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Anvi while having breakfast informs Preesha that she has her friend’s birthday and wants her buy a new dress for her and birthday gift for her friend. Arman says they will go for shopping. Anvi insists Preesha to choose her dress. Preesha agrees. Arman then calls someone and smiles. Chachaji asks whom he is calling. Rudra with Sania reaches shopping mall. Sania says his choice is really good and his dressing sense is good, their choice will match for sure. Rudra fumes. Arman brings Preesha and Anvi to the same mall. Vasu and GPS reach next. Arman says he called them as Preesha didn’t meet them since long. Preesha and Anvi get happy seeing them. Sania selects saris for her and asks Rudra if its looking nice. He without looking at it busy on phone says its nice. She shows him different saris and then a shirt. He says nice. She says its a shirt and if he shows this attitude, she will never reveal Saransh’s details. Rudra shouts back to not threaten him. she asks him to select a sari. He selects a red sari and says its his favorite color.

Preesha informs Vasu what all happened in the recent days. Vasu shocked asks if Rudra married someone else. Anvi walks to Preesha and selects a sari for her. Sania goes to trial room to try the sari and asks salesgirl to give her sari when she asks. Preesha walks in next and tells same to salesgirl. Power goes off. Salesgirl exchanges saris by mistake in dark. They wear different saris and walk out. Sania sees Preesha wearing her sari and angrily insists her to return it as her husband chose it. Preesha looking at Rudra says she will not return it and thanks Rudra for the sari. Rudra silently looks her. Preesha walks away asking Sania to select different sari. Sania angrily asks Rudra why didn’t he fight with Preesha. Rudra says he didn’t want to interfere between 2 women. Preesha walks to billing counter. Arman asks if she really wants to take Sania’s sari or just wants to take revenge from her. Preesha says she saw how Rudra looked at her and is sure something is bothering her. Arman asks why she is still mad behind Rudra and ruining her life. She says Rudra loves only her and she can see it in his eyes.
Sania scolds salesgirl for giving her sari to Preesha and humiliates her. Vasu noticing that asks her to behave with salesgirl. Sania humiliates her next. Preesha noticing that warns Sania to behave with her mother. Sania continues. Rudra noticing next warns Sania to behave with Preesha’s mother and says he loves her doesn’t mean she can misbehave with elders. He drags her from there angrily. Vasu stands shocked. Preesha informs her that Rudra married Sania and something is wrong, she knows he loves only her. Sania to take revenge from Vasu drops an unbilled shirt in her bag. Watchman hears a beep during checkout and stops Vasu. Vasu says they bought 4 kurtas and have a bill. He checks and says there is one more dress in her bag and calls manager.
Security guard checks GPS and Vasu’s bag and says according to bill, they bought 4 clothes but have 5 clothes instead. Vasu says it doesn’t belong to them and he can take it back. Sania says its shop lifting and they stole in old age. Vasu warns her to shut her mouth and tells guard that there is some misunderstanding and he can take back extra cloth. Guard says he needs to follow protocol and takes them to store manager. Sania thinks now Vasu should dare to insult her. Arman with Preesha takes Anvi to her friend’s birthday party. Anvi asks Preesha to to take her friend’s birthday gift. Preesha picks gift from car and forgets her mobile inside. Vasu calls Preesha for help and gets tensed when she doesn’t pick call. Store manager asks if they shop lifted. GPS says there is some misunderstanding and can pay for the extra cloth. Vasu says they don’t need it. Manager says according to store policy, he will refer their case to police and calls inspector. Rudra sees police coming and thinks why is police here. Police arrests Vasu and GPS. Sania thinks its her befitting reply to this old couple and teach Preesha a lesson. Police takes Vasu and GPS towards jeep while they plead. Rudra is unable to see them due to mob. Sania gets into car. Rudra asks why did police come. Sania says even police has personal life and takes him from there. GPS tells inspector that he cannot arrest him like that as he is a former judge and someone wrongly added extra cloth into his bag. Inspector says shoplifting is a crime and takes them to police station.

During party, Preesha picks her mobile from car and seeing Vasu’s multiple calls calls back. Inspector speaks and says her mother is arrested for shoplifting. Preesha informs Arman and they reach police station and tongue lash inspector for arresting Vasu and GPS without even checking a CCTV footage. Inspector says CCTV footage is on the way. Preesha says she will bring it. Constable brings footage. They all check it and are shocked to see Sania putting a shirt in Vasu’s bag. Preesha says Sania Dubash took revenge from her mother for stopping her from slapping a store executive. Inspector apologizes and says he will take care of Sania. Preesha asks him to take action right now and she will file complaint if needed and take him to Sania’s house. Inspector agrees and accompanies her.

Rudra sees Sania in kitchen and asks what is she doing. She says she is preparing pasta for him as his mother didn’t perform her kitchen ritual yet and he can give her love in return, he should wait for 40 minutes till she prepares pasta. He thinks she will be in kitchen for 40 minutes, hence he can check her bag and find out clue about Saransh and Ahana. He walks to her room and checks her bag and then sees Ahana transferring 50 lakhs into her account. Sania walks in and says she will not reveal him Saransh’s location until her work is done. He asks what is her wrong, he needs Saransh’s location right now. Their argument continues when Sharda calls him and he walks down and seeing Preesha and others asks what are they doing here. Preesha asks him to question his newly wed wife and asks Sania how dare she is to trap her mother wrongly for stopping her from slapping a store executive and asks if this is they way she behaves with elders. Sania says even elders should know their limits and yells that she is nothing to her and cannot question her. Rudra asks what is happening. Preesha informs that Sania dropped unbilled shirt in Vasu’s bag and police arrested them, they found out after watching CCTV footage. Sania says she played a prank and what is her mistake if Vasu didn’t check her bag before checkout. Preesha says she herself revealed her sin and asks inspector to arrest Sania. Sania pleads not to arrest her while constable drags her away, runs and hugs Rudra and says if she goes from here she will never return and reveal Saransh’s location, so he should save her.

Precap: Rudra says Sania played a prank and requests GPS to forgive Sania. Rudra warns Sania to stop around and tell her Saransh’s address. Sania says Ahana will inform him. Ahana online on TV informs that he must have found out by now that his son is alive and is with her. Preesha asks GPS to find a good personal investigate to investigate Sania. She hires investigator to get Sania’s information, later she pins and seduces Rudra in a bathroom and says she knows he still loves her and why is he acting.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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