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Virat drops Sai to her college and romantically touches her. She feels shy. He asks her to stop blushing and ask how can he fall in her love. She jokes and gets of the car. At home, Samrat helps Pakhi get ready and says she is looking beautiful. She holds his hand and says she need some stuff as they are going for the trip. He insists to take her for shopping. She says it was their solo trip, but he involved whole family in it and made it a family trip. He says family needed a break after all the troubles and asks if she is going there for her blogging. She sarcastically asks if they are going only for blogging.

Sai checks patients when she feels dizzy. Nurse helps her and asks if she took a pregnancy test. Sai shies and asks why is she thinking so. Nurse says she has a sixth sense and can guess if the woman is pregnant just by looking at them, Sai’s face is glowing and is definitely pregnant. Sai jokes and laughs. Nurse insists her to take a pregnancy kit test. Sai hesitantly agrees just to keep her words and tests herself. She is surprised to see the result positive and recalls consummating with Virat. She feels very happy and thinks of informing Virat about the same.

Back home, Virat asks Sai to serve him dinner. She serves three plates. Virat he gets confused and says only 2 of them are at the house. She smiles at him and feels shy. He questions her about the third plate and walks near her. She reveals him that they are going to be parents. He gets very happy hearing that and happily hugs her. They both for their family to reveal the good news to them. Chavans return from the trip. Bhavani praises Pakhi for bringing stuff for everyone. Sai and Virat relay the pregnancy new to family. Everyone rejoices to hear the news. Bhavani and Ashwini show their gratitude towards Sai. Ninad also returns home and is elated to hear the good news. Family pampers Sai and asks her to take care of herself.
Pakhi gets jealous seeing the family’s special treatment towards Sai and decides to get pregnant soon. Sonali and Omkar look unhappy. Family then asks Pakhi also to bear the child soon. Samrat apologises to Pakhi for that. She gets closer to him saying family is right. Sai waits for Virat to pick her up, but he gets late. She calls Samrat and requests him for help. Pakhi gets irritated when Sai calls Samrat and disturbs their romantic moment. Samrat picks Sai up. Sai apologises him. Samrat says he will always be there for her as an elder brother. Car tire gets punctured. Samrat manages to stop the car and relaxes seeing Sai safe. She gets out of the car and gets angry seeing Jagtap with his goons and scolds them. Jagtap forcefully gets Sai into the car while his goons hold Samrat. Samrat fights with the goons, but Jgtap driver car pushing him way. Samrat falls severely injured. Sai is shocked to notice that.

Jagtap forcefully abducts Sai in a car and drives car away. Samrat tries to stop the car. Jagtap drives car over him. Samrat falls down severely injured. Sai is shocked to see that and tries stop the car. Jagtap pushes her away. She shouts that she will not spare him. He says he really doesn’t want her to spare him and pushes her again. She feels pain and reveals that she is pregnant and its wrong to hurt a pregnant woman. Jagtap stops the car in shock hearing that and says he will abort Virat’s child and then will start a new story with Sai. Sai continues to shout to stop the car in vain.

Sai then silently messages Help to Virat. Virat who is busy catching goons reads her message and reaches to rescues her. Jagtap seeing him tells Sai that he will kill even Virat. He speeds car towards Virat. Virat shoots bullets at the care tyre and punctures it. Jagtap locks Sai in a car and walks towards Virat to hit him. Virat brutally trashes him and is about to kill him when Sai breaks car window, rushes to Virat, and informs him that they should save Samrat first as he is severely injured by Jagtap. Virat is shocked to hear that. Virat shoots Jagtap’s foot. Police team reaches there and arrests Jagtap. Virat then gets into car with Sai and heads towards Samrat’s location.
At Chavan Nivas, Mansi looks at Samrat and Pakhi’s photo and prays for a long married life. She tells Ashwini that she will enlarge the photo and look at it whole day. Mansi says she will ask Mohit to enlarge the picture and even click their pics during the trip. Mansi says she wants Samrat to be near him always. Sonali takes photo from her, and it drops down breaking the glass frame. Mansi gets tensed seeing the abshagun and fears that something wrong has happened.

Virat and Sai reach Samrat. Samrat sees Virat says he couldn’t save Sai. Virat says he need not worry Sai is fine. Samrat says he can die peacefully now. Virat pleads him not to say that and says he will take him to hospital. Samrat reminds him that he saved his life during their childhood. Virat says now he will save his life, gets him into car, and speed towards hospital. Sai pleads Samrat to keep his eyes open till they reach the hospital.

Pakhi gets ready for Samrat and thinks Samrat will like open hair. She plans a dinner date with Samrat and then proposes him. Samrat asks Virat if he remember when he returned to Chavan nivas forever, he did it for Virat and was very happy that he would stay with his younger brother. Virat pleads to forgive him. Samrat says he wants both girl and boy from Sai and wants to see both Sai and Virat’s happy family. His condition deteriorates. Sai pleads him to have patience. Samrat asks Sai to tell her baby about him. Virat says he should play with his nephew and niece and take care of them. Samrat asks him if he will do something for him.

Karishma walks into Pakhi’s room that today she is glowing and her room is smell so good. Pakhi says she lit perfumed candles and is waiting for Virat. Samrat asks Virat to take care of Mansi like a son and smiles saying Pakhi is waiting for him.

Precap: Sai and Virat rush Samrat to hospital. Doctor pronounces him dead. Pakhi blames Sai that she killed Samrat and pleads Samrat to open his eyes and look at her.

Lost In Love Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 6pm

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