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Imlie informs Rupali that she saw Pranav getting out of Dhruv and Nidhi’s room and he stole greeting card from there and gifted it to Rupali. Malini asks if she can prove it; if no, then why she is provoking Rupali against her husband; there are 1000s of same cards in market and if Pranav gifted same card to Rupali, then its just a coincidence. Imlie says Pranav betrayed Rupali before. Malini says even Imlie betrayed her and this family, she was lying since she entered this house, but they forgave him; who is she to judge Pranav after this. Imlie tells Rupali that she is not giving verdict but presenting her thought. Malini says she cannot understand Rupali as nobody tried to snatch her husband, she may think the other woman who stole Rupali’s husband as better. Imlie asks her to stop it. Malini asks her to stop it instead as Rupali is trying to rebuild her broken house, but a house breaker will not understand. Imlie says she didn’t break anyone’s house, a relationship standing on a lie cannot survive. Malini says she is Adi’s legally wedded wife and is with him since 7 years, then how can she tell her relationship as fake. Imlie says people break trust due to failed trust and intentions and she wants Imlie to stop interfering between Rupali and her husband. Imlie says Malini is interfering between her and Adi. Rupali asks them both to stop and warns Imlie to not speak against Pranav. She says she always supported her and Adi’s relationship and fought with everyone for her, but when Imlie has to support her, she is doubting Pranav; Pranav betrayed her and she is trusting him again, then why can’t Imlie trust Pranav. Imlie says she can’t see Rupali break down again. Rupali asks her to leave before she starts doubting on Pranav. Imlie walks away. Malini thinks its better to make Imlie’s supporters against her instead of trying to kick her out. She consoles Rupali.
Adi works on MLA’s news and tells Imlie that this is his life’s biggest story. Editor calls him and asks him to drop the pen drive in office to get it verified as he doesn’t want anyone to prove it as fake. Adi agrees and asks Imlie to get pen drive. Pranav hears their conversation and rushes to steal pen drive. Rupali stops him and says she has planned an outing with him after navratri. He nods yes thinking he needs to reach pen drive before Imlie reaches it. Rupali shows him shortlisted resorts, and he without looking asks to book whichever she likes. She says she wants him to check pics. He says it doesn’t matte and says she is her real view and resort view doesn’t matter. He excuses her and walks away.

Imlie heads towards idol when door bell rings. She checks and brings police in. Inspector seeing idol says its very beautiful, they came on time. Pankaj and Harish get tensed seeing police and apologize inspector for Imlie’s mistake. Inspector says they didn’t understand their daughter well, she invited them for aarti and praises her thinking. Malini says let us greet other guests also. Imlie notices Pranav near idol and thinks if he wants to steal it. Pranav steals pen drive and tries to run away. Rupali stops him. Pen drive falls down. Rupali says let us go for aarti. He says he has some work outside. She says he doesn’t seem interested in her. He says she is his #1 priority, looking at pen drive. Imlie finds pen drive missing and walks to him and says he is lying. She alleges him of stealing pen drive. He denies and asks what is special in that pen drive. She says he knows better and demands to check him. He insists Rupali to check him. She hesitates, but checks on his further insistence and asks Imlie why she is doing this. Imlie continues her allegations. Rupali says differences between Adi and Imlie doesn’t mean she should create differences between other couple also. Imlie says she didn’t mean it. Rupali asks Pranav to join her and walks away. Pranav picks pen drive and runs away. Adi waits for Imlie and asks about pen drive. She stands silently and thinks how to get pen drive back from Pranav.

Aditya asks Imlie to return his pen drive. Imlie says its not with her. He says he needs to send it to office. She thinks how to tell Pranav took it and goes to get it. Malini sensing an opportunity walks to Adi and asks if he is getting irritated seeing a mob, she had asked Imlie to invite only listed guests, but she loves gathering mob. Sundar gives him a file. Adi tells Malini that she is misunderstanding, he is happy that whole locality is celebrating festival together because of Imlie. Malini asks if he saw how rudely Imlie speaks with Pranav. Adi says Pranav is not a good man, Imlie just wants keep everyone happy, she didn’t ask Malini to go when her and his relationship was revealed, Imlie is careless but not insensible. Malini says she showed maturity instead. Adi says she is wrong that Imlie didn’t favor her, she should continue to show her maturity.

Imlie prays god to help her get pen drive back from Pranav. Policemen thank Tripathis for inviting them in pooja. Pranav thinks don’t know how Imlie found out pen drive is with him, he should use Imlie’s invited police against her to escape from here. He calls commissioner and informs that he knows about a big drug deal. Inspector informs Adi that there is a drug shipment at their house and someone is dealing with drugs here. T family is shocked to hear that. Aparna says this is pooja house and he is mistaken. Adi says let police clear their misunderstanding and takes them to search his room first. Pranav walks out of house with pendrive. Imlie stops him and asks if he is stealing Adi’s pendrive. Pranav says he already did, she doesn’t know who he is.
Police finds drugs in Adi’s room and arrests him. Pankaj and Aparna plead that their son is a journalist and innocent. Imlie realizes Pranav planted drugs in Adi’s room. Police asks Adi to cooperate. Adi assures Aparna that nothing will happen to him as he is being framed and will be free and walks away with police. Rupali requests Pranav to use his contacts and bail out Adi. Pranav says he has left that job and lost his contacts. Malini blames Imlie for calling unknown people home and getting Adi into trouble. Aparna supports Imlie and says its not her mistake as she just invited guests for pooja. Malini goes to inform Dev. Pranav says he will go and use his contacts to free Adi. Imlie insists him to stay with family and call his contacts. Harish decides to visit police station with seniors in his car and asks Pranav to drive another car. Imlie insists to accompany Pranav and challenges him that he will be in jail soon.

Dev gets Malini’s call and informs Mithi that Adi is arrested in drug possession case. Anu laughs that Adi must be taking drugs, hence he fell for a servant instead of Malini. Dev warns him to be in her senses. Anu taunts senior servant Mithi that if Malini cannot get Adi, even Imlie cannot. Mithi tears her sari pallu and forcefully shuts her mouth. Dev grins and says he can watch what he couldn’t do.

At police station, inspector tells Tripathi's family that Adi has to be in lockup for the time being and they should find evidence and prove Adi innocent. Pranav get MLA’s call and disconnects it repeatedly, he think he needs to meet MLA soon and give him pendrive. Imlie think she needs to stop Pranav in police station somehow till she prove Adi innocent. She clash with Pranav purposefully and fights with him. Police arrests them both and puts them behind bars in Adi’s jail cell. Adi is shocked to see them and asks what happened. Imlie says she stopped a thief from escaping and tells Pranav that she already told him that she will send him behind bars.

Precap: Imlie signals Adi that Pranav is hiding pendrive in his pocket. Imlie receives pendrive from girls. Pranav takes it.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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