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Sundar, Nishant, and Rupali act as taking committee members’ photos for newspaper interview to buy some time for Imlie to get Devimaa’s idol. Their drama continues. Committee members fall for their tricks. Malini says its time for pooja. Committee members realize its time for people’s visit and asks when will Imlie bring idol. Harish says she is on the way and asks them to continue their photo session. They fall for their tricks again. Malini leaves. Imlie with truck driver continues drying Devimaa’s idol. Truck driver requests water. Imlie walks towards home when she sees Malini giving idol to a poor family and realizes that Malini stole the idol.

At Chaturvedi house, Meethi with Devi performs Devimaa’s pooja and plays shank. Anu gets irritated with shank sound and asks her to stop it. Meethi says she should enter temple bending her head. Devi says positive entered their house after a long time, so Anu shouldn’t spread her negativity now. Anu says, sure they both can celebrate here while their daughter fails at Chaturvedi house. Meethi says Anu tried a lot before, but this time her daughter has Devimaa’s blessings. Anu says even her daughter has a mother’s blessings, let us see whom will Devimaa bless. Dev rings temple bell to ignore Anu and takes aarti from Meethi.
Imlie walks to Malini. Malini says she saw everything, what will she do now. Imlie says she stole devimaa’s idol and became bad, but she was so good before. Malini says she is good and is trying to get back her right and Aditya. Imlie asks why can’t she become her old sister and mend her ways for her baby’s sake; she knows Adi trust Malini more than her, so Malini shouldn’t break Adi’s trust; anyways they all 3 will live together after baby’s arrival. Malini asks who told her that, she will not share her husband with anymore; they both betrayed her and Imlie took everything from, so she will not be quiet and fight for her rights.

Committee members walk out fuming saying they will inform others that they had to cancel pooja because of Imlie. Imlie walks to them and says she found idol. Pankaj asks how did she. Imlie goes to get idol and finds it missing. Committee member asks where is the idol, Imlie lied to them again. Imlie thinks who stole idol now, she will disappoint Harish again. They hear shank sound, walk inside to check, and find Adi playing it in front of Devimaa’s idol. Aparna and Radha ask who brought idol here. Adi says he did. Committee member apologize Imlie and praise that they wouldn’t have found a trustable person than her. Rupali praises Imlie. Imlie asks Adi how did he get idol in. He says truck driver gave idol and informed how she prepared it in no time. Harish says now they will celebrate navratri. Committee members leave saying they will return for function with family. Dulari asks everyone to get ready and asks Rupali to give her a good sari. Aparna says she has already done that.

Adi’s informer spies on smugglers and informs him about their location. Adi asks him to send him address and informs family that he is going on an important mission. Family insists him to send someone else. Adi says there is no risk in it and leaves asking them to make pooja arrangements till he returns. Imlie stops him and says she won’t be able to leave all her work and come to save him if he falls in trouble again. He says she is a college student and not his bodyguard, she need not worry as he will return home safe and should be ready to perform aarti with him when he returns. Malini hears their conversation hiding. Imlie returns to family and gives responsibilities to each family member. They all obey her. Malini thinks Imlie is happy thinking of performing aarti with Adi, she will ruin Imlie’s dream this time.

Adi meets his informer who requests not to enter smugglers’ den as they are very dangerous. Adi asks not to worry and sends him away. He then enters building hiding from guards and killing one on his way. He notices smuggler’s meeting with MLA and records it on his camera.
Aditya records smuggler Pasha and MLA’s conversation about transporting drug. At C house, Aparna worried for Adi prays Devimaa and searches agarbati in temple holding its pack. Imlie jokes and says its in her hand and says Devimaa’s 10 hands assure her that she is protecting her children. Aparna asks to speak to her directly. Imlie says Adi touched her feet and took her blessings before leaving home, he trusts his mother more than god, so she needs trust herself as Adi will return before aarti. Adi continues recording and hears MLA telling that he has selected a genius to transport drugs. Malini walks to Imlie and scolds her to stop troubling maa when she is already tensed for Adi. She calls Adi while Imlie tries to stop her. Adi’s phone rings. Pasha says its not his gang’s ring tone. Adi disconnects call. Imlie says she told Adi is busy and will return home before aarti.

Smugglers find Adi and shoot at him. Adi escapes pushing them away and leaves in his bike. MLA says that man shouldn’t escape. Goons inform Pasha that Adi escaped. MLA says he knows that man, he is journalist Aditya. Pasha says let us bribe him and shut his mouth. MLA says Adi is honest and will not accept money, so he knows someone who can help them. He calls Anu and asks her to steal Adi’s recording somehow. Anu calls Malini asks if servant Imlie is blamed by family. Malini says no, situation has changed. Anu say she has a plan. Meethi hearing her conversation and thinks till when they both will conspire against her daughter. She plays bhajan on music player loudly. Anu gets irritated and walks to kitchen. She follows Anu and switches on mixer grinder. Anu scolds her to stop and tries to explain her plan. Meethi continues disturbing her. Malini hears Adi’s bike sound and disconnects call.

Adi returns home thanking god that goons didn’t follow him and walks limping. Aparna opens door and asks if he is fine. Adi says he is fine and had told her that he would return on time. Malini asks why had he gone out. He says to collect some important documents. She says he would have sent Sundar or someone else. Rupali takes him for aarti. After sometime, Adi downloads recording in his laptop when Imlie walks in and keeps her hand on his shoulder. He jumps in shock and asks why did she came suddenly when he is working. She brings crepe bandage and says she knows when he is in pain, applies bandage and asks what is he hiding. He informs about MLA and Pasha’s drug deal and him recording their meeting, says if this evidence is leaked, Pasha and MLA will be in trouble. He gives her pen drive and asks to keep it safely. She says he didn’t trust her when she informed him about Malini, but now trusts her. She takes pen drive and hides it in Devimaa’s idol, and prays Devimaa to protect this evidence or else Adi’s life will be in danger. Malini walks towards idol when Adi stops her and asks what is she doing here. She nervously says she cannot inform him as she is very embarrassed. He says she need not feel embarrass. She says she wanted to perform aarti before colony people arrive as she single and pregnant and society will humiliate her with their taunts. He says he cannot shut people’s mouth after whatever happened recently, he wants to know what she wants. She asks if he can perform aarti with her before everyone comes. He gets call from office, goes aside, and says evidence is with him safely. She thinks she will perform aarti with Adi.

Precap: Committee people praise Imlie’s pooja arrangements. Imlie introduces Rupali as bhajan singer. MLA asks Pranav to get pen drive from Adi. Pranav thinks its important to him. Imlie hears him and asks what is important to him.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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