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Bhavani ask Sai not to put unnecessary thoughts in Pakhi’s mind as Pakhi’s symptoms are normal during pregnancy, but since Sai cannot give birth to her own baby, she cannot understand that. Sai says her repeated taunts won’t affect her anymore, she has accepted that she can not bear a child, but she is happy that she and Virat will be having their own baby via surrogacy. She says they all can become a mother, but can they become a doctor and help someone; she can help many mothers deliver their babies and take care of them, but she never taunts Bhavani and Pakhi that they can’t become a doctor. Shivani says Pakhi is a very good doctor, but never boasts about herself; in fact, she saved Rajeev during their wedding; just because she cannot become a mother, she can’t understand why they all taunt Sai ignoring her other special qualities.

Ashwini says just bearing a baby in womb for 9 months is not enough, upbringing it is more important and Sai clearly knows how to upbringing her baby; she is sure Sai would be a better mother once the baby comes in the world. Devi backs her. Karishma says she said some that Pakhi’s duty will end once she gives birth to the baby and after that she doesn’t have to be awake whole night and change baby’s diapers. Sonali why Pakhi do that when she is not a mother, is Sai’s responsibility, Pakhi has to just give birth to the baby and hand it over to Sai and then enjoy her whole life. Shivani says Pakhi can start a new life after that.
Bhavani says Pakhi would continue as a Chavan family bahu even after childbirth. Sonali asks that means Pakhi will lead rest of her life as Samrat’s widow. Vaishali enters and hears their conversation. Bhavani scolds Sonali that she will not repeat her words, says Pakhhi’s mother wanted Pakhi to move on, but she wants Pakhi to lead a widow life taking care of the family like her. Sai says if Pakhi doesn’t do anything else in her life, she will interfere in other’s lives. Bhavani asks if she means she interferes in other’s lives. Sai says she is the head of the family and gets busy whole day in taking decisions for family, but Pakhi doesn’t have any work and hence Pakhi should think what she will do after handing over baby to her and Virat. She says he will go to hospital now and reminds Pakhi not to have oily and spicy food and have only poha and green tea. She wishes bye. Pakhi frowning says bye. Sai says she was speaking to her baby.

Pakhi vents out her anger in front of her mother and says everyone want her to sit idle after delivering her baby. Vaishali says she already warned her; situation would have been different if she would have bought up the baby. Pakhi says she will upbring Virat and Sai’s baby and will become important member of the family. Vaishali says Sai would never let do that and already warned that she will take the baby once its born. Pakhi says she saw how she manipulated Geeta at the end moment. Vaishali asks what will she do. She says she has 9 months, will an emotional card that she is a widow and has only her baby as a hope to live, she will easily manipulate Virat and Sai like she manipulated them to let her become a surrogate. Vaishali asks her to stop dreaming evil, Virat and Sai gave her their baby to safekeep it in her womb, she cannot think of stealing it. Pakhi says her card worked once and will work again, she has decided that she will not lead a life like a helpless widow.

After some time, Sai brings pregnancy related books to Pakhi’s room and stands stunned seeing Pakhi wearing colorful sari. Pakhi says she repeatedly asked her to move on in life. Sai says she didn’t mean about the dress. Pakhi says she doesn’t want a negative effect on the baby, hence she decided to lead a married woman’s life. Sai says as Pakhi wishes, she just wants her to take good care of her baby well. She leaves smiling asking Pakhi to read the books. Pakhi grins thinks Sai doesn’t know what will happen with her after 9 months.

Sai fails to contact Geeta and thinks how will she find out about the woman who misled Geeta. Virat returns from duty and asks if she is fine. Sai says she is wondering about the woman who misled Geeta. Virat asks why don’t she forget about it, they are getting a baby anyways via someone else, why is she stuck in these questions. Sai says she is sure there is a connection between 2 accidents. Virat says Pakhi confirmed she didn’t go there. Sai asks what if the same woman who misled Geeta must have sent the woman. Virat asks her to end this issue right here. Sai asks how can he take it lightly, ACP Virat Chavan’s wife is attacked and he is talking casually, she will not calm down until thieves are caught and will not let him forget it.

Next day, neighbors visit Bhavani. Sonali praises Bhavani in front of them. Sai walks down wearing a colorful sari. Neighbors ask Bhavani if they found an alliance for Pakhi just after a few days of Samrat’s death. Bhavani says nothing like that and asks Pakhi what is all this. Sonali asks why is she ready like used to during Samrat’s presence. Pakhi says she wore colorful dress for her baby as she doesn’t want any negative import on it. Neighbors ask if Pakhi got pregnant before Samrat’s death. Karishma says its Virat and Sai’s baby. Sonali scolds her and sends her to kitchen. Ashwini says Sai cannot become pregnant and hence Pakhi become their baby’s surrogate mother. Neighbor asks if that happens. Bhavani scolds Pakhi for wearing colorful clothes and asks when she and Mansi being widows never wore colorful clothes, why is he wearing them. Pakhi says its for her baby. Sai enters and says its not Pakhi’s baby.

Pakhi tells Bhavani that when Bhavani and Mansi were suhagan when they gave birth to their children, what is wrong if she wears a married woman’s clothes for the sake of her baby. Sai enters and says its her baby, though a woman has right to wear the clothes of her choice. Bhavani warns her to stop talking rubbish, Pakhi can’t wear colorful clothes. Pakhi says Bhavani always says she should be happy, then what problem she has if she wears colorful clothes for the sake of her happiness. Ashwini says she has right to wear colorful clothes. Bhavani says a widow shouldn’t wear colorful clothes. Sai asks what is wrong if a young girl lost her husband and wants to lead a normal life, why society wants to snatch her basic rights. Neighbors comment that Chavan’s educated bahu is giving moral gyaan. Bhavani continues to argue with Sai. Sai says she will support truth always as her Abha taught her, she will fight with Pakhi for her wrongdoings but will support her if she is right.
Pakhi thanks Sai for supporting her. Sai says she doesn’t understand her acts. Pakhi says she is thinking from her heart this time, why just wants to show her baby that her mother is happy. Sai says she will support her for her baby. Bhavani thinks she will have to bear Pakhi’s tantrums till she bears a child.

Virat gets the goon’s sketch drawn by the sketch artist, who attacked Sai. Sai reaches there. Virat asks inspector Kadam to show the sketch. Sai sees the sketch and says there were 2 goons and guides artist to prepare sketch. She gets anxious when she couldn’t help get the desired results. Virat asks her to calm down as only certain percentage of sketches come exactly the same. Sai gets angry on him and says when he couldn’t
help his wife, how will he help general public. Kadam says he will find out the goons who tried to steal madam’s purse and mobile soon. The man who came to help Virat calls goon and informs that Sai is IPS officer’s wife and he should be careful as she is determined to catch him.

Goon calls Pakhi and asks why didn’t she inform that the woman she asked him to attack is an IPS officer’s wife. Pakhi says it doesn’t matter as she gave him a small task in exchange of getting him arrested. Goon warns her that if he gets into trouble, even she will get into trouble. Pakhi fumes that Sai always spoils her plan. She calls Vaishali and informs that Sai is behind the goons who attacked her. Vaishali says she told her that Sai wouldn’t keep quiet. Pakhi argues with her and says she will get into Sai’s good books to escape the Sai’s suspicion.

A few dacoits loot a bank at gunpoint. One of bank employee tries to call police, but dacoit shoots him. They warn everyone not to inform police once they leave. At police station, Sai continues to show her anger on Virat and insists him to find out about the woman who mislead Geeeta. Officers get continuous calls. DIG reaches and calls for an urgent meeting. He briefs about the dacoits looting a bank and heading towards Nagpur in a black SUV. He asks Virat to lead the team on a mission to catch criminals. Virat tries to leave the police station with his team when Sai stops and continues arguing. Virat says he is going on a mission. She offers him chocolate as a substitute for sweet curd. Virat says there is no need for the drama, her taunts are enough for him. Virat then gets ready for the mission and briefs his team about it.

Ashwini offers dryfruit milk to Pakhi. Pakhi thanks her and says she was right that the baby belongs to Sai, so she will get herself enrolled in Sai’s hospital for regular checkups. Bhavani feeling happy asks how did she change her tone while she and Sai were fighting like cat and mouse. Pakhi says she thought that she shouldn’t stop Sai from meeting her baby, so she will call Virat to take her to the hospital. She calls Virat, who disconnects her call. Bhavani says Pakhi doesn’t seem to be mentally stable today and hence she will accompany her to the hospital. Pakhi agrees and shows evil expression.

Precap: Sai questions Virat why didn’t he catch the goons. Virat says he is a government servant and not hers, he is going for a mission now. Doctor tests Pakhi and informs that she is not pregnant. Sai asks doctor if Pakhi’s baby is fine. A masked man shoots doctor just then. Pakhi messages Virat that she and Bhavani are inside Sai’s hospital. Virat thinks along with Sai his unborn baby’s life is in danger.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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