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Doctor hear Neelam and says don’t give him water. Neelam says why is he thirsty. Doctor says he will be thirsty after snake bite, but don’t give him water. Neelam shows Rishi’s state to doctor and asks for help. Doctor says bring him to the hospital at the earliest. He says he has the chance to get paralyzed and says risk starts after 30 mins. He asks if anyone has seen the snake. Neelam shows the snake’s dead body. Doctor sees the snake dead body and says it is very poisonous. He says you don’t have even 30 mins, bring him to the hospital fast. Neelam says how we will bring him soon. Ayush says ambulance is coming in 10 mins. Doctor says someone shall suck the poison, without swallowing it, else it will be risky for that person too. She says it shall be done by the expert. Lakshmi cry and hugs Rishi. She asks if she is feeling much pain. Rishi nods his head. Rishi recalls telling Neelam that he can’t stay with Lakshmi, and feels as if he is cheating Malishka. Neelam says you knows what Pandit ji had told, if you break relation with her, then can’t get saved. Fb ends. Lakshmi says we have to stop the poison from spreading in the body. She tears her pallu and ties on his hand. Rishi looks at Lakshmi. Lakshmi asks him to keep his eyes open. She shouts calling Virender as his hand turn blue, where the snake had bitten him. 

Malishka is running out. Kiran stop her. Malishka call Ayush. Ayush says snake had bitten Rishi. He says they have to take Rishi to hospital and says that he will talk to her later. Kiran ask what happened? Malishka says it is my mistake, if I had not fought with him, then he wouldn’t have gone to the garden. She says it is all my mistake, Rishi is bitten by the snake. Kiran is shocked too. Malishka says I had broken the karwachauth fast and this happened due to her. She says I saw him taking out the chain and ring, but didn’t see the snake. She blames herself and says this happened due to me. Kiran ask her to calm down and says you are not the reason, the reason is someone else. She says Rishi’s kundali has markesh dosh and Lakshmi’s kundali saves him. She says you made him broke his relation with her and ask why she can’t wait for some months?

Rishi is kept on the stretcher by Ayush and the ward boy. Lakshmi find the chain and pick it. Lakshmi sit with Rishi in the ambulance. 

Malishka says I have broken the fast. Kiran says Lakshmi is his wife and his savior too. Malishka run out from there. She call Neelam. Neelam ask her to reach hospital. 

Ambulance driver ask Ayush what happened? Ayush says snake has bitten him. The driver ask who is with the patient? Ayush says his wife. Lakshmi ask Rishi to keep his eyes open and look at her, and says she prayed to Mata Rani and she will not let anything happen to him, she notice the ambulance stopped and ask why did they stop the ambulance? She get down and find the heavy traffic jam. She think it will be too late?

Driver says this is the problem of this city, there is always traffic. Lakshmi get down from the ambulance and ask people to give them way, and move their vehicles aside. She goes to the people fighting after the accident and ask the guy to move his car. Ayush also says his brother is in critical condition. The guy refuse. Lakshmi talk to the guy’s wife and ask her to make her husband understand, but the lady doesn’t listen and says she is hurt too and their car got damaged too. She closes the car door. Lakshmi goes to the tempo and asks him to move the tempo. The driver says how to move back. Lakshmi says she will ask the back vehicles to move back. She urges all autos to move their autos and vehicles back, so the tempo could leave.

Malishka think of her mother’s words and this doesn’t happen due to his markesh dosh, but due to that snake. She is about to hit a guy and shouts at him. He let her go. 
Lakshmi comes back to Rishi and ask him to open his eyes. She says there was traffic, everything is cleared now, we will go to hospital. He opens his eyes and looks at her. Lakshmi shows his engagement ring, and says it fell in the garden mistakenly. She makes him wear it. Rishi look at her. Main phir bhi tumko chahungi plays… Rishi close his eyes. She ask Rishi to open his eyes and try to make him come to his senses, she then recall the doctor’s words that they don’t have even 30 mins. She ask Rishi to get up and says nothing will happen to you, she cry, and says I will fight with Mata Rani, and Karwa Maa, I had kept fast for you with all the devotion, she says if they don’t agree, then they shall take me and not you. She call Ayush and ask him to hurry up. Rishi spits white froth from his mouth and turn blue. Lakshmi cry and get shocked. She thinks of Doctor’s words that only an expert can suck the poison out of his body.

Virender and Neelam are on the way and are stuck in the traffic. Neelam says ambulance has also stopped. Virender says this is the right way, there is no traffic here always. Neelam says our son is fighting for his life. Virender says Lakshmi is with him. Neelam says what did he do that he is fighting with death? She says why markesh dosh came in his kundali and I can’t see him suffering. Virender ask her to relax and keep her head on his shoulder. She ask what are you doing, our relation is not such. She get down to see Rishi in the ambulance. Virender tells himself that nothing will happen to Rishi. 

Ayush tells Lakshmi that the traffic is cleared. He open the door and sees Lakshmi sucking out the poison. He try to stop Lakshmi and says Doctor said only an expert can do it. Lakshmi says froth is coming out from Rishi’s mouth and his face has turned blue. Ayush says you can lose your life. Lakshmi says there is no time, and ask if you regard me as Rishi’s wife, then you will not say anything. She says my promise was truthful, anything can happen to me, but not Rishi. She suck out the poison and spit it out. Ayush closes the ambulance door and ask driver to drive fast. Neelam come to car, seeing the ambulance leaving. She ask driver to drive behind the ambulance. Ayush hold the dustbin. Lakshmi suck the poison and spits into the dustbin. She starts turning blue, but continues to suck out the poison from Rishi’s hand. The ambulance is on the way to the hospital. Lakshmi call Rishi. Ayush ask Lakshmi to talk to him. Lakshmi sucks and spits the poison again, and faint. Ayush get worried for Lakshmi and says I asked you not to do this, and ask her to open her eyes. Rishi gains consciousness and become fine. He asks what happened to Lakshmi? Ayush ask if you are fine, and says Lakshmi has taken out the poison from your body with her mouth, Doctor had said only an expert can do it, but Lakshmi did this to save you. He ask Lakshmi to open her eyes and see Rishi Bhai. Rishi is about to get up. Ayush ask him to rest and makes Lakshmi lie down there. Rishi looks at the ring in his hand and then look at Lakshmi. He recalls Lakshmi saving him from the hotel’s fire accident, from Balwinder’s attack. Song plays….yeh teh hai….He recall Lakshmi fighting with crocodile to save him.

Malishka is driving the car fast and hit a cart and the seller. The seller gets up and threatens to call Police. Malishka refuses to give him money. The lady says everyone saw that he has a big loss. Malishka says her family member is in the hospital and give him money. He ask for more money. She gives him money. The guy ask her to drive car carefully and not to kill anyone. Malishka says I would have sent him to jail, if Rishi was not in the hospital.
Ambulance come to the hospital. Rishi get down and says we need to take Lakshmi inside. Ayush says I will take her. The stretcher get stuck. Rishi says he will go inside and bring another stretcher. Ayush says I will go. Rishi insist to go and goes inside. Neelam and Virender come there. Neelam ask where is Rishi? Virender ask what happened to Lakshmi? Ayush says she didn’t listen to me, our ambulance was stuck in traffic, so she sucked out all the poison from Rishi's body. He says she didn’t care for her life. He says Rishi went to get stretcher.

Rishi comes inside and asks to give the stretcher. Nurse says all the stretchers are being used, there was a big accident. Rishi pleads infront of her to help him, as his wife is unconscious. Ayush comes there. Rishi ask who is incharge in the hospital? Neelam goes inside the hospital. Malishka comes there and run inside. Virender is with Lakshmi and rub her hands, he ask what did you do? We did a mistake. Neelam and Malishka come inside, and see Rishi arguing with the nurse, saying that his wife is unconscious, and he doesn’t have time. He tells Ayush that they need to bring Lakshmi inside and shall get her treatment started. He runs out. Malishka look on shocked. Neelam goes behind Rishi.

Rishi and Ayush run out. Rishi lift Lakshmi and take her inside the hospital. Malishka look on. Doctor sees Rishi fine and Lakshmi in his arms. He says snake had bitten Rishi? Rishi says yes, but she sucked out all the poison from my body. Doctor is shocked and says we need to start her treatment. He ask if you are fine? Rishi says I am fine, due to Lakshmi, now I can take care of her. Nurse ask him to do the formalities. Rishi says I will sign the papers later, first start my wife’s treatment, save her first. Doctor ask Nurse to see the situation. He ask Rishi to come. Dadi and Karishma come there. Dadi ask Malishka where is Rishi? Malishka says he is fine. Karishma ask what happened Malishka? Maa told me that snake had bitten Rishi, but he is fine and holding Lakshmi in his hands. Malishka says he didn’t see me even once. 

Rishi ask Doctor if she will be fine? Doctor says she will be saved if she has not swallowed the poison, he says this poison was very dangerous. Rishi and others go out of the ward as the treatment starts. 

Karishma ask Rishi what was he doing there? She ask if he had fight with Lakshmi. He says no, infact Lakshmi asked me to come inside, but I didn’t listen to her. He regret. Doctor comes there and says poison went inside her body. I gave her injection and started the treatment too. He ask Virender, how could he let her suck the poison and says only an expert can do this. Virender says sorry, and ask him to say if she will be fine? Doctor says I am sorry, I can’t tell for now. He says we shall wait for 30 mins, only then I can say, how poison affected her. Dadi cry and ask Virender to save Lakshmi. Rishi look at Malishka. Malishka look at him angrily. Rishi goes behind her. Virender ask where is Rishi? Neelam says he will call back.

Malishka tells Rishi that she saw the snake and informed his family. She says she didn’t see anything and came running here, and even met with an accident, but her Rishi didn’t see her even once, as Lakshmi was in his embrace. Rishi says even my condition was worse, how could I see you. Malishka says you care for her. Rishi says I care for her even now. He says Lakshmi saved my life and sucked out all the poison from my body. He says Doctor haven’t given any guarantee if she will survive or not. He says he didn’t lift her for romance. Malishka says I am seeing what is her importance in your life, don’t lecture me. I have seen everything with my eyes. Rishi says why are you not seeing that Lakshmi has saved my life? Malishka says you are making everything fine, then... Rishi says I am just yours. Malishka says you didn’t look at me, and care for Lakshmi. Rishi says I care for her, as she care for me too. He says she is here because to me, I care for all my family. Malishka again dsays you didn’t look at me. Rishi ask her not to do drama. Malishka says I will end the drama and get hyper. Rishi asks her to calm down and hold her hands. Malishka sees the ring in his hand and says I asked you to break the relation, you fooled me. Rishi says it is not like that. Malishka get more angry.

Dadi prays to God to save Lakshmi. Karishma says she get saved all the time, and will be saved this time too. Virender ask if she is God? Karishma get up shocked. Virender says she is human like me and get hurt too. Karishma says I was joking. Virender says you have no feelings, you have become stone hearted. He says I am not yet done. Doctor comes there and says antidote injection is not working on Lakshmi. Virender says poison is dangerous. Neelam ask if Rishi is fine? Doctor says Lakshmi has taken out his poison fully. Neelam ask if Rishi will be fine and ask him to see him once. Nurse comes there and tells Doctor that she brought the injection. Neelam insists doctor to check Rishi. Virender ask Doctor to go and treat Lakshmi, he says I will talk to Neelam. Doctor goes with Nurse. Virender ask Neelam, just my son, save my son, just me and myself. He ask did you come out from yourself anytime? He says Rishi is walking fine, did you see him? He is fine due to Lakshmi and you are stopping Doctor from saving Lakshmi and wasting his time. He says I didn’t expect this from you. Neelam says I didn’t expect you to talk to me like this. Virender says I had thought enough and saying for the first time. He says I am saying, as if in our house and family, humanity is dying and I won’t let this happen. He says that girl saved our son, as she is his wife and love him. He ask her to love her and give some motherly love to her, and ask if she can’t do this? Dadi try to stop Virender. Virender says stop me if I am wrong. He ask them to listen carefully and says Lakshmi will get everything needed, all the care, love, treatment and prayers. He says mind you, everyone shall listen carefully.

Precap: Virender for the first time scold Neelam for being so selfish. He says Lakshmi needs their prayers, their love and she will get that. Malishka is crying. She tells Rishi that she is breaking up with him. Rishi is sitting beside Lakshmi, holding her hand. He says, I will never trouble you after today, please open your eyes. Other side, Malishka is crying and is furious. She says, maybe only that Lakshmi is made for you. You can keep your hand in hers. Virender tells Ayush that they will bring Lakshmi and Rishi closer. Rishi gives water to Lakshmi. Virender and Ayush get happy seeing that. Virender pushes Dadi who pushes Lakshmi and she ends up going to Rishi and in his arms. They both have eyelock. A nurse tells Lakshmi that she has never seen such a loving husband. Later, Ayush is doing Virender’s head massage and following that, Rishi does Lakshmi’s head massage. Then they are doing Rangoli. Rishi cleans colors on Lakshmi’s nose. Malishka’s mother comes to Rishi’s home. Rishi gets scared/shocked seeing her.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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