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Malini remembers Adi requesting Imlie for a lunch date and thinks how will she get new ideas daily to stop Adi. Imlie enters disguised as Chinese woman holding Chinese food. Malini asks what nonsense, what kind of a silly joke is this. Imlie says she wanted to have Chinse food, so a Chinese woman came. Malini says she doesn’t need her food. Imlie says she is worried for her baby, so she brought home cooked food. Malini says she and her baby don’t need her and her concern, so she should go. Imlie says even she is becoming a mother. Malini opens mouth in shock. Imlie puts food in her mouth and feeds her more bites tricking her. Malini fumes. Imlie asks which cuisine she wants to have tomorrow as she needs time to search clothes. Malini asks her to get out, and Imlie leaves. Malini thinks Imlie wants to act great, she just needed Adi and didn’t want to get pregnant, she will use her pregnancy and baby to separate Adi from Imlie. She gets Anu’s call and asks her to do some work for her.

During breakfast, Rupali tells Imlie that she will get her ready for a date. Nishant says he will get Adi ready. Rupali says Adi did a good job for the first time in life, if they are going for a lunch date and will spend time together till dinner. Malini thinks Imlie will not go on a date. Harish informs Radha and Aparna that Anu invited them for a pooja she kept for Malini’s baby. Pankaj says after what Anu did with them, Harish should have rejected her invitation. Harish asks how can he when Malini is here. Aparna says Anu went to jail for her sins, they can’t deny Anu’s invitation as pooja is for their grandchild. Radha says Aparna is right. Pankaj asks Adi what he wants. Imlie says she feels they all should attend pooja for baby’s sake. Rupali asks what about her lunch date. Malini thanks Imlie for taking care of her and her baby and asks to accompany them if she wants to. Imlie agrees. Malini smirks and thinks this pooja is to stop Imlie’s lunch date.
Dulari tells Imlie that Malini and Anu have planned this pooja to stop Imlie’s lunch date with her husband. Imlie says she knows, but amma says anything done with god’s name is auspicious; she can go on a lunch date with her husband whenever she wants to. Dulari says she never understands her and her amma. Imlie says there will be halwa pooja for her there. Dulari excitedly goes to get ready. Imlie says she knows Adi wanted to take her out and try to speak and understand her, but she cannot do that; she asks god when will the distance between her and Adi clear. She walks on street and gets excited seeing actors Sunny Kaushal and Radhika Madan who came to promote their movie Shiddat. They say they were going for an event and their car broke down. Imlie asks if even their car breaks down and introduces herself as Imlie from Pagdandiya. Radhika asks if she came here from Pagdandiya walking. Imlie describes her story and says love dragged her here. Sunny says where love happens, its intense/shiddat and introduces their film’s characters Jaggi and Karthika. Imlie asks where are they. They say they are their film’s characters and continue to promote their movie. Imlie promises to watch their movie with Adi. Driver fixes their car’s problem and they drive away.

At C house, Anu scolds her servants to take out silver cutlery for pooja. Dev asks why she is performing pooja on kitty party day, if she is conspiring something. Anu says she is becoming a grandmom and walks away acting thinking will baby call her. Dev thinks he knows her well and knows she is conspiring something. Imlie returns home. Adi asks why she is excited to attend pooja. Imlie says she met bollywood stars. He jokes. She says its up to him to believe it or not. he asks if she is angry that he couldn’t take her on a lunch date. She says she is angry on him for supporting Malini and deleting video, but she cannot vent out her anger on a baby; she cannot understand what will happen to their relationship, but baby is part of his life and dearer to her. He says like she told she doesn’t want to vent out her anger on a baby, even he did it for a baby; anyways they will go on a date someday. She walks away. He thinks he is eager to see her smile and walks towards car. Nishant taunts he looks romantic. Adi asks to do as he said. He says yes and calls whole family. They all get into car. Dulari sits next to Adi before Malini does. Doctor calls Malini and informs her that she has asthma and lungs are weak, so should be away from dust and pollution, she thinks she cannot cancel havan or else Adi will go behind Imlie. Doctor warns her to take his advice seriously or it will adversely affect her baby. She agrees and gets into car. Adi asks what did Dr. Sharma say. She says he asked her to take care of her diet.

Tripathis visit C house for pooja. Dev greets them. Anu thanks them for coming and says she thought they wouldn’t come. Harish says they should respect would be grandma/naani’s request. Anu asks not to call her naani, she hasn’t decided what will baby call her. Rupali jokes to hurry up or else baby will also call her Mrs Chaturvedi. Dev smirks. Dulari jokes they are both nanis now. Aparna asks Anu reason for pooja. Anu says she kept her family deity’s pooja for baby’s safety. Dev acts surprised and says she didn’t keep any pooja during Malini’s time. Anu says he doesn’t remember as he was wandering in villages at that time. Aditya asks if they can start pooja. Anu says sure, Pandit is on the way, so they can sit till then. They walk in. Malini thanks Anu and says she didn’t get any other idea to stop Adi and Imlie’s date. Imlie hears their conversation.
Anu asks Tripathis if they want to have snacks till panditji comes. Rupali taunts if she hasn’t mixed anything. Anu calls maid to come and serve her prepared snacks. Mithi enters leaving Tripathis surprised. Adi irked asks what is this. Anu asks why are they surprised, Mithi needed a job and she needed a maid and hence hired her for 5000 rs. Adi shouts she is unrepentant for her acts even after so much happened. Anu says she apologized for all her mistakes. Adi shouts sorry word looks cheap from her mouth, how can she do this to amma. Anu says she just gave job to this poor woman whose husband is a criminal and cannot take care of her. Mithi tells Adi that its a job and she doesn’t bother what others think. Imlie says she is right. Anu warns Mithi that she hired her to work and not chat with guests and orders to get remaining snacks. Imlie, Rupali, Nishant, Sundar, Dev, offer to help Mithi. Dulari also agrees and yells at Anu that she has to work because of her. Adi says he will accompany Imlie. Malini asks him to sit back when so many people are helping Mithi. Aparna also insists. Adi sits back yelling that he is doing this for baby, but its wrong. Mithi with others serves snacks. Dev asks Mithi to taste snacks. Anu says she is on diet. Dulari forcefeeds her and says she looks pretty with mouth shut. Imlie’s supporters smirk seeing that.

Panditji starts pooja and says they are doing pooja for would baby’s protection and bright future, husband and wife should come in front. Rupali asks Imlie to sit with Adi as its her right. Imlie says Anu and Malini will not let her sit with Adi as they organized this pooja to keep her away from Adi. Rupali says they should inform this to Adi. Imlie says Adi will not believe her. Rupali asks if she will not do anything. Imlie says she will pray for baby as she is not like Anu and Malini. Anu makes Adi and Malini sit together and tells panditji that husband and wife sat for pooja. Adi says they are baby’s parents but not husband and wife. Panditji says he is performing this kind of pooja for the first time. Malini asks to start it. Panditji starts pooja. Malini remembers doctor’s warning that she has asthma and should stay away from dust and smoke, thinks she can tolerate a bit of smoke.

Nishant walks to Adi and says he booked a table for Adi and Imlie. Adi says he will take Imlie out for a lunch date after pooja ends. Malini asks what happened, if he has planned something. He says he is taking Imlie out for a dinner date after pooja. She says let us finish pooja soon then. Anu walks to Panditji and asks him to elongate pooja as much as he can. Pandit asks baby’s mother’s brother to drape chunri/veil on baby’s parents. Nishant does same hesitantly. Imlie feels sad seeing that. Pandit asks parents to hold each other’s hand and take oath. Mithi tells Dulari that she never heard of this kind of pooja. Pandit asks parents to take oath that they will protect baby and will love him/her like they love each other. Adi says he will love baby like he loves his wife. Imlie asks Seeta Maiya why she wrote this kind of fate for her. Adi prays god to get him to Imlie again as she is far away from him mentally, looking at Imlie. Pandit continues pooja. Anu taunts servant Imlie that it looks good seeing everyone at their place, Adi and Malini are together, but Imlie and her mother can’t do anything. Imlie warns not to badmouth about her mother. Anu warns her to calm down during pooja and says Adi and Malini will be together forever, but beggar Imlie may not even be present. Imlie says she cares for her and prays god to give her some conscience. Anu says junior servant can do whatever she wants to. Imlie thinks Anu hasn’t changed even after going to jail, she needs to do something.

Precap: Imlie with Nishant and Sundar plays prank with Anu and says she is invisible now. Anu finds herself missing from photo and mirror. Imlie notices hookers and asks if they are waiting for rickshaw. One says whatever transport they get and leaves in client’s car.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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