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Sania takes unconscious Rudra to a hotel room and thinks he can sleep peacefully as Delhi is far away and he cannot reach it soon. Arman calls her and asks where is Rudra. She sends him a selfie and says Rudra is sound asleep and will not reach Delhi soon, so he can enjoy his wedding with Preesha. Arman thinks nobody can stop him from marrying Preesha now. On the other side, Ahana’s lawyer informs her that she is legally owner of all Khurana properties and hands over documents to her. Ahana gives him money bag and he leaves thanking her. Ahana and her rejoice with their success. Krishna walks to them and says she wants to attend Prishma’s sangeet. Ahana gets angry and orders her not to call Preesha as maa and asks how does she know about Preesha’s sangeet. Krishna says anvi invite her. Ahana calls nanny to take Krishna in and prepones her London ticket for tomorrow. Mishka says Preesha is busy in marriage and Sania with Rudra is out of town, this is the best time to escape from India, nobody will find out how they took over Khurana properties.

During Preesha and Arman’s sangeet ceremony, Anvi announces their performance on her selected song and plays music. They both dance on Main Tera Banjaoonga.. song. Preesha imagines Rudra dancing with her and dances happily with him and says I love you. When everyone clap after performance, she gets conscious and realizes its Arman. Arman happy asks if she said I love you. She says of course as they are friends forever. Anvi drags everyone on stage. GPS notices Preesha’s pain and walks to Rudra’s house calling him. Sharda asks if everything is fine. GPS asks her to call Rudra as its Preesha’s marriage tomorrow and he wants to know what he is doing. She says he is not at home. He calls. Rudra searches his phone semiconsciously and drops lamp shade on table. Sania wakes up and feeds him hypnotic powder again and switches off his mobile. GPS says phone was ringing and now its switched off. Sharda says she doesn’t know what is this boy doing. They both get worried.
Preesha cries imagining time spent with Rudra. A romantic song plays in the background. Vasu brings breakfast for her and seeing her sad asks not to think about Rudra and move on in life. Preesha says she wanted to meet Rudra once before her marriage. Vasu asks if she wants her mother to be insulted by Rudra, she can come along. Preesha stops. Beauticians walk in. Vasu asks them to get Preesha ready soon and leaves. Preesha thinks Rudra didn’t even come to stop the wedding, if it doesn’t matters to him at all, where is he. Rudra wakes up and panics thinking he needs to return to Delhi to stop Preesha and Arman’s marriage. Sania rushes to him and asks why did he wake up. He shouts that she tricked him and stopped him here. She asks why would she, its Ahana. He strangulates her and continues shouting. She accepts that she used Ahana’s name to stop him from reaching Delhi, by now Arman and Preesha’s wedding must have started, he strangulates her showing his masculinity, now he should show his masculinity by stopping the wedding. He locks her in the room and leaves.

Preesha gets ready as a bride. Chachaji walks in and happily offers her Arman’s mother’s necklace. Preesha says there is no need for that. Vasu says its needed. Chachaji says he is very happy that she agreed to marry Arman and leaves to take care of wedding arrangements. Vasu says this necklace is very pretty and suits Preesha. Ahana pays nanny’s salary and asks her not to come from tomorrow as Krishna won’t be present here. Krishna thinks of visiting Anvi’s house to meet Preesha.

Krishna thinks she doesn’t want to go from here, so she should meet Preesha and heads towards her home. Ahana orders nanny not to reveal their information to anyone and says she didn’t take care of Krishna properly, even then she will give her a good recommendation letter if she keeps quiet. Nanny agrees. Rudra calls Bunty to reach Preesha’s house to stop her marriage. Bunty informs that he is in Dehradun. Rudra stops a bike and requests to drop him to Delhi. Biker identifies him as rockstar Rudra and says he is his big fan and will drop him wherever he wants to. Rudra gets in his bike thanking him and hopes Preesha doesn’t marry till he reaches there. Krishna reaches Preesha’s house and silently walks in and searches Preesha. Vasu with GPS walks to Preesha and getting emotional seeing her ready as a bride says she will take her to mandap. Preesha says she herself will come down. Nanny asks Vasu about sweet boxes and takes her along. GPS tells Preesha that she should marry Arman if she doesn’t want to. Preesha says she is getting away from Rudra due to Sulochana’s curse and what can she do if its in their fate. She says she doesn’t know if Rudra married Sania under pressure, but she is marrying Arman under pressure. GPS thinks even he is helpless as Rudra promised him not to.
Rudra reaches Delhi from Shimla (approx 350 km) on a bike in 5 minutes. Arman as groom in mandap waits for Preesha. Pandit asks Vasu to call bride. Preesha walks into mandap with nanny and sits next to Arman. Guards stop Rudra. Arman and Preesha exchange garland. Rudra beats guards and enters in. Pandit asks Arman and Preesha to sand up for pheras. Presha eagerly looks at door for Rudra. Pheras start. Rudra enters and calls her. She stops. He cries why did she marry without waiting for him when she knows they love each other and cannot stay without each other, she knows he lied to her because of their son Saransh as Saransh is alive; whatever he did recently is for Saransh as he is with Ahana; she should have waited for him and not married Arman, how will he live without her. Preesha says she knows Saransh is alive and how much Rudra loves her and hence she didn’t marry Arman, remembering asking panditji to stop chanting mantras as she cannot marry Arman. Vasu asks what is she doing and asks panditji to continue mantras. Preesha says she can’t marry. Chachaji asks why she humiliates them often. Preesha tells Arman that she cannot marry him as she still loves Rudra. Vasu slaps her and warns her not to take Rudra’s name, asks why she is mad behind Rudra even after he does so bad to her. Preesha says she is Rudra’s and will always be. Chachaji says Rudra did so much wrong to her, even then she. Preesha says Rudra did all this to get Saransh back. Vasu is shocked to hear that. Preesha says their Saransh is alive. GPS says Preesha is right and explains her whole story. Preesha says Rudra tolerate so much torture for her, hence she cannot leave him. Out of flashback, Rudra and Preesha happily hug each other. Preesha says she knows truth and hence didn’t marry Arman. Rudra then cries that that he couldn’t search Saransh after so much effort. Preesha says he was searching for Saransh, but god was taking her to Saransh repeatedly and Saransh is with her. He asks where is Saransh. She asks nanny to bring Saransh. Nanny brings Krishna. Preesha says Ahana lied to them as Krishna is Saransh and removing Krishna’s wig says he is their Saransh. She says she knew this truth long ago when Saransh himself came to her and shows Saransh’s birth mark on his back.

Precap: Preesha tells Rudra that they couldn’t identify Saransh as Ahana had hidden him. Rudra says he will not spare Ahana for what she did with his son. Sania brings Ahana and Mishna and says there is no need for that. Rudra asks Ahana why Saransh doesn’t remember anyone of them. Ahana says she gave strong medicines to erase Saransh’s memory. Arman calls police and gets Ahana and Mishka arrested. Preesha thanks him. He says he is her friend. He meets Sania and says Preesha is still with him and he will not let her go. Sharda tells Preesha and Rudra to return home. Arman stops Preesha.

My Desire  Air on Star Life from Monday to Sunday at 7pm

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