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Imlie’s inter college Hindi debate competition starts. Host announces final round between Imlie’s and another college and asks to send their representative. Students forcefully send Imlie on stage. Host questions whether a person should use intelligence or listen to heart during a tough situation. Imlie gives a long explanation that a person should use intelligence and not emotions during tough situation. Everyone clap for her. 

At Chaturvedi's house, Anu serves gifts to servants. Dev asks what is happening? Anu says she is celebrating as they are becoming grandparents, she will select a cool name for herself by the time baby arrives. She calls senior servant Mithi. Dev gets angry and warns her to behave. Anu continues calling senior servant. Mithi walks to her. Anu says she served sweets to servants on her daughter’s win, now its her daughter’s win and she will feed her sweets. She stuffs laddu in Mithi’s mouth. Mithi says show off is not real happiness, she can not erase bitterness from her mind and mouth with it. Anu asks she is showing attitude staying in her house. Dev warns that Mithi is his daughter’s mother and can stay in his house till she wants to. Anu says she will decide how Mithi will stay in her house, calls servant and giving all servants 1 month leave orders Mithi to do all the household work alone. Mithi says she likes being busy as empty mind is an evil house like Anu’s. Anu shouts what did she say. Mithi says she will clean her house for free but needs money to clean her evil thinking. Dev grins hearing that and asks Anu if she got her answer. Anu stands fuming. Malini calls her, she relaxes and asks Malini how is she feeling, she explained to her many times if she uses her pregnancy trump cards, Aditya will be around her.

Judge announces Imlie as the winner of the competition. Imlie receives trophy. 

Adi is busy on his laptop realizes its time to pick up Imlie. Nishant asks him to go and convince her. Adi says Imlie is very angry and will not listen to him. Nishant says he is lucky that Imlie is angry on him, he can show his love for her and convince her. Adi leaves. 

Radha asks Malini if she is craving for any food? Malini says she wants to have chaat. Radha says even Aparna used to crave for chaat during her pregnancy, she will make arrangements for it. She sees Adi passing and asks him to take Malini out and buy her chaats. Adi says he needs to pick Imlie. Malini says school has arranged van for students’ pickup and asks didn’t Imlie inform him? 
At college, Imlie’s classmates ask her to accompany them. She says her husband is coming to pick her up and must be on his way. Friends leave. 

Adi at home thinks Imlie must have won competition, he is eager to see her trophy. Radha asks Adi to take Malini out before shops close. Adi leaves with Malini.

Imlie continues waiting at college door. Cab driver offers her help, but she says her husband is on the way and thinks though she is angry with Adi, she wants to share her win with Adi. 

Malini thanks Imlie can not win over her, Adi will be with her and her child. Adi drives her to chaat shop and orders dahi bhalla. 

Imlie takes watchman’s phone and calls Aditya. Malini notices her call and picks it. Imlie asks why don’t he speak, thinks maybe he is on the way, and says she is waiting for him and he should come soon. Malini thinks only waiting will be left in Imlie’s life. Adi returns and picks phone to call family. Malini gets nervous, acts as coughing, and asks if he can lower windows and let fresh air in. He agrees. She apologizes to him citing her hormonal changes during pregnancy. He says he can understand. After a bit of drive, he asks how is she feeling now? She says much better, thinks she will feel better once Imlie is out of his life forever. 

Imlie continues waiting for Adi and walks on street. Jeele Zara.. song plays in the background.

Mithi remembers Imlie informing her that she will call her once she reach home. She picks landline receiver to call Adi. Anu stops her and says Adi is with Malini and shows Malini’s sent pics. Mithi says that means Adi didn’t go to pick Imlie. Anu taunts her that junior servant should get habituated to stay alone and looking at pic says Adi and Malini are looking very happy. Mithi says she knows how Malini is fooling Aditya in lieu of pregnancy and how she tricked him and got intimate with him. Anu says whatever it is, Adi was forcefully married to Imlie. Mithi says everyone are thinking about a baby which hasn’t come in earth yet, but nobody is thinking about Imlie. She pray to Seeta Maiya not to let any new storm in Imlie’s life.

Imlie sees a few women/hookers standing at bus stop and asks if they are waiting for rickshaw? One of them says rickshaw, bike, or car, whatever they get and leaves in a car with her customer. Imlie thinks that didi went home with her husband and seeing another woman also leaving with customers thinks when will Babusaheb come to pick her up. She sees women’s dress and asks if its their uniform. One of them says yes. She says even she used to wear uniform in school? A client gets out of car and after bargaining with woman try to slap her. Imlie stops him and shouts how dare he is to hit his wife, a man who can not respect his wife doesn’t deserve her. Client leaves. Woman says she had to get money from that man. Imlie lectures that she shouldn’t make man her support system, be it her father, brother, or husband as men promise and break it. Another woman asks how is she so intelligent. Imlie says she got a scholarship ad studies at City College.

Malini and Adi return home. Radha offers them prasad. Harish asks Malini if she enjoyed chaats, she should have whatever she craves for during pregnancy. Radha reminds him of her cravings during pregnancy. Harish says how can he forget and remembers getting chaats for her hiding at 11 p.m. Adi feels frustrated and asks if Imlie returned home. Malini asks Harish to continue what he used to do. Harish says Radha demanded to tie a thread/kalaba to their hands together. Radha says it will get an immense love for child. Malini tells Adi they should also tie Kalaba for child’s sake. Radha tikes kalaba to their hands.
A biker stops near Imlie and offers her a lift till her house. She unknown of his intentions agrees and thanks Seeta Maiya for sending a kind man for her help. Biker asks her to hold him tightly. She says she can ride buffalo without any support. He starts flirting with her. She thinks he seems to be a bad man and thinks she can’t jump off from bike as she may get injured, so she makes police siren sound. Man gets afraid and asks if police is coming. She says police van is behind her and asking him to follow her directions reaches home. Man says she fooled him and insists her to sit back on his bike. She slaps him and shouts. Adi hearing her voice walks out with family. Imlie says he is her husband. Man seeing Adi’s hand tied to Malini’s hand says her husband is with another woman, why will he come to pick her up. Harish and Pankaj shoo him away. Imlie is shattered to see Adi and Malini’s hands tied together and drops her bag down. She says she thought he will pick her up from college. Malini apologize to her and says she was craving for chaats, so Adi took her to chaat shop. Adi apologize to Imlie for not coming to pick her up and asks about her debate competition. Rupali says she won it and shows trophy. Imlie picks her broken trophy from ground. Adi says he will fix it. She asks how will he when his hands are tied and walk in crying.

Imlie wash her face to hide her tears. Rupali asks if she is upset, she should feel bad as Adi should have picked her up instead of taking Malini out, don’t know what happens to Adi. Imlie says even she felt bad but then realized that Adi has to take care of his child and child’s mother, its right even if Malini stopped Adi, she wants baby to be with her father, but can not understand what will happen to her. Aparna enters and says she needs to learn to share her husband’s love. Rupali asks how can Imlie share her husband’s love with another woman? Aparna says Imlie has to share her love with Adi’s baby; she is searching her place in Adi’s life and should instead think of her place in baby’s life and should think of punishing baby for her mother’s mistakes; she should think whether she wants to become baby’s step aunt, step mother, or just mother.

Malini brings chinese food and asks Sundar to serve it to everyone. He says if she wanted to have Chinese, she should have informed him as hotel food has ajinomoto and other preservatives. Malini angrily says she wants to have Chinse and wants him to serve it. Once she leaves, Imlie enters and Sundar complain to her. She says she will prepare Chinese for Malini. He asks if Malini will have her prepared Chinese food? She says she will try. Adi walks in. She says she is busy. He says he thought she will come by van and was thinking only of her, he couldn’t spend time with her since a few days and wants to take for a dinner date. She says no need for all this. He says he just wants to spend some quality time with her. Nishant enters and informs that he booked a table for them. Imlie says she will not go anywhere. Adi requests to go on a date with him. She agrees. Adi gets happy. Malini hears their conversation.

Precap: Imlie wearing Chinese clothes insists Malini to have her prepared Chinese food. Malini says she and her baby doesn’t need her food or concern. Imlie says even she is becoming a mother. Malini asks Anu if arrangements are made, she couldn’t find any other idea. Imlie hears their conversation. Mithi serves snacks to Tripathis and they get angry on Anu. Anu says she needed a maid and hired Mithi for 5000 rs salary.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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