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Paritosh recall his friends taunting him that he has 2 fathers. Anupama walk to him and asks if he is fine, is he hurt much, she knows he is angry with her and doesn’t even want to see her face. He ask if she knows, then why did she come here? She says because she is a mother. He says he knows she hate him. She says a mother can never hate her child; she can understand how it feels when one loses a job, but he shouldn’t worry as he is talented and hard working; everyone is with him including her. She continues that he is stuck between Mr Shah and Mukku’s fight, he should move on with his hard work and talent. She offers him milk to heal his wounds. He asks what about the internal wounds and says if she really cared for him, this situation wouldn’t have risen; she should apply milk’s haldi/turmeric on her hands instead. He asks her to let him be silent or else he may say something and then fight with Kinjal. She leave keeping milk on the table.

Malvika jokes with Anuj that he found a good trick to bring his sister back, he knew that his sister would come back dancing if he is marrying. Anuj also joke. Malvika then apologize to him. He says it's alright. She says she had made a mistake and have corrected it by kicking Vanraj and his team out of her company. Anuj says Toshu’s drama is going on there. She says she knows, but she was very angry and even wanted to meet Anu and apologize to her. He says he understands and hug her, fears Leela and Vanraj’s reaction after this and hope they don’t create any new problem in his wedding.

Kavya panic recalling Malvika firing her, Toshu, and Vanraj and her future is bleak in this house. She recall Rakhi talking about offering her financial support. Rakhi video call her. Kavya cry that Malvika fired her from job, now she is alone and in a big financial mess, she doesn’t know what to do now. 
Kinjal return home. Toshu asksif she is coming now leaving him hurt and vent out his frustration on her; he says she was partying with Malvika who fired him from job. Kinjal says if she has any problem, she wouldn’t have stayed here. He blame her baby and argues with her mindlessly and push her unintentionally. Kinjal is shocked with is behavior. He apologize to her. She says they hurt their dear ones unknowingly and realize it later; she walk away suggesting to him to mend his ways before its too late.

Anupama in her room think she and Anuj’s marriage is a ray of hope in her life, it might anger many, but whoever try to stop this ray of hope, it will glow for sure. The next morning, she performs pooja. Leela snatches pooja thali from her and ignore her. Vanraj, Pakhi, and Toshu also ignore her. Anuj messages her good morning and ask if she can take out some time for him out of her busy schedule? Anu reply they will meet in the morning.

Malvika inform Anuj that she has arranged a party in the evening and request him to join Kapadia Empire back. Anuj deny and says he has promised Anupama to prove himself again and start all over again, he will first fulfill his promise and prove himsself and then will join back Kapadia Empire. Malvika says him and Anu are same who are strong and tolerate so much in life. GK describe the strength of love.

Kinjal notice Toshu begging Rakhi for a job and feel disgusted. She worry that Rakhi knows about Toshu, Vanraj, and Kavya’s job loss and will try to benefit from the situation. 

Anupama before leaving for work offers medicine to Hasmukh and inform that she has done all the household work. Bapuji informs that Mukku invited them home to plan the wedding. He ties a protective thread on Anupama’s wrist. Leela and Vanraj frown. Anu leaves home smiling.
Anupama receive a parcel and get happy seeing Anuj’s sent flower gajra in it. She wear gajra and think after meeting him, she realized what happiness is. Anuj get ready for the business meeting. Anupama sent him tea with a message that he likes her prepared tea, so she is sending it to make his day. 

Kavya continue lying on the bed. Leela walk to her and yells at her for not doing household chores. Kavya requests her to leave her alone. Leela walk out yelling. Kavya receives a text message from Rakhi to meet her. 

Anupama notice Vanraj in the cafeteria shattered and hope Vanraj realize that a person has to pay for his deed and corrects himself, she pray to Kanhaji to give him some conscience.

Kavya meet Rakhi. Rakhi says she is poisonous but is true, Kavya’s husband has only his father’s big house and a big ego. Kavya says she knows, it's a waste to expect anything from him. Rakhi ask if she will be on her husband’s mercy or will herself do something, Kinjal is her only child and she can take care of Kinjal, her baby, and Toshu, but Vanraj’s middle-class values won’t let her do that. She says she can offer her a job but with one condition.

Anuj return home to meet Shahs to discuss wedding plan, but find no one at home. He walk into kitchen and find Anu cooking there. He tells Anu they should spend some time together before the pre-wedding rituals start. Anu taunt him and sends him out. 

Rakhi ask Kavya if her in-laws care about her like the way she cares for them, Kinjal and Toshu’s lives are secure as she is with them, Anuj and Anupama have Malvika, but Kavya has only super-egoistic Vanraj and hence should think about herself. She remind her of the big expenses of Shah Family and ask her to divorce Vanraj and walk out of that house; she should now decide if she has to become old Kavya or old Anupama.

Anu offer tea and snacks to Anuj. Jaisi Ho Waisi Aajao Sringar To Rehne Do.. song plays in the background. They both enjoy same tea and spend quality time together. 

Vanraj on the other side tear the contract papers and throws them in the air. 

Anuj get a call, but disconnect it and keep phone away. She does same. He ask her how was her day? She talk about burger day, potato, and Shah house’s mixer grinder excitedly. He silently listens to her. She ask why is he looking at her? He says at a time of mobile and internet, he feel happy chatting with her face to face. She says mobile have replaced relationships in a person’s life. He ask how is the situation at the Shah family house, was there any drama after Malvika Vanraj, Kavya and Toshu? Anu says Malvika did right, but she feel bad for them. She says she want to disconnect from Shahs, but her heart long for them. Anuj says it hurt that his heart completely belong to her, but her heart doens’t completely belong to him. He says he loved only her for 26 years, but she had Shah family in her life for 26 years and they are part of her life now, so he will never ask her to break her ties with Shah family ever. Anupama get emotional seeing his selfless behavior and ask if she should build a temple for him?

Precap: Leela complains Hasmukh that he is thinking only about Anupama and not Vanraj. She then asks Vanraj if she should talk with Malvika for his job. Malvika asks Anupama why did she ask Anuj to convince her to bring Vanraj back on board. Anuj interrupts them and says he will answer. Hasmukh invites Anupama’s mother for the wedding. She performs Anu and Anuj’s prewedding ritual and warns her not to let Shahs ruin her wedding.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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