Lakshmi and gets tears in his eyes. He notices tears in his eyes and says I know what you are to me, you matter to me. Main phir bhi tumko chahunga plays……Rishi hold her hand.

Rishi sit at Lakshmi’s bedside and recalls breaking his relation with her, on Malishka’s insistence. 

Malishka drives the car fast recalling the happenings, and breaking off her relation with Rishi, she stops the car and thinks what the hell? She says I can’t die for someone else. She gets down and says some stories give peace, and says their love is intense and mad, which will forget the world. She says I was about to end myself. She thinks she can’t die for someone. She says if you want to stay with Lakshmi, then stay with her. She says I will not ask for your love, as I will not ask for charity, think maybe we are not made for each other. She asks him to give his hand in Lakshmi’s hand. She sits in the car and cry.

Rishi takes off his chain wrapped around in Lakshmi’s hand. song plays…..He then wears it looking at Lakshmi. Mangalam bhagwan Vishnu plays…..Song plays then kal ho na ho. He says I am feeling guilty for not listening to you. He says you are brave not to get scared of anyone, you always do this for me, I am not that brave, hw ask how much favors she will do for him? He says I will not trouble you from now onwards, and asks her to open her eyes, and says he will agree to her sayings. He ask her to open her eyes once and cry. Lakshmi gains consciousness and opens her eyes. She takes his name. Rishi asks if you are fine? Lakshmi signs him. He goes to side and feel bad. He comes back to her and says thank god, you are fine. You took my life. Lakshmi says even you have taken my life. He ask if she has no any original dialogue and copying his, its ok next time. He goes out and tells Virender that Lakshmi gain consciousness. Everyone go inside. Virender keeps hand on Lakshmi’s head, and says when she fainted, everyone lost their senses. Neelam asks if you are fine? Lakshmi nod her head. Dadi says if you do this again, then I will slap you. She ask her to handle herself, and says we have happiness due to you. Ayush asks Dadi to stop scolding her. Dadi says it is her love. Ayush calls Lakshmi as miracle machine and asks if she is fine? Virender asks him to go and call doctor.

Malishka returns home, and tells Kiran that their relation is over now. Kiran asks what are you saying? Malishka goes to her room and locks the door. Kiran ask her to listen. 

All the family members bring Lakshmi back home. Ahana and Devika hug Rishi and ask if he is fine? Neelam thank the God in the inhouse temple. Virender says both are fine. Dadi says Lakshmi had sucked the poison from Rishi’s hand and saved him. Sonia comes and hug Rishi. Rishi says he is fine due to Lakshmi. Virender says Lakshmi saved Rishi. Lakshmi says it is due to Karwa mata and the fast. She says when Rishi’s condition deteriorated, she got the idea which Doctor gave. Dadi says you had kept fast with true heart. Virender asks Rishi and Lakshmi to rest. Lakshmi says I know that you all would have taken care of me equally if snake had bitten me. Dadi says surely. Lakshmi gets up. Rishi runs to her and asks her to be careful. He holds her as she walks to their room. Everyone look at them.

Virender says Neelam that he got very angry in the hospital. Neelam says if he wants to say sorry. He says no, I didn’t want to say sorry, though my way was wrong. Neelam says it is not the first time, you have done mistake before too, but didn’t say sorry. Rishi takes Lakshmi to room and ask why she is walking like this? Lakshmi says nothing and recalls colliding with the ambulance. Rishi asks her to tell truth. Lakshmi tells him that she got hurt as she collided with the ambulance. He asks her to show. She says it is a small injury. He asks her to lie down and covers blanket on her. He gives pillow under her neck. Lakshmi holds his hand and says I am not a liar. She says she don’t act or show off. Rishi says I…Lakshmi asks him to listen and says listen to me. She says I doubted you for sometime, but when I asked you if you wanted to marry me, you said that I was made for you and you wanted to marry me. He says I remember. Lakshmi says I saw your eyes and there was truthfulness in your eyes, then why shall I ask you again and doubt you? He says yes. She asks him to look in her eyes and asks what you can find truth or lie. He holds her cheeks and says sorry, tells that he never wanted to hurt her. He says when you cry, I don’t like her. He says I like you, when you….Lakshmi smiles and says this way. He says perfect and asks her to sleep. He again gives her pillow and asks her to sleep. He says he has no work and no calls, cancelled everything. He says he will be with her and asks can he go and bring water. Lakshmi says ok and smiles.

Virender asks Ayush why is he so happy? Ayush is eating food and says he is very hungry. Virender reminisces the incident and says whenever you are happy, you over eats. He asks where do all the food go? Ayush says smart. He whispers to Virender that Malishka left Rishi. Virender asks him not to lie. A fb is shown. Ayush says she is gone. Virender couldn’t control his happiness and dances. Ayush and Virender say gai gai…Rishi comes there and sees them behaving strangely. Ayush makes him see Rishi. Rishi asks who is gone? Virender says electricity went. Rishi says electricity is here. Ayush says it had gone. Rishi asks what is going on Dad? Virender goes. Rishi asks them to say. Virender and Ayush make an excuse and leave.

Rishi call Malishka, but she rejects the call. He thinks she is not picking the call. Rishi comes to his room and finds Lakshmi feeling cold. He takes the remote to lower the AC temperature. He finds injury on her foot and calls Doctor. He tells Doctor to ask Nurse to check Lakshmi’s foot injury and do dressing and bring medicine if required. Lakshmi wakes up and hears him, smiles. Main phir bhi tumko chahungi plays…..

The next morning, Rishi gets Virender’s call and says Nurse came. Servant Sudeep comes there and says good morning. He keeps the tea tray. Lakshmi asks what happened? Rishi asks Sudeep to go. Sudeep says I gave tea to him (Virender) but he said the tea is not like the tea made by you. Lakshmi says I will make tea. Rishi asks her to sit and asks Sudeep to tell Dad that he will not get tea made by Lakshmi for 2-3 days. Nurse comes there and asks where is the injury? She checks the injury and says it is deep, I will ask doctor. She says you shouldn’t have left it open. Rishi try to clean her injury. Lakshmi says what are you doing and says you are my husband, don’t touch my feet. He says I am your husband and can touch you with the right. He says you have saved me many times, and if I am trying to do something for you, you stop me. He says I have full right on you. Virender comes there and thinks Rishi is taking care of Lakshmi fully. Ayush also comes there and gets happy. Lakshmi says Rishi. Rishi says when I asked you yesterday, you didn’t say anything and asks her to be quiet and let him do. He bandages her feet. Lakshmi signs him to wipe the sweat. Rishi wipes his sweat. Lakshmi smiles.

Virender coming to the inhouse temple and folds his hands. He gets teary eyes. Ayush comes there and asks if he is crying? Virender refuses. Ayush says men don’t cry. Virender asks then why are you crying? Ayush says I am a boy. Virender says I am old aged guy. He explains to Ayush and tells that there are happy tears which we got. Ayush asks really, and says he got emotional, seeing Rishi caring for Lakshmi, it is a step towards a good relationship. Virender says Lakshmi will be very happy and says we will bring them closer in this Diwali. Ayush says promise. 

Rishi makes Lakshmi get up and walk, and asks if she is feeling pain. Lakshmi nod no. Nurse comes there and says you have done good dressing and says you would have done it yesterday. He says she didn’t tell me yesterday. Nurse says she talked to the doctor and he asked her to give her tetanus injection. Lakshmi says she don’t want injection and gets scared. Rishi says you had fought with crocodile and snake and is afraid of injection. He holds her hand and asks her to look at him, as the nurse gives her injection. Nurse says it is done. Lakshmi thanks her and says I didn’t feel the pain. Nurse asks her to thank her husband, who loves her so much. Rishi gets uncomfortable and goes. Nurse tells Lakshmi that she didn’t see such a caring husband before. Lakshmi says she is lucky to have Rishi.
Rishi calls Malishka and thinks why she is not picking the call. He thinks if she doesn’t pick the call then he has to spend time with Lakshmi, then Malishka will blame and fight with me. He thinks what to do? Karishma hears him. Virender and Ayush come to Rishi. Virender asks Rishi to be with Lakshmi and tells that he has cancelled all his meetings for next week. Ayush says they will handle other meetings. They leave. Rishi calls Malishka, but she doesn’t pick his call. Lakshmi comes to the room. Rishi makes her sit. Later she comes to drink water. Rishi asks if I am invisible and asks her to ask him for anything. He gives her water. Ayush and Virender smiles.

Days are passing by. Malishka checks for Rishi’s call. Kiran says you have made Rishi go far from you, and says don’t make him so far that he goes to Lakshmi. Malishka says it is good, he doesn’t deserve me.

Lakshmi gives cookie to Dadi. Dadi says I have sugar. Lakshmi says you can take one. Virender and Dadi push Lakshmi on Rishi. Lakshmi falls on Rishi’s lap. Everyone smiles. Rishi looks at her. He realizes and says I will come. Ahana and Devika ask him to sit. Neelam says tomorrow is Diwali, and says she has called the decorators, so Lakshmi don’t need to do anything. Lakshmi says I like Diwali and wants to do the arrangements. Neelam says your Bau ji will get worried for you and asks her to take rest. Virender says if Lakshmi is fine and wants to do it, then I don’t have any problem. Neelam says ok. Rishi looks at Lakshmi. Ayush smile.

Precap: Virender tells Ayush that they will unite them both. Dadi pushes Lakshmi so that she falls on Rishi. Rishi and Lakshmi looks at each other. Nurse tells Lakshmi that she has never seen such a loving husband before. Rishi massages Lakshmi’s hair. Kiran says you have put him away, I just hope that you didn’t distance him much, that he goes near Lakshmi. Lakshmi pulls his cheeks. He pulls her cheeks. Karishma talks to Kiran and says if this thing goes on, then the same thing will happen with your daughter, whatever had happened with you. Kiran says Malisha loves Rishi and is insecure, as she feels that someone is taking her place. Karishma says she has to change her behavior, else this fear will come true and nothing will be left for her. Malishka hears Kiran. Later Rishi wipes Lakshmi’s nose as rangoli color applies on her nose. Kiran comes there. Rishi gets shocked seeing her at his house.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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