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Guddan Updates - Tuesday 31 January 2023:

Alisha Marries Vikrant To Take Revenge On AJ And Guddan. Guddan \\\\\\\and AJ Could Not Stop Alisha And Vikrant's Wedding.

AJ says what happened Guddan? Why are we at the roof? Guddan says I had to tell you something. AJ says what is it? Tell me. You’re hiding something. Guddan says I missed our haldi. We could never have a proper function. So I thought we can do our haldi. AJ says I was thinking the same. Guddan puts haldi on his face. AJ says everyone must be thinking where we are? Guddan says when did you start caring about people? Guddan says I will apply haldi. AJ says I have to go. Guddan says i won’t let you go downstairs. AJ says why? AJ and guddan play with hadli. Dadi says can we go downstairs and give time to the actual groom? AJ says we are coming. Guddan says clean this first. He says yes. AJ goes downstairs. Guddan says how will I stop him from going to the function.

Guddan says Alisha is planning something else. Her real plan is something else. She said she will kill Vikrant to distract me. She is planning something big. Laxmi says what could her plan be?

Alisha look at Guddan and says my real plan would just start now with this pawn. Alisha looks at a girl and says wow very happy for the wedding? She is Vikrant’s fiance. She says why are you here? Alisha says this is my house. The girl says you’re AJ’s daughter and I respect you because of that. I have no respect for you otherwise. Stay away from me and Vikrant. Alisha says I should stay away from you and your wedding? You know you all think I am an idiot kid. But no one can stop me. She says do whatever you want with your family. Stay away from my husband. Alisha says you won’t marry that vikrant so he is not your husband yet. I will marry him. The girl says what? Alisha says I will marry him instead of you. She faints her. She falls down. Perv comes in and says what did you say? You will marry Vikrant? Alisha says yes. The killing plan was to marry him. I said all that to distract Guddan. Perv says are you out of your mind? You’re only 18. He is an old man. Alisha says you’re saying that? If I marry him AJ won’t be able to see all this and he won’t be able to show his face anywhere. They will die every day when they see Vikrant as my husband. Perv says this can backfire and ruin your life. Alisha says my only mission is to ruin their lives. It’s not a big deal for me. Perv says AJ won’t let you do that. Alisha says Guddan can marry AJ? I can’t marry Vikrant? Perv says wow you are doing Guddan’s trick on her? This is the second time this girl couldn’t marry Vikrant. everyone will think it’s her but it would be you under the ghunghat. Alisha says Guddan and AJ won’t even know. They would be so hurt. Perv says this is how I got AJ married to Guddan. And now her daughter will do the same. Alisha says with this dress I will ruin your life Guddan.
Guddan says I can’t figure what is Alisha planning. But we have to keep an eye on her. Laxmi comes to alisha’s room. She says I have to tell Guddan she isn’t here. Perv stops Laxmi. Laxmi says what are you doing here. Move from my way. He says no, I won’t let you ruin Alisha’s plan. I can’t let you go. You can pray for the couple from here. You have to be locked in this room. Laxmi says this is wrong. Perv says I am a wrong human. There would be a big drama downstairs. It’ll be a memorable wedding. He locks Laxmi.

AJ comes to Vikrant and says why are you not ready yet? AJ says are you missing bhabhi? He says am I doing wrong? Would it be unfair to her? AJ says I felt exactly the same. But it’s everyone’s right to move on. I am not asking you to forget her but you can give love another chance. I was so lost in the past. Then Guddan came to my life and brought me back to life. She gave me a new meaning of life. Bhabhi would be happy for you. Promise me you will keep the new bhahi happy. Vikrant says I will keep my second wife very happy too. I promise you that.

Perv shoves Laxmi and locks the door. Laxmi sees the bride fainted there. Perv hits her on the head. She faints too. Perv ties her hands and locks the door. Perv says this is all Alisha’s plan. This would be fun when AJ and Guddan see Alisha under that ghunghat. Laxmi tries to release her hand. Laxmi says oh God Alisha’s plan was to marry Vikrant. I have to stop this and tell Guddan.

Guddan comes to the bride. She says you’e ready already. Why do you have ghughat drawn already? Alisha gives her a letter. It says my mom has asked me to keep ghunghat and not to talk till the wedding is over. Guddan says it’s such a big day for you. I won’t let anyone hinder it. I will get ready. Guddan leaves. Alisha says I will ruin your life Guddan.

Guddan brings the groom. Alisha says in heart I am doing this for you mom. I have to marry this old man to get you justice. This day would be history for Guddan and AJ. I will make them cry today. Guddan ties their knot. Alisha picks garland. She makes Vikrant wear it. Vikrant makes her wear the garland too. Guddan says in the heart where is Alisha? She confuses me a lot. AJ says what are you thinking? she says nothing. AJ says are you thinking what I am? Guddan says what? He says about our wedding. Guddan says so you want to marry again? He says I wish. I wish we married with all ritual.s Guddan says but we are together. That’s what matters. AJ says Vikrant deserves all this happiness. He really loved bhabhi. I hope he lives a happy life with bhabhi now. Dadi says AJ listen. Guddan says in heart I have to find Alisha. A guest says Guddan you have done an amazing arrangement. You asked my daughter to keep her ghunghat and not to talk because it’s a ritual in your house. Guddan is dazed.

Laxmi says I have to get out of here and tell Guddan about Alisha’s plan. Guddan looks for the letter. She reads it again. Guddan says it says her mom ashed her to keep the ghunghat. But why did she lie? I should go and ask her. Guddan sees Alisha’s sorry board. She matches the handwriting. Guddan says why would Alisha write this letter? Alisha says you don’t know what a mother’s death means to a daughter Guddan. I will avenge her death.
Dadi says before rounds let’s take a selfie. He says I will take the selfie. Vardan says take your ghughat off chachi. Alisha says in heart what should I do? Dadi says yes show your face. Vikrant says you can for the selfie. Perv says I will take a family photo. AJ says yes Vardan you come here. Perv says Sarla ji take of ghunghat for a second. Everyone looks in the camera and no one sees her face. She puts ghunghat back on. Alisha says thank God.

Guddan looks for Alisha everywhere. Guddan peeks in the room and sees Laxmi tied. Guddan says who did this? She releases her. Guddan says Alisha’s plan was to marry Vikrant not to kill him. See the bride faints there. The wedding is going on. Guddan says it’s Alisha downstairs. Guddan says I have to stop this wedding. Perv hits them on the head and they both faint. Revati says you can’t stop this plan Guddan. AJ looks for Guddan. Revati says what’s next? Perv says we have to enjoy the wedding. Revati says Alisha can need us. Let’s go downstairs. Perv says she will ruin AJ’s life. AJ and Guddan’s relationship would be over too.

AJ looks for Guddan. He says where did she go? Perv says let’s go. AJ comes in that direction. Alisha and Vikrant take off the rounds. Alisha says mom, I never knew I would marry without you and with this old man. I am doing all this for you mom. I miss you a lot. AJ sees Guddan. He says Guddan what happened.. Guddan says Alisha, she is marrying Vikrant. AJ runs downstairs. Vikrant fills Alisha’s hairline. Vikrant is making her wear the mangalsutra. AJ and Guddan are running downstairs. AJ says Vikrant, stop. Guddan says it’s Alisha. Pandit ji says the wedding is done. Vikrant says what? Pandit ji says the wedding is done.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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