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Guddan Updates - Friday 27 January 2023

Durga says AJ what is it? Alisha says you all have made my mom cry. I am here to return the tears. Dadi says you are my blood? Aisha says yes how many times should I repeat? Can’t you listen? Dadi says you’re an angry girl like AJ. If you are his daughter we won’t reject you. Don’t be mad at us. You are my blood. If we knew, won’t we come to pick you? Your mom lied to you. Let this poison out. Alisha says so you are his mom? You all fooled my mom the same way. I will decide if my mom was right or not. Durga says you can’t talk to dadi like this. Alisha says who are you? Durga? And Laxmi? I don’t take lectures from anyone. There is bad news for you. There is destruction in your lives. Where is your second mistake? Guddan. I will take blessings from my step mom. Call her. And who is this girl? Maid. She looks my age. AJ says she is my Guddan. Talk to her with respect. Alisha says what? Is this your wife and my mom? I thought I would be shocked to meet her. But I feel like laughing. Such a tragedy, you have a stepdaughter of your age. You should be dating at this age and you became an aunty. Did he pay you well to marry him? I was angry I would hit my stepmom but I feel pity for you. Dadi says what are you saying. Alisha says she has a daughter of her age now. AJ says listen. Alisha says it’s my anger of 20 years. Give me some time. Alisha says now I know why you left my aging mom. Saru get me a room with AC.

AJ recalls what Alisha said. AJ says why did you do this Antara. I have a daughter. She hates me. You lied to both of us for years. Why did you keep me in the dark? Why. What would Guddan be going through.

Guddan recalls what happened. Guddan says my life has become a joke. Is this a dream. What has everything become. Why? Revati says let it happen. Guddan says why? Revati says I got you pakors. Guddan says that won’t heal my stress. Guddan says they are very spicy. Revati says like my surprise? Guddan says what surprise? Revati says Alisha. How would you be a mom now?

Guddan says you did all that? Revati says are you actually this innocent or do you live your dream of being an actress. I did all that. You like being responsible right? So you get all the praise. That’s why you didn’t let me go to my Angad. Now pay for it. You have some responsibility for your stepdaughter. Youngest MIL, how will you be a mother now? She will make this house a hell. AJ’s daughter will punish him. Guddan says how can you do that? Revati says I am not a day that I would change in 24 hours. I am an eclipse. How will you handle her now? Revati leaves. Guddan recall everything.

Saru says this is your room. I asked Revati to get it ready. Do you like it? Alisha destroys everything. Saru says what are you doing? She writes Alisha with a black color on the wall. Alisha says now I like it. Perv and Revati come in. Alisha says finally you two are here. Revati you use your looks? Why did you give your Guddan that old car? Revati says we are the same type. We can be friends to take revenge from Guddan. Then we are on our ways. Alisha says I am on my way already, you are getting on my way. I don’t shake hands with anyone. I only hit with it. I am enough for Guddan alone. Revati says really you are enough for them. If you need help let me know. Perv says I am Perv. Antara’s friend. Alisha says to go now, leave me alone. Saru says in heart now you see Guddan how she ruins your life.

Durga and Laxmi come to dadi. Laxmi says Guddan has left the house. Dadi says what? What are you saying? Durga says she is nowhere. Her clothes, suitcase nothing is here. Laxmi says first Antra ruined her life and now Alisha. Dadi says she isn’t a usual girl. She handles this house very well. She would never run away from this house. We are all equally shocked. Durga says yes we will face it together. Dadi says yes. We are all with Guddan and will solve this problem. Guddan doesn’t run away from her problems. Laxmi says so where would she be?

Guddan comes to the temple dressed as pandit. Pandit ji says do you want to do this yatra? Guddan says I don’t know. You’re right. I am trying this Sanyasan. My problems never end. My life is always in trouble. Where did she come from? I saw so many things at this age? What is my mistake? I became MIL before becoming anything. Look at my age, should I shoulder such responsibilities. But problems keep coming my. Is it my mistake? I married the person I hit with a cake. Then his first wife came. Then my sister became my enemy. Now I have a problem with my age. She speaks fire. She hates me. Now I am her mom? She is my age. My life is ruined. What should I do now? People congratulate you when you’re pregnant. I couldn’t even live that happiness. I could never get a mother’s love. How would I be a mother?
Durga says where is Guddan? AJ why are you not going to find her? AJ says how should I go to her? I am ashamed. My past keeps brining in problems in her life. She is hurt now. Guddan comes in and says I am ready to pass any test. Guddan says I understood. If you and this family are with me, I can do everything. Dadi says where did you go? And what are you wearing? Guddan says I had to get this feeling. How it feels to leave everything. AJ says why did you come back here? Guddan says I was scared to lose my love and family. And then Alisha came, she scared me so I ran. But I came back. I have my roots here. My love is with me, my family is with me, I can handle anything. I will even be a mother. Dadi says I knew my Guddan never runs away from things. You can do this.

Dadi says I knew my Guddan won’t run. You can face this. AJ goes aside. Guddan goes after him. Guddan holds his hand and says you got mad at me? He says I am mad at myself. I try to fix everything, but they go wrong. There is Alisha on one side, who I didn’t know about, and she hates me. And then there’s you on one side. I want to give you all my love. Things always go wrong. Guddan says we aren’t parted. We see the same dreams. Our troubles are shared too. I would never go away from you. We won’t separate. Don’t worry. I don’t know if I will be a mother, but I can bring her on the right path. AJ says I am with you, always. Guddan says now see what I do.

Alisha is in her room. AJ comes there. Alisha says you come to unknown people’s rooms? Have you been to jail? There people would come to you anytime. AJ holds her hand. He apply medicine to her bruise. AJ says you must have born so many bruises like this. I couldn’t ever be there to heal them. And I hurt you again by asking you to get a DNA test done. I know you’re my blood. Our DNA match. I wasn’t doubting you. I was doubting Saru. She has misused and mistreated this family a lot. It is my mistake that I questioned you. I know you will take the time to trust me. If I knew about you, I would do anything to come to you. I want to give you all my care and love now. Alisha says I am not a bell that you can ring anytime. My life is ruined. I accepted that, then you came to my life? My mother suffered a lot. She had to bring me up alone. Your crocodile tears won’t’ change anything. I will return to you the pain my mother went through. Saying all these things won’t change me. Look at this room I am a mess like this. This can be fixed, but I can’t. I am stubborn. AJ says there is something common between us. I know what you went through. I can’t let you live with this pain. Alisha says your guilt isn’t letting you live. Imagine what my mother went through. AJ says I didn’t do anything to her. Antra, you don’t know her reality. Alisha says what is her reality? Guddan comes and says this is the only truth. You suffered a lot. You are AJ and Antra’s daughter. He didn’t know about you. There’s nothing else. Alisha says you Guddan saved you. Don’t dare to say a word against my mom. And Guddan, you’re a stepmom and taking Antra’s side. AJ says at least talk to her politely. Alisha says I called her stepmom, what else would I? She is my age. AJ says at least respect your relationship with her. Alisha says I do what I want. Get lost now. AJ says what language do you use? Alisha says go spend a night in jail, I will see how you talk. AJ leaves. Alisha says to Guddan do you want to get insulted too now? Guddan says by relation I am your mom, but we are the same age. So I will return this insult. So I will speak because it doesn’t cost anything. I know how to answer people. I see your anger. I was like you. When I met AJ first, I smashed a cake on his face. Alisha says shut up and go. Guddan says are you old that you want to take meds and sleep? You’re young right? Listen to my story then. This one year taught me a lot when I gave relations a change. You should too. I am your mom, AJ is your dad. Alisha says shut up. She shoves Guddan out and locks her door. Alisha says I will show you what I am.

AJ says to Alisha why did you stop me from telling Alisha the truth? Guddan says whatever you tell her, she would consider it a lie. AJ says so I let her live with lies? Guddan says her age isn’t to understand the realities. And she is very angry, she won’t see anything beyond it. AJ says she has to understand. Guddan says she will. We will make her understand. We have to show her we care about her. AJ says I should have known. Guddan says it was Antra’s fault. She instilled hatred in Alisha’s heart. AJ says promise me you won’t’ blame yourself either? I know you want to take care of her. I know you consider yourself responsible for Antra’s death. Only she was responsible for it. Guddan says we have to give Alisha so much love that her bitterness goes away.

Alisha says tomorrow is my first day. And the last day of their peace. Saru says what are you planning? Alisha says should I begin from you? Don’t talk to me. Saru says I got you a milk glass. Alisha says in jail if we would ask warden for milk, he would hit us. So if someone gives me milk, I want to hit them. Get lost now.
Saru says to Revati this girl is crazy. But she would ruin AJ’s life. Let’s get ready for the drama.

Dadi says who made all these dishes? Guddan says I made all this for Alisha. AJ says see how she is being the youngest mother. Guddan says yes I am talented. Alisha says you don’t have the talent to handle me. So, you don’t ask me if I want to be her daughter or not? Guddan says in heart I will change you with my love.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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