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Preesha informs Rudra that Saransh slept, he gets afraid hearing Ahana’s name, don’t know what medicine she gave Saransh to erase his memory. She then thanks Arman for his help and says its not easy to forget the pain she gave him, even then she helped him . He says true friends don’t stop supporting each other, he just wants her to be and he knows her happiness is with Rudra, even then she should inform him if Rudra troubles her. He then tells Rudra that he is jealous of him, but he deserves Preesha; he must have done mistakes in anger, but Rudra should forgive him. Rudra says Arman supported Preesha when he left her, so he is thankful to him and hugs him. Vasu apologizes Rudra for misunderstanding him when he was struggling to bring back Saransh and asks why didn’t he and GPS inform her and Preesha about Saransh before. Preesha says because they love us. Rudra says he loves Preesha more than appa. Chachaji wishes them for their happy future life. Preesha says they all should be happy. Rudra says now they will focus on Saransh and he will be center of their lives. She nods yes. He hugs her happily. Arman stands aside feeling jealous. Rudra tells Preesha that they should do whatever they can to get back Saransh’s memory.

Sharda calls Rudra and asks if he reached Arman’s house and stopped marriage. Rudra gives phone to Preesha who informs that she didn’t marry Arman and Saransh is fine and back with them, she should come to Arman’s house soon. Chachaji asks Arman what is happening here, Preesha is having family union and they are standing here silently. Arman says lets wait. He gets Sania’s calls goes to meet her where he vents out his anger unable to stop Rudra from reaching his and Preesha’s wedding and stopping it. She says she tried her best, but Ahana ruined her plan. He says even if he didn’t marry Preesha, she is with her and he will not let her go. She asks what will he do. He takes her along.
Sharda reaches Arman’s house. Preesha takes her to Saransh’s room and briefs his condition. Sharda gets emotional remembering Saransh and her bonding and asks if he will be fine. Preesha says yes and walks down. Arman returns with Sania. Rudra shouts what is she doing here. Arman says police ordered her not to leave town till case finishes, she doesn’t have a place to stay, so he gave her guarantee and brought her home. Sharda asks Rudra and Preesha to return home with her. Arman stops Preesha and says he will let her go only after she marries Rudra, he will perform their wedding and do her bidaayi/farewell. Rudra says there is no need for that. Arman says Preesha stayed in his house for long and even Rudra divorced Preesha earlier, so he will take her only after marriage. Rudra says he can’t stay away from Preesha for long. Arman says only 3 days, today engagement, tomorrow sangeet, and day after tomorrow wedding and bidaayi. Sharda takes Rudra with her. Chachaji and Sania take Arman to a room and angrily asks what is he doing, why is he acting too good. Arman says he will get them married, but someone will stop it; he is acting good to be in Preesha’s good books and separate Rudra and Preesha. Sania asks who will stop wedding. Arman says someone will stop engagmement tomorrow, he will separate them acting as their well wisher.

Saransh wakes up afraid calling mamma. Preesha pampers him asking not to worry and says he is Saransh. He says he is Karishna. She says Ahana aunty named him Krishna, his real name is Saransh. He asks who is his real mamma. She says she will find out soon. He asks god promise. She says yes and everyone will call him Saransh from hereon. He asks her to hold his hand till she sleeps, she does till he falls asleep. Rudra calls her from outside and insists her to meet him for sometime. She hesitantly agrees. Do Dil Sagar Me Nikal Pade. song plays in the background. He walks to her. She says sorry. She says he shouldn’t as he was struggling for Saransh. He says he knows she was also thriving for Saransh. She says she didn’t trust him and wanted to marry Arman, nobody can love her like him. He hugs her tightly and says he will not let her separate from him.

Rudra and Preesha discuss that they had lost hope on Saransh, but god sent him back to them. He asks if Saransh’s memory will be back and will he be normal again. She says her pediatrician friend may prescribe something to Saransh. He excitedly says let us take Saransh to her friend tomorrow itself and hugs her. Next morning, Anvi wakes up and calls Prishma/Preesha to get her ready. Arman walks in. Anvi asks if he is Prishma that he came here. He says Preesha is busy as there is a function tonight. Anvi gets excited hearing about function and says she herself will get ready as she is grown up now. He walks out of room. Sania stops him and asks why didn’t he inform Anvi that its not his and Preesha’s engagement today. Arman says Anvi is his trump card which will help him stop Rudra and Preesha’s engagement.

Preesha with Rudra and Sharda takes Saransh to her pediatrician friend who checks Saransh’s reports and says brain neurons are damaged due to strong medications. Rudra asks if Saransh’s memory will be back. Doctor says yes. Rudra asks when. Preesha says they have stopped medicine and hence memory will return. Doctor says they need to recreate old memories and try, it may time some time.
In the evening, Rudra with Sharda visit Arman’s house for engagement. Vasu and GPS welcomes them. Arman tells Rudra that one who deserves will get Preesha. Rudra gets eager to meet Preesha. Preesha walks down with Saransh. Their eyes lock. Arman interrupts and say he hired turban maker as its important in their family. Sharda asks Rudra to get his turban as Preesha will not go anywhere. Rudra agrees and gets turban fixed on his head. Anvi happily rushes to Preesha and says she is looking pretty. Preesha says she is looking pretty. Arman says they both are looking pretty. Pandit enters and apologizes for coming late. Arman says let us exchange ring and takes it out. It falls down. He asks Anvi to pick it. Rudra walks to Preesha. Anvi gives Preesha’s ring. Pandit asks them to exchange rings and chants mantras. Anvi gets shocked seeing Preesha fixing ring in Rudra’s finger, stops her, and says she can fix ring only in papa’s finger and asks Rudra to go away from there. Arman thinks this is his trump card, Preesha will be with him always. Rudra asks Anvi why is she saying this. Anvi says Prishma will fix ring in papa’s finger and will be only with them.

Arman asks Sania and Chachaji if they understood his plan, Anvi will force Preesha to marry him, now its time for acting. He acts as convincing Anvi. Anvi gets adamant. He angrily scolds her and says Preesha will go with Anvi. Preesha stops him. Anvi hugs her and asks her to promise that she will not go away from her. Preesha takes her along and promises her that she will not leave her at any cost; she explains her that she came to her only a few months ago, but kids come from mother’s tummy. Anvi asks if she has 2 mammas, she needs only Preesha mamma. Preesha says she has 2 mammas like Krishna had Devaki and Yashoda; she is going to next house and will return to her whenever she wants to; Sania is her real mamma and she returned back for her. She asks if she loves her. Anvi says a lot. Preesha says she also loves handsome uncle and is happy with him, so she is marrying him. Anvi asks what about papa. Preesha says Sania is there for Arman, so she is marrying Rudra. Arman apologizes Rudra for Anvi’s misbehavior. Rudra says he will explain Anvi. Sharda says Preesha has already gone. Chachaji tells Arman that his plan is working and Anvi will convince Preesha not to marry Rudra.

Preesha with Anvi walks down. Arman says Preesha will give good news, finally Anvi’s love separated Preesha and Rudra. Vasu asks what did she decide. Preesha says Anvi will tell herself. Anvi asks Rudra if he is angry on her. He says how can he as she is like his daughter. She says he is good and kisses him, leaving Arman in shock. Anvi holds Preesha and Rudra’s hands and says they both can marry now. They both thank her. Chachaji tells Arman that his plan failed. Sania says kiddy plans with kids fail. Arman says even her plans failed. Chachaji asks what will they do now. Arman says engagement. He tells Anvi that he is proud of Anvi that she accepted Preesha’s request. Rudra and Preesha exchange rings and complete their engagement. Everyone clap for them.

Precap: Sania tells Arman that he needs Preesha and she needs Rudra, they both will stop this wedding. Rudra gets romantic with Preesha during haldi. Arman says he will perform haldi ritual with Preesha before Rudra and drops haldi in her eyes and gets into bathroom in lieu of washing her eyes. Rudra enters. Sharda says Preesha didn’t’ return from washroom yet. Rudra goes to check and is shocked to see Arman cleaning Preesha. Preesha says someone blocked water. Arman acts as angry on servaant. Rudra notices Arman praising servant instead and applies haldi on Preesha first and says nobody can separate them now. Arman determines to stop their wedding.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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