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Lakshmi tells Rishi that he behaved like he used to behave before marriage. Rishi says I have forgotten my phone. Lakshmi says it is in your hand. Rishi says I have forgotten to charge my phone. Gurucharan looks at Lakshmi. Lakshmi appreciates him for today’s work. Gurucharan asks her about her relationship with Rishi after marriage. Lakshmi says she is very happy, Rishi is very good and his family too. He ask who was that girl and looks at Malishka? Lakshmi says she is Malishka, Rishi’s friend. Gurucharan says I understood at first sight. He says there is something going on between Rishi and Malishka, they are not just good friends, and asks if she is understanding what he said. Neelam sees love band in Malishka’s hand. Rishi comes back and wonders where is Malishka? He calls Malishka. Neelam also hear Gurucharan. Lakshmi turn and looks at Malishka, just then some guest come there and Lakshmi couldn’t see the love band in her hand. She tells Gurucharan that he is talking like Daljeet aunty and says Malishka is a very good girl, she is Karishma’s nanand’s nanand’s daughter and says there is nothing going on between them. Gurucharan says I hope so, but it is not right and says the way your husband and Malishka were dancing. Lakshmi says we are from village, and tells that they don’t meet guys, but here girls and guys go out together on date. She says anybody can dance with anyone, it is not a big deal. She hug him and tells that she is very lucky to be here, she was just Lakshmi before, but now she has become bhagyalakshmi. Neelam gets relieved and goes. Lakshmi tells Gurucharan that she has ordered chole kulche for him. Virender hears them. Neelam comes to the inhouse temple and lights the diya. She says my heart is not calm, whatever we are doing is wrong, how can it be right? She says you have written everyone’s destiny and wrote markesh dosh in Rishi’s kundali and gave the power in Lakshmi’s kundali. She says you did this and made me become the medium. She says I am scared if Lakshmi comes to know about the truth.

Malishka ask Rishi what do you mean that if Lakshmi comes to know. She says I am very hurt today. Rishi says Lakshmi was expecting love band from me. She says how she thought that you will give her love band. She says she has become your wife and wants to become your lover. Rishi says I didn’t come to discuss this, and asks her to take out the love band. Malishka asks what?

Virender ask Gurucharan if he saw Lakshmi? Lakshmi says I am here. Virender asks her to give some love to him also. Lakshmi says you are really my Bau ji. Virender opens his arms. She hug him. Virender says meet my daughter Lakshmi, whom this world regards as my bahu. He says I have become your Bau ji first and then Rishi came in your life.

Malishka says you insulted me and went with Lakshmi, to save you and me. He ask her not to be sarcastic and take it out now itself. Malishka says I will hide it with dupatta, but will never take it off, as our bond will break. She promises him that Lakshmi will not know and ask him to give a cute smile to her. She then hugs him.

Virender tell Lakshmi that first he became her Bau ji and then Rishi came in her life. Lakshmi tells Gurucharan that Bau ji is with her, and asks him not to worry about her. Virender ask him not to worry and says I will be with her, she is my daughter and more than Rishi. He says do you trust me? Gurucharan says yes, I trust you. Virender says she has become our house’s Lakshmi and all her respect, rights, duties will be my responsibility. Gurucharan thank him. Lakshmi hug Virender. 
Karishma tells Sonia that Lakshmi always does something and goes ahead of them. Malishka sees Karishma eying the cake and asks if she is in a mood to eat it before it gets cut. Karishma says I hope your Mom don’t blame me for cheating and says Lakshmi is ahead of you in this party, and tells that after whatever is going to happen, Lakshmi will be scolded. She says when the cake falls down from Lakshmi’s hand. Sonia says we can’t do bad for Mom and dad’s anniversary. Karishma says cake will fall down and then Lakshmi will be scolded, and then Malishka will bring a new cake to celebrate the anniversary. She says I will make the cake fall down and Lakshmi will think it happened with her hand.

Neha comes to Rishi and asks what was he saying about him. Rishi ask what? Shalu comes there and tells that Lakshmi is calling her, as it is very important. Rishi goes. Neha thinks to make Ayush as her boyfriend. Rishi come to Lakshmi and ask if she called him? She says no. Virender says her concentration is on us. Lakshmi says Gurucharan Chacha is leaving. Virender asks him to come for Diwali. Lakshmi goes to call Bani and Shalu. Gurucharan tells Rishi that he used to love Lakshmi a lot, that sometimes he even fought with her parents. Rishi ask why? Gurucharan says I can’t see her in pain. Rishi asks him to think that Lakshmi is in his house only and says I will take care of her well. Gurucharan says I am believing you. Lakshmi, Bani and Shalu come there and meet him. Gurucharan leave.
Malishka tells Neelam that they shall cut the cake as time will changed in sometime. Neelam says we shall cut the cake. Virender says ok. Malishka says I will inform Lakshmi to bring the cake. Neelam asks her to bring the cake and asks guests to come. Malishka thinks my last knock out will make you lose and I will become winner. Lakshmi is bringing the cake, when Karishma throws something behind her. Lakshmi leaves the cake and goes to see what has fallen down. Just then Karishma comes there and throws the cake down. Lakshmi comes running to the cake and gets shocked. She thinks how did it fall down, and thinks if there is no cake, then? She wonders what to do? Karishma smiles. Malishka asks Sonia if aunty has ruined the cake? Sonia says surely. Karishma comes there and says cake is ruined. Malishka hug her and tells that they shall start the drama. Lakshmi says there is a problem and asks her to come with her. Malishka says everyone is waiting and asks what are you doing? She sees love band in her hand. Rishi looks at Lakshmi staring at love band in Malishka’s hand. She thinks of Gurucharan’s words and Rishi’s words.

Sanjay shows the washroom to the guest. The guest stops Shalu and says this handkerchief is yours. Shalu says this is not my handkerchief and says I am not interested in such things. Ayush hears him. Sonia scolds Shalu for misbehaving with the guy. Shalu says I was just answering him. Ayush takes her away from there. 

Rishi tells Lakshmi that he had given his love band to Malishka, as it was single piece, and he thought to order a couple bands for them. Malishka says excuse me and goes. Rishi is about to go behind her, but Lakshmi takes him with her.

Ayush tells Shalu that he has saved her from Sumit. Shalu says I can handle such guys and says I am saving you from bad girls. Ayush ask why, I like girls. She says you are mad. He says you are mad and argues. Shalu goes behind him. 

Lakshmi tells Rishi that she don’t want anyone to know, as today is the big day of Maaji and bau ji. He asks what happened? Lakshmi says cake is ruined, and tells that she also don’t know how to make cake. She says she can make Ghewar. Rishi says we have many hotels and I will ask the chef to make cake. He says today is my mom and dad’s anniversary and I don’t want to spoil the day. He calls the chef Raghav and asks him to make the cake ready in 30 mins. Lakshmi says there shall be their old pic on the cake. He asks Raghav if he heard her demands and ends the call. He calls Ayush and asks him to come.

Malishka tells Karishma that Rishi has taken out his love band from his hand, to save us from Lakshmi. She tells that it is like that he has taken out love from his heart. Karishma says it is a small thing, and it is good for you and Rishi. She ask her to focus on the anniversary. She asks her to go and do the drama, and make Lakshmi fall in Virender and Neelam’s eyes. Malishka says I am very angry with him this time. Karishma says he will convince you with a hug and says I just pray that you shall not get anyone’s bad sight. Malishka ask Lakshmi where is the cake? Rishi asks Malishka to wait and tells Virender and Neelam if they can wait to cut the cake. Virender asks what is the matter? Rishi says my friends were saying that I am her deewana and danced with her, they asked if she can do anything for me. Nana ji comes and says even I want to know. Neelam gets glad and hugs him. Nana ji says how can I refuse Lakshmi’s order and says she had called me and said that if I don’t come then she will not talk to me. Lakshmi is about to touch his feet. Nana ji says daughters don’t touch the feet, and asks her to hug him like Neelam and wish him peri pauna. Neelam looks startled seeing his liking for Lakshmi.
Nana ji ask Lakshmi to hug him and say peri pauna. Lakshmi hug him and says peri pauna. Neelam is surprised. Nana ji ask Rishi what was he saying, that if she can compete with him or not. Malishka says first cake cutting shall be done, we can talk later. Nana ji asks Karishma, if she is related to her? He asks her to tell Malishka that whenever he talks, only he talks and nobody shall talk inbetween. Karishma asks Malishka not to talk in between. Malishka says sorry, and tells Karishma that she said as he asked her to hurry up. She says he doesn’t like me. Nana ji ask Rishi how will he find out if Lakshmi can compete with him or not? Rishi says Lakshmi, do you remember that I had promised my friends that we will dance? A fb is shown. Lakshmi says I remember but dance. Rishi says yes. Virender ask Lakshmi to dance. Lakshmi asks how to dance. Rishi whispers in her ears that they have to dance, to keep everyone busy till the cake comes. Lakshmi says ok. Nana ji asks Rishi what did he tell that she agree? He says I said I like her, and likes to dance with her. Ayush says I will play songs, I am DJ now. He asks them to come and take them to dance. Malishka get upset and is about to go. Karishma calls her. Rano comes to Karishma and says this color is suiting you, and you are looking handsome. She thinks she will smile as I praised her, thinks everyone is hungry of appraisal. She asks Karishma to think about Ayush’s marriage. Karishma goes.

Lakshmi says do you remember that your friends asked you to dance. He says his all promises are Siman’s promises. He holds Lakshmi and starts dancing with her. Na seekha maine…plays…..Malishka gets jealous seeing them dancing. Everyone enjoys their dance. Nana ji says Rishi is a better dancer, but Lakshmi is more better than Rishi, as she lived the dance and became of Rishi with her heart. He says I saw such a beautiful love for the first time. Everyone claps for them. Ayush says well done to Lakshmi. Rishi congratulates Lakshmi and whispers in her ears that cake has arrived. Nana ji says cake cutting time. Malishka asks Lakshmi to bring it. lakshmi says I will bring it and goes. Sonia, Karishma and Malishka gossip that what reason will she give for not bringing the cake. Lakshmi brings the cake surprising the trio. Everyone sees Neelam and Virender’s wedding picture on the cake. Nana ji recognizes it. Rishi tells that Lakshmi asked for the pic and so he gave her. He says lets cut the cake. Neelam and Virender cut the cake. Neelam makes Virender have cake. Virender then makes Neelam have it. Neelam makes Nana ji, Dadi, and others. She ask Lakshmi to have the cake and makes her chachi and sisters have it. Virender says I will make her have cake and makes her eat. Neelam’s friends appreciate Lakshmi for keeping up their culture. Dadi praises Lakshmi. Nana ji says Lakshmi is good at heart, and praises her. He says now it is my turn to give you gift, which I gave to Lakshmi and Rishi. He says honeymoon tickets and says he is joking. He asks Virender if he is still scared of Neelam? Everyone laugh. Nana ji says I came here to capture these moments and see it whenever I miss it, and says secondly I came to meet Rishi and thirdly I had come to hug Lakshmi. Lakshmi hug him. Neelam get upset.

Precap: A jewelry store employee invites Lakshmi to the jewelry store, and tells that Rishi is coming to inaugurate their jewelry store. Lakshmi says I will come. Later Shalu finds Rishi and Mallishka’s in the news and tells Lakshmi about their affair. Karishma tells Malishka or Rishi about Lakshmi coming to know everything.

Unfortunate Love Air From Mondays To Friday At 7pm

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