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Broken Bonds Updates - Wednesday 18 January 2023

Roli says we are your grandchildren and you’re our nanu. He’s shocked. Roli says let’s go inside and talk. It’s so hot here. She says kaka bring our bags. They go inside. Shurba waits for the kids. The teacher calls Shubra and says we are waiting for Roli and Rishi in the bus. Did you come to pick them? Shubra says no. I was waiting for them. Where are they? The teacher says we don’t know, they are not in school. Shubra says where did they go?

Rishi says such a big house. Roli says come here. They sit on the sofa. Shubra’s dad comes in. Roli says Aaju baa please turn on the fan. It’s so hot. Roshi says water too. He turns on the fan. They stand in front of the fan. They fith with cushions. He tries to stop them but he can’t. Aaju says what are you doing? Get off the sofa. Go stand there. Ge says Vithal. Roli says Aaju ba we are thirsty. Give us water, juice would work too.

Roli says elephant teeth. They play in it. Aaju says it tiwll break. He asks Vitthal to bring them seats. He gives them water. Roli says is there nothing to eat? Very hungry. I saw a restaurant outside. Will we have chicken jelfrezi there. He says Maas machi (meat, fish) doesn’t come here. Roli says I said chicken not meat, fish. He asks Vithaal to bring vaghar vali. Roli says I don’t like it. Rishi says we ate chicken already. Eat it now. Rishi picks a butterfly. Papers fall down. He says didn’t your mother teach you not to touch things in other people’s house? Roli says other people? You are our granddad. Just chill, papa says anger makes your mind go in the wrong direction. He says, useless man. Roli says don’t call my papa useless.
Shubra and Kuldeep are looking for kids. Watchman says they were going out of the backdoor. Samaira calls Kuldep. He says stop calling. My kids are missing. He hangs up. Samaira says don’t try to avoid me.

Aaju says your aai didn’t teach you any manners. Rishi says your parents didn’t teach you to patch up after fighting? Vitthal says they are young kids. Roli says Rishi and I fight but we patch up. You also patch up with mama, please. Rishi says yes, please. It’s not okay to break up. Say sorry and hug. They hug him. He says move away. move. Aaji comes in. She is shocked. The kids run and hug her. They say aaji. Aaji is shocked that they know her already. He says you know each other? Roli says yes, Aaji comes to our place. We just don’t know you. Rishi says that’s why we came. We have grandparents day at school, you also have to come. Roli says Rishi will dance. They dance on jhing jhing. Aaji says did you tell aai you’re coming here?

Shubra and Kuldeep are looking everywhere. They see a desk with the gate. Kuldeep says they might have jumped and ran from here. Shubra says where could they go? Kuldeep says they must be nearby. Aaji calls Shubra. Shubra says I will call you later. Aaji says they are here, at our place. Shubra hears them singing. Shubra says they are at Aai’s place. Kuldeep says thank God. Shubra says I am coming to take them. Aaji says I am sending them with the driver. Shubra says I hope baba doesn’t get mad at the kids.

Roli says I will sit in front seat. Aaji says no, kids sit at the back seat. She gives them lunch. Rishi says please come on grandparents’ day and bring Aaju ba as well. She says good keep you both happy. They sit in the car. Aaji says take care. The kids leave.

Aaji comes back in. Aaju says you meet them without telling me? You know we have no relation with her. She says you get angry. He says why won’t get angry? We have been married for 35 years and today I know that you have no respect for my word. She says I do all your ask. But I am a mother as well, my heart wants to meet her. HE says even after what she did? She ran from this house and I wasn’t able to show my face to anyone. I was president of this society, I had to resign. She ran from the house and broke all the rules. All my relatives made fun of me. Did she even think? Her sister’s engagement broke, don’t you care about her? But you didn’t stop meeting Shubra and her kids? Aaji cries.
Aaj cries. She looks at Vitthal picking their food. Aaji says this was the only missing thing in my house. This house has become a home today. Someone came and messed things today. Let things be the way they are. Don’t fix them.

Samaira keeps calling Kuldeep. He calls her back. Samaira says hello. He says I am really sorry, I know I was rude but.. I hope you understand. I am really sorry. She says could you find the kids? Kuldeep says they were at Shubra’s parents. They are on their way. She says I was praying they come back home safe. I know you care about them a lot. He says it feels good that you care about me and my family. I was under the impression you were mad at me, I rejected your offer and didn’t talk to you. Once again, I am sorry. She says I agree we haven’t met, but we are together again. A lot closer. So I care about you. He says kids are back, I will talk to you later. She says how long will you make excuses to run away from me? After hearing everything on the phone.

Precap: Roli tells Shubra, I fell in the pool. I was about to drown. Shubra says what is she saying? Where were you? Kuldeep speaks to Samaira on call at night. Rishi comes there. He says whose call was it? Kuldeep says Rajesh, he had some work. Rishi says you’re lying. you’re talking to Samaira aunty. Kuldeep is shocked.  Rishi tells Shubra that dad used to hug her before going to work. Why doesn’t he hug her anymore? Why did he hug Samaira? Later, Shubra tells Kuldeep that she knows he is not happy with his job. Does he want to say something else to her? He asks what she means. She says she doesn’t know, but she is not able to trust him. Later, she sees a lady with him in a car.

Broken Bonds Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 9pm

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