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Pakhi recalls Samar’s words that when mummy can fight with the whole world for them, why can’t they support mummy. She notices the lamp, that Hasmukh lit for Anupama at home temple, about to blow off and saves it by pouring ghee in it on time. Anupama notices that and thanks her. Pakhi leave. Kinjal says Pakhi is a kid and soon she will understand. Anupama says she thought about her, that is more than enough for her. Kinjal says first step is the toughest one and Pakhi took it, now she won’t take long to step towards her. She hopes Toshu also changes like Pakhi soon. 

Kavya while exercising think about Rakhi’s offer. she wipe her face and body with towel and say it's high time!, It's high time now! Vanraj walk in. She ignore him.

Anu visits Kanta’s house and is surprised to see Anuj already present there having food from Kanta’s hand. She cry emotionally. Kanta says in their society, daughter-in-law/DIL becomes a daughter in a day, but son-in-law/SIL takes years to become a son and when he comes home, girl’s parents think god is visiting them; however elder girl’s parents are, they always feel small in front of SIL; when a SIL serves MIL before marriage and presses her feet, daughter would obviously cry. Anupama says she never imagined that Kanta would ever get that. Anuj ask what? Kanta ask Anu not to be shy and say SIL. Anuj says a son. He joke, and Kanta laugh. 

Anupama says it was a lame joke. Anuj says maa will attend wedding from his side. Anupama says she is his mother. They argue. Kanta cry emotionally and says sori sori in Anu’s style. Anuj jokes he now realized how Anu learnt English. They all 3 laugh. Kanta emotionally says since 26 years her daughter’s inlaws was just 2 lanes away, but her daughter would never visit her and she craved to see Anupama happy; she blame herself for that and says a mother should teach her daughter to express her sorrows, she should have taught her to speak against wrong. She continues to explain her ordeal. She then thank god that he gave a second chance to Anu. She says she will consider Anuj as her son from hereon and ask him to promise that he will keep Anu happy. Anuj wipe her tears and promises to never let Anu be sad. Kanta ask Anu to promise her to always keep Anuj happy.  Anu promise. 

Kanta says a mother followed the society till now but she will follow the time from hereon and will make her daughter’s happiness as her first priority. Hasmukh and GK walk in and says she is 100% right. He says even he made a mistake and wants to correct it; he wants to invite her for his daughter’s wedding. Kanta gets happy and receives invitation card. Hasmukh says she was working hard during Anu’s first marriage and this time, she should just enjoy the wedding. GK jokes to groom herself and look like bride’s elder sister. Anuj asks Anupama not to start crying again now. Hasmuk says he doesn’t want Kinjal to strain herself, so he made Samar and Mukku an official wedding planner and Kinjal a consultant. GK says the 2 teenagers will handle the rest of the work and jokes. Kanta ask what will she do then? Hasmukh ask her to shift to his house and live the moment to the fullest. Anu get happy seeing her mother getting the respect she deserves.

Samar bring mattress for guests. Leela says relatives are not attending the function and rejected Hasmukh’s invitation. Samar says Kanta, Nihar, Mehul, Rakhi, and Devika are staying here. Leela says they will not stay here and ask who will serve them if they stay here? Samar asks her not to worry about that. Leela think its not a youngster’s wedding and think her curse will not go to waste and Anupama’s wedding will not take place smoothly. 

Back to Kanta’s house, Kanta performs Anuj’s shagun ritual and blesses him. Anuj ask her to promise that she will visit Anu whevever she wants to and even take Anu home. Kanta recall Leela’s taunts and get emotional. She then ask Hasmukh about Leela and Vanraj. He ignores her question and walk away greeting her. Anuj goes to drop GK and Hasmukh out.

Kanta tells Anupama that everyone are seeing her happiness, but her mother is seeing her fear. Anupama inform her about Leela’s curse. Kanta says her blessing will ward off Leela’s curse and says curse and blessings are just words and she should just think, curse will never hit her. She warn her to beware of Leela and Vanraj as her wedding is taking place at Shah house. She ask her to stop worrying and think of her happiness; she is teaching everyone that there is no time for love and marriage.

Kanta tells Anupama that she is the best daughter and Kahnaji gave her the best match Anuj. She further tells her that she will be associated with Shah house forever, but she shouldn’t let that house ruin her happiness; she says she knows Leela really well, Leela will never change and more than music, there will be fights in the wedding. 
At Shah house, Toshu return thinking he it's difficult to convince Vanraj, but he has to do it. He tells Vanraj to listen to him once and says they lost the job and will not get one easily as Malvika must have spoilt their names. Vanraj says he knows, they need funding for a business which they don’t have. Toshu says there is one person who can help them. Vanraj ask who is it?

Rakhi enter and says it's her. She says she brought imported fruits for her daughter. She further says he has only 2 options, either give up or accept her offer. Vanraj says she doesn’t have to worry about them. Kinjal with Anupama return after vegetable shopping. Rakhi get angry and says she didn’t give birth to her to be buying vegetables. Kinjal says even Rakhi doesn’t buy buildings every day, she is just doing daily chores. Rakhi says poor people just comfort themselves with these words and ask when Shahs can not feed themselves, how will they take care of her and her baby? Vanraj says until he is alive, she need not worry about Kinjal; he will take care of his family like he is doing till now.  Rakhi ask how? 

Toshu says he wanted to talk to her. Vanraj says there is no need to take favor from this woman. Toshu says he need his MIL’s help as nothing will change until Vanraj changes his attitude, he can not depend on him for long and need to think about his future and career, he says it was his mistake that he shouldn’t have joined him as he ruined his career. Rakhi smirk hearing that. Toshu continue that Vanraj rejected a good job offer and wanted to destroy Anuj and play mind games between Anuj and Malvika, he destroyed everything. He finally says he become a LOSER like Vanraj. Vanraj stand shocked hearing that. Leela ask if he knows whom he is speaking to? Toshu says he is speaking to a man who didn’t achieve anything in life, whose mummy like doormat wife left him, whose another wife Kavya is showing attitude towards him, who couldn’t handle his job or business, who couldn’t gain respect. He says Vanraj couldn’t handle money, respect, or family and has nothing now; he lost the respect of even being a father today. 

Rakhi comment truth bomb boom.. Anupama ask Toshu to go to his room as he is not in his senses. Tohsu says he got into his senses now, he thought mummy was the biggest loser, but Vanraj is the biggest LOSER instead. Kinjal ask him to look at himself in the mirror and realize he is the biggest LOSER, he is tired of venting out his frustration on mother and now venting out his frustration on papa; she says she doesn’t like few things Vanraj does, but he always thought good for Toshu. Rakhi says if it was true, Toshu wouldn’t have been in this situation; Vanraj is not letting her help Toshu. Toshu ask what problem Vanraj has if he takes Rakhi’s support? Rakhi says just like a match stick which get jealous seeing others and burn itself. Toshu says now he got it, Vanraj is JEALOUS of him (Foolish Boy). Anupama try to interfere. Toshu warn her not to interfere. Leela says she will interfere though and says Toshu did nothing in life except beg in front of his MIL. 

Toshu says he is being humiliated even at home because of Vanraj. Vanraj says since Toshu was born, he loved him the most and preferred Toshu over Samar, he never thought that Toshu would call him a LOSER one day in front of everyone; he had issues with his father, but he never misbehaved with his father; he kept Toshu like a prince and took loan to get the best education for him and did his best for his future, but he called him a loser; thanks to him for showing him this day. Toshu says in that sense, even he should thank him for raising issue unnecesarily, fighting with Malvika, creating enimity with Anuj, burning the opportunities, and destroying his future. 

Anupama tells Toshu that he never respected her, but he should respect his father at least. Rakhi taunt that Toshu has gone on his father. Kinjal says Toshu is still sitting in his papa’s lap and should get down as he is no more a kid and is 27 years old now. Toshu says he knows his age. She says then he should act like it, he should stop climbing on papa’s shoulder. He says he will not work with papa then. She says he wants to change the lap and work with Rakhi now. Vanraj asks Kinjal to stop as Toshu is angry now. Toshu says he can clearly see everything in anger and says he doesn’t want to become like him and think about his baby’s future as Vanraj never thought about his children’s future. Anupama says Vanraj may have not been good with others, but he was always good with Toshu. 

Rakhi says she is supporting Vanraj even now. Anupama says she is just saying the truth. Toshu then blames that his parents never let him prosper. Anupama says one who didn’t want his baby in this world is saying this. Toshu ask her to stop and plead with Rakhi to give him a job. Leela ask him to rub his nose on Rakhi’s feet and humiliate himself and his family. Toshu says he will if he wants to. Rakhi says let her think. Toshu says he really need it. Rakhi says when super egoistic Vanraj, moral gyaan queen Anupama, and arrogant Leela’s grandson is pleading for a job, she need to think about it. She further taunt Vanraj and leave smirking. Leela says she need to clear this nagin’s poison. Anupama suggest to Vanraj to confront Toshu when he calms down, Rakhi was saying same that one’s deeds return, and she suggests to stop his ill deeds or else he will face similar situations in the future.

Precap: Vanraj and Anuj clash. Anuj informs that Anu’s dance academy got a 1-year contract. Vanraj, Leela, and Kavya get jealous hearing that. Anupama gives her first earned cheque to Hashmukh, says she wants to incur the expenses of her wedding, and asks Hasmukh to perform the wedding lavishly. Hasmukh gets emotional.

Anupama Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 8pm 

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