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Kinjal return to her room. Frustrated Toshu tells her that even she can fight with him. Kinjal says she doesn’t want to fight with a person like him as she doesn’t want to waste her time on him. Toshu says whatever he is doing is for their baby. Kinjal warn him not to dare say that as whatever he is doing is for himself, be it fighting with his friends, misbehaving with his parents, or begging to her mother. She says he was self-centered and mannerless before, now became thankless for himself and not her baby. He ask her baby? She says yes her baby as he is unfit to be called ours. He shouts that he is the bad and loser, they are all perfect.

Anupama grins flowers and herbs and asks Kinjal to smell them. Kinjal says they are so relaxing, better than scented candle. Anupama asks if she and Toshu fought? Kinjal nod yes. Anupama says her fight will continue; everyone suggest to her to go out of Shah house, but a mother can not leave her children her whole life; every woman has a woman like her who listens to everyone and does only what her mind says, her mind doesn’t leave a hope of following relationships and gathering happiness for her family; Kinjal has to follow Toshu and not her hope. Kinjal says Toshu is expert in creating problems. Anu says she should speak and solve the problem. Kinjal says it won’t solve with talk, Toshu is insecure without job, even she is nervous, but she get inspiration from Anupama and fight back like her.
Anuj ask GK about Mukku. GK says Samar and Mukku are busy in wedding arrangements. Anuj says it's his wedding, but they are busy. GK ask if he is not getting a bride of his choice? Anuj says yes. GK gives him multani mitti/soil to brighten his face. Anuj apply it and says it feels cool. GK also apply it. Anuj gets a call and rushes to meet Anupama.

Anupama keeps herbal paste around the house for aroma therapy. Leela smiles seeing the bowl. Jignesh and Kavya complements the smell. Anu thinks its good there is some change in the home environment. Devika and Malvika rush in happily and tell Hasmukh that they are very excited about the wedding and came today itself. Vanraj frown seeing Malvika. Jignesh plays drum to celebrate. Samar, Malvika, Devika, Dolly, and Hasmukh dance around Anupama. Pakhi feels excited seeing that and clicks pics. Leela says she will sit there and put evil eyes/nazar on them. Toshu recalls dancing around Anu earlier.

Anuj rush towards Anu hurriedly holding an envelope and clash with Vanraj. They both fall down. Anu asks Anuj if he is fine. He says he is. Anu asks Vanraj next. He shouts at her. Leela yells that if her son is hurt, even Anuj will be hurt. Malvika and Devika confront her. Jignesh joins them. Leela shouts to go and play dhol at their house. Jignesh says he stays at her house. Leela says they all are behind her son’s happiness. Samar says it was an accident by mistake. Leela yells at him next. Anu brings pain spray and says one should apply medicine on the injury and not salt. 

Leela snatch spray from her. Anu apply spray on Anuj’s sprained hand. Devika ask why did he rush in like a rajdhani express? Samar and others pull his legs. Anuj says he has a breaking news. Leela yells what if her son’s back would have broken in lieu of his breaking news? Anuj gives envelope to Anupama and announces that Anupama’s Dance Academy has got a 1-year contract by the country’s one of biggest event management company, Anu’s team has to perform around the whole country and they have an agenda of doing international shows too. Anu’s team rejoices while Vanraj and Leela frown. Anuj says this envelope has even an advance cheque for her. Everyone clap for Anupama. Anu get emotional. Hasmukh says her 17-year-old dream will be fulfilled now.

Hasmukh says people think daughter is a burden on a father, but daughter is a Lakshmi who removes murden of 7 generations. Devika tell Anupama that relatives give shagun to the bride during wedding, but Kanhaji give Anupama her first shagun. Anupama smile at Anuj. Kinjal says mummy can take care of her wedding expenses now. Samar says that’s so cool. All Anupama’s supporters clap in excitement. Devika says they can celebrate the wedding in a grand way. Kinjal says with this contract, mummy will get more new students. They continue to clap. Anu emotionally looks at her cheque. Anuj looks at Malvika and thinks he has one more good news which he will inform her later, Kanhaji is directly blessing them. Bapuji says they curse their fate, but fate is directly related to their deeds; if their deeds are bad, their fate is also bad and vice versa. All supporters at once shout Anupama rocks. Vanraj, Leela, Toshu, and Kavya frown.

Rakhi recalls advising Kavya to think about the job first and then divorce and Toshu pleading for help from her. She thinks she has only 2 missions in her life, bringing Kinjal back home and taking revenge from Shahs; this time her pawns are Toshu and Kavya; she needs to put Toshu on hold or else Kinjal will get upset; she doesn’t know why Kavya is taking time even after being provoked so much; once she shows Vanraj his status, then its Anuj and Apupama’s turn.

Anupama cry emotionally holding her cheque. Anuj says she is wasting crores worth of tears on lakhs’ worth cheque. Anupama says she never saw such a big cheue, he must be habituated to seeing cheque worth crores, but for a common woman like her, its very big. She shares her long moral gyaan and recalls how she was dependant on father, mother, brother, or Vanraj for money. Anuj also gets teary eyed emotionally. She further describes how it hurts when a husband disrespects a wife while giving money and treats her as if she is a cattle or a beggar, etc. Anuj wipes her tears and calls her a rockstar.

Leela tells Vanraj that it’s good that Anupama got the money, now they don’t care if she wastes her money, their money is spared from wasting on Anupama’s wedding. Vanraj says point is not that their money is saved, but point is Anupama is getting money from all the places but not them. He recalls Hasmukh’s words that Anupama is a Lakshmi and he lost her.
Anupama continue her moral describing how her mother used to save money for her wedding, how girl’s family saves each penny for her wedding and struggle to get her married, how a girl feels guilty for being a girl and feels at least once in life that she would have been a boy. 

Rakhi think she gave time to Kavya to think till tonight. Kavya think only good is happening with Anupama automatically, so she herself has to think good for her . She calls Anirudh and wish to meet him. Vanraj hears her conversation.

Anupama continues her moral speech and says girls should be well educated and be made self-reliant so that she can fund her own wedding and tell her father that he doesn’t have to worry about her wedding expenses, etc.. Anuj extends his supporting hand to her. Anupama says she is blessed to have him in her life, she says she will handover the cheque to Hasmukh, and feels good thinking she will bear the expenses of her wedding by herself. her team feel happy hearing her speech. She gives cheque to Hasmuk and asks him to spend on her wedding the way he wants to and fulfill all his dreams. Hasmukh cry emotionally.

Precap: Anuj and Anupama share quality moment together. Kavya ask Vanraj if he ask her before doing anything? Vanraj says if she has problem with him, she should take a divorce and leave him; once she left Anirudh, he became successful, and once she entered his life, he is destroyed. Anuj brings bags full of gifts and letters received for him and Anupama by their admirers. Baa feels frustrated and comments. Bapuji says people sent letter from around the world. Kavya asks what is written in them.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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