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Broken Bonds Updates - Monday 30 January 2023

Shubhra And The Kids Plan Mission Round 2. Shubhra Comes To Kuldeep’s Office

Kuldeep dresses up Shubhra’s bruise. He says why did you come here Shubhra? Shubhra says you said you will visit us every weekend but you didn’t. Shubhra says but after I got to know about your relationship with Shubhra and I understand now. I knew you would never come back. Kids really wanted to be with you. They wanted to see you so I had to bring them here. Kuldeep says I won’t ask you to go back. I know you and kids are my responsibility and I will fulfill that but don’t think about coming between me and Samaira. Shubhra gets teary. Kuldeep says please don’t do this emotional drama. Shubhra says what do you want? Kuldeep says I need progress and money. Only Samaira can help me acheive that. He leaves. Shubhra looks at him leaving. Shubhra locks the door and cries in the pillow. She sobs silently, kids are sleeping in the bed.

Rishi wakes up and sees Shubhra crying. He says aai is so upset. I need to cheer her up. He dresses up like her and comes to Shubhra. Shubhra says something went in my eyes I was cleaning that. Rishi says I am always with you aai. Like you have always been there for all of us. Rishi says we will win and we will defeat the wrong. Shubhra says in heart it’s a long fight. Shubhra hugs Rishi.

Samaira and Kuldeep come to the office. Everyone is partying in the office thinking Samaira is gone to Europe. Samaira gets mad. She shouts and says do your work.
Shubhra calls Rishi and Roli’s principal and says we had to come here due to a reason. Can kids please study and give exams from home. The principal agrees. Shubhra says to kids you must never lose focus on your studies. Roli keeps playing. Shubhra says study is as important as playing. If we have to go ahead in our life we have to study. Kids start studyying. Shubhra thinks about round 2 and says the mission office starts. Shubhra cooks food. She plans on going to Kuldeep’s office. Samaira sits in the office. She says at least Shubhra can’t mess with my head here.

Narayan brings food to Madhura. She says I don’t want to it. He says be mad at me but not the food. Chaandrani comes in. She says I brought sweets for Madhura. Narayan says she’s mad at me because I asked you to leave. She isn’t even eating. ChaandRani laughs. She gives him sweets. Chaandrani plans to buy something for Shubhra’s house. She leaves.

People talk about Samaira and her behavior in the office. Shubhra comes there with the lunchbox. The receptionist says she’s Kuldeep’s wife. Shubhra says can you please tell Kuldeep and Samaira I am here with the food. Samaira sees Shubhra. She asks the receptionist not to let Shubhrain the office. The receptionist says to Shubhra Samaira is busy. Shubhra says it’s okay I will wait. She sits on the table. Shubhra says in her heart I can’t leave without accomplishing round 2. The receptionist goes out, Shubhra sneaks into the office.

Kuldeep says why did you come here Shubhra? She says as a good housewife it’s my responsibility to take care of your health. It’s not good to eat outside food all the time.

The kids wonder what is Phirki’s role? They practice for war and jump on sofa. Phirki says what are you doing I cleaned them just now. Get down. Rishi and Roli throw toy arrows at her. She says you two have ruined my life. Your mom is begging my Samaira didi to give her a place in this house and you two are doing all this here? She breaks their toys and says you won’t get food today. Stay hungry. She leaves. Roli says don’t worry. She will serve us food.

Samaira says we discuss business at lunch. You won’t get it, you are a housewife. She says yes, you’re right. I will serve though. She serves them food. Shubhra spills soup on Samira’s dress and says sorry didi. I did a mistake. Kuldeep says what is wrong with you? Everyone laughs. Kuldeep says I asked you to stay way from my life. I am not a kid. Please go from here. He holds her hand to take her out. Their boss comes and says is everything alright? He says to Shubhra is this a new client? She doesn’t look like a client. Kuldeep says this is Shubhra. Shubhra says his wife. He is shocked. Everyone in the office talks. Phirki cleans the house. Roli talks to an imaginary person and says and Kaju how long have you been living here for? Phirki is confused. Phirki is scared. Roli says in our society it was more fun. There are many trees there. There was a garden too I used to play with my friends. Phirki says is she possessed? Phirki comes out and slips. SHe says who is kaju? Roli says a ghost. Phirki is scared. She laughs and says joking? I have been here for 10 years. The chair moves. Phirki is scared. Roli is using her remove control cal. Phirki is scared.

Samaira comes back to the office. Shubhra says Sundar kaka take this for your DIL, she’s pregnant right? She gives food to everyone. Everyone says there is magic in your hands. Shubhra says my kids say the same. I have two kids, they look just like their papa. A girl says let me take a selfie with you and sir. She asks Kuldeep to stand close to shubhra. Samaira is angry. She says made for each other. Shubhra holds Kuldeep’s hand. Samaira is angry. She goes to her room.
Chaandrani takes Mr. Chaddha’s picture to Shubhra’s place. She says this our house. We have to make SHubhra win. We couldn’t be in the childhood of our grandkids. I only want Shubhra’s house to be happy.

Roli says Kaju wants food. Rishi says hi Kaju how are you? Phirki says you can also see kaju? The chair keeps moving. Phirki runs to kitchen. She hides behind the kids. Phirki says I am not scared of anyone. Rishi says roli let’s go to the room. Phirki says I will also come with you please. Roli says to bring food as well then. Phirki says I will make whatever you two like.

Kuldeep is in office. He says Shubhra messed up everything today. Samaira must be so angry. How do i handle all this? I am the one being slapped from both sides. He says to his conscious, I can’t break such an old relationship so easily after having kids. Rishi and Roli are my kids I love them. his conscious says leave Samaira then. He says I can’t leave her. I love this career and its success. I love Samaira. He says but she’s so mad at you. What if she leaves you? Kuldeep says yes. His conscious says who would you choose? Shubhra or Samaira? He says Samaira, can’t leave her. His conscious says what will happen to Shubhra then?

Phirki is scared. She reads mantra. Curtain moves. She says didi. Someone puts a hand on her shoulder. It’s Samaria. Phirki screams and says ghost. Samaira says what happened to you? She says I made the ghost angry. Kaju is mad. Samaira says who is Kaju now? she says the ghost. Samaira says shut up. Roli was talking to him. Samaira says she is fooling you. Her mother is after me and she gave your duty to her daughter. She has ruined my life. It’s time for me to attack back. Kuldeep comes in. Phirki leaves. He says what happened to her? Samaira says can we talk about ourselves first? That is more important. She recalls what happened at work. Kuldeep says in his heart she’s so mad at me, she might leave me one day.

Precap: Shubhra tells Kuldeep that Rishi kept waiting whole day to talk with him for 2 minutes. Kuldeep feels bad.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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