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Kidnappers board a flight with Imlie and other girls. Kidnapper asks Imlie not to get nervous and shows her magazine. She plead with him to let her go. He calls Rajni and informs that flight will take off in sometime. Malini hopes Adi doesn’t reach airport. 

Adi introduces himself to security officer and asks him to stop all the flights from take off as his wife Imlie is in one of them as he got her paper in airport. Officer says as a reporter he should know that they can not stop flight without any proof. Adi shows Imlie’s picyure and asks to stop International flights at least. Officer calls Imlie’s flight and asks air hostess if some suspicious person boarded flight. Air hostess says no. Officer says everything is fine and ignores Adi’s plead.

Kidnapper threatens Imlie to keep quiet or else his team will kill her family. Imlie remembers SK teaching her maths and praising her intelligence. She picks magazine. Kidnapper asks if she knows hor to read. She says no, but Seeta Maiya gave her eyes to watch. Once his attention diverts, she tears a HELP letters from magazine and and try to leave. Kidnapper stops her and asks where is she going. She says bathroom. He says he will accompany her. Air hostess stops him and says he can use another bathroom. He says she is his patient and will she take responsibility if something happens to her. Air hostess permits him. Imlie enters washroom sticks HELP letters on ceiling. Once she is out, kidnapper checks bathroom and takes her towards seat. Air hostess asks if she is fine. She says yes, everything is in upar wala/god’s hands and signals her. Air hostess checks bathroom and finding HELP note on ceiling calls police. Magazine falls down, kidnapper seeing HELP letters missing from it threatens Imlie that her family will pay for it. Police enters and points gun at kidnapper. Imlie vents out her anger on him for trying to ruin girls’ life. Security officer informs Adi that his information was right and his wife and other girls are rescued from kidnappers.
Police bring Imlie to airport lounge and praise her bravery. Imlie asks girls not to trust anyone blindly and asks inspector to thank air hostess who helped her. He says she need not worry. Imlie sees Adi, walks to him, and cries hugging him tightly. Piya Tose Milne.. song plays in the background. Adi asks if she is fine. She says yes, but family is in danger. He nervously stammers what does she mean? 

In jail, Malini brings money and Anu gifts it to Rajni for getting rid off servant Imlie. Rajni says she takes care of her friends well. Malini tells Anu that she will go home or else everyone will doubt her. She says she can return to Adi forever. 

At Tripathi's house, goons plan to kill Tripathi's families as they saw their faces. Imlie with Adi and police reaches Tripathi's house. Inspector try to break door. Imlie stops him and says goons may panic and shoot her family seeing police suddenly, so let her go in first. She enters house via window with Adi and rescues family. Police arrests goons and take them away.

Police arrest goons and take them away. Imlie asks family if they are fine? Pankaj says they are and are happy that she is fine. Rupali says they were worried for her, but she saved their lives. Dulari and Mithi pamper Imlie. Malini returns and seeing police dragging goons out asks Adi why had police come here, if everyone is fine, he need not worry as Imlie will return soon. Imlie says her trust proved right, she is back. Malini is shocked to see her back, then thank God for her return. Rupali says they should pray to god and thank him. Aparna agrees, and the whole family walk to home temple. Adi asks Imlie to have something till family performs aarti. Imlie hugs Malini and says she is happy to see her reaction and asks her to thank her mom because of whom she could sit in flight. Malini asks how does she know? Imlie says she shot an arrow in the air, Malini became the target and thank her for proving her doubt right; she is Imlie from Pagdandiya and will fly high.

Malini bail out Anu. Anu fumes that she had to spend 3 days with criminals in jail because of servant and they couldn’t harm servant. Malini apologize to her for spending time in jail because of her and feels sad that Aditya is listening to only Imlie ignoring her presence. Anu says she should use her pregnancy trump card to gain Aditya’s attention and gives her example that Dev returned back home for his daughter Malini, she should make her baby’s presence to Aditya and slowly Aditya will be forced to leave servant Imlie.
Aparna goes kitchen. Imlie seeing her try to leave. Aparna stops her and thanks her, says so much happened to her and even then she didn’t ask Malini to leave, thanks for thinking about family, etc. Dulari enters and says there is no use of thanking and pleasing Imlie, she should think of how Imlie must be feeling seeing her child growing in another woman’s womb; asks Imlie how can she give up her right of becoming a mother to Kalini/Malini and letting Kalini snatch her right, now Adi doesn’t have any place for her in his life. Imlie says Adi considers her as life partner and will never leave her. She walks away praying to Seeta Maiya to give her courage to support Aditya. 

The next morning, Imlie wakes up and asks Seeta Maiya why she troubles her often by getting her or Adi kidnapped. She looks at her college bag and remembers principal suspending her, then thinks she can study at home itself and picks her books. Adi walks in and requests to forgive him. She asks for what? He says for betraying her. She ask if she can give exam just by byhearting answers without knowing their meaning? He says no. She ask him to stop repeatedly saying sorry without understanding the real problem. He asks her to explain to him then. She asks will he believe that Malini has changed and misused him to be with him, Anu did all conspiracies, and they are using Malini’s pregnancy as trump card. Adi says he is just worried about the baby. She says if he had supported the truth and not betrayed her, she would have been in college.

Adi takes breakfast for Malini and wakes her up. Malini gets happy, but then gets out of imagination hearing Dulari shouting and says she wanted to see baby’s father first. Dulari says she is worried for her baby and brought family photos for her baby. She removes Adi and Malini’s photos from walls and fixes family and Adi Imlie’s photos. Malini asks her to go if she is done. Dulari walks away frowning. 

During breakfast, Aparna asks Malini if she is going to college, she will give her tiffin as she needs to take care of herself and baby. Pankaj gets call from Imlie’s college and informs Imlie that Kunal had sent a notice to college that they can not suspend her illegally. Principal apologize to Imlie and invites her for inter college Hindi debate competition. She happily informs family. Aparna asks Sundar to pack tiffin for Imlie also. Dulari asks Nishant what is debatya. He explains. Dulari jokes to take Radha along as nobody can win over her in debate. Imlie’s supporters laugh hearing that. Imlie gets ready for college. Adi offers her to drop her to college. She says she will go by herself. He says he will pick her up then, he knows she is not afraid of human traffickers or any goons, he wants her to return home with trophy. Malini hears their conversation and thinks she will not let him pick up Imlie, will inform about it to Anu.

Precap: Anu stuffs Malini’s mouth with sweets citing Malini’s win. Dev gets angry on her. Imlie notices hookers and asks if they are waiting for rickshaw. One says whatever transport they get and leaves in client’s car.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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