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Guddan Updates - Wednesday 18 January 2023: Guddan faints. Alisha Bring AJ Home

Saru is doing meditation. Revati says what are you doing here? Think what we should do. Saru says you’re an idiot. Revati says you tell me what to do? Saru says if we break Guddan’s fast AJ wont’ have to come here. Revati says I know her weaknesses. Leave it on me.

Revati says where are you going with all this? AJ didn’t come. Guddan says he would come. Revati says if I break this fast, he won’t have to come. Guddan says you can’t make me break my fast. Your husband is a devil but you should fast too. Revati says I am not a drama like you. Guddan says you can think whatever you want. Revati says you remember you were allergic to parag. Guddan says enough, move it. See I have it. She throws them on Guddan’s face. Guddan coughs. Dadi says are you okay Guddan? Revati says only water can save her life now. Revati says decide before you’re rushed to the hospital. She will die if she doesn’t go to the hospital. Guddan coughs badly. Saru says wow you played well. Dadi says shut up. Dadi says Guddan please drink water. Revati says she can die. Durga says shut up. I will bring water. Durga says please drink water. Your life is more important that this fast. Guddan says no. Guddan says I can tolerate this. I will break my fast from AJ’s hand. I won’t give up. Guddan faint.

AJ is not well. AJ says Guddan isn’t well. I have to call her. Alisha takes his phone. He says give me my phone. I need to call Guddan.. Alisha says kneel down and beg for it. Your ego is bigger than anything? AJ says I will do what you want. He kneels down. AJ says return my phone, please. Alisha says apologize for ruining my and my mom’s life. Hold your ears. AJ holds his ears and says I am sorry. Please forgive me. For all the mistakes I have made. I never thought about you. His phone rings. AJ says Alisha please pick the call. Durga calls him. Alisha puts the phone on the speaker. Durga tells him everything. Alisha puts a knife on her wrist. she says I will kill myself. AJ hugs her and says I won’t ever leave you. Please don’t harm yourself.
Guddan says thank you for not taking me to hospital dadi. Dadi says please drink water. Revati says she won’t. Your AJ won’t come because your stepdaughter won’t let him. Guddan says she isn’t step. Revati says he isn’t coming anyway.

Guddan comes to the restaurant. Durga says you shouldn’t have come here. AJ hug Guddan. He says are you okay? AJ says please drink water. She says I will drink after the moon is there. I love you. I know you will come and break my fast. Alisha says wow stop dreaming. AJ says enough. This isn’t right. Alisha says he is my father stay away from him. She shoves Guddan. Aj is about to slap her. Guddan stops his hand. AJ says shame on you Alisha. She is tolerating all this because of you. Alisha says get out Guddan. Guddan says at least respect your father. You will regret it later. You will bring AJ home. This fight is of uniting the family. No more drama. I will be straight forward to you now. There’s another thing that you wanted and I have it. She shows a box to Alisha. AJ says this isn’t right. Guddan says anything for this family. Your decision Alisha. AJ says Guddan, Guddan says no. Alisha will bring you home and you will break my fast. I have to get ready. Only an hour is left. Guddan leaves.

Guddan gets ready. Dadi says you look so good. I will give you my jewelry. Revati says getting ready for your funeral? Guddan says you will see it when AJ comes and breaks my fast.
Everyone gets ready for Karva Chauth. Guddan waits for AJ. Dadi looks at her. Guddan recalls her promises. Revati says to Saru what has Guddan done that she is so confident? Saru says Alisha won’t bring AJ here. Revati says we have to speak to Alisha and stop her from bringing AJ here. Alisha looks at the box. Revati calls Alisha and says Guddan would force you but don’t bring AJ here. Alisha hang up.

Guddan says you all do your pooja and break your fasts. Laxmi says without you? Guddan says I am coming as well. Revati says only 10 minutes are left. Your AJ won’t come. Guddan says life changes in a moment I still have 10 minutes. Durga and Laxmi do the pooja. Revati says only 6 minutes are left. Your hopes are false. Moon is going back as well. What should I name you now? Since you’ll lose your challenge. AJ comes and says her name is Guddan Ashat Jindal. It will always be that. Everyone is shocked to see AJ. Guddan does pooja. He breaks her fast. Guddan says I knew you would come. He says I knew you won’t break your fast until I come. Now eat please. He picks her and takes her inside. Saru says Alisha ruined the whole game.

Alisha is doing havan. Saru says what are you doing here now? Saru says you lost the challenge. Why did you bring AJ here? She says I got a bigger win. Pandit ji says pooja is done. You can do it now. Alisha breaks the nameplate outside the house of Jindal Bhavan. She adds a new nameplate. Alisha claps. She says you’re wise Guddan. I got my mom’s respect back and you got your AJ back. But I won’t forgive you all.

Revati says to Guddan you sold your conscience. You have named your house after Antara? Do you have any shame? Guddan says nameplate doesn’t make a home. The family does. I have my whole family with me. I could pay a lot more than this nameplate. Revati says you made a huge mistake. Guddan says a mother did this. You can’t defeat this mother. This is a mother’s challenge.

The next morning, Revati does Alisha’s arti. Alisha says what is this? She says come downstairs and see how happy they are. Alisha throttles her and says I didn’t lose. I suffocated like this all my life. I got my mom’s respect back. I will get her all the rights back. I am here to separate them. I will distant their hearts. For that, they have to be together. They will hate each other. Saru says what will you do? Alisha says you’ll see on dhanteras.

Everyone prepares for dhanteras. Dadi says let’s start the arti. Alisha says I will start the arti. AJ says you will do it after me and Guddan. She says you should ask me to do the arti. Guddan says I was stubborn like this too. My papa would never say no. We will be very happy if you start the arti.
Alisha does the arti. Aj and Guddan do it after her. Kishor comes with a gold pot. He says here it is ready. Dadi says this is our ritual. We write our names on this pot. Guddan says Alisha your name is in the middle. Alisha adds Antra’s name in it. She says I will remove Guddan’s name.

Guddan Air On Zee World From Mondays To Sundays At 6pm & 7pm

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