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Neelam didn't feed Laksmi cake shocking everyone, she then ask Lakshmi to have cake and makes her aunt and sisters have it. Virender says I will make her have cake and makes her eat. Neelam’s friends appreciate Lakshmi for keeping up their culture. Dadi praises Lakshmi. Nana ji says Lakshmi is good at heart, and praises her. He says now it is my turn to give you gift, which I gave to Lakshmi and Rishi. He says honeymoon tickets and says he is joking. He asks Virender if he is still scared of Neelam? Everyone laugh. Nana ji says I came here to capture these moments and see it whenever I miss it, and says secondly I came to meet Rishi and thirdly I had come to hug Lakshmi. Lakshmi hug him. Neelam get upset.

Ayush asks Rishi if they can go late to office. Rishi ask what? Ayush asks if I can come late tomorrow. Rishi says no, 8:30. Ayush says I am being exploited and says let me sleep. Rishi says ok, come late tomorrow. Ayush hug him. Lakshmi comes to Rishi. Ayush ask her to handle Rishi. Lakshmi says I am happy that everything went well. Rishi says you are star of the event. Lakshmi says even you, and thank him. She says if you haven’t helped me at the end moment, then all my hardwork would have gone to waste. He says everyone was praising you in the party and ask her not to give credit. She says if cake would have been ruined, then everyone would have been upset. She thank him for his timely help and praise him, says you have brought the cake. Malishka says I lost due to Rishi, and thinks Lakshmi won from her.

Virender tells Neelam that it was a wonderful night, and tells that this moment will keep near his heart always. Neelam asks what has happened? Virender says your smile. I get very happy when you laugh. He says I have recording. She says she laughed for a second. He says your position will not get less, if you laugh. Neelam says I am not liking seeing Papa liking her, and says I thought Papa will not like her, and I will tell him that the marriage will end after a year. She says if Papa come to know the real reason, then what will happen. Virender ask her to live for today. Neelam says I am not you. 

Rishi tells Lakshmi that he will take her credit, ok. Malishka goes upset. Rishi goes behind her. Malishka tells that I have lost from Lakshmi and spoils everytime. Rishi says what happened? Malishka says why did you bring new cake? She says your dad was praising her a lot and tells that she has spoiled cake along with Karishma, and got a new cake, but you have ruined. He says you are good and tells that his feelings will not change. Malishka asks why you got the cake. He says for mom and dad, and says I will help her again for mom and dad. He says you shall not come in Bua’s talks and says you are not such person who is bad. Malishka says I don’t like sharing and says I am seeing that your love, care and concern are distributing between Lakshmi and me. She is about to go, Rishi pulls her seeing Lakshmi. Lakshmi asks who is hiding there and calls Ahana, Bau ji. She says I will not get scared and asks Bau ji to come. She says I will come there. She comes there.

Lakshmi tell that if they will not come out then she will come there. She comes there and couldn’t see anyone there. She thinks decorators left all stuff here and left. She takes out the stuff and goes to keep it. Rishi and Malishka hide under the table. Lakshmi keeps the stuff there, when her phone falls down and goes inside the table. Malishka and Rishi are shocked. 

Sonia comes to Ayush and asks him to give car keys as she wants to go on a long drive with his friends. Ayush asks her to let him sleep. Sonia says I will go to Bua and complain against you. Ayush says I will complain to Neelam Mami and says then you will say sorry to me. Sonia says she will tell her that he spends time with Shalu. Ayush gives the keys and tells that he doesn’t want to hear lecture from mom and asks her to go. Sonia goes. Ahana hears them and tells Ayush that she will not tell anyone, as she knows that Shalu is not his type. Lakshmi sits to get her phone and looks inside. She gets her phone. Rishi and Malishka are behind the table. Malishka says we have to meet secretly. He says there is no other way. Malishka asks him to make her feel that he is just hers. He says I am yours only. Malishka says I will go and meet Mom. He says why she didn’t come here. Malishka says she was tired. Rishi asks her to remember that she don’t need to win from anyone, and hugs her. Malishka leaves.
Lakshmi is in the kitchen. Virender comes and asks if she didn’t sleep yet. She says she was going to sleep. Virender says he was making preparation, as Maa and Neelam go and feed the people next day after anniversary. He says Karishma will also go. Lakshmi asks shall I come? Virender says kids don’t come there and says if she wants then she can come. Lakshmi says ok, I will handle house work. Virender asks her to rest too. In the morning, Ayush is having breakfast and asks Lakshmi not to tell Rishi that he came here just now. Rishi comes there and sees Lakshmi and Ayush. Ayush says he came one hour back and will come to office late. Rishi asks Ayush to check the mail. He opens his laptop to check the mail. Lakshmi asks Rishi to have sandwich. Rishi says I am working. Lakshmi says you are working using hands and asks him to eat food. She makes him have sandwich and then tries to make him have juice. Rishi says don’t do this. Lakshmi says I will not tell that you fed me that day. Ayush smiles. Rishi gets a call from Malishka and she asks him to say I love you. Rishi says there is I love you in lyrics and says I love you. Ayush gets up and says I will wait for you in the office. He goes. Lakshmi asks whose call was it? Rishi says I am getting late for office and gets up to go. He asks her to inform Mom and dad when they come from temple. He comes back to Lakshmi and takes his pen. Lakshmi smiles. Aashiq banalu…..plays……She thinks of Gurucharan’s words, Rishi’s moments with her, catching Malishka with love band and Rishi’s clarification.

Ayush and Rishi are in the car. Rishi asks why he came in his car? Ayush says Sonia blackmailed and took his car. Rishi asks what happened? Ayush asks if it was Malishka’s call. Rishi says yes. Ayush says now you are married, such things are not good. Rishi asks him to stop the car. Ayush stops the car. Rishi says I don’t regard this marriage as marriage, tells that he is not bad, and don’t love Lakshmi. Ayush says she loves you. Rishi says you knows that Malishka and I love eachother. Ayush says whatever you both have is not love. Rishi asks are you married or have any girlfriend? Ayush says no. He says I know better what is love, and says Lakshmi came in my life for a year and that’s it. He asks Ayush not to feel bad and says he is not ignoring Lakshmi and will keep her happy. He says I understand your feelings, think about me, what I might be going through. He says I was alone in jail and the way she was protecting me and taking care of me, I got Lakshmi’s thoughts and later understood that I was thinking about her as there was nothing else in jail. He says he is clear about his love for Malishka and says we shall not talk about this again. They sit in the car again.

Ayush thinks you shall clear and not me. He thinks it is high time, you shall realize that you love Lakshmi and accepts marriage with her. He says I will make you realize this.

Sanjay opens the door. A lady asks can I meet Rishi? Sanjay says nobody is at home. The lady Jennifer asks him to call his wife. Lakshmi comes there and sends Sanjay to bring snacks. Jennifer introduces herself and tells that she came to remind Rishi that he has to come at 2 pm for inaugurating their jewellery store. She invites Lakshmi there too. She says they have sent the invite 2 months ago, when he was not married. She says if she will come, then they will feel good. Jennifer says I will call him. Rishi picks the call and says I will come on time. Jennifer says I have a request. Rishi is busy checking the file. Jennifer asks can you bring Lakshmi with me. Ayush says phone is on. She asks will you bring? He says yes, we will come on time. Jennifer asks Lakshmi to come. He tells Ayush that the showroom is of Malishka’s uncle so they shall go. Ayush says if you are going. He sees Malishka behind Rishi. Malishka hugs Rishi. Rishi gets shocked and says this is shock. Rishi asks Ayush to say. Ayush says I will attend the meeting and goes. Rishi says you naughty girl. Malishka asks him to hug her and she then hugs him.
Rishi get a call. Malishka asks who is disturbing us? Rishi says Lakshmi and pick the call. Lakshmi asks when he will come home? Rishi says 1:15 or 1:30. She ask what should I wear? He says anything. Lakshmi says if you want me to wear something special then tell me. Malishka takes his mobile and ends the call. She remind him that they have to go to the inauguration of the jewellery store. She says I will meet you at your house at 1:30, and will go with you, will park my car there. 

Lakshmi think he must be busy, what should I wear? She gets a call. She picks Shalu’s call and says it is good you called. Shalu asks why she is tense? Lakshmi says Rishi has to inaugurate the jewelry store. Shalu says I know, I am on social networking site. Lakshmi says even I am going, what shall I wear? Shalu ask her to wear gown and says the jewelry store is for both men and women. Lakshmi says she don’t have any gown. Ahana says she will arranged the gown and calls a designer to send the gown. Malishka calls her uncle jewelry store. Jennifer picks the call. Malishka asks her about the theme of the storeroom. Jennifer says off white and asks her to tell her boss that she has invited Rishi and his wife for the inauguration. Malishka get angry and throws her mobile. Lakshmi gets ready in yellow gown. Shalu asks Ahana about the gown? Ahana says it is simple. Shalu asks her to come out. Lakshmi says it is very strange, I will not come. Ahana and Shalu sees Rishi coming there. Rishi tells that he needs to change his clothes and is about to go to the changing room. Lakshmi comes out of the changing room. She doesn’t see Rishi and tells Ahana and Shalu that she is looking strange. Rishi says no, you are looking beautiful. He makes her wear the dupatta. Lakshmi says she has worn thinking what people will say. He asks her to wear whatever she wants to and goes to change. Lakshmi ask Shalu why didn’t she tell her that Rishi is here. Shalu teases her. Ahana says brother lost his consciousness seeing you and said that you are looking beautiful. Rishi comes out of the changing room. Lakshmi says she is coming in 5 mins. Malishka calls Rishi and informs him that an employee from the showroom had gone to your house and invited Lakshmi. Rishi is shocked. Malishka says we have made these arrangements and says she will go. She ask him if they are going together? Rishi says we are going together. Lakshmi comes out wearing red saree. 

Virender scolds Ayush for troubling Shalu. Ayush asks him to close his eyes, and see Shalu’s clever face. Virender scolds him and asks him to bring file. Ayush says everyone call me devil and thinks to ask her, thinks she will tell the truth.

Precap: Shalu tells Lakshmi about his affair with someone. She asks Lakshmi if she thinks they are friends. She says it is very scary to lose love. Lakshmi calls Rishi and he tells that he is in meeting. Karishma calls Rishi or Malishka and tells that she has seen you both together and came to know everything.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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