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Arman stops car midway. Preesha asks why did he stop the car. He says he will bring water and gets out of car. Chachaji calls him and asks where is he as he is not in his room. Arman informs that he came to DP road to pick up Preesha as Rudra left her midway and she looks very upset, hence he is bringing her home. Chachaji suggests him to take her on a date as she is upset because of Rudra and try to reconcile with her. Arman agrees.

Mishka gets heavily drunk at a club. Rudra walks to her acting and asks if she came with Ahana. She asks if he came even here. He says he is stressed regarding Saransh and other issues and hence wants to enjoy with her. She says why would she. He says he is single now. She agrees. He thinks once she gets more inebriated, she will question him about Saransh and trust fund. Arman brings Preesha to the same club. She hesitates. He says Anvi will get sad seeing her sad, so she should relax, have dinner as she looks hungry and then return home. She looks uncomfortable. He says he will take her home where she feels comfortable then. She agrees to have dinner.
Ahana reaches lawyer’s office and confronts him for revealing Rudra about Saransh and trust fund. Lawyer says he didn’t take her name at all and just needs his money. She says she will be out of India soon and orders him to finish her pending work. Bunty noticing her in lawyer’s office and calls Rudra to inform him, but he busy with Mishka doesn’t pick his all. Rudra continues serving alcohol to Mishka and says he can understand her loneliness. She asks when. He says she was alone in Goa Hospital. She asks when, then says yes and Ahana joined her later. He asks if there was someone else with her till then. She says she was all alone and continues getting inebriated. He thinks she is clever and is not revealing truth even being heavily inebriated. Arman with Preesha walks in and sits at a table nearby. Preesha checks her mobile and gets angry not seeing Rudra’s messages or calls. Arman asks her to relax and have some food at least for Anvi’s sake. She starts. He thinks he needs to do something to cheer up her mood and excuses Preesha. Rudra continues questioning Mishka. Mishka says she had reached mandap to marry him, but he betrayed her and she will never forgive him for that. He says let us forget about past and asks if she will stay In India or fly abroad in the future. She says she and Ahana are flying to London. He says Ahana told that, but how will they survive in London without money. She says she and Ahana have set up everything in London as they have their father’s business there. He reminds her that her father’s business is shut. She says they convinced back investors and got the business back into profits. He thinks she is lying and has high capacity.

Arman returns to Preesha wearing joker’s props. Preesha laughs and asks how did he get them. He says he got it from hotel manager and asks if they are cute. She says very cute, drops water on her sari and goes to clean herself. She walks out of washroom and remembers her romantic date with Rudra and him leaving her midway. A passerby lady sees her crying and asks if she is okay. Preesha nods yes. Mishka gets more heavily inebriated. Rudra thinks now he needs to question her and asks how did Saransh’s trust fund reopened, its funny. Mishka laughs saying its funny. He says she was injured, Saransh should be alive to reopen trust fund, someone genius must have reopened it somehow. She says her didi got it reopened via Desai lawyer. He repeats Saransh should be alive for that. She laughs again and asks if he still didn’t realize where is Saransh, Saransh is.. He repeats to go ahead. She continues laughing that Saransh is.. and loses consciousness. He thinks how will he find out Saransh’s truth now.

Preesha returns to Arman unnoticing Rudra sitting with inebriated Mishka nearby and says let us go home. He says they haven’t finished a dessert yet and offers her favorite desert with a note that she is still not smiling. She smiles a bit and enjoys dessert. Arman jokes to stop as she has put on weight and is looking like a body builder. She laughs and hits him with a spoon. He says he made her smile and his mission is complete. She says he takes care of him so much and says let us go home now. Rudra thinks Mishka will not wake up now, hence he should drop her home, and lifts her up. Preesha and Arman walk out of club. She remembers she forgot her mobile in and walks in back and is shocked seeing Rudra hugging Mishka, informs Arma and says she will go and confront Rudra as he left her midway on their most beautiful night. Arman stops her and says she shouldn’t as he must be having some plan and she may spoil it. She agrees and thinks he is right, she will question Rudra later.

Rudra takes Inebriated Mishka to her house. Ahana is shocked seeing Rudra with Mishka and asks what is happening. Rudra says he found her inebriated in a club and brought her home. Mishka blabbers they enjoyed a lot. Rudra drops her leaves. Ahana hopes Mishka didn’t reveal anything to Rudra. Rudra thinks he should find out Ahana’s plan by meeting the lawyer Desai, picks phone to call Bunty to seek his help, sees his many missed calls him. Bunty reveals that he is standing outside Ahana’s building as he came here following her. Rudra meets him, and he informs about Ahana meeting lawyer. Rudra says he knows Desai’s address as he was their family lawyer before. He reaches Desai’s house and physically abusing him threatens to inform if he reopened trust fund for Ahana. Desai agrees. Rudra asks how did he open trust fund without Saransh’s presence and asks where is Saransh. Desai informs that Ahana had a closed session with judge and produced Saransh’s DNA sample and finger prints. Bunty drags Rudra from there.
Preesha with Arman returns home. Anivi gets happy seeing her and says she told she is going to handsome uncle/Rudra. Preesha says she came back to make her asleep and takes her in. Arman informs chachaji that Preesha was upset and cheered up because of him, there must be some problem between Rudra and Preesha as Rudra left her midway and hence called him. Chachaji says its good if differences continue between Rudra and Preesha as it Preesha will get closer to Arman then and accept him. Arman gets happy seeing that. Preesha makes Anvi sleep remembering Rudra’s immense for her, their romantic dates, then remembers him with Mishka. Tum na hue mere to kya.. song plays in the background. She thinks something is wrong that Rudra left her and went to Mishka without informing her, so she will go ho his home and check if he returned home or not. She walks towards door when Arman stops her and asks if she is going to meet Rudra. She says yes to find out if he returned home. He says he can understand her feeling and asks her to call him if needed. She leaves. He thinks let him see if Preesha is in his fate or not.

Bunty while driving car apologizes Rudra for not believing him that Saransh is alive and says Ahana will never reveal where Saransh is. Rudra says let us take Desai to Ahana and make her accept that she reopened trust fund and Saransh is alive, then Ahana will be forced to reveal Saransh’s location. On the other side, Preesha reaches Rudra’s house. Sharda asks what is he doing here, if he didn’t meet Rudra. She says she met Rudra and they were enjoying when he got a call and left without informing her anything and then she saw him with Mishka. Sharda says Rudra was eager to meet her, then why did he go to Mishka. Preesha says there must be some big reason. Sharda asks what reason. Preesha says she doesn’t know and hence came here to find out. Sharda calms her down. Rudra reaches Desai’s house.

Precap: Sharda asks Rudra why did he leave Preesha and went to meet Mishka. Preesha eagerly waits for Rudra’s call. Bunty informs Rudra that Ahana regularly transfers money to some Saniya Dubash. Rudra says they need to find out who Saniya Dubash is. Preesha visits Rudra’s hotel and finds out that he didn’t come to work today. Arman scolds her to stop running behind Rudra and risking her life, asks what will happen to him if something happens to her. Rudra via bank finds out Sania’s address and finds her not at the place. Sania walks to him.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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