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Every Girl's Dream Updates - Tuesday 17 January 2023: Krisha Finds A Weird Photo. Devraj is part of Roma’s plan.

Krisha says it can’t be Meenakshi or Rati. then who? She says I should focus on lunch. Aarav comes. Meenakshi and Jaya come too. Meenakshi says it looks nice. Jaya says I know it’s amazing. She ask the servants to bring the food. She says you come with us. Aarav says Naina has gone to get ready. Ugra says some people have actual work. Naina is on urgent business call. Jaya asks Gaitri to tell everyone that food is ready. Krisha says I forgot daal, let me get it. Naina comes too. Gaitri asks Rati to come for food. Something falls in the daal. It splashes on Naina. Naina says you can’t do anything without messing it up? You ruined my dress. Krisha says I didn’t do anything. Meenakshi says what fell in the daal? Was it a lizard. Krisha says let me see. She takes out a mangalsutra from it. Everyone is shocked. Jaya says this mangalsutra was in that box. It fell from Rati’s hands. Krisha says whose mangalsutra is this? Jaya sees Rati. Rati says sorry. Jaya look at Ugra. Devraj get upset looking at the mangalsutra. Krisha is confused. Jaya says Dehanchand, give it to me. He says Krisha, complete your ritual. Serve everyone desserts.

Rati comes downstairs. Krisha serves Devraj but he’s upset. Devraj says I am not well, I will eat later. He leaves. Krisha says but this was your favorite. Jaya says you complete the ritual, let him rest. You serve everyone. Krisha serves everyone.
Krisha says all my rituals are going wrong, what’s happening? It wasn’t even my fault today. What is it? I didn’t follow the rules. I shouldn’t have taken Devraj’s help. Everyone’s mood was ruined because of me. Rati says it didn’t happen because of you. Krisha says I made Devraj upset. He left the food. He’s not picking my call either. Rati says calm down. He’s fine. He had headache. He sent something for you. Krisha gets a text from Devraj. I am sorry for my behavior. You must be tired. I sent you a gift, hope you will feel relaxed. Krisha sees the gift. She says he cares so much for me. He’s not well himself. Rati says he has to worry about you. Krisha says what? Rati says you’re the princess of this house. I am sorry your ritual didn’t go well. Krisha says it’s not just it, there’s something more. Rati says what? Krisha says his mood was fine, it went off when he saw that mangalsutra. Rati says no no.. I don’t know why you feel that way. Krisha says whose mangalsutra was it? Rati says that.. it was old. No one remembers. Krisha says it wasn’t a random necklace. It’s mangalsutra. How can anyone forget it? I think you all know this mangalstura and especially Devraj. I saw a woman’s photo. And then recipe’s pages were stuck. I know Roma did that. I was gonna ask about that photo. Rati says don’t talk like it’s a secrets mansion. You should relax. I will send your stuff. Krisha says I will ask Devraj whose mangalsutra was it.

Krisha comes to the bathroom. It’s all decorated with petals. Krisha says this was his gift. he’s so cute. There are candles everywhere.
Naina says there’s so many stains on my shirt. Raghav says these stains might go but not the one that will be on this family’s name. She says your wife is always around Jaya maa. Raghav says she must be scolding her for that mangalsutra. Naina says how did she get it? Raghav says I don’t like to answer some questions. 

Rati says to the maid Krisha is taking a bath. Send towel and new clothes to her. 

Naina says I will take revenge now.

After Krisha finish taking bath. She says where are my clothes.. Krisha says where could they go? 

Devraj think about the mangalsutra. He recalls a girl wearing it. 

Jaya come to Krisha’s room. She says are you inside Krisha. She tie a curtain. She says I can’t go out like this. Naina says what happened? Why is she not coming out? She asked the maid to steal her clothes. Devraj knocks on Krisha’s bathroom window. He’s about to fall. Krisha holds his hand. She says what are you doing here? He says your clothes. Krisha says you risked your life? He says I couldn’t let you be embarrassed. It’s not that high. He gives her the clothes. Krisha says I love you a lot. Do you love me as well? Devraj says you should get ready. Krisha says I am waiting for your answer. Jaya says Krisha.. Devraj says you should go. Krisha says you’re such a miser. You can’t say three words but your eyes say it. You always take care of me. I feel the safest with you. I am in love with this care as well. Devraj says you should go. Krisha comes out. Naina wonders how did she get the clothes. Krisha says you save me again Devraj.

Roma says to a man we have to start the plan. She found this photo today. We have to start the plan before she find out the truth, the person Roma is talking to turn out to be Devraj. He says don’t remind me of it again and again. I know what to do. She says really? First photo, then mangalsutra. What if she find anything? He says she didn’t and she won’t. She says do you remember your mission? We didn’t bring Krisha here as the princess of this castle. We brought her here as a part of our plan. Are you forgetting that?

Krisha gets ready. 

Devraj says I never liked this plan. Roma says but you agreed. As your friend I want good for you. I know what  I am doing. I am a private investigator, my target can never miss. Then why are you missing? Is Krisha.. He says I am not missing anything. Don’t forget that this is real life not a movie that we can use someone as a bait. Roma says so you’ve started liking her? Devraj says I don’t have time for all that but all I know is that I can’t clean my past by ruining her present. Specially Krisha’s. She’s very innocent.

Krisha gets ready. Jaya gives her blessings. 

Roma says we always knew she was innocent. Why are you changing now? Devraj recall Krisha saying she feels safest with him. Devraj says I am scared of breaking her trust. I am doing that mistake every day. 

Jaya give a bracelet to Krisha. 

Roma says I did so much to remind you that you don’t have to get attached to the girl. I misbehaved with her. I scared her, ruined her ritual. I feel bad for her but I have to remind you that she’s here for our mission and after that she has to leave. What you’re doing has a good reason behind it, don’t feel guilty. Krisha is an ordinary girl. Just because you took rounds with her, have you started considering her your wife?

Krisha comes downstairs. Devraj looks at her. Krisha asks are you okay now? He says yes. He holds her hand and takes her downstairs. Krisha says what ritual is it? He says you will know in a bit. She says Jaya and Rati said the same. There’s a large pot. Jaya ask Krisha to sit. Meenakshi says I have added ambulance number on speed dial. She falls all the time. Krisha fall, Devraj hold her. Meenakshi says see. Krisha sits in the pot. Meenakshi says to Kach, our wedding was perfect as well. He says I don’t remember bad accidents. Naina says this is all so outdated. Raghav says why are we doing this drama? Ugra says some people here believe in this marriage. Krisha says I hope nothing goes wrong now. The maids bring pots. Krisha says what ritual is it? No one told me. She looks at Devraj. Krisha says he looks worried. Meenakshi says these people who take evil eye off are always late. A woman comes in with many others. 

Devraj comes to a side. Roma says why did you come here? You know Krisha rely on you. what if she leaves the ritual. Devraj says then she won’t. Roma says we just spoke about it. We won’t get such chance again. He says it better now. What we are doing with her is wrong. I can’t break her trust all the time. Jaya comes and says someone else also trusted you Devraj.

The women comes in. Krisha is confused. The woman ask Meenakshi where is Jaya? Meenakshi says you start the ritual.

Jaya says Devraj you care about Krisha’s trust but not when someone else did it? Devraj says I know but.. She says it was your decision to fix the past and hence you agreed to Roma’s plan and get married to Krisha. How can you back out now? Krisha look for Devraj. The women take evil eye off Krisha. They make noise. 

Jaya says you can’t go like this. Krisha is our last hope. He leave. Jaya says I gave him one chance to decide and he did. He wanted to close this card behind locked doors forever. Where did my keys go? Roma says you had them. Jaya says I dropped them somewhere.

Dehanchand has the keys. He thinks they’re store keys. He gives it to the maid and ask her to bring stuff from the store. 

Jaya and Roma look for the keys. Roma says what if someone gets them. we need to find the keys. The maid opens a door. she says it doesn’t look like storeroom. A woman is there. She comes out.

The women bathe Krisha. She sees a woman in red dupatta running. Jaya comes back. Meenakshi says the main ritual is to start. Jaya says to Roma I found the keys. Bring Devraj. The woman says we took evil eye off. Let’s start the main ritual. Krisha says what’s the main ritual? Jaya says it’s an old ritual. All DILs who come here are given a royal name and that name is tattooed on her hand. Krisha says I don’t get it. Jaya says I don’t agree to a few rituals but I promise Maharaj ji I won’t change rituals of this family. Rati, and Meenakshi did it too. Krisha says I really like my name. My parents named me. I really like it. Please call Devraj. Jaya says it’s nice but all women do it. Roma comes. Jaya says bring Devraj. Roma says he’s nowhere Devraj comes in and says I know you love your name. For me you will always be Krisha. But for my family please accept this name. Krisha says what would that name be? Tara says tell the name to me. You can’t say it loud.

Tara starts tattooing the name on Krisha’s hand. It hurts. Devraj can’t see it. Tara says don’t worry. Meenakshi says we all got it. Dehanchand sees the woman. She runs. She drops the candle. The candle burn a table. Everyone run upstairs. Krisha looks at the burning hall. She is stuck in the fire. Everyone is worried for Krisha. Krisha screams for help. Devraj jumps in and hug her. He says I won’t let anything happen to you. He try to come out of the fire. Aarav tries to arrange water. Aarav throws water around them.

Precap: The women take Krisha’s evil eye off. Jaya says every DIL that comes here changes their name and that name is tattooed on their hand. Krisha says but I really like my name. Jaya says Rati, Minakshi everyone did it. The woman says shall we start? Krisha says when we were doing the ritual. I saw someone running in a dupatta. Raghav says I said candle didn’t fall on its own. Krisha says to Devraj I will find out the secret.

Every Girl's Dream Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 7pm

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