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Anuj in an intoxicated state continues describing each Shah family member’s nature. Anu asks him to stop. Anuj says in this whole house, Vanraj, Baa, and Kavya are very toxic and hence he doesn’t want her to stay in this house. Rakhi taunts Baa that she calls her naagin, but her would be damad/SIL is calling her toxic. Bapuji try to feed lemon juice to Anuj and asks everyone to go to their rooms. Rakhi says she will freshen up in hotel and return to watch this drama. Everyone walk away. Anu sits next to Anuj and asks if he is fine? Anuj says he doesn’t like this house as it snatched her identity and now snatching her from him, he misses her. Anu says let us talk about it after going home and try to feed him lemon juice. Anuj says these people are using saam, daam, and, bhed and snatching her happiness; when she left this house already, why are they not leaving her? She says she called GK and he should go home with him. Anuj insists to go home only with her. She says she will come after changing her clothes. He insists. She asks him not to get adamant. He says he will go but will not leave his adamancy to make her his dear one.

After some time, Rakhi returns after freshening up and sees Shah family sitting silently. She asks if the drama is over? Dolly stops her. Anu walks in. Rakhi thinks drama will start now and asks Anu where is her sanskar when she teaches sansakr at least 10 times a day, is it an age to romance when she is getting her grandson, a grandmother can not marry.

Anuj feels hang over. GK offers him tea silently. Anuj asks if he created a big problem? GK asks how does he know as he wasn’t present there. Anuj asks if Anu didn’t say anything, did he blast a bomb? GK says its a bomb for a middle class family and describes what he did. Anuj gets worried for Anu. GK asks why did he drink bhang. Anuj says he doesn’t know. GK says Anu had to face the burnt now.
Baa does garbha around Anu. Anu stops her and says she will get short of breath. Baa says she will be breathless because of her and says people taunt a mother if she marries again, she is becoming a grandmother and people will not spare her. Bapuji says she didn’t have any issue with Anu and Anuj’s wedding and herself asked Anuj to fill Anu’s hairline. Baa says Anu was a mother then and now is becoming a grandmother; people will point at her. Bapuji says people marry even after becoming grandparents. Baa says only men marry as they can do anything and gives a long lecture why a grandmother shouldn’t marry. Anu stands stunned while Rahi smirks seeing the drama.

GK tells Anuj that he expressed his words in a wrong way but said right. Anuj ask what does he mean? GK says he is right and Anupama will support him. Anuj says he knows, but whenever it's a question of family Anu. GK interrupts and says family is bonded by love and Anupama will stand up for love, she lives for relationship and his and Anu’s relationship are very strong, he always supported her and hence even she will support him. Anuj says he will go there right now to support Anu as he can not let her bear the wrath alone silently.

Leela continue her justification and says she will ask when Vanraj can marry 1 year ago why can’t she, the world will not spare her. Samar says they are not bothered about the world. Leela says if he stays in the world or Himalaya, world has progressed only for men and women still live a deprived life since generations, men are made with attitude and women are made with sacrifice, etc. Dolly says she has reply to every of her question. Rakhi stops her and says customs are made for a reason. Baa asks to put themselves in this situation and realize that daadi and shaadi can not go along. Bapuji says she can not force Anupama. Baa gets admant and orders Anu to inform Anuj that she can not marry him. Anu stands speechless. Baa and her supporters walk away. Rakhi says entertainment is over and even she leaves.

Kavya insists Vanraj that Anupama should marry Anuj to end her connection completely with Vanraj. Vanraj says it will never happen as Anu is his children’s mother and whenever there is a question of children, they both will stand together; he is sure Anupama will not marry Anuj as she is a grandmother now and in their society, grandmothers don’t marry. 

Anuj get restless and says its his mistake that he gave Baa one more reason to taunt Anu, what if Baa insists Anu to cancel her marriage, he needs to speak to Anu. GK pray to god not to test their love more. Bapuji, Dolly, and Samar support Anu and ask her not to bother about Leela’s words and go ahead with marriage.

Pakhi group video calls her friends and discusses about their holi celebrations. One of them says their friend Tiara’s mummy is marrying her boyfriend. Pakhi asks what is a big deal, people marry in US even at 60. Friend says it’s India and mothers don’t marry. Anu walks in and hears their conversation. Pakhi disconnects call and tells Anu that she is already embarrassed after papa remarried and doesn’t want to be embarrassed again. Anu says she shouldn’t bother about people. Pakhi says she is not mahaan/great like her and can not bear any more embarrassment, papa can remarry but mummy can’t, so she shouldn’t think of remarriage. Vanraj enters and says Pakhi is right, mummy doesn’t marry, she is a grandmother now; he is a male and had issues after second marriage, but she will be humiliated; she should deny marrying her boyfriend or else life of people related to her will be in a mess; they are not friends anymore, but for the old sake, he wants to say that grandmas don’t marry. Anu walks away. Vanraj grins and thinks he is not bothered about their marriage but is jealous of their happiness, so he can not let them live happily.

Anupama visits her dance academy and remembers Rakhi, Baa, Pakhi, and Vanraj’s words. Anuj walk to her and seeing her tensed ask reason. He apologize to her for the drama he created after having bhang. She says she needs to practice for dance practice and dances on Mere Dholna Sun… song. She then bumps on him. He says he gave her name for dance competition at college and didn’t know it would take 26 years for her to come on stage, its a big day for them as a lot is at stake, her talent and his hope, her preparation and his patience, etc., she is not focused as something is bothering her. She says she doesn’t want to talk. He says he already said he will never leave her. She try to leave. He holds her sari pallu.
Dolly, Samar, and Bapuji worry for Anupama. Samar says even Kinjal is blaming herself for this mess. Bapuji says its not her mistake. Samar blames Baa for creating this mess. Baa defends herself in front of Vanraj with her long explanation and warns that she will not let Anupama marry. Samar, Dolly, and Bapuji hope Anu doesn’t back off and express their views. 

Anuj says he needs Anupama completely and he has right on both her happiness and sorrows. She says again let her go. He says he will not and says her tears speak a lot, asks if family questioned their relationship again, he knows its a difficult situation. Anu remembers Rakhi, Baa, Pakhi, and Vanraj’s taunts and thinks how Anuj can be so good and understand her so well? She again asks him to let her go as she needs to make preparations for tomorrow. Anuj says if someone closest to them wants to go, they shouldn’t stop them. He leaves her hand and says he left her hand and not her companionship and if she leaves their companionship, he will go away from her forever and will never return again; he is not emotionally blackmailing her but telling her the truth; they are together and hence she has right on his life’s decisions, but when they are not, only he has right on his life decision. Tears roll down Anu’s cheeks. Anu breaks down remembering Anuj’s words. Anuj gets worried for Anu and thinks he can not see her in pain. Anu thinks how to go against family. Anuj pray to Kanhaji to let his love win or else he can not live. Anu cry loudly and thinks why this happens to her always. 

At home, Bapuji asks Samar to check where Anu is. Anu returns and walks in asking them why are they awake till now? Bapuji senses something is wrong between Anu and Anuj and calls Anuj to find out. Anuj says everything is fine. Bapuji says he doesn’t look good lying, what really happened. Anuj says Anu is not talking to him after Baa said something to her. Bapuji fears that Anu changed her decision under Baa’s pressure.

Precap: Anuj hurriedly finishes his business meeting and rushes towards Anu’s dance competition venue. Anu thinks she will end the story at any cost today. Anuj meets with a car accident. Anu senses that and worries for Anuj. Anu worries for Anuj. Devika seeks police help. Police reach Anuj’s car. Rakhi asks Vanraj that his ex-wife’s boyfriend hasn’t reached yet. Police take a dead body and discuss to inform Anuj’s fmaily.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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