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Anuj get teary eyed and restless to meet Anu and try to get out of the house but stops. Dil Kehta Hai Chal Unse Mil… song plays in the background. He think what is going on in Anu’s mind, what would be her decision? 

Anu pick her mobile to call Anuj but stop remembering Vanraj’s words. She think decision is very tough, but she will inform Anuj after her dance performance and break Anuj’s heart. 

Anuj get a call and stand stunned saying tomorrow is... 

Bapuji think he need to talk to Anu and seeing tulsi pooja already performed call Anu. Vanraj says Anu left home early morning. Baa ask Bapuji why is he looking tense? Bapuji warn them if they try to ruin Anu’s happiness, he will not spare them. Baa tells Vanraj that his Bapuji can not see anything other than Anu. Vanraj says today they will decide about it.

Anu prepare for her dance in the green room, thinking she need to inform about her decision calls someone. 

Anuj finish his business meeting and rush in his car to watch Anu’s performance. 
Bapuji, Samar and Kinjal walk to Anu and ask what is she going to reply to Anuj? A crew member interrupt them and take Anu away from there. Samar says he feel something weird. Kinjal says she feel as if something wrong will happen. 

Anuj while driving think he couldn’t speak to Anu for hours for the first time, but he understand that even she need space. 

Anu get ready for her performance. She remember Anuj encouraging her to just concentrate on her dance when she is on stage and nothing else. She think she will inform her decision and end this story. She then think for the first time she couldn’t speak to Anuj for hours and looking at his picture apologize for last night’s rude behavior and think if he will not wish her all the best? Anu call Anuj while busy driving doesn’t pick her call. GK visit Anu and wish her all the best. He notice her tensed and ask the reason. Anu says Anuj didn’t call her since morning. He says he spoke to Anuj, he is out of Ahmedabad for a meeting and must be busy. She says he always pick her call and ask him to call Anuj once. GK try and says he must be busy in a meeting and walk away wishing her all the best again. 

Anuj continue driving fast thinking he is coming to watch Anu’s performance and then hear her decision.

Shah family get into auditorium to watch Anu’s dance performance. Baa, Vanraj and Kavya also walk in. Bapuji ask what are they doing here? Leela says he has problem with everything. Hasmukh says they will see his daughter winning. Leela comments they all will be sad if Anu loses. Kavya comments Baa and Vanraj will be sad if Anu wins, irking them both. Rakhi think this family is so entertaining, she doesn’t know whether to look at the stage or their drama. Jignesh jokes with her. Vanraj taunt grandma wants to dance and there will be a problem if she gets a leg sprain. Devika enters and reply problem is in his thinking. Leela comments divorced woman came. Devika hugs her and says I love you too and says she is waiting for brother inlaw Anuj. GK join them.

Anu eagerly waits for Anuj before her performance and think she will inform her decision to him first and end this issue first. 

Bapuji ask Samar to call Anuj and find out where he is. Host walk on stage and starts the show. Anuj pick Samar’s call. Samar says Anu’s performance will start in 1 hour. Anuj says he will reach in 59 minutes. His car starts troubling him. Samar informs Bapuji that Anuj is coming. Devika says its really good. 

Anu remembers Baa, Vanraj, Rakhi’s taunts and Anuj’s decision. Kinjal hope Anuj reach on time. Samar says he will. Hosts asks audiences if anyone would like to dance on stage? Jignesh, Kavya, and Meenu raise their hands. Vanraj stop Kavya. Jignesh joke. Devika taunt Vanraj to go on stage and get insulted. Vanraj says insult’s wholesale agency belong to Anu. Devika taunts back Anu divorced that agency.

Anuj’s car’s brakes fail and he crash his car. 

Anu wobbles and falls down. She notices red color spilling out and get worried for Anuj. Crew members make her sit. 

Mob rush towards Anuj’s car.
Dance competition continue. Host announce since no one from the audience is coming on stage to dance, they will continue with their next performance. A volunteer informs Samar about Anupama’s situation. He signal Devika to come out and informs her that mummy froze in shock after taking Anuj’s name. They both rush towards green room, but guard stops them. They argue with the guard and walk in where they see Anu in a panicked state repeating something happened to Anuj. Devika try to calm her down saying Anuj is find and as per GK he has gone out of Ahmedabad for a business meeting. Samar call Anuj, but his phone is not reachable. Devika calls the inspector and seeks his help to find out about Anuj’s whereabouts.

A contestant does Bharatanatyam on a pop song. Leela ask nagin Rakhi to dance on stage. Rakhi says she doesn’t dance but makes people dance. Leela taunt Kinjal’s papa disappeared dancing on her tunes. Jignesh supports Rakhi. Kinjal ask where are Samar and Devika and hopes everything is alright as mummy’s performance will start in a few minutes. 

Anuj walk to Anu. Anu relax seeing him and ask where was he, she was worried for him. She apologize to him for last night’s misbehavior and says she was tensed. Anuj says she should share her problem instead. She plead with him not to go and realizes it was her imagination. She run shouting please don’t go Anuj. Devika and Samar run behind her and stop her.

After one of the contestant’s performance, Kavya tells Baa that she can dance better. Vanraj taunt he is waiting for Anu’s performance and passes lewd comments on her. 
Anu continues repeating to let her go to Anuj as something happened to him. Devika says this competition is Anuj’s dream, will she break his dream? Anu remember Anuj’s words. Samar and Devika convince her to give her best performance for Anuj’s sake. 

Inspector reach near Anuj’s car and seeing a dead body asks constable to inform Anuj’s family and call them for body identification. 

Anu get ready for the performance.  Samar says her performance is next. Anu imagines Anuj wishing her all the best and encouraging her to have a dhamakedar performance as per her promise to him. Host announces Anu’s name. Anu walks towards stage. Devika gets inspector’s call and stands shocked hearing nobody is saved in accident. They both get worried. 

Kinjal tell Bapuji that Anuj didn’t come yet. 

Anupama walk on stage. Vanraj says its amazing that Anuj is missing Anu’s most important event. 

Anu think she will perform for Anuj as she love him. 

Samar break down and think why this happens only with his mummy. Anu gives a power-packed performance on Mere Dholna Sun.. song. Rakhi tells Vanraj that looks like she is dancing hiding a pain in her heart. Vanraj says that pain’s name is Anuj Kapadia. Anu imagines dancing with Anuj.

Percap: Anupama dances energetically noticing Anuj and announces their wedding on stage. Vanraj taunts Anu and she gives him a befitting reply. Baa says she was shameless before and now has become mad in Anuj’s life. Anu says she is. Pakhi says she is embarrassed because of her. Anu asks if her happiness is embarrassment to her.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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