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Sai’s colleague asks if she thinks Virat would be able to successfully deliver the baby. Chavans pray god for Pakhi’s safe delivery. They discuss if Virat can succeed in delivering a baby. Sonali says they are away from home when they are needed the most. Karishma asks if she should call Virat and check. Shivani asks not to as Sai must be in contact with Virat. Rajiv says its good that Sai and Virat are both performing Pakhi’s delivery. Virat asks Pakhi to keep pushing. Pakhi collapses. Virat gets tensed and informs Sai that Pakhi is not speaking. Sai says she got tired and collapsed and asks him to sprinkle water on her face and wake her up. Virat does, but Pakhi doesn’t wake up. Sai freezes in tension. Virat asks Sai what should he do now and tries his best to help Pakhi and breaks down. He asks Sai to please speak and tell him how to get Pakhi conscious and get their baby in the world.
Sai’s colleague shakes Sai and gets back into her senses. Sai asks Virat to keep trying to wake up Pakhi and says they would have performed vacuum delivery if Pakhi was at the hospital. Virat asks what does she mean. Sai says they can perform vacuum delivery even at home. Colleague reminds there is no power at Pakhi’s house. Sai asks Virat to use his car’s vacuum cleaner and sends him a sample video. Virat watches video and says vacuum cleaner’s pressure would be very high. Sai say car vacuum clan’s pressure won’t be that high and asks him fix a plunger on its nozzle with a tape and use it. He does same and performs vacuum delivery, successfully delivering a baby boy.

Sai gets emotional seeing that. She then teach Virat to cut the umbilical cord. Virat does same and feels happy. Sai asks him to take care of the baby and hopes Pakhi is just unconscious and nothing else. Virat asks him to reach home soon. She is about to leave when she notices baby not crying and ask him to rub the baby’s back. Baby doesn’t respond. Sai asks him to perform chest compression. Virat does. Sai prays god to save her Vinayak. Vinayak responds and cries vigorously. Virat gets happy and says their baby is crying. Sai also gets happy, says she loves Virat and he got their baby safely on earth. Virat says they both did.

Sai reach home and informs Virat that she informed he whole family that they got a baby boy. She get more emotional holding baby in her hand and pampers him. Baby hold Virat’s finger. Virat feels happy. Sai praises Virat for successfully bringing their baby in the world and says Virat and Vinayak’s bonding would be very unique. Virat nicknames baby as Vinu. Sai notices Pakhi still unconscious and ask Virat to take the baby away while she attend to Pakhi. She pampers Pakhi and she just want to tell her one thing forgetting all the differences between them that she is thankful to her for bringing the baby into the world.

Sai shifts unconscious Pakhi to her room and changes her clothes. She then opens the door and calls Virat in. Virat says his son is talking to him. Pakhi opens eyes and looks at them. Sai with Virat takes her baby in front of god’s idol and thanks god for giving them Vinayak. Pakhi walks out and writhes in pain. Virat rushes to her and makes her sit on a sofa. He praises Pakhi for acting brave. Pakhi says he was brave to perform her delivery alone. Virat says Sai supported him and says he would have taken her to hospital if climate was not bad and she wouldn’t have to face so much pain. Pakhi says she is happy that she could bring a baby on earth and asks him if he can give Vinayak to her.

Sai hands over Vinayak to Pakhi. Pakhi pampers baby. Sai says she feels they should let Vinayak with Pakhi for some time to make him feel the warmth of a mother. Chavans return home. Ninad happily tells Ashwini that they became grandparents. Ashwini emotionally holds Vinayak and thanks god. Whole family rejoices seeing Vinayak. Virat announces to welcome Vinayak Virat Chavan in their family. Whole family pampers Vinayak. Bhavani holds Vinayak next and asks Ashwini to perform Vinayak’s nazar. Ashwini says when she loves Vinayak so much, her nazar wouldn’t fall on him. Bhavani shows Vinayak to her husband and asks if she fulfilled her responsibility properly, she is hold their family’s third generation in her hands. Omkar says Nagesh dada must be feeling happy wherever he is. Devi says tomorrow is raksha bandhan festival and his elder sister Harini is in boarding school, so she will tie him rakhi on Harini’s behalf.
Ashwini thank Sai and Virat for giving her such a priceless gift. Bhavani tells Virat that he became a doctor from a policeman. Rajiv says they all are surprised. Mohit salutes Virat. Virat says he just followed Sai’s instructions. Sai says she just gave him instructions and Virat did practical, he is the real hero today. Ashwini emotionally hug Pakhi. Sai also hugs Pakhi. Bhavani says Sai should thank Pakhi for bringing Vinayak in this house. Ashwini say she wants to truly thank Pakhi forgetting all their past differences. Pakhi says she just needs her blessings. Ashwini bless her. Sai says let us let Pakhi rest and get some clothes for Vinayak.

Sai takes baby to her room and emotionally tells Virat how she first came into his room, then fell in his love, then they united and now the a reward of their love their son. Virat agrees. Sai says she will clean Vinayak and put some clothes on him. She steps on broken photoframe and starts bleeding. Virat removes glass strands from her foot, makes her sit next to Vinayak, and first-aids her foot. Sai holds Vinayak and says she is lucky to experience the feeling of a mother with Vinayak’s arrival as she never saw her mother. She thanks Virat for his support. Virat says Vinayak completed their family and he is very happy. He takes Vinayak in front of Kamal’s, Sai’s Aaba’s, photo and says he is feeling very emotional and knows that Kamal would have said Sai that his mother became a mother today. He describes how much he feels proud of Sai that she became a doctor with her hard work. Vinayak pees on him. Sai laughs and says she will clean Vinayak and then take him to Pakhi to feed him. She takes Vinayak to Pakhi and asks her to feed Vinayak. 

Pakhi does same. Sai thanks Pakhi. Pakhi asks why is she thanking her when she threatened her not to provoke her or else she will face the consequences. Sai says she wants them to forget all the old differences and start afresh for Vinayak’s sake. She ask Pakhi to forget her challenge to make Virat handover Vinayak to her and take care of Vinayak as she herself handed over Vinayak to Pakhi. Pakhi asks if she wants her to forget Sai’s misbehavior. Sai says she didn’t misbehave with her and just was protective of her child, so they should forget the past and bringing up Vinayak together as her biological and foster mother. Ashwini walks in and says everyone are waiting to hold Vinayak. Sai says they all have to wait till Vinayak wakes up. Ashwini leaves. Pakhi smirks at Sai.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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