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Rishi says enough and says I am hearing, and that’s why you are going on saying. He says I am telling for the last time, I really love you and nobody can take your place. Malishka says I feel everything is a nonsense. Rishi says I have become of Lakshmi, will it touch you?

Virender makes Lakshmi sit on the bed. Lakshmi look at him. Virender ask what are you thinking? Lakshmi says let it be. Virender says I am your Bau ji and asks her to say. Lakshmi asks why are you getting worried. Virender says if anything happens to you, then something happens to me, and says my life is in you. He asks her to tell if she is fine. Lakshmi gets emotional, recalling her father telling the same thing. She gets tears in her eyes.

Rishi asks Malishka to check her phone, and says I had called you so many times. He says he has just one thought that he wants his Malishka back and says I really love you. Malishka doesn’t believe on him and says it is dead. She says I didn’t feel anything when you told I love you 5 times. She says whatever was between us, was over now. She says you care for Lakshmi and her feelings matter to you and not me. She says you are happy while doing this, and says I am nowhere in your life, neither in your mind nor in your heart, or anywhere. Rishi says no, I love you. Malishka says you think that you love me, but it is not true. She says I had become your habit and that’s why you are having problem to leave me. She says you fear to get rejected by me and that’s why I am giving you a chance to reject me.

Virender tells Lakshmi that he is not angry at her. Lakshmi hugs him and cries. Shalu says even our Bau ji used to say this and scold her like you. Bani says just as you said. Virender asks Lakshmi not to cry and says if you cry, then I will cry too. Ayush gets tears and wipes it. Shalu, Bani and Virender look at him. Ayush says even I got some tears, no problem. Virender says you are her Dewar and has the right to cry for her. They have a group hug. Virender says I am Bau ji of you three.

Malishka tells Rishi that she knows him and says their relation is over. Rishi says you knows me well and asks why you couldn’t feel my love. He says you want to check and it is your problem. He says I say I love you with the same intensity as before. Malishka says if it was with the same feeling, then would have reached me. She says you said that you are jealous seeing Viraj and me. She says what I saw, that you yearn and die for that Lakshmi, seeing her injury. She says you don’t love me. Rishi says I love you. Malishka says you didn’t look at me even once, as she is very important to you than me. Rishi says really I love you. Malishka says really. He says yes. Malishka asks him to kiss her. Rishi says what are you saying? Malishka says you will not kiss me, as you think Lakshmi is your wife and will feel like betraying Lakshmi. She asks him to kiss her. Rishi holds her against the pillar to kiss her, but he gets Lakshmi and his moments flashes and he fails to kiss Malishka. He moves back. Malishka sees Viraj bringing his car there. She gets in the car and leaves with Viraj. Rishi gets upset.

Shalu ask Lakshmi why she made everyone cried and now you are laughing yourself. Virender asks her to keep smiling always. Lakshmi says even Rishi says this. Ayush asks Shalu not to tease his bhabhi. Shalu says she is my sister, I can say her anything. Lakshmi says you have troubled me a lot, now Ayush is with me. Bani says you used to say that she is not worried for di, as Ayush is with her, though he is jhalla, but good at heart. Ayush says you called me jhalla. Shalu says we will go home. Virender asks Ayush to drop them. Shalu insists to go by themselves. Virender says I will get angry and asks her to ask Lakshmi. Lakshmi says he has no anger. Bani says Rishi went on you and that’s why so sweet. Ayush says Rishi bhai is like me. Virender says he is like me. Rishi comes there and looks at Lakshmi. Virender tells them that they shall go from the room as Rishi came. They all go out. Lakshmi smiles seeing Rishi. Rishi gets upset. Lakshmi thanks him for saving him from fire. Rishi asks her to take care of herself and says I can’t come to save you always. Lakshmi says Rishi. Rishi says you are laughing here, and thought it as adventure, and says I have to suffer due to you and asks her to take care of herself and don’t expect him to take care of her, and says even I have my own life. Lakshmi gets worried. Rishi goes

Ayush drops Shalu and Bani home. Bani calls him Ayush ji, and says I didn’t call you ju. Shalu thanks him. He asks her to give him respect. Shalu gives him money, which Chacha gave her to give to taxi driver. He gets down the car and asks her to get down. He says I want respect and not the insult. He asks if she really likes him and wants to talk to him. He asks do you really like me and is possessive about me and don’t like Neha to be around me. Shalu smiles looking at him. Ayush laughs and asks if you want to faint, look at your face. Shalu says nothing can happen. Ayush says I will leave, remember me in your prayers. She says she won’t. He says I joked with you and played your band. He sits in the car again and leaves. Shalu comes back and says he is Jhalla, and don’t know what he says.
Lakshmi opens the cupboard and takes out her dress. She injures her finger while closing the cupboard. Rishi looks at her and asks what happened, and says I saw you are having pain. He asks her to sit. He asks where is it paining? Lakshmi says don’t know if I shall say truth, as you will get angry. Rishi apologizes for being in tension and took out his anger on her. He says where she got hurt? Lakshmi shows her hand. He gets angry on her and asks why you was always in hurry. Lakshmi says you are again scolding me and asks him not to vent out his anger on her. He says you are scolding me now. She says sorry. Rishi smiles. Lakshmi asks what happened? Rishi says I am smiling when someone scolded me for the first time. He asks where is the first aid box. She says it is in the cupboard. She says your hair is messed up and says you look good when it is styled nicely. He asks her to set his hair. Lakshmi sets his hair style with her fingers. Kaun tujhe yun pyaar karega plays…..Lakshmi asks why you was in tension, and asks whose anger who was venting on me, who has spoiled your mood.

Viraj finishes the dinner and says he is full. He says why Malishka is not eating? Kiran says she is a slow eater. She asks about his Dada ji. Viraj says he is fine. He says he is going to meet Malishka’s dad tomorrow. Kiran says ok. Malishka recalls Rishi failing to kiss her, and gets upset. She gets up from her chair and goes. Kiran says I will check on her.
Lakshmi asks Rishi again. Rishi says Malishka. He says she was behaving strangely and went home. She says Malishka was hurt. He says he don’t want talk about her. He asks her to sit and asks sit to apply ointment on her hand. She refuses. He says I promise that I will do it slowly. He says I behave weirdly with you sometimes, don’t know why it happens. Lakshmi says I can understand. Rishi says no need to bear my anger, which is not for me. Lakshmi says you are mine, if I don’t understand you then what will be the difference between everyone and me. He says you are very good and asks her to hear what he is going to tell her. He says I am going to tell you this as a friend and not as a husband. He asks her not to let any person overpower her with his anger, and don’t bear anyone’s anger, and asks her to reply that person even if it is him. Lakshmi says you are my husband. Rishi says I am not God and you respect me as I am your husband, and you are my wife and deserves equal respect. He says if I get angry on you, then you shall not bear it. Lakshmi says I understood, and says that I will not bear anyone’s anger on me. Rishi says now you talked like my Lakshmi and holds her shoulders. She feels pain. He gets up realizing what he said, and asks himself really your Lakshmi, what I said.

Malishka tells Kiran that when we were caught in the fire. Rishi came to me, but when he saw Lakshmi, he ran to save her. She cries and hugs her. Viraj comes there. Malishka says whatever has happened, it has effected me a lot, says we will meet tomorrow. He asks her to take care and goes out. Kiran goes behind him.

Rishi is standing in the window. Lakshmi brings coffee for him. Rishi asks about her hand. Lakshmi thanks him for supporting her whenever she is in problem, says now I feel that you will not let any trouble come on me and will hold my hand always.

Kiran asks Viraj not to worry and says she will be fine. He says I know her since childhood, she is hiding something, related to Oberois. He says she loves someone there, but that guy haven’t given her response. He says if she loves Rishi, and then thinks he is married. He says if that guy is Ayush. Kiran says there is nothing like that, she is in trauma due to this accident. Viraj says may be I am overthinking and goes.

Malishka asks Kiran to check if there is network. Kiran says yes. Malishka says Rishi used to call me everytime, but this time, he didn’t call me.

Rishi ask Lakshmi not to praise him. Lakshmi says this is the truth, you have supported me from day 1 and reminds him that she had come to his office and hid in his cabin. She says Shalu saw your photo there and told that you are handsome. Rishi asks what did you think? She says nothing, but there was some connection between us, not of this birth, but of many births, and that’s why we met and united. She is about to go, he holds her Pallu. Alvida song plays….Rishi says first you have to tell everything. Lakshmi says what? He says anything and says I like to hear you, and feel peace at heart. Lakshmi says we get compliments about the looks and you are complimenting me on my talks. He asks her to continue and smiles. Lakshmi says don’t look at me this way. Lakshmi says it feels strange and asks him to say. He asks if you feel peace when I talk? She asks shall I copy you or say something original? He says original. Lakshmi says when you talk, I feel your existence in my life. He says this compliment is good. Lakshmi says it is good. Rishi asks her to say. Lakshmi asks him to ask her and says she will reply. He asks whom you like the most? Lakshmi says Bau ji. Rishi asks her to take some other name. She says my sisters. Rishi says not blood relatives and asks whom you like in our house? She says mummy ji. Rishi says leaving everyone, and says whom you like between Ayush and me. Lakshmi says I like Ayush more than you. Rishi says you are strange, and says you like everyone and says you took everyone’s name, leaving my name. Ayush comes there. Lakshmi says I don’t like you. Rishi says you don’t like me? Lakshmi says you are in me, my identity and soul. She says that’s why I just don’t like you, but love you. She says I love you and hug him. Rishi holds her hesitantly. Ayush smiles hearing her love confession. Sindoori lagta hai….song plays…. She hug him again. Rishi holds her. Ayush comes out of the room and thanks God, for making this Jodi. 

Karishma comes there and asks what is he doing here? Ayush wears googles and asks if he is looking nice? Karishma is going to Rishi’s room. Ayush stops her and says don’t go there. Karishma says I want to talk to Rishi, it is urgent. She says Malishka’s mom called and said that she might do something. Ayush says it is nautanki. Karishma says I need to talk to Rishi and is about to go. Ayush act and says I am your step son. Karishma says go and see your birth certificate. Ayush says it might be fake, and shows his tears. He says I feel that I am your step son, you don’t concentrate on me. Karishma asks what happened to you, my son.

Precap: Malishka comes to Rishi’s house. Lakshmi asks why do you think that your right on him get less, as he got married. She says you have same right on him even now. Malishka looks at Rishi. Lakshmi asks why you both are fighting. Malishka says due to you, Rishi left me for you. Rishi is shocked. Malishka asks didn’t you leave me? Virender, Neelam and Dadi are shocked. Lakshmi tells Shalu that she doubted on Rishi that he is having an affair, and says how can I doubt him. Rishi comes to Malishka and says I love you. Lakshmi says he has just me in his life. Rishi tells Malishka that whenever he is with her, he feels different, mad, crazy and violent. He says he can kill anybody and himself too. An old lady comes to Oberoi’s house and blesses Lakshmi. She blesses her husband to have long life and loves her so much. Rishi says if I love Lakshmi, then will not look at you. Malishka looks at him. An old lady blesses Lakshmi to have prosper. Karishma hears them and thinks to ruin Lakshmi.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday A t 7pm

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