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Virat tells Sai that he will find out who attacked her and mislead Geeta. He says its clear that Pakhi had not visited Geeta’s house and he is hurt seeing Sai wrongly alleging Pakhi. Bhavani yells that Virat loves a woman who doesn’t want their heir to come in the world, she hates Pakhi since the beginning, etc. Pakhi starts her drama and acts as having panic attack. Bhavani comforts her. Pakhi says she is always blamed and tried to be proven as a criminal. Virat says Pakhi did a good virtue instead. Bhavani rudely tells Sai that she is taking Pakhi home and warns Sai not come near Pakhi even by mistake. Virat says he doesn’t want any troubles at home. Sai walks away saying she looks wrong to him now but soon will realize the truth.

Sai returns home. Ashwini gets worried seeing her bandage and asks what happened to her. Bhavani brings Pakhi in and calls Sonali and other. Devi asks Sai what happened to her. Virat informs that Sai had a minor accident, but she is fine now. Bhavani asks Ashwini to forget Sai and ask if about the surrogacy procedure. Ashwini says seeing her happiness, it looks that the procedure went well, but why Sai looks tensed. Bhavani reveals that Pakhi is the surrogate mother of Virat and Sai. Ashwini is shocked to hear that. Virat says lets end this issue here now and just remember that Pakhi is carrying his and Sai’s baby. Omkar and Sonali feel happy. Mansi leaves saying she can’t say anything when they all already decided it and thinks whatever happened was wrong.
Ninad says he is happy that his family’s legal heir will grow up in Pakhi’s womb instead of a stranger. Sonali asks what about the woman Sai had selected, did she elope. Sai says if she tells how Sai tricked them, many will feel bad, especially Bhavani. Virat asks Sonali not to talk about it with Sai. Shivani asks Sai if she is fine. Sai walks away. Sonali asks Karishma what must have happened in the hospital. Karishma says something big must have happened there. Bhavani says whatever happened in the hospital doesn’t matter, Pakhi’s pregnancy will be confirmed within 14 days and she wants them all to take good care of Pakhi for the next 9 months until their legal heir comes in the world and if someone tries to trouble Pakhi, she will not spare them.

Virat takes food for Sai and asks her not to burn in the fire of anger and says she should be happy that their baby will be born via Pakhi soon. Sai says Pakhi was interfering between their lives since the beginning and he let their baby develop in Pakhi’s womb without her permission. She walks away from there. Virat thinks they were excited about getting their baby in the world, but why Sai is not happy. Sai cries sitting on the terrace recalling recalling Virat refusing to trust her. Ashwini comforts her and asks her what happened in the hospital. Sai says her words and opinions don’t matter in this house, Pakhi without her permission tricked her and became a surrogate. Ashwini says she cannot change whatever happened and should be happy and prepare herself to dedicate her life for the baby. She says a baby is the world for the mother and says though Pakhi would bear the baby, it would belong to Sai.

Vaishali visits Pakhi. Pakhi boasts how she fooled Sai and become a surogate of Sai’s baby. Vaishali says its not easy to fool Sai and Sai will find out how Pakhi fooled her. Pakhi says Geeta was the only link to find out truth and she manipulated Geeta and Yogesh to hide the truth. Ashwini continues convincing Sai to accept that Pakhi is the surrogate now and if something wrong has happened in the hospital, god will punish the culprit. Virat walks in. Bhavani leaves. Virat also tries to leave. Sai asks if he will go without saying anything.

Sai notices Virat leaving witout speaking to her and asks if he will not talk to her. She stumbles. Virat holds her and makes her sit. She asks if he didn’t sleep yet. He says how would he sleep seeing her in pain. She says how can she accept her baby growing in Pakhi’s womb who tricked her and became a surrogate mother. Virat says they should be happy that their baby is coming in the world. He comforts her with a long conversation and says everything will be alright.
The next morning, senior Chavans enjoy tea after breakfast. Pakhi walks to them. Bhavani asks her to be careful and asks Karishma to offer her tea. Pakhi sits acting sad. Bhavani asks her to be happy as she will be a mother in a few days. Pakhi says without her mistake, she is being tried to be proven as a criminal. Karishma asks who is doing that. Bhavani tries to cheer her up and change the topic, but Pakhi continues to act as a victim. Ashwini tries to cheer her up next. Pakhi says even Ashwini is concerned for her after the procedure, but is making her feel as a criminal. Bhavani asks why she is bothered about the woman’s opinion who doesn’t value her sacrifice. Pakhi says that woman would be the mother of her baby. Sai walks down and looks at Pakhi. Bhavani in her usual rude attitude asks Sai why is she staring at Pakhi. Pakhi asks Sai what did she do now. Whole family gathers. Sai kneels down and touching Pakhi’s stomach emotionally address the baby that she is his/her mother and soon she will hear a good news about she is the baby. She says due to some unforeseen problems, baby would grow not in in her tummy but someone else, but she will take good care of the baby. Ninad praises Sai for accepting the truth and says soon this house would be full of happiness. Bhavani says at last stubborn Sai accepted the truth. Ashwini says at the end baby wold be Sai. Omkar says all is well that ends well. Bhavani say she is right. Sai says she is worried for her baby and not Pakhi and tells Pakhi to take good care of herself and make sure nothing happens to her baby. Virat says they all are there to take care of Pakhi. Sonali and Karishma comment. Shivani and Rajeev shut their mouth. Bhavani pampers Pakhi and hopes she gives the good news soon. Pakhi thinks this baby would end the gap between her and Virat and hopes the baby gets into the world soon and unite her and Virat.

After a few days, Chavan family nervously waits for Pakhi while she performs her pregnancy Pakhi in her room. PAkhi walks to them and stands silently. Sai checks the pregnant kit and excitedly jumps announcing that the test is positive. Whole family congratulate Pakhi. Bhavani asks Mansi if she is still angry. Mansi says baby brings its fate along, who is she to get angry. Karishma congratulates Pakhi for becoming a surrogate. Bhavani says she is happy that Pakhi is becoming a mother. Sai says baby belongs to her and Virat and not Pakhi, they will take care of baby really well. Rajeev says let us leave Sai and Virat alone to celebrate their happiness. Sai and Virat walk away holding each other’s hand. Pakhi stands jealous seeing that. Virat and Sai congratulate each other for becoming parents. Sai says she will pay all her attention towards her baby and Virat shouldn’t complain. He runs around to catch her. She says their baby would look like them. Virat says she is right. Sai gets emotional. Virat names baby girl as Savi and Sai names baby boy as SaiRat. They both get romantic and are about to kiss when Pakhi disturbs them.

Precap: Pakhi asks Virat if she can hug him as she is missing Samrat. Sai hug Pakhi and says she can hug her whenever she misses Samrat. Pakhi leaves disappointed. Virat ask Sai why she is doubting Pakhi again? Sai says Pakhi wants Virat’s attention, he knows only a woman can understand another woman’s intention. Virat asks Pakhi if she is feeling fine. Pakhi says she is feeling heartburning and asks when will doctor come. Sai walks in saying doctor is here, warns Pakhi that she knows her plan of trying to get closer to Virat in lieu of the pregnancy.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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