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Imlie enters kitchen and seeing Pranav there asks what is he doing in kitchen. He says he was preparing tea for Rupali. She says everyone had tea 30 minutes ago. He says he is preparing tea which Rupali likes. Radha walks in and takes him away. He thinks Radha saved him from village spy. Imlie picks water pot and throws water in kitchen sink without noticing paint from Pranav’s hand in sink. Radha calls her relatives and informs them about Pranav’s return and Rupali reaccepting him. She informs that relatives are coming to bless Rupali and Pranav. Aparna says they are seen Rupali’s pain and tears each day, then how can Radha easily forgive Pranav and send Rupali with him. Radha says its Rupali’s decision, she didn’t divorce him and was expecting his return since years, so they should send her away with Pranav. Malini say she is right, they should give Pranav and Rupali’s relationship another chance as she knows how it feels to separate from husband and his family after marriage, etc. Harish says they shouldn’t be in a hurry to take any decision. Aparna and Pankaj back him. Radha says they shouldn’t delay in good deeds.

Imlie walks towards Adi’s room hesitantly to inform him about her observation. Adi notices her and asks why she is thinking so much to meet him. She says she was just checking if he is in room or not. He asks if she wants to say something. She says she fears that he will not believe her as usual. He asks if she will not forgive him and speak like before. She says she doesn’t think Pranav is good, how can Rupali forgive him so easily after what he did. Adi says even he cannot tolerate Pranav around Rupali, but its Rupali’s decision whether to forgive Pranav or not; how can he ask Rupali not to forgive Pranav when he himself is seeking Imlie’s forgiveness; Imlie should fight with her and react, but stop being away from him. She says how can she forget his betrayal, etc., and says she will not let Rupi suffer betrayal again. Adi asks what will she do.
Pranav tries to take out pen drive from god’s idol when Rupali notices him and asks what is he doing here. He says he was thanking god that she forgave him, asks if she trusts him or not. She says she doesn’t know. Imlie enters and says they trust whom they know well. Rupali says she knows Pranav since years. Imlie says she should know how well she knows Pranav. Rupali asks how. Imlie says by questioning him. Family gathers. Radha asks Imlie if will test Rupali and Pranav’s when they are married for many years. Imlie says yes as people change instantly, looking at Adi. Harish, Aparna, and Pankaj back her. Imlie questions Pranav and Rupali via quiz. They answer only 2 questions right and remaining wrong. Pranav says her choices were what he wrote down. Rupali says her preferences changed. Malini says Rupali’s preferences were same when they were together. Imlie says Pranav answered only 2 questions right and remaining wrong, so they will not send Rupali with Pranav until he increases his numbers. Malini says Pranav is still this house’s son-in-law and Imlie is insulting him. Aparna says what is a bigger insult than a married daughter returning home, they cannot send their daughter with Pranav until he proves himself. Pankaj backs him. Harish says Pranav with still with them until Rupali herself decides to move out with him. Pranav thanks T family for giving him a chance. He then challenges Imlie that whatever she tries, he will win for sure. She thinks something is wrong with him. He thinks he can’t make MLA wait and should give him pen drive soon.

Imlie checks pen drive hidden in god’s idol and prepares for pooja singing in her usual style. Aparna walks in. Imlie says its her village’s festival bhajan and asks her to sing along. Aparna agrees and repeats. Imlie happily dances. Whole family joins and sings with her. Pranav joins them and looks at his mobile repeatedly. Imlie takes his phone and keeps it aside. Adi enters speaking to editor that he has solid evidence against MLA. Nishant comments everyone gets god’s call, but Adi gets his editor’s call. Imlie asks Adi to join them. Adi jokes on her. Pankaj asks Adi if he is covering a smuggler and MLA’s story. Adi says yes. Pankaj asks him to take Imlie as intern in this story. Malini says Imlie is taking care of navratri celebration and may get distracted. Adi says Imlie’s internship has already started from home. Harish asks MLA’s name. Adi says his name is Adarsh Kant. Pranav’s phone rings. Imlie goes to get his phone. Pranav rushes and picks his phone thinking it must be of MLA’s. Imlie asks why did he rush, its a suspicious act in her village. He says he was turning phone silent as Adi got an important call.

Rupali enters and says she will serve prasad to everyone. Radha asks her to spend time with Pranav. Pranav looks at idol thinking how to get pen drive from idol. Imlie asks why is he staring at idol. He says he is praying god. Aparna asks Imlie to invite locality people to come and receive prasad. She leaves dancing.
Pranav enters Dhruv and Nidhi’s room and speaks to MLA over phone. He thinks how to get pen drive while he is either surrounded by oldies or Rupali, then thinks Rupali can be an easy target . He then sees I love you greeting and takes it along to lure Rupali. Imlie clashes with him and scolds if he has eyes or buttons, what was he doing in Dhruv and Nidhi’s room. He hides card and says she cannot stop him with whatever she tries and he will succeed in his plan, leaving her confused.

Imlie in her village style roams around locality in a rickshaw and invites whole locality to come and receive prasad at 6 p.m. tonight. She then interacts with policemen and after a long chat invites even them. She then returns home and informs what she did. Malini says they prepared limited prasad. Imlie says if there is devotion in mind, they can share limited prasad with everyone. Rupali enters and happily shows Pranav’s given card. Imlie remembers seeing it in Dhruv’s room and realizes Pranav stole it. Rupali says Pranav never expressed his feelings like this, he is changing and she likes it. Imlie calls Meethi and explaining whole story seeks her opinion. Mithi suggests her to discuss her doubt against Pranav to Rupali before Rupali hopes too high. Imlie says Rupali is very happy with Pranav’s return. Mithi asks if she can forgive herself if Rupali’s heart breaks again. Rupali in her room looks at her and Pranav’s wedding pic. Imlie walks to her and informs her that Pranav stole card from Dhruv’s room and maybe he is acting as loving her.

Precap: Malini asks Imlie not to provoke Rupali against her husband. Imlie says Pranav betrayed Rupali before. Malini says even Imlie betrayed and backstabbed her, she forgave her, then who is Imlie to ask Rupali not to forgive Pranav.  Inspector arrests Adi after finding drugs in his room.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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