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Harish gets a neck sprain. Radha applies neck collar and scolds him. He asks what can he do when Sundar pushed him. Sundar apologizes. Harish writhes in pain. Committee members ask how will he arrange Navatri program with pain. He says when Matarani gave him pain, she will help him organize event. Aparna says he needs to get idols, decorate them and event venue, etc. Harish says he will distribute work among his family members and says Aparna and Radha will take care of decoration, Rupali will sing bhajans, and Adi will. Adi excuses himself. Nishant says he cannot help much has he needs to finish his office projects soon. Rupali backs him. Nishant asks how will they manage then. Harish says its not right to put pressure on Malini. Committee member asks who is left then. Imlie enters holding teach and snack trays on her head and hands. Aparna warns her to be careful. Adi says Imlie can do anything and will manage. Harish says Imlie will manage 9-day function. Committee members asks how can a young girl manage 9-day function. Imlie says when Harish has confidence on her, she will. Malini says its more than tea and snacks and she doesn’t have much life experience. Committee member says she must have started voting 1-2 years ago and is immature to handle tough situations. Adi says they are right, but Imlie is very mature and has handled may tough situation; she came from Pagdandiya and has fought with gangsters and terrorists alone, she alone has helped each family member and when she can handle house alone, she can handle event easily; even then if they think someone else is more capable than her, they should give responsibilities to that person. Imlie feels happy seeing his trust on her. Malini thinks she will prove Imlie is a small girl and not a superhero. Harish requests committee members to trust Imlie and bestow responsibility on her. They agree and ask her to organize Devimaa’s idols and decorate them by evening. Imlie agrees. Harish tells Imlie that he is trusting her again after a long time and she shouldn’t break his trust. Imlie smiles at Adi. Malini thinks one mistake will oust Imlie from her responsibility and she will lose committee members’ trust.
At C house, Anu yells at Meethi to bring her coffee soon. Meethi is busy performing pooja. Dev asks Meethi to continue her pooja and let him serve coffee to Anu. Anu walks to Meethi yelling. Dev offers her office and says Meethi is serving god, so he thought of serving evil. Anu angrily tries to enter home temple wearing her chappals. Meethi stops her and asks her to remove her chappals. Anu shouts who is she to stop her in her own house and twists her ankle. Meethi supports her. Dev taunts that god punished Anu for her mistake. After sometime, Meethi sees her Seeta Maiya’s idol out of home temple and thinks who remove it. Anu says soon she will remove even Meethi out of this house. Meethi says she cannot insult Seeta maiya. Anu says god doesn’t dwell everywhere, this mud and paint piece doesn’t’ have a place in her temple. Meethi says she thought she would change Anu’s dirty thinking, but one who cannot respect god cannot be changed. Anu says she is perfect the way she is.

Imlie brings Devimaa’s idol with devotees. Harish tells committee members that he told Imlie can organize event easily. Malini says every year idol is brought, what is different this year. Committee members ask same. Imlie says this year it will be different and starts dancing. Harish and others join her. Malini gets jealous seeing Adi dancing with Imlie and walks to him dancing. Imlie takes her aside and asks not to strain herself as she is pregnant and dare not to interfere between her and Adi. Adi walks to them and asks what are they doing here. Malini says Imlie is stopping her from dancing. Adi says Imlie is right and gets a chair for Malini. Dulari drags Adi and Imlie back to dance. Malini thinks Imlie has to make just one mistake now.

Family takes idols to event venue. Aparna says there are only 8 idols, where is 9th one. Rupali asks Imlie. Meethi cries expressing her ordeal to Seeta Maiya. Dev walks to her and supports her. Meethi informs him that Imlie got a big responsibility of organizing Navratri event and prays Seeta Maiya to help her. Harish says they ordered 9 idols and he saw 9 idols in truck, where did 1 go. Imlie asks if they left 1 idol in truck. Sundar says he removed all idols from temple. Imlie notices Malini taking idol away silently and stops her.
Aparna sees only 8 Devimaa’s idols and asks where is 9th idol. Malini steals idol and apologizing god says her place is in temple, but she has to do this to stop everyone from praising Imlie. Imlie asks Sundar and Adi if they left one idol in truck. They say its not in truck. Imlie says stop. Malini gets tensed. Imlie walks to truck driver and insists to check truck once. He shows her truck and says there is nothing here, she was sitting behind with idol and whoever gave her this task made a mistake, now only god can help her. Imlie notices a wet soil packet in truck and says god helped her. She starts preparing idol with soil. Malini hides idol in her room. Aparna calls her. Committee members complain Harish that his trusted kid made a mistake and they did a mistake by trusting her. Pankaj suggests to bring another idol. Nishant says he checked and all idols are sold. Adi thinks if Imlie gets some time, she will do something. Aparna knocks Malini’s room door and says she brought her medicines. Malini hides idol in book shelf and leaves. Committee members continue to regret their decision of trusting Imlie. Dulari asks Sundar to bring tea and snacks for everyone and signals him. Adi to divert committee members’ attention praises their effort and says he will take their interview and print how a small colony’s committee members work hard to organize navrati festival. He asks Sundar to get his camera to click their pics. Rupali asks him to take their video. Memebers fall for Adi’s trick.

Imlie completes Devimaa’s idol. Driver says its looking very pretty and tries to pick it. Imlie says its still wet and goes in to bring something dry it. She passes by Rupali’s room and seeing her crying looking at her husband’s photo. Rupali cries that she is missing Pranav as he used to perform pooja with her always and used to decorate her veena whenever she used to sing, he moved on in life forgetting their love, but she is stuck in his memories. Imlie consoles her and says she is a woman who is a form of Devimaa, they cannot break down if men break their trust or heart; she shouldn’t forget everything and thinking of singing bhajan in pooja, she will decorate her veena this time. Rupali thanks her and says she should have been her sister instead of Malini as Malini doesn’t deserve her, they are soul sisters. She then asks about idol. Imlie panics and asks her to give her hair dryer signaling in a crazy way. Rupali identifies her signal finally and gives hair dryer. Imlie leaves her room and think she forgot to ask Rupali how it works.

Adi searches Imlie. Imlie struggles to switch on hair dryer, and when it finally starts, she enjoys its air. Adi hopes to find Imlie or Devimaa’s idol at least and seeing Imlie enjoying air stands mesmerized, then gets alert and asks if she found idol. She says she cannot hear him. He switches off hair dryer. Nishant walks in and asks him to come and take committee members’ interview. Adi asks him to take their pics while he searches Imlie. Nishant says he is a reporter instead and should take interview. Adi searches Imlie agian. Imlie dries Devimaa’s idol with hair dryer. Trucker driver amazed says its a good invention and asks why she helps T family when they misbehave with her. She says they are her family and their dignity is her responsibility. He asks her to dry idol fast. She reminds him that he even he was scolding her sometime ago. Adi leaves on his bike to market to get an idol thinking he cannot let Imlie lose.

Precap: Imlie is shocked to sees Malini giving stolen idol to a poor family. Adi escapes from smugglers’ den.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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