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Virat interrogates hospital staff regarding Malhar’s murder. Nurse says Sai is at fault as she gave painkiller overdose to Malhar. Virat asks if she saw Sai giving injection to Malhar. Nurse recalls Dr. Thrurat giving pain killer overdose to Malhar in exchange of money and threatening everyone not to inform anyone that he gave injection to Malhar. She says no. Virat questions other staff who lie that they saw Sai injecting Malhar and even misbehaving with him. Sai’s professor argues with Thurat that he had problem with Sai since the beginning troubled her in front of Dr. Pulkit. Thurat denies allegations and says his staff proved that Sai gave overdose to Malhar, but Virat is trying to save his wife and wrongly alleging him, etc. Virat tells professor that whole staff is speaking against Sai, they need to investigate more.

Sai emotionally cries in front of her Aaba’s photo and says she performed her duty loyally and never thought that her patient would die and she will be blamed for that. Jagtap calls her and asks how is she. She angrily warns him to dare not call her again. He says he loves her and will quash all the allegations on her if she marries him. Sai warns him to mind his tongue as she is Virat’s wife now and will strangulate him if she speaks ill again. Jagtap asks like she killed his brother Malhar. Sai says she didn’t kill Malhar and reminds that she is Kamal’s daughter and once she gets out of the mess, she will punish him. Jagtap says he will wait for her answer. She angrily breaks her phone.
Shivani with Rajiv walks in and comforts Sai. She gives her jewelry worth 30-35 lakhs and Rajiv gives his property papers to pay for Malhar’s compensation. Samrat walks in next and gives her a retirement fund. Sai emotionally hugs him. Devi brings her piggy bank and gives her savings to Sai and asks her to throw it on dirty Jagtap’s face. Sai emotionally says she doesn’t have money, but their love is her wealth; she cannot take their wealth though. Devi says money is saved for tough times, doesn’t she consider them as her family. She emotionally hugs them all.

Virat questions a senior citizen patient whom Sai protected from Malhar. Patient says Sai is like a angel in disguise who is very kind hearted. Thurat notices that and asks nurse to make sure ther is no more interrogation regarding Malhar’s case. Nurse says as a senior, he can at least give statement that Sai didn’t know that Malhar had consumed alcohol. Thurat warns her to dare not teach him what to do or else he will restricate her from her job.

Bhavani and Omkar call their lawyer home and ask him to make sure Sai doesn’t get any right on Chavan properties. Lawyer says they can only do that if Virat divorces Sai and denies to give her any property right. Pakhi says Virat will not divorce Sai. Samrat and Shivani support Sai. Lawyer leaves saying he will what he can do. Mohit says he cannot believe his father can be so cunning and tells Sai that he will transfer his property share in her name. Omkar slaps him. Sai tells Omkar that she doesn’t need anything from Chavans. Bhavani yells that as an family head, she will protect the protect and will not let Sai sell it. Mansi returns him short of breath with an asthma attack. Family tries to give her ashtma medicine via nebulizer. Jagtap’s goons cut water, power, and phone network supply of the house. Chavans panic seeing that. Goon plays Jagtap’s video warning Chavans to get him married to Sai if they want to live in peace.
Jagtap via a video message threatens Chavans to get him married to Sai if they want to live in peace. He says he just cut electric and water supply for now and will make their life help if they don’t oblige. Chavans are shocked to see that. Samrat takes Sai to police station and informs Vriat about Jagtap’s threat. Virat gets angry on Jagtap and leaves police station.

Jagtap exercises at his place. His aide asks why he shifted from alcoholism to bodybuilding suddenly. Jagtap sayshis love for Sai changed him and says Virat will not leave his wife easily, so he will build body to break Virat’s bone. His aide applies face pack on his face saying Sai will like it. Virat enters breaking the door. Jagtap says he called his wife and not him. Virat says he came to punish him for his misbehavior. Jagtap humilates him. Virat removes his cap and shirt and says a husband has come here to punish him for his heinous act. He trashes Jagtap’s goons. Goons run away. Jagtap attacks him, but Virat overpowers him and trashes him brutally.

Virat then ties Jagtap to his jeep and drags him on road. Jagtap warns him to leave him or else he will kill him like he killed Kamal. Mob records Jagtap’s video. Jagtap threatens even them. Virat takes Jagtap to Chavan nivas and calls Sai out. Sai pleads him to spare Jagtap. Virat brutally punishes Jagtap again for humiliating Sai. DIG reaches there and stops Virat for breaking the rule. Vittal complains against Virat and demands DIG to arrest Virat. Virat refuses. DIG asks Virat to apologize Jagtap for physically harassing him. Virat slaps Jagtap again and apologizes him. Vital demands Virat’s arrest. DIG warns him not to teach him his duty and sends him from there. He then takes Virat along to police station and suggests him not to do anything which will put his family into trouble and handle the situation wisely.

Mansi’s health worsens. Family gets concerned for her. Sai ask what will they do now without power and water supply at home. Samrat says he will take Mansi to hospital. Sai says she will accompany him. Bhavani yells at Sai that she is responsible for all the problems. Jagtap enters on a horse as a groom and demands to marry Sai right now. Samrat and Pakhi try to leave. He threatens them to stay there and watch the drama. Sai asks Jagtap if he forgot how her husband trashed him just a few hours ago?

Precap: A businessman offers Virat bribe worth 1 crore. Sunny asks Virat to accept it and save Sai. Police arrests Virat for accepting bribe. Sai rejoins her job as an intern doctor. She feels dizy. Nurse helps her and suggests her to check a pregnant test. Sai ges happy seeing the test results positive.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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