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Aparna tells Pankaj, Harish, and Radha that she didn’t think she would see this day, Malini’s judge humiliated Adi. Harish says whatever happened has happened, he thinks judge is sensible and will dismiss case during next hearing. Imlie with Mithi and Dulari enters and says it will not discuss with their evidence. Harish says there is no proof at all. Imlie asks him to give her a chance to prove its Malini and Anu’s conspiracy. Rupali gives props to Imlie to disguise herself as Malini. Pankaj asks what is it. Aparna says whatever it is, because of Imlie, they are humiliated by mob outside their own house. Imlie says mob didn’t come because of her and they all know who did it, she just needs one chance to prove her point. Nishant and Rupali requests Aparna to permit Imlie. Adi enters and asks what she wants to do. She says sometimes they need to use tricks in war, she needs even Sundar’s help. Mithi asks her if she thinks she will get evidence after doing all this. Imlie says she will try and leave the rest to Seeta Maiya.

Anu gets heavily drunk in kitty party and acts weird. Her friends support her and get her into car. She calls Malini and says she enjoyed kitty party and won each time remembering stupid servant Imlie’s dirty face. Malini asks why did she get drunk in kitty party when case is still on. Anu says she is celebrating. Malini says Imlie must be planning something, they need to be careful. Anu says let us plan baking cake and she is coming home. Malini asks her to come home soon. She eagerly waits for Anu and thinks where she must be. Driver enters and informs that Anu went somewhere in some other car. Malini gets tensed. Sundar drives Anu to Tripathi house and takes her in. Tripathis and Imlie’s team watch hiding. Anu sees house dark and asks servant to switch on lights. Imlie disguised as Imlie walks to her. Anu asks if she was waiting for her. Imlie makes her sit. Aparna says she will end this drama right now. Pankaj stops her for Adi’s sake. Anu says she wants to throw her sandal on servant Imlie’s face as its her lucky day. Imlie thinks how to get truth out of Anu’s mouth.

Mithi tells Dulari that a mother can easily differentiate between her children and others, she is worried that Anu will identify Imlie. Dulari says Imlie is very clever. Anu asks Imlie to call servant Imlie. Imlie asks where did she get that drug from. Anu says drug is very bad, she should have red wine like her. Imlie says she is talking about a drug which they gave to Adi’s family, where did she get that bottle from. Anu ignores her question and says its her lucky day. Anu says they should do something before Imlie finds a truth. Anu says evidence is.. Tripathis get alert and eagerly wait for her answer. Malini enters and asks what is she doing here and is shocked to see Imlie disguised as her. She realizes that Imlie played this trick to get truth from mom. She gets angry on Tripathi family for supporting Imlie in her heinous act. She says Adi blindly supports Imlie, but she didn’t expect this from Aparna. Radha and Harish apologize her. Nishant asks why are they apologizing when their family is also tricked. Malini says its not proved yet, how can they do this cheap act to her mother. Rupali says her mom herself got drunk and is not tricked like them. Imlie says even Malini did same with them. Malini warns her to shut up and says she is not speaking to her. She tells Adi if he had told her, she would have given false evidence and went to jail or sent Imlie’s family to jail for forced gunpoint marriage, but she didn’t file any case caring for them and they all gave her immense pain. She she Anu from there.

Adi scolds Imlie that this was not the right way to get out truth, Anu already filed case against them and may worse then situation, Malini is right that they shouldn’t have stooped sow low, so Imlie should apologize Malini and Anu. Dulari supports Imlie and says Malini spoilt their plan, why should Imlie apologize. Adi asks her to keep quiet and insists Imlie to go and apologize Anu and Malini or else he will stop talking to her.

Aditya tells Imlie that her trick didn’t prove anything, so she should go and apologize Malini and Anu or else he will stop speaking to her. Malini takes heavily drunk Anu towards car scolding her. Imlie runs to them and apologizes. Malini asks her to stay away. Anu continuing her weird behavior says her baby wore Imlie’s sari that day. Imlie hearing that calls Adi and tries to stop Malini. Malini gets Anu inside car. Imlie holds Malini’s hand and doesn’t let her go. Adi rushes to them. Malini frees herself and asks Adi to control his wife as she was fighting with mom. Imlie tries to pull Malini and asks Adi not to let them go. Malini gets into car and leaves. Adi scolds her that he sent her to apologize, but she fought with them and forcefully takes her in. Next morning, Adi drops Imlie to college. Imlie asks when he is angry on her, why did he drop her to college. He says he doesn’t want her to lose on her studies as he had promised Satyakam/SK before he shot him. Imlie says he knows he cares for her and asks him to smile once. Adi says SK shot him, even then she helped him escape, but she filed case against Malini without any proof, he doesn’t know what and why she does. Imlie tells Seeta Maiya if Adi had heard Anu, all confusion would have been cleared.

Anu feels headache due to hangover. Malini gives her medicine. Anu thanks her and says she didn’t know that servant would kidnap her and is very intelligent. Malini says she should have been careful before getting heavily drunk and blabbering truth, Imlie was having doubt till yesterday and now she is sure and will try her best to expose them, so she will attack Imlie where it pains her most and is going to college.

Adi reaches office and hear his colleagues badmouthing about him about his bigamy and female colleague fear for their dignity. Boss scolds them to get back to work instead of gossiping and informs Adi that he has removed him from his job as chief executive reporter due to his bigamy and court case and says already had warned him not to ride on 2 boats. Adi says he gave 10 years for this company and risked his life, but boss is removing him from job because of a few people’s allegation. Boss says its board of directors’ decision and asks him to leave his badge and press ID card before leaving office. Adi returns his press ID and walks away. Imlie enters college and sits next to students. Students discuss not to sit next to Imlie as she levied dirty allegations on professor Chaturvedi, their parents don’t want to mingle with her as she may wrongly allege even them. Imlie asks what are they talking about. Student says who marries at 19 years, another says cheap people like her run in front of cars for a few bucks and wrongly alleged professor again for money. Imlie holds his collar and shouts that her family’s dignity is at stake. Another professor sees her and orders her to meet principal right now.

Adi enters his cabin and emotionally looks at his awards remembering receiving it. He packs his stuff and leaves office. Students complain principal that they will go on strike if characterless girl like Imlie studies here. Imlie shocked asks what are they talking about. Principal says their college’s dignity is ruined because of her and asks her to apologize Malini for character assassinating her. Imlie denies to apologize Malini. Principal says they know professor Malini since years and respect her, but Imlie alleged her character. Malini enters acting and requests principal not to take any hasty decision as she had taken responsibility of Imlie’s studies as she is her sister. Professor says Imlie is taking out her personal revenge by filing false case against Malini, she will become a terrorist like SK, they cannot unlearn her whole life’s learning and teach her new in 3 years. Professor says Imlie is suspended from college. Imlie pleads principal not to suspend her as it her mother’s dream and she will study hard, etc. Principal orders her to take suspension letter and never enter college again. Malini acts and pleads principal not to do that. Imlie takes suspension letter remembering receiving scholarship and SK praising her and walks away. Malini acts again and pleads professors and principal not to destroy Imlie’s future. Principal says I am sorry. Imlie walks crying. Malini says she shouldn’t have done wrong with her mom, she will face consequences if she does wrong to her. Imlie smiles and says she is so cute, she got happy seeing her in trouble and can continue being happy. Malini warns her to stop acting great and says now she will get back what Imlie snatched from her. Imlie asks what is left for her. Malini says Imlie snatched everything from her and she did same. Imlie says she couldn’t. Malini says there is nothing left in Imlie’s life now, she was boasting about scholarship and lost it today. Imlie says she is not useless as she has truth and Seeta Maiya with her and taking Seeta Maiya’s oath challenges to find evidence against her and defeat her. Malini says he can do whatever she wants to. Imlie walks away smiling and greeting Jai Seeta Maiya ki.

Precap: Adi confronts Imlie that he couldn’t be a good son, good human, and lost even his journalism because of her. Watchman stops Imlie from entering college and reveals that she is suspended from college. KC tells Imlie that they will win the case for sure with her strong determination. Anu tells Malini that Imlie will lose case. Malini says Imlie will find neither proof nor Aditya.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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