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Every Girl's Dream Updates - Wednesday 18 January 2023: A Mystery Woman Comes Out Of The Storeroom. Krisha finds Devraj Marriage Photo But Unnoticed

Devraj says I won’t let anything happen to you. He try to come out of the fire. Aarav tries to arrange water. Aarav throws water around them.

Precap: The women take Krisha’s evil eye off. Jaya says every DIL that comes here changes their name and that name is tattooed on their hand. Krisha says but I really like my name. Jaya says Rati, Minakshi everyone did it. The woman says shall we start? Krisha says when we were doing the ritual. I saw someone running in a dupatta. Raghav says I said candle didn’t fall on its own. Krisha says to Devraj I will find out the secret.

Jaya says thank God you both are okay. Meenakshi says Dev saved Krisha like a hero. Raghav says everything is in control now. Aarav says Devraj saved her. He showed Rathores are brave. Rati says when your love is in trouble you get courage. Devraj could do anything for Krisha. Devraj says Jaya maa Krisha should rest. Jaya says you’re right. She asks Rati to take her upstairs. Roma says to Devraj there’s a difference between bravery and stupidity. If you did this for our plan you’re brave but if your heart made you do it, you’re an idiot.

Krisha’s dad calls her. She tells him everything. He says what if something happened to you? She says Devraj is a superhero. He saves me every time. Yash says you make trouble and he fixes it. Did the fire happen because of you? She says shut up. It wasn’t my fault. It was an accident. I know Devraj won’t let anything happen to me.
Raghav says to Naina anything could happen but they got lucky. Aarav says how did this accident happen? Raghav says how do you now it was an accident? There must have been a spark. Devraj comes there and says what’s happening here? Raghav says I don’t think this was an accident. Aarav says the candle must have fallen. Naina says yes all candles are in place, how did this one fall? Someone must have done something or it’s Krisha’s fate to have trouble in all rituals? I hope her bad luck isn’t contagious. Devraj says Raghav you didn’t tell me you have left painting and have started writing detective novels? That happens in novels not in real life. It must have been air. Naina says sit with us, you don’t spend time with us. Devraj says I am not free like some people. Raghav says window must have left opened. Candle must have fallen. Naina says what if our castle has a ghost? Raghav says or a witch. Naina says she must not have liked Krisha’s dressing.

Devraj is angry. He says how did that door open? Jaya says it’s my fault. I gave them to Minakshi by mistake and she gave it to Sujata. Thank God Sujata didn’t see anything. Roma says we have to be vigilant. We have to move her from here. She can be a danger. Jaya says no one knows how lives there. Her name is only in people’s memories. The lie that’s never exposed becomes truth. Only we know the truth. Until I decide what the next plan should be, this secret should remain between us 3. What Could Be The Secret? Jaya says no one knows that secret except for us. We have to plan next. Roma says we have to use Krisha carefully for our plan. Devraj says everything is going as per our plan, from her coming here and all the customs. Jaya says I know you don’t like using her but we don’t have another option. We don’t want to do this to that innocent girl either. Roma says we are doing nothing wrong. Krisha loves Devraj and can do anything for him. And Devraj needs to use.. Devraj says I know what to do, never belittle her again. Roma says I am not. I am saying everything is going as per the plan, if the fire didn’t break out, we could have tattooed that name on her hand. Devraj says we should drop that idea. Jaya says it’s very important part of our plan. Devraj says so is for Krisha to know the truth. Jaya says what are you saying? He says we shouldn’t tattoo anything on her name. Roma says okay then tell her everything about our plan. Let’s end all this. Just imagine what she will think about you once she find out the truth.
Krisha sees the little alphabet on her wrist. She says what name must Devraj has chosen for me? Tara said it’s a small name. What could it be? Devraj come. He says you should rest. Krisha says I am. He says by walking? She says it’s same. I was taking fresh air. He says in the room? Krisha says I was waiting for you. I knew you would come to see me. He says so you were keeping an eye on me? Krisha says I had to ask something. What does this mean? Devraj says what? She says what name did you choose for me? He says guess it. Krisha says how can I guess? I want to know what name you like so much that you want to tattoo it on my wrist. He says it didn’t happen. She says it could be. I would know about you otherwise I have many ways to take out the secrets. She tickles him and says Tricky used to spill all his secrets. He says I am not Tricky. She says okay let me increase the level of tickle. Devraj laughs. He pushes her to the wall. She says you look very nice when you smile. Rati comes and says I came to call you for dinner. No hurry. Krisha says I will find out that name.

Jaya says we are planning for Devraj and Krisha’s reception. Meenakshi says I will make the list. Jaya says add three special people. Krisha’s parents and her brother. Krisha says you are calling them too? She says it’s your reception. They will come, I asked them to get ready. Meenakshi says yeah they must get clothes tailored by Rampal. She laughs. Jaya says Aarav take care of Dev’s clothes. He says Meenakshi and Ugra you arrange Krisha’s saree and dupatta and jewelry. Krisha says I saw a woman running yesterday in a dupatta. Jaya says Krisha have your food. Maharaj ji makes really good vegetable. Krisha says I was thinking who that woman was? Raghav says I said there was someone. Candle didn’t fall on its own. What else did you see? Krisha says I couldn’t see clearly. Jaya says Krisha everyone was downstairs. It must be misunderstanding. Don’t think. Krisha says I saw her myself. Jaya says eat please. Krisha says to Devraj the secret will be out. I will know the name you chose for me.

At night, Krisha text Devraj list of names. She calls him and says any of these? He says no. Krisha keeps texting him names. She says I won’t give up. Devraj try to ignore her messages.

The next mornig, Devraj come for Arti. Rati says I don’t know how Krisha got late today. She comes for Arti every morning. Krisha gets ready. She says I got late because I stayed up all night to guess the name. Krisha takes out the towel from the drawer. She puts her hand in and find a photo. She sees back side of it, it’s Devraj’s wedding photo with someone else. Devraj come and says Krisha everyone was looking for you. She doesn’t see the photo and drops it. Devraj sees it. He get confused. She says tell me the name. It was in the list right? He says everyone is waiting. Krisha looks for her shoes. Devraj can’t go in. He looks at the photo. Krisha finds her shoes. Krisha says what was that name? Why did you choose it? Was it your ex-lover? He says arti. She says you chose Arti name for her? He says no everyone is waiting at the arti for you. Krisha goes downstairs. Devraj asks Roma to pick the photo from her room. Krisha says this house has so many photos. It looks like a suspense castle.

Krisha does arti. Jaya says we were all wait for your arti. Specially Devraj. Stay happy. Devraj recalls what Roma said.

Devraj recalls Roma saying what will Krisha thinks when she finds out the truth. Ugra says Krisha, you know Meenakshi and I have to choose your dress and jewelry. Krisha says can we do it later? Ugra says we don’t have time. Jaya has asked us to do that. If you’re busy go and tell Jaya. Krisha says no, tell me what to do. Ugra says try the jewelry. Let me know if there are any changes. Minakshi says your choice is perfect. Krisha says yes there would be no change. Your choice would be perfect. Krisha runs towards Devraj. Ugra says she’s acting like we are dying to give her jewelry. These middle class people see big dreams.

Roma gives the photo to Devraj. She says did she see this? Devraj says no she didn’t but lies are shortlived. Roma says yes because one character is weak in the story. Like you. Devraj says I am not weak. I have to go ahead with this plan but I feel uncomfortable thinking about the end and Krisha. Roma says why? Because you’re in love with her? Devraj says what are you saying? Krisha comes and says you left without taking Arti. I know you’re busy with work. If you keep God happy, everything will go fine.

Rati asks Raghab why is maa so bitter to Krisha? He says the bitterness is in the relationships of this house. You have not seen things like rejection, insult, you would understand it too. Rati says you’ve been brought up in this house too. Like Devraj you got everything you want. When did you face it? He says if you are wearing gold shoes, people can’t see your pain. Anyway, you won’t understand. It’s an old pain.

Roma leaves. Krisha says why doesn’t Roma like me? What’s her problem with me? Devraj says arti. Krisha gives him arti. Roma looks at Devraj. He leaves. Roma says to Jaya we have to execute our plan before it get late. Jaya says I am listening. Roma says why do I feel like only I care about this plan. Jaya says Devraj and I care more about this plan. this is just a plan for you but for us it’s our house’s happiness. Devraj has suffered a lot already. Roma says that’s why I am helping. I don’t want any fault in this plan. Jaya says I also want Krisha to agree to this plan. I don’t want to see Devraj in pain again.

Devraj starts his work. Krisha comes to him. She says when you came to me I was sleepy. I couldn’t ask. He says I have to wrok. Krisha says I was just asking.. He says that ritual didn’t happen. Stop thinking about it. That name is none of the ones you sent in the messages. I am done already. Stop asking me questions. Go from here. Krisha says sorry I disturbed you. It’s my birthday tomorrow. I wanted you to wish me at all. Sorry it’s my bad. Sorry. She leaves. Devraj says Krisha..

Krisha says why did he scold me like that? Papa used to wish me at 12. I wanted Devraj to do the same. I will stay mad at him. I also have a lot to do. She sees the wallpaper shattering. Krisha tries to fix ti. Krisha sees Devraj leaving. She says he left the house without even saying bye to me. I will also study and not give him time. Krisha sleeps on her books. She sees the car outside and says he isn’t back. He didn’t even text. Krisha comes downstairs.

Ugra asks who are you looking for? She says Devraj isn’t back so was looking for him. Ugra says who’s Devraj? Krisha says what? Ugra says does he own a store? Or a dhaba. Krisha says no. Ugra says he handles a huge business. Do you even know how many zeros are there in a crore that your ancestor must not have seen. You think he can sit with you all day home? Naina says typical middle class mentality. You want husband to come back at 5. You must have seen your dad living such a boring life. Krisha says I know he’s busy but his phone was off. Naina says he must have blocked youbecause you must be annoying him. Raghav says I have seen Devraj being annoyed by her. He doesn’t like it, be careful. Krisha leaves. Naina says mom, kick her out. She’s so annoying. Raghav says me too. She makes me angry. We’ve to kick her out. Ugra says we will but on the right time.

Krisha says have I started annoying Devraj? He asked me not to listen to people. I get overboard sometimes. He works so heart. What if it’s my birthday. It’s not such a big deal. Does he not love me? He asked me to stay away from me. What did he mean? Devraj says that means I hate you. Krisha says I am imagining him. She sees lights outside. Krisha comes outside. The hall is decorated with lights for her birthday. Krisha says who did this? Devraj comes there and smiles.

Krisha says you did this all for me? He says you wanted to make it special right? I am with you. Your family isn’t here. I put their photo here. Krisha hugs him. 

Precap: Krisha comes downstairs. there’s a party going on. Devraj says your birthday would be celebrated with everything. He gives her a snow globe. Devraj says you are the best husband in the world. Krisha is about to cut the cake. Someone comes downstairs. Krisha is shocked. Krisha cries and says such a big betrayal. Devraj says please listen. Krisha says what? Another lie?

Every Girl's Dream Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sunday At 7pm

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