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Sania rams her car to Preesha’s car and drives away wishing happy anniversary and goodbye forever to Preesha. Preesha’s car hits a sidewalk and she falls unconscious hitting her head to steering injuring her forehead. Nanny is also injured, but gets consciousness and pleads for help. She calls Arman and informs about the accident. Arman shocked asks if Preesha and she are fine. Nanny says she is fine, Preesha is severely injured and unconscious. Arman asks her to sprinkle water on her and keep her awake till he reaches there. She seeks passerby’s help and gets Preesha into a cab. Arman calls back and asks if Preesha is fine now. Nanny informs that they are heading to City Hospital. Arman reaches hospital and asks doctor how is Preesha. Doctor says she is fine and he can take her home once she gets conscious. Arman asks Nanny how is she and how did accident happen. She explains a car purposefully rammed their car from behind when there was no traffic at all. He asks if she is sure and did she notice car number. She says no, but was carbon color sedan. He asks her to take Anvi home and not inform her about Preesha’s accident, else she will get tensed.

Rudra returns home and pampers Preesha’s sari remembering informing her about his romantic album completion and gifting her a beautiful sari. She thinks its loud and she will not wear it. He insists her to wear it as he wants to take her for outing. She wars sari and comes out. He stands gazing her beauty and praises her. Sharda enters and asks who brought this loud sari, she should go and change it. Preesha says its precious for her as Rudra brought it. Preesha says he got tempted by its color and didn’t bring sari before. She says she can see his love for her and will wear it for him. Sharda agrees and leaves smiling at them. Rudra asks if this sari is really not good. She says no and hugs him. Out of flashback, he misses Preesha and thinks he cannot stay without her, its their anniversary tomorrow and they are separate because of her.
Sania informs Rudra that Ahana has sent a message and takes him to Ahana’s sent location. Rudra asks what is their new drama now. She says Ahana may have left a pendrive for him with Saransh’s clue. He finds pendrive and plays it. Ahana asks if he is fine, how can he when Saransh is with her, she is happy that he is obeying her; she knows its his and Preesha’s wedding anniversary and as a gift, she will give him one more clue of Saransh, but he has to give him something in return; he should character assassinate GPS, make him drunk and create drama in society so that not only society but also Vasu starts hating him. Rudra walks away. Sania gets impressed with Ahana’s demand. On the other side, GPS meets Preesha who informs that Sania is Arman’s ex-wife and wants to take revenge from him. GPS says he didn’t like Sania from before, he can forget what she did in mall, but she is more cunning and wicked and hence Preesha should be careful. Arman assures him that he will take care of Preesha. Rudra confronts Sania for supporting Ahana and says GPS is like his father and he cannot character assassinate him. Sania says she is not with Ahana’s in this issue, even she is feeling bad for Preesha’s father. Rudra says GPS earned only his self-respect in life, how can he ruin it, Preesha will hate him if she finds out. Sania thinks she wants Preesha to hate Rudra. Rudra notices GPS walks out of Arman’s house with Preesha and hugs him emotionally. GPS asks if he is fine. Rudra says he saw him after a long time, so he hugged him. Sania calls him and he walks back to her. Preesha asks GPS if he saw how Rudra is obeying Sania, she is forcing him to obey her. GPS leaves.

Rudra walks to his room fuming. Sania asks what happened to him. She asks if she doesn’t know the reason, he cannot character assassinate GPS. Sania says if he forgot his son Saransh, he should know what Ahana will do with Saransh if he disobeys her. Rudra calls GPS and asks him to meet him at a bar. GPS agrees thinking Rudra is not opening up with Preesha and may open up with him. Rudra feels guilty. GPS meets him at a bar and says he should have called him somewhere else, asks if Sania is blackmailing him as per Preesha, he is like his son and should open up, Preesha wanted to reunite with him, but whatever happened is unjustified. Rudra agrees that Sania is blackmailing him.
Society people are shocked to see GPS heavily inebriated with a hooker. Hooker says this uncle enjoyed with her and didn’t pay her, so she needs her money. Vasu shocked asks GPS what is happening. Hooker continues her misbehavior. Society secretary calls police while Vasu pleads not to as woman is lying. Hooker shouts she is not lying. Vasu rushes to call Preesha. Preesha and Rudra enjoy their anniversary celebration and feed cake to each other. Sania watching them thinks Preesha will slap Rudra tomorrow for character assassinating her father. Vasu calls Preesha and informs that police arrested GPS. Inspector takes GPS away. Sania thinks now Preesha will cry in police station. Preesha informs Rudra that police arrested appa. Rudra thinks why did police arrest GPS when he just sprinkled alcohol on GPS. Preesha says she needs to go to police station. Rudra says he will accompany her. Sania starts her drama and asks Preesha what is she doing here, if she she is celebrating anniversary hiding. Preesha says she is celebrating openly. Sania says she is Arman’s wife and is romancing Rudra here. Preesha says she needs to go and will explain to her later. Rudra says he is going with her. Sania stops him, but he asks her to understand the situation and leaves with Preesha. Sania thinks she wants him to go with Preesha to create misunderstanding.

On the way to police station, Preesha thinks Rudra loves her and hence is helping her. Rudra thinks he loves her immensely and hopes GPS is fine. Sania messages hooker and asks if everything is going according to plan. Hooker replies she will complete her task as ordered by Sania. Police takes GPS and hooker to police station. Preesha with Rudra reaches there and asks inspector about GPS. Rudra checks GPS and seeing him heavily inebriated says he just sprinkled alcohol on him. Preesha hears that and asks if he got her appa inebriated. Sania enters and says she will tell the truth, Rudra took her appa to bar. Rudra reveals truth that he called Appa at a bar to defame him as he is being blackmailed and was ordered to do so. Preesha says she knew he was being blackmailed and asks who is blackmailing him and why. He says for Saransh and describes how Sania blackmailed him to marry her if he wants Saransh’s addresses, etc., and says he loves only Preesha. Preesha gets happy hearing that. Sania stands tensed after her truth is out. Preesha gives her a tight slap. Sania shouts Rudra did wrong by revealing the truth and now Saransh will die for sure. Rudra realizes its his imagination and thinks he will not reveal truth to anyone or else they will kill Saransh. Preesha questions hooker.

Sania thinks she should involve another hero also in the drama and calling Arman informs him that his wife is not at home. He checks Preesha’s room. She says Preesha is in police station as her father is arrested. At police station, Preesha questions hooker who gets adamant that GPS came to her. Arman reaches and says appa cannot do that. Hooker says she has a proof and takes them to a lodge and signals its manager. Manager says GPS came there with the hooker. Everyone stand shocked hearing that. Rudra asks Sania to give Saransh’s clue now.

Precap: Inspector asks Preesha to get GPS’ bail tomorrow. Chachaji tells Arman that he cannot believe that GPS can do anything wrong. Ahana orders Rudra that GPS shouldn’t get bail. Vasu sells her jewelry to bail out GPS. Rudra disguised as a masked biker steals her bag. Vasu informs that a thief stole her money. Sania informs Preesha that Rudra is the reason for her father’s arrest and shows her bar video.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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