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Virat with his team chases dacoits who looted the bank. He announces goons to stop their car. Dacoit fires bullets at him. Virat and Kadam start a gun battle with the dacoit. A old patient named Kamal Joshi visits Sai. Sai gets emotional recalling its her father’s name. Man asks if she is alright. Sai says yes and asks his problem. He says his left eye is burning. She checks him and puts drops in his eyes. Dacoit shoots Kadam. Virat shoots one factoid in retaliation.

Bhavani and Pakhi visit Sai’s cabin. Sai asks what are they doing here. Pakhi says she chose this hospital for her delivery and regular checkup so that Sai doesn’t have to skip her work often, she will try to keep Sai closer to her baby as much as possible. Pakhi asks if she is alright as she was frustrated on her till yesterday. Bhavani says Pakhi is mentally affected due to pregnancy. Pakhi says she realized that nobody can take better care of her baby than Sai and wants her to take care of her baby. Sai says she is amazed to her change of heart and takes her to gynecology department.

Dacoit’s car breaks down. Virat warns dacoits to surrender themselves. Jagtap passes by and stops his car when dacoit points gun at him. Virat thinks a civilian is unnecessarily trapped. Jagtap noticing Virat behind agrees to drop them fearing Virat would arrest him in Samrat’s murder case. He drives car away while Virat feels pity for him. Sai makes Pakhi and Bhavani sit in a waiting area. Bhavani hears a couple discussing about aborting their baby after a fight and scolds them. Woman asks why is she interfering in their lives. Sai apologizes her and says Bhavani is advising her bahu not to interfere in other’s lives. She then returns to her cabin and attends her old patient. Dacoit shoots his injured companion and promises him to give his share to his family. He then throws dead body on road. Virat is shocked to see that.

Gynecologist tests Pakhi and asks if she is sure that her surrogacy procedure is complete. Pakhi recalls earlier gynec’s advice and says she was not ready to bear the baby and there are many complications in her pregnancy and may not give birth to Sai’s baby and her pregnancy may fail. Pakhi gets tensed thinking this pregnancy is important to get closer to Virat, Sai will send her to jail if she finds out that her pregnancy may fail.

Virat continues to follow the dacoits and takes diversion. Jagtap boasts that he easily fooled Virat. Dacoit says Virat is very clever and orders him to drive the car to a crowded area. Jagtap drives to Sai’s hospital. Dacoit drags Jagtap inside the hospital and hijacks it. Virat reaches outside hospital and orders dacoits to surrender themselves. Doctor walks out and tells Bhavani that Pakhi is fine. Sai asks what about her baby. Doctor is about to speak when they hear bullet sounds. Sai goes out to check and finds dacotits hijacking hospital. She bravely walks to the dacoit and asks who are they and why did they enter the hospital with guns. Dacoit says he has hijacked the whole hospital and points gun at her. He then makes Sai sit with the hostages and orders his aide to take everyone’s phone. Sai says she doesn’t have her phone. Dacoit asks aide to take her to her cabin and get her phone. Jagtap hides his phone and thinks he should’t let Sai notice him. Sai returns with her phone and thinks she somehow needs to contact Virat.

Doctor hides Pakhi and Bhavani in an examination room. Her phone rings. Dacoit sends his aide to check. Doctor informs the caller that dacoits have hostaged them. Aide shoots the doctor and checks examining room. Bhavani and Pakhi hide behind examination table. Aide doesn’t notice them and takes doctor’s dead body away. Hostages get afraid thinking they will also be killed. Dacoit warns them if they dared to message or call anyone even by mistake, they will lose their life. Jagtap thinks dacoits are very dangerous.

Virat announces that police have surrounded the hospital, so dacoits should surrender themselves. Sai thinks she needs to rescue the hostages with Virat’s help. Virat hopes Sai doesn’t get into trouble thinking of helping him. Pakhi messages Virat that she and Bhavani came to Sai’s hospital for checkup and are stuck inside. Virat gets tensed thinking even his unborn baby is also stuck in the hospital, he needs to rescue everyone somehow. Dacoit over the mic orders police to clear the way for him and his team with a helicopter and pilor or else he will kill all the hostages. Virat thinks dacoits shouldn’t know that his family is inside the hospital or else he will use them to escape. Dacoit warns hostages that if police doesn’t move out in 3 minutes, he will start killing them one by one.

Jagtap thinks he is stuck between the dacoits and Sai. An old patient pleads dacoit to let him go as his grandson is waiting for him at home. Dacoit attacks and injures him. Sai gets worried for the old man and requests dacoit to let her perform old man’s first-aid, asks dacoit if he would have let his team member to die. Dacoit says he killed his team member just some time ago. Sai continues to plead. Dacoit permits her. Sai performs old man’s first-aid and asks him not to worry as the person who is outside will rescue them soon and she trusts him more than herself.

Virat informs DIG that dacoits have demanded a helicopter and pilot to escape. DIG says he can’t fulfill the demand and asks Virat to keep the dacoits busy till he does something. Dacoit warns Virat to fulfill his demand or else he will start killing innocents. Virat says he informed his senior who is working on his demand. Dacoit asks him to send helicopter’s live location link. Virat thinks how will he send a link. Dacoit tries to shoot a hostage. Sai stops him. Dacoit shouts at Sai. Virat gets tensed thinking the doctor must be Sai and tells dacoit that he will send helicopter location link. Dacoit asks him to end it on doctor’s e-mail ID. Sai describes her e-mail ID. Virat gets more worried and recalls Arguing with Sai at the police station.

Bhavani gets worried for Sai and fears if they will get out safe or not. Pakhi messages Virat if they will be out safe or not. Virat asks if she and Bhavani are fine. She messages yes. Something falls from the table. Dacoit sends his aide to check. Sai hopes they both are not caught. Goon takes Bhavani and Pakhi out and makes them sit among hostages taking their phone away. Virat requests DIG to make some arrangements as dacoits will find out that Sai is his wife. DIG asks him to keep the dacoits busy till he sends a backup and make sure hostages are safe. A man requests dacoit to let his wife visit a washroom. Dacoit threatens him to sit back or else he will shoot him.

Sai stops dacoit and says police will fulfill his demand only if all the hostages are safe. Dacoit agrees. Sai asks hostages to be calm or else dacoits will shoot them. She requests dacoits to let her take the pregnant lady to washroom. Dacoit agrees. Jagtap tells dacoit that he wants to give him a tip in exchange of his freedom and says ACP Chavan will blindly accept his demand. Dacoit asks him to go ahead. Jagtap says Dr. Sai is ACP Virat Chavan’s wife and the old woman and black sari lady are from Virat’s family.

Precap: Dacoit doesn’t let Jagtap go. Sai gets angry seeing Jagtap. Ashwini over phone tells Virat that Pakhi and Bhavani haven’t returned from Sai’s hospital. Virat assays he can just say that they are in trouble. Sai walks towards injured Jagtap while Bhavani asks her not to take law in her hands.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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