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Doctor asks Malini why sit in havan when he warned her to stay away from dust and smoke. Malini acts and asks when did he say that. Adi says she got doctor’s all when they were in car. Doctor says he will do her checkup. Malini gets nervous thinking if she goes, she can’t stop Adi and Imlie’s date, so she says she is fine and he can do her checkup later. Imlie thinks Malini doesn’t care for her baby. Adi insists Malini to have her checkup and tries to accompany her. Rupali stops him and says she understands pregnancy related problems better, so she will go with Malini while Adi can be with Imlie. Malini resists, but Rupali forcefully takes her along. Adi looking at Imlie remembers Sundar’s advice and says she is looking beautiful today, he wants to take her somewhere. He mimics as riding bike and asks her to sit behind him. She smiles. He asks her to hold him tightly as road is bad, then acts as taking her to a restaurant, acts as manager, then chef, etc. and asks if she liked restaurant. She nods yes. He says he wants to spend each second of life with her and make it memorable forgetting past. She says his past is connected to he presence and even if she compromises, she cannot digest the fact that he doesn’t trust her. He says its not like that. She says he believes Malini and not her. He says he will listen to her and asks her to speak. She says she wants to speak truth, Malini is not taking care of her baby and is least bothered. Adi says even he felt same, but Malini is always emotionally labile and gets mood swings, but his mother told even a world’s worst woman cannot harm her baby. Anu sorry for informing him truth without proof, she will get proof and he cannot deny it. He feels sad and thinks he cannot keep his words properly.
Imlie passes by Malini’s room and sees Rupali knocking door and asking Malini to come out. Rupali says Malini is taking a long time to get ready for doctor’s appointment. Imlie mimics Anu. Malini opens door. Imlie barges in. Malini says she is tired of Imlie’s nonsensical jokes. Imlie insists her to go for checkup. Malini says they know what is in each other’s mind and should bothering each other. Imlie says she should be worried for her baby. Malini says her first priority is to be with Adi. Imlie asks how can she thinks of Adi instead of baby at this time. Malini says she is already suffering and wants to get back Adi. Imlie alleges her as selfish and challenges to take baby’s responsibility and become its mother. Malini stands fuming.

After sometime, T family gathers in Malini’s room. Aparna says she should take care of herself and her baby. Malini says yes. Rupali yells at Malini that when she asked her to accompany to doctor, she denies and didn’t open her room’s door, now she is nodding yes to Aparna. Malini says it depends on a person’s behavior with her, Aparna spoke to her calmly and she agreed. Rupali continues yelling. Radha stops her saying Malini is baby’s mother and cares for it. Imlie starts her jokergiri and says baby’s whole family and she her mother is present, then says she is mother’s sister and will take care of baby. Radha says whatever it is, Malini needs rst and not stress at this time, so everyone should go and let Malini rest. Malini thanks her and says others are disturbing her. Once elders leave, Dulari comments and irritates Malini. Adi walks out. Imlie asks if he wants to speak to Malini, why didn’t he. He says he is unable to understand what is happening with him, he couldn’t get out that night’s drama when he find out that he is becoming a father, he is unable to do justice to either Malini or Imlie, he betrayed Imlie and is feeling guilty, etc. Imlie thinks Adi is in a guilty and Malini is unrepent for her acts, Seeta Maiya should handle this situation.

Next morning, Adi walks to kitchen and asks Aparna to give his tiffin. She gives him tiffin. He asks what did she pack. She says she boiled veggies for Malini and packed it same. He asks to prepare proper food for him and pampers her. She smiles. He asks her to pack tiffin for even Imlie as he will drop her to college on the way. Imlie hears their conversation and gets happy hearing that. She passes by Malini’s room and sees her feeling weak, but getting ready to go to college with Adi; thinks Malini will not change, but she will do something.

Aditya walks down ready for college and asks Imlie if she is not yet ready for college. Imlie says no as ladies have decided to do pam param param. He asks what. She says she wants to do all family ladies’ facial massage. He asks if she means pamper. She says she said same. Aparna with Radha walks to them and asks why did she call them. She says they will have pam param param today. Adi says its pamper. She asks to look at his feelings and not words, all women will relax and enjoy today, and asks him to leave. Rupali asks him not to return till late evening. Radha says its a good idea. Malini rushes and asks if Adi left for work. Imlie insists her to relax today and makes her sit. Rupali offers her coconut water. Malini thinks Imlie stopped her today, but cannot stop her daily.

Anu enjoys kitty party with her friends. Meethi serves them tea and snacks. Friend asks if she hired a new maid. Anu says yes. Devi enters and says she is not a maid but his daughter’s mother. They ask if he means Malini’s mother. He says no. They smirk saying she must be that villager then, how is he related to her. He says he is not as she is much superior to him. Mithi gets happy hearing that and walks away. He asks why are they having kitty party at home. They say they want to knit a sweater for for Malini’s baby. Dev says Anu is expert in fighting and not knitting and walks away grinning. They laugh saying all husbands are same.
Adi calls Imlie and asks how is her pam param param is going. She says its going well. He asks to give medicines to Malini on time. She asks him not to worry. Malini hears their conversation and thinks Adi cares for her so much, he could have called her directly instead of using Imlie as a mediator, he blindly trusts Imlie and today will see it breaking. Adi’s colleague asks him if he saw human trafficking news. He says it should be printed on front page. He says something else is printed on front page. He checks and gets angry. Back at C house, Anu knits sweater with her friends and thinks she can buy a sweater from mall instead. Friend asks her to knit it properly. Anu says she does what she likes, shopping. Friend says everyone has their own preferences, madam loves shopping and if she is busy in a mall, her husband would obviously look at another woman. Anu gets angry. Friend apologizes. Anu says she better be sorry.

Imlie hires beauticians who perform ladies and Harish’s facial massage, manicure and pedicure. Harish complains. Dulari does her jokergiri. Sundar passes by and jokes on Harish. Imlie asks beautician to perform even Sundar’s ficial massage and forces him to sit on chair. Beautician offers her cucumber to keep it on eyes. Imlie eats it and asks if she has carrot. Rupali says it was for eyes. Imlie starts her jokergiri and performs beautician’s head massage. Malini thinks Imlie wil become everyone’s favorite now. Imlie brings Malini;s medicine and asks her to have it now. Malini says later as she is relaxing now. Imlie insists to have it on time. Malini says she wanted her to relax and now disturbing her.

Aditya speaks to editor and asks him why he printed actors dating life in front page instead of human trafficking news, since when Bhaskar times started printed nonsensical news. Editor says its new owner’s decision and he wants to commercialize news paper with page 3 news on front page, in fact he is coming to office to meet them all. Adi says he will not meet a person who doesn’t value journalism. Back at C house, her friends show their knitted sweaters for baby. Anu sees Meethi knitting sweater and snatches it from her. Meethi says its for her gudiya/Imlie. Anu takes it away and shows to her friends as she knitting it. Friends laugh that she prepared a big kid’s sweater. Meethi says she knitted it. Friends taunt Anu that she did cheating even here and snatched sweater from a villager. Meethi taunts one should have some intelligence even to copy, leaving Anu fuming.

Adi returns home. Aparna asks why did he return home so soon. Adi says a rich man bought his newspaper and his voice of truth newspaper will become a gossip adda. Malini shows her concern and asks him to calm down. Imlie brings juiced and says he will. Malini thinks Adi is angry due to office issue and will scold Imlie for being careless; she acts as feeling dizzy and says Imlie didn’t give her medicine. Adi asks Imlie if she didn’t give her medicine. Malini says Imlie didn’t even remind her. Imlie says she already took medicine and remembers mixing medicine in Malini’s juice. Adi praises Imlie and Imlie’s supporters smirk. Aparna says they rested whole day today. Malini sarcastically thanks Imlie for taking care of her. Imlie says most welcome and prays god to fill motherhood feelings in Malini.

Precap: Rupali suggests Imlie to meet Adi as a parlor girl and cheer him up. Malini notices them. Imlie shows new form to Malini and says its a student’s future and she should decide whether she wants to develop or ruin student’s future.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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