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Anu taunts Imlie that everyone are at the right place, Malini and Adi are together and Imlie and her mother can’t do anything, her daughter and Adi will leave together forever and Imlie may not even live. Imlie thinks she hasn’t changed even after spending time in jail, she needs to do something. She gets up and walk away. Anu follows her. Malini starts coughing due to her asthma. Imlie plans something with Sundar in Dev’s painting room. Anu searches and finds her there. Sundar asks if she can really do magic. Imlie says she can. Anu asks what is happening here. Sundar says Imlie told she can disappear anyone. Anu says she doesn’t believe her nonsense. Sundar says she really can. They both forcefully make Anu sit, then Anu does her weird jokergiri, and Sundar acts that Imlie really disappeared Anu. Anu gets angry. Sundar brings Nishant who says he can see only Imlie and Sundar in this room. Anu asks if he can’t see him and threatens them. Imlie says she disappeared Anu with her magic. Nishant also acts a panicking and says let us test her via a photo. He asks Anu to pose for a photo between Sundar and Imlie. Anu does fuming. Nishant edits photo and shows Anu missing in it. Anu walks away confused. They all 3 laugh after pranking Anu. Imlie says let us see what else she will do.

Anu nervously walks in corridor thinking its not possible. She panics more seeing her missing in mirror. Rupali joins them and frightens Anu more. Anu wakes up Dulari and asks if she can see her. They all 4 get tensed thinking that Dulari doesn’t know about their plan. Malini’s condition worsens and she coughs more due to havan smoke. Adi asks if she is fine, they can stop pooja. Malini says she is fine and thinks if she stops pooja, Adi will go on a date with Imlie. Dulari acts as dreaming about her husband and asks him not to disturb her. Anu walks away panicking more and reaches havan venue. Dev asks what happened to her. Anu asks if he can see her. Aparna asks what happened to her. Malini gets out of pooja and asks Imlie what did she do with her mom. Imlie says Anu insulted her mother, so she played a small prank with her. Malini asks if she thinks this is funny. Dev supports Imlie and says what can anyone do if Anu is so dumb not to understand a prank. Malini confronts him next and starts coughing more. Anu gets concerned. Malini says let us start pooja and sits back. Adi says let us stop pooja as her condition looks bad. Malini insists. Panditji says pooja is spoilt already. Imlie asks why she is coughing so much. Malini collapses.
Imlie calls Malini’s doctor and informs that she was sitting in pooja and collapsed. Doctor says he already warned Malini not to attend pooja as she has asthma. Imlie thinks Malini risked her and baby’s life to stop her and Adi’s date. Doctor says Malini has asthma and he warned her to stay away from dust and smoke. Anu takes phone from Imlie and asks him to come home and treat Malini soon. Imlie thinks whether she should inform family about Malini’s act. Malini’s condition normalizes. Anu says she frightened them. Radha asks why did she take risk. Malini thinks she can bear 100 asthma attacks to keep Adi away from Imlie. Famini if she is craving for any food. Malini says she wants to have chat. Radha says even Aparna used to crave for chat during her pregnancy, she will make arrangements for it. She sees Adi passing and asks him to take Malini out and buy her chats. Adi says he needs to pick Imlie. Malini says school has arranged van for students’ pickup and asks didn’t Imlie inform him. At college, Imlie’s classmates ask her to accompany them. She says her husband is coming to pick her up and must be on his way. Friends leave. Adi at home thinks Imlie must have won competition, he is eager to see her trophy. Radha asks Adi to take Malini out before stops close. Adi leaves with Malini.

Imlie continues waiting at college door. Cab driver offers her help, but she says her husband is on the way and thinks though she is angry on Adi, she wants to share her win with Adi. Malini thanks Imlie cannot win over her, Adi will be with her and her child. Adi drives her to chat shop and orders dahi bhalla. Imlie takes watchman’s phone and calls Aditya. Malini notices her call and picks it. Imlie asks why don’t he speak, thinks maybe he is on the way, and says she is waiting for him and he should come soon. Malini thinks only waiting will be left in Imlie’s life. Adi returns and picks phone to call family. Malini gets nervous, acts as coughing, and asks if he can lower windows and let fresh air in. He agrees. She apologizes him citing her hormonal changes during pregnancy. He says he can understand. After a bit of drive, he asks how is she feeling now. She says much better, thinks she will feel better once Imlie is out of his life forever. Imlie continues waiting for Adi and walks on street. Jeele Zara.. song plays in the background.

Mithi remembers Imlie informing her that she will call her once she reaches home. She picks landline receiver to call Adi. Anu stops her and says Adi is with Malini and shows Malini’s sent pics. Mithi says that means Adi didn’t go to pick Imlie. Anu taunts her that junior servant should get habituated to stay alone and looking at pic says Adi and Malini are looking very happy. Mithi says she knows how Malini is fooling Aditya in lieu of pregnancy and how she tricked him and got intimate with him. Anu says whatever it is, Adi was forcefully married to Imlie. Mithi says everyone are thinking about a baby which hasn’t come in earth yet, but nobody is thinking about Imlie. She prays Seeta Maiya not to let any new storm in Imlie’s life.

Tripathis and Chaturvedis families sit for dinner. Sundar informs Adi that he made all arrangements for his and Imlie’s dinner date and he can leave now. Adi tries to leave. Malini and Aparna stop him and ask him to finish dinner. He walks aside saying Malini needs dinner much, he is not feeling hungry and will have it later. Malini thinks why did she arrange pooja when she couldn’t stop Adi and Imlie’s dinner date. Dulari hiding showers money on pandit. Pandit picks money thinking its a miracle. Imlie notices Dulari and gives pandit’s snatched money. Pandit leaves happily. Imlie asks Dulari how did she get so much money. Dulari reminds her that she showered these fake notes on her. Imlie surprised asks if she saved those fake notes for her. Dulari says she is no more her fake nani and doesn’t need these fake notes. Adi walks to Imlie and asks what is she doing with these fake notes. She thinks he will not believe that pooja was fake, says she didn’t do anything, and asks if he wants to say something. Dulari asks him to speak. He says he wants to talk to Imlie alone. Dulari leaves shying. Adi asks Imlie to accompany her for a surprise.
Anu sees Malini tensed and asks reason. She says she cannot stop Adi and Imlie’s dinner date even after making so many arrangements. Anu asks her not to worry as she will do something like she organized fake pooja. Adi requests Imlie to accompany him, and she denies. Dulari returns and asks Imlie to accept her husband’s request. Imlie walks away saying she didn’t, why should she. She returns to dining hall where Mithi makes her sit with T and C family. Anu tells Malini that Imlie hit an axe on her foot by returning here, she will not let her go out. Nishant walks to Adi and asks why did he return. Adi says Imlie doesn’t want to go with him. Nishant says he should have informed her that he is taking her for a dinner date. Adi says she didn’t let him speak at all. Nishant asks him to write a note for her, he will give it to her. Adi writes a note and hands it over to him and says he is going home with Sundar. Anu notices them, hears their conversation hiding, and returns for dinner. Nishant walks to Imlie and asks how is food. Anu says she will feed Imlie with her own hands. Imlie and Meethi are surprise. Anu says Imlie tricked her and won, so its a price for her. She asks Nishant go have dinner. Hairsh also scolds him to sit and have dinner. Anu feeds Imlie. Imlie also starts her jokergiri and feeds Anu. Harish is surprised to see Imlie and Anu feeding each other. Malini thinks Imlie will have so much food that she will not go on a lunch date.

Adi arranges a table for Imlie with Sundar’s help on terrace and hopes Imlie likes dishes. Sundar suggests him to tell Imlie what is in his mind. He says he will say sorry to Imlie and gets nervous. Sundar says he will mimic as Imlie. Adi walks closer to him and says I am sorry Imlie. Sundar asks him to get some feelings. Adi fails after multiple tries. Back at C house, Imlie and Anu continue feeding each other. Nishant gives note hidden in puri to Rupali and asks her to give it to Imlie. Rupali asks Dulari to give it to Imlie. Dulari insists Imlie to have puri from her hand. Imlie says she can’t have any more food. Harish says he will have it. Dulari says its for Imlie. Dulari insists Imlie’s name is written on it. Imlie understands her signal, takes puri, reads Adi’s note to come on terrace, and silently walks away. Sundar continues to teach Adi. Adi delivers dialogue. Sundar asks him to stop talking old discussion, talk something new, and not be serious like a reporter. Malini enters and says she likes Adi’s serious reporter look and seeing junk food says she was bored having healthy food and wants to enjoy junk food. Sundar says its not for her. She asks him to go. Adi says its not good for her. She says she wants to have it. Imlie brings Malini’s doctor who says he warned her to stay away from dust and smoke. Malini nervously denies. Adi says she got doctor’s call when they were in car. Doctor takes Malini for checkup.

Precap: Adi greets Imlie on a dinner date and says he wants to have a fresh start with her and make their each day memorable. Imlie tells Adi that women will enjoy today all men are out of house and even he should go. He leaves for work.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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