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Saransh walks to Preesha while she is dancing with Rudra, kneels down and asks will she dance with him. Preesha remembers Saransh asking same before his memory loss and emotionally hugs him. They both lift and dance with him happily. Arman notices that and returns to Anvi. Anvi asks if Prishma did not come. Arman says Preesha is with her real family and will not come, she forgot her. Anvi gets more said and watching Preesha dancing with Sarnash and Rudra shatters. Arman says Preesha got her real son Saransh and forgot Anvi. Preesha thanks Rudra that because of his song act, Saransh remembered this song. Rudra says after their marriage, Saransh’s memory will completely be back. Preesha says they both will happily live together with Saransh and Anvi and seeing Anvi calls her for dance. Anvi doesn’t react. Arman and Sania continue to brainwash her. Rudra asks if Aniv is still angry on her. Preesha informs how Arman stopped Anvi and rest of the incident. Rudra feels Arman is conspiring something. He walks to Anvi, cheers her up, and takes her for a dance. Sania asks Arman if Preesha is a magician that she easily convinced Anvi even after they brainwashed her. Arman says he already sowed a seed of doubt in Anvi’s mind, Anvi will not let let Preesha marry Rudra.
Rudra and Preesha dance with Anvi and Saransh on same old song. Chachaji walks out unable to bear same drama and hears Bunty talking to someone over phone and asking to find out DGU Sound Company’s details and send him its details, he will expose whoever is betraying Rudra. He goes to inform Arman. Preesha asks Anvi if she enjoyed dance, she shouldn’t get angry on her again. Arman says why will she when Prishma is with her, he is happy for Preesha and will miss her when she leaves his house. Chachaji takes him aside and informs him that Rudra is getting his DGU sound company’s details and number, he should do something. Arman calls receptionist to discard sim, but she doesn’t pick call. Rudra gets Bunty’s call and walks out. Chachaji notices him and asks Arman to keep trying while he handles guests. Rudra meets Bunty who asks him to call that number till his friend tracks that number’s location. Rudra says let him see if Arman is behind it. Arman’s receptionist picks call, he asks her to discard phone and sim used to call Rudra as Rudra is trying to track it. She obeys him. Rudra finds number switched off. Bunty asks him to relax as they will find it later and asks him to attend sangeet.

Chachaji calls Vasu, GPS, and Sharda on dance floor and dances with them. Rdura returns upset. Arman noticing him gets happy thinking he couldn’t find any evidence. He drags Rudra on dance floor. Rudra asks why he looks happy suddenly as if he escaped from something. Arman says he should be sad instead as he is taking away Preesha from him. Rudra asks if he is jelaous. Arman asks to stop all this and enjoy dance. After dance, Rudra tells Preesha that they will have both Punjabi and South Indian wedding like before and asks Arman if he can handle arrangements. Arman says he can do anything for Preesha, he is happy for them. Sharda says let us go home and return fresh tomorrow. Rudra says he lost his kerchief and asks Preesha to accompany him. Sharda taunts them. Rudra takes Preesha aside and gets romantic with her. She shies
Rudra romantically holds Preesha. Sharda asks if his kerchief is found. He says he is searching and tells Preesha he cannot stay without her till tomorrow. She kisses his cheek and asks if he can now. He says now its more difficult. Sharda asks if she should come there. He says he found his kerchief and walks down with Preesha. Chachaji scolds Arman that because of his foolish behavior, they have to perform 2 marriages now. At night, Anvi insists Preesha to sleep with her. Preesha takes her to Saransh’s room and sleeps in between them. In sleeps she hugs Saransh. Anvi wakes up and gets sad seeing Preesha pampering Saransh even in sleep. She leaves room crying. Rudra calls Preesha. Preesha wakes up and picks his call. He says today is their wedding and she is still sleeping. Preesha says its just 3 a.m. He reminds her to reach temple at 5 a.m. for their South Indian wedding, he wants to see how she looks at South Indian bride. She says even she wants to see him as South Indian groom and asks how will he tie mundu/lungi. He says appa is coming for that. GPS calls him, and he disconnects Preesha’s call.

Preesha noticing not finding Anvi around and goes to her room. Anvi says she loves only Saransh and slept hugging only her. Preesha says she slept on Saransh’s side in sleep and loves even her a lot. Anvi asks to prove it by getting her ready for marriage. Nanny walks in and says its Preesha’s wedding, how can she get her ready. Anvi insists. Preesha agrees, does Anvi’s makeup and irons her clothes. Arman and Sania think how to stop Preesha and Rudra’s wedding. Sania says only Saransh can distract Preesha, gets into Saransh’s room silently, pinches sleeping Saransh and runs away. Sarnash wakes up crying. Preesha rushes to him asking maid to iron Anvi’s clothes. Once she leaves, Sania enters and sending nanny aways burns Anvi’s dress. Preesha reaches Saransh and consoles him. He says Anvi pinched him like she pushed him yesterday. Preesha says its bad to allege anyone. Anvri cries seeing her dress burnt. Sania with Arman enters and provokes Anvi that Preesha burnt her dress, how will she attend wedding now. Anvi says she will not attend wedding. Vasu with GPS enters and says Preesha can never burn her dress, offers her new dress and says Preesha will wear similar dress and they both will look similar. Anvi cheers up. Sania confronts Vasu that Preesha shouldn’t have burnt Anvi’s dress and left her alone, what if something had happened to her. Vasu yells at her that Preesha cannot do anything wrong, Sania left baby Anvi alone instead and she is wrong. Sania stands silent. Vasu says Arman knows Preesha’s situation well. Arman scolds Sania. Vasu asks GPS to go and get Rudr and Saransh ready and walks out with him. Sania confronts Arman for scolding her while is trying to help him stop Rudra and Preesha’s wedding. He says what could he have done. Sania says he lost 2 days and today he won’t be able to stop wedding.

Vasu walks into Preesha’s room and gets happy seeing her ready as a South Indian bride. Anvi joins them wearing her dress. Preesha says she is looking very beautiful like her. Vasu takes them to temple. At temple, Preesha and Rudra’s families meet. Preesha thanks Arman for such a beautiful arrangements. Arman says it was Rudra’s idea. Rudra gives credit to GPS. Preesha says she is happy that she is marrying a love of her life.

Precap: Chachaji tells Arman that he failed to stop Preesha and Rudra’s wedding. Arman says not yet and distracting everyone in Saransh and Anvi’s fight steals mangalsutra. Rudra and Preesha’s South Indian wedding completes. Preesha tries to enter Anvi’s room, but Chachaji stops her. Arman insists Rudra for a bachelor party. Rudra tells Preesha t4hat he wants to be with his wife. Arman gets Rudra heavily drunk till he collapses.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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