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Adi is shocked to see Imlie and Pranav entering his jail cell and asks what happened. Imlie says she was stopping thief from escaping, looking at Pranav. Adi gets confused. She says she cannot stay away from him for long and Pranav jiju helped her. She thinks if she informs Adi about Pranav stealing pendrive, he will break Pranav and Pranav may break pendrive. Adi thinks what Imlie is up to, if he asks her directly, she may not reply. Pranav thinks Imlie is very intelligent and he needs to escape from here somehow. Imlie jumps and sits next to Adi before Pranav could. Adi asks about pendrive. Imlie’s jokergiri starts and she says its safe in a mobile locker. Their nok jhok starts. Pranav requests constable to give his mobile. Imlie sensing the opportunity writes on his back. He feels tickling and asks if she is getting romantic in front of Pranav. She backs off and says she is not dying to romance him and just wants to tell him a secret. She draws pendrive, thief, Pranav on his back. He gets angrily and says he wants to break down Pranav, but controls his anger and says they need to handle evil Pranav via Imlie’s wickedness. He writes draws behind her back that he is speaking to his wife after a long time. After sometime, constable frees Pranav. Adi asks Imlie how will they get pendrive back from Pranav. Imlie says she will get pendrive from Pranav and also free Rupali from Pranav’s clutch. Pranav walks out police station, calls MLA, and says he will meet him in sometime and give him pendrive. Imlie stops him and says he cannot go anywhere. Inspector says whole Tripathi family is under scanner and cannot leave until drug case is solved.
At home, Aparna asks Sundar to bring 8 girls from locality for pooja. Malini sees Aparna sad and asks reason. Aparna says how can she be happy when her children are in trouble. Malini says because of Imlie, Adi is in jail. Aparna says even Gandhiji had gone to jail for truth, then how can Adi back off. She further supports Imlie and says Imlie is a born fighter and will fight even this time for Adi. Harish with Pankaj, Pranav, and Imlie returns home. Aparna asks if he didn’t bring Adi along. Pankaj says he will be back home soon. Inspector with his team enters. Radha gets tensed and asks why police has come. Inspector says to perform their duty, they need to search home thoroughly again. Imlie says she will help him Malini says good luck. Imlie jokes and says if she wants to help her, she should take care of Pranav jijaji. Inspector walks in to search house. Imlie accompanies him.

Pranav calls MLA and informs him that because of Imlie, he is unable to get out of house. MLA calls him incompetent and afraid of a girl and hence he himself will come there and take pendrive. Pranav asks not to come there as he will be under a scanner. Rupali walks to him and asks about Adi. Pranav rudely behaves with her and walks away. She thinks he is upset due to Imlie’s act and her questioning about Adi. Imlie prays god to help her fight evil. Eight locality girls enter for pooja. Imlie gets an idea and plans with them. Aparna, Radha, Imlie, and others wash girls’ feet and take their blessings. Imlie signals girl to execute her plan.

Tripathi family performs 9 girls’ pooja depicting as Devimaa’s 9 forms and take their blessings. Imlie signals at Jiya and call Pranav to take blessings. Pranav bends to take blessing. Girls tap him in lieu of blessing him. Imlie asks them to bless her brother inlaw loudly. Jiya tap him more loudly, and pendrive falls down from his front pocket. MLA calls him and asks to come out. He rush towards door when Rupali stops him and offers his favorite juice. He push juice tray and walk away, leaving her shocked. He then meets MLA to give pendrive but realizes pendrive falling down while taking blessings and rush back in to get pendrive. Girls pass on pendrive. Pranav catch them and forcefully opens girl’s fist. Pankaj noticing him asks what happened? Girl shows marble. Pranav says girl is hiding marble. He then notices them passing pendrive and rush to snatch it when Rupali takes it. He says good she took his pendrive from girls as they were playing with it thinking it as a toy. Imlie stop Rupali.
Elder Tripathis pray for family’s happiness. Nishant, Sundar, and Dulari also pray for them. Imlie asks Rupali not to give pendrive to Pranav as he is a traitor. Pranav says Imlie is jealous of him and Rupali and doesn’t want to see them happy, he insists to return his pendrive. Rupali remembers Pranav’s rude behavior and says she trust Imlie now and ask what is her favorite memory? He ask why she is asking him at this time and says enjoying ice cream in the rain during honeymoon? She apologize to Imlie for not trusting her and ask what is her favorite memory? Imlie says she will, but she has to erase it forever. Rupali says she knew Pranav didn’t come for her. Pranav agrees that he came here for the pendrive and laughs that he left her years ago for another woman and she was a fool to blindly believe him. She says she knew about his infidelity since day 1 and tolerate him for her daughter’s and his and her mother’s sake, she is leaving him this time forever. Their argument and Imlie’s heavy dialogues continue. He try to slap Rupali and snatch pendrive from her. Imlie stops him and showing woman power brutally trash him. Police catches him. Imlie asks to arrest him as he is involved with smugglers and shows pendrive as evidence. Police arrests Pranav and drags him away.

Jiya gives pendrive to MLA. MLA plugs it into laptop and is shocked to see Imlie’s hilarious video instead. Police arrests even him and frees Aditya instantly. Adi thanks police. Imlie sees Rupali crying and asks if she is missing her husband again? She says she made a mistake by trusting Pranav. Imlie chant jai devi maiya ki and says devi maiya taught them women power and they don’t need a man’s support for everything. Adi says she is right. Harish and Radha apologize to Rupali for not letting her select her life partner and ruining her life. After sometime, Aparna tells Pankaj that Rupali is very courageous to bear betrayal twice. Pankaj says Imlie saved their family. Aparna says she knows what he mean, she behaved with her rudely after knowing the truth, she doesn’t know how to apologize to her. Pankaj says she need not apologize to Imlie as Imlie just needs her love, etc., and she should love Imlie as a MIL. Aparna says she will in Imlie’s style. He says that’s exciting, what is her plan.

Precap: Manali asks Aparna what has she thought about Imlie. Aparna says she wants to correct her mistake and accept Imlie as her daughter inlaw. Adi gets happy hearing that. Malini angrily breaks things and burns Imlie’s photo thinking Imlie has to go from here.  A rat barges into Tripathi house during garba festival. Imlie tries to catch him. Anu tries to hit it, but Imlie holds her hand.

Imlie Air On Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm 

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