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Guddan Updates - Tuesday 17 January 2023: Alisha and AJ Live In The Restaurant. Alisha Finds Out Guddan’s Plan

Guddan is sitting in the dark. She recalls what Alisha said. She recalls AJ walking out. Revati comes to Guddan and says I knew you couldn’t sleep. See here is a sad songs CD, it will help you cry more. Is it hurting? Cry as much as you want. It would heal me. Guddan says why are you doing all this? Revati says this is only the beginning. Your love is only away, not dead. I can’t bring Angad back. Keep your tears safe. My revenge is not taken entirely yet. Guddan says enough, you are in pain. You have become so bitter, you are using someone who has nothing to do with all this. You are hurting AJ and Alisha. No one can separate me and AJ. Revati says I like your over confidence, but I promise you. I will write your love story’s end. Guddan says Karwa chauth has started. AJ will be with me within 24 hours.

AJ recalls what happened. He moves the spoon in the soup. Alisha comes with a spoon. She says you are upset I know. Eat from my hands. This is why I got you away from the family so we can spend time together. Eat. He is about to eat. Alisha throws it away. Alisha says feeling bad? You are getting old, you took my joke for reality. I won’t’ make you my dad that easily. Stay this way, let me take a photo of you. You look so upset. It suits you, I will always keep you this way. He walks away. Alisha says it won’t decrease the pain. You have to go through what mummy and I did.

AJ video calls Guddan. She says didn’t you sleep? AJ says I knew you won’t do sargi without seeing my face. Guddan says how do you understand everything? He says I love you a lot and I am fasting too. She says why are you fasting? He says do you remember our first Karwa Chauth? We didn’t have love. If you can fast for me. I will always be with you. I won’t’ let you be alone. There can’t be a distance between us. I am always with you. Don’t worry about Alisha. I will come to Karwa Chauth tomorrow. Guddan says that would hurt Alisha. She will come there herself with you. You have to do as per my plan. AJ says to ask you say. Guddan says let’s eat. They eat together. The song yeh dooriyan plays. AJ coughs. Guddan says what happened? He says I love you. You miss me, that did this to me. Guddan says love you too.
Someone throws water on Alisha. She says who is it crazy? He says your father. You wake up and say good morning. Alisha says after you wake me up like this?? He says this is how I am. You wanted to spend time with me. Come to me in the kitchen. He says we have to work. She says I won't work. AJ says this is how it works here. This is a restaurant so you have to work. I don’t like to be unprofessional. Your mom must have told you I am very cultured. Come on, get on duty. Alisha says you’re so boring. He says we will work and make it interesting. No stress here like home. I can work easily. Thank you, I can spend all day at work and with you. Alisha says I wont’ work. He says you brought me here. You decide whether a house or here and work. Alisha leaves. AJ says thank you Guddan for the idea. She has to be on right path.

Alisha works in the kitchen with AJ. AJ says hurry up we don’t have a lot of time. Alisha says you don’t love your family. You are such a drama. AJ says life goes on. I love my work. Pick these plates and put them on the right place. She says I won’t do this servant job. He says then go and greet the guests.

Alisha comes out. Guddan, dadi, Laxmi and Durga come there to party. They are so happy. Guddan says we are so happy. Thank you Alisha. Durga says thank you. Alisha says are you out of your mind? Guddan says it’s so much fun. Our lives are so peaceful now. He is so punctual. We don’t have to live under military school anymore. Durga says we have to be so on time. We can sleep, do whatever we want. Dadi says even I had to follow his rules. He used to make me follow them too. I am so happy now. Such fun. We want to live this life. Don’t send AJ home. He will be very happy to work here. You also got time with your papa. Guddan says Alisha dont’ tell AJ, please. Please serve us food now. Alisha goes in. Durga says she looked so angry. Guddan says when she sees us happy, she would bring AJ home. Durga says why are we here? How would we eat? We are all fasting. Guddan says get us good food, please. Laxmi says would we eat if she bring food? Durga says we are all fasting.

Perv says Revati you didn’t fast for me? She says how do you have so many expectations from me? This relationship is only of the name. You’re just a dog to me. Also, I have signed divorce papers too. He twist her hand and says you can do what you want? She says I didn’t marry to please you. I want my benefit. He says I will think about my benefit only now. Revati says I can send you back to jail. Saru says we are a team here. Revati says yes, we aren’t husband and wife. So ask him to stay in his limits. She leaves. Saru says we will show her worth to her. Let them fight, it will be our turn then.

Alisha gives them food and says eat now. Guddan says let’s start eating. Guddan says pass us water too. Alisha stands there. Guddan says don’t eat anyone. There is hair in the food. Dadi says what? Guddan added. Guddan says AJ’s restaurant’s food had hair? Let’s go talk to him.
They all come inside the kitchen. AJ says you can’t come here? Guddan says hair is allowed in food? We could complain outside. AJ says you can’t say a word about our quality of work. it’s our fault. Guddan says we have the proof. AJ says you all must be very happy that I am not home. AJ says this is your hair. Guddan says don’t blame it on me. We are customers here. You have no customer service. Let’s go from here. Alisha claps. Alisha says go, get admitted in Ram Lela. You all are not good actors. Guddan you can fool anyone, but not me. This is my first day here, you can eat cake here. How can you go without eating? Let me make you eat. She asks Guddan to eat the cake. Guddan says in heart I can’t break my fast. AJ says Alisha stop it. Alisha says you thought I am an idiot? You all planned this. Now this is the real pain. You will never have the AJ you planned all this. I find out the truth in a moment. Now see what I do. She leaves. Laxmi says our plan failed. What would we do now?

Guddan comes home. Revati says you came home? AJ didn’t come with you? See how well am I using Alisha as parwn. Your AJ won’t come. Name yourself Guddan you can’t do it. AJ wont’ break your fast. She leaves. Guddan says how will I bring him back in 12 hours.

AJ is fainting. His manager gives him water. AJ says no I am fine. Guddan calls AJ. Guddan says are you okay? Please don’t fast. Are you not well? My heart says that. Please drink some water. AJ says you have changed all my habits. I will break this fast with you only. I am sorry we are away. My daughter.. Guddan says your daughter? She is our daughter. AJ says I am sorry. Guddan says we will handle it all together. Everything would be good. He says as long as you’re with me, everything would be fine. Your fast. Guddan says you would come home with Alisha and make me eat. He says I have faith in you.

Dadi comes to Guddan. Guddan says you look worried. Dadi says how would he come? It’s half day already. Guddan says it would work out. Don’t worry. I have a plan that would push Alisha to come home and bring AJ here too. Saru overhears and wonders what is she planning?

Saru is doing meditation. Revati says what are you doing here? Think what we should do. Saru says you’re an idiot. Revati says you tell me what to do? Saru says if we break Guddan’s fast AJ wont’ have to come here. Revati says I know her weaknesses. Leave it on me.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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